Meteor - how to link html element to database entry on click event? - database

I'm trying to figure out how to link an html picture element back to the database entry that was originally used to generate the picture link.
I am using Meteor:
- I have a database that contains photosets data from Flickr API
- In the HTML, I have a handlebar "each" script that iterates through each photoset in the database and then uses this info to generate the html for the photoset cover picture links.
- When the html renders, the photoset cover pictures are downloaded from Flickr and displayed to the screen.
I would like to be able to click on the photoset cover picture and then automatically generate the links to the pictures in the photoset. But I don't understand how to dynamically link the html picture elements back to their respective database entries that were originally used for generating the picture links. I need to be able to find the original database entries so that I can load the info needed for generation of subsequent links.
As a newb to all of this I'm not really sure where to start looking or what to try. I've wondered about creating an object with custom key pairs to 'memorise' the identity of each photoset picture. Is this the way to go, or is there an easier way that I am overlooking?

Say you have your pictures being put out this way:
picture:function() {
return pictures.find()
You can also do this instead, which is pretty much the same thing:
Template.mytemplate.picture = function() {
return pictures.find();
With the html
<template name="pictures">
{{#each picture}}
<img src="{{src}}" class="pictureselector"/>
You can use events which can get data from that particular picture document/record{
'click .pictureselector':function(event,template) {
console.log(this._id); //Should give you the `_id` of the picture that was clicked
this is the data context of the element that was clicked & generate the link you want using the data inside this.
Be careful if you use something with a callback inside the click like, you will have to relay the message down via var self = this otherwise the context of this would become the one of


AFC Repeater and wp-rest api in React.js

Need to render ACF repeater in react. I am able to display ACF text Fields but not repeater fields. Need to find out if anyone has an example of how to map through a repeater field.
Repeater field group Is called Skills.
Im also new in this stuff, but I will try to help you.
So, the first thing that you need is to download and install ACF to REST API plugin so you can use ACF with Wordpress API. I assume, that you already have it, because as you said before - you can display text fields.
Once you can send data through Wordpress API, you need to preview of JSON sent by Wordpress (in this case), so you can display necessary data. Mine is called React Developer Tools and I installed it as Chrome extension.
Link to Chrome store
It should look like this:
As you can see, my component is called Home.js, yours may be called differently. Chose component that is fetching all the data that you need.
Now, you just need to use your repeater. It would be much easier if you showed us your code. I don't really know what kind of data you are calling through api, so I guess these are pages.
{ pages[0] ( (field, index) => (
<div key={index} className="single-field">
{ field.nazwa_technologii }
) ) }
Let's break it down.
1 - My project contains two pages. I have chosen the first one, because only this one has needed ACF fields. technologie_lista is acf field name.
2 - You need to use map function to list all posts. You need to assign key to each element.
nazwa_technologii is just a repeater sub field name.
And that's all. I might make some rookie mistakes, but it work's for me. I hope that i helped. Cheers!

Handling Dynamic Image click using Selenium Webderiver

I am working on image click functionality where images change dynamically but the XPath remains the same.
For example:
First image inspect element:
<a id="adlink" target="_top" href="">
<img id="adimage" src="http://egranary/adverts/Images/lightwire.png" border="0"></a>
First image XPath:
Second image inspect element:
<a id="adlink" target="_top" href="">
<img id="adimage" src="http://egranary/adverts/Images/lifewater1.png" border="0"></a>
Second image XPath:
In this example source and target are changing constantly to redirect to particular page when clicked on image.
How to handle this situation using selenium webdriver?
I think your requirement is to basically check if the links are working fine - not broken.
In that case, I would suggest you to follow this approach - (It is in Java - you can do something similar in other languages as well)
I am trying to extract all href on the page. But if you want an specific xpath just change it here.
Map<Integer, List<String>> map = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//*[#href]"))
.stream() // find all elements which has href attribute & process one by one
.map(ele -> ele.getAttribute("href")) // get the value of href
.map(String::trim) // trim the text
.distinct() // there could be duplicate links , so find unique
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(LinkUtil::getResponseCode)); // group the links based on the response code
Now we could access the urls based on the response code we are interested in.
map.get(200) // will contain all the good urls
map.get(403) // will contain all the 'Forbidden' urls
map.get(404) // will contain all the 'Not Found' urls
map.get(0) // will contain all the unknown host urls
Check here for complete implementation.

Nested layouts in admin-on-rest

I've started investigating admin-on-rest. It works fine for 'flat' REST-endpoints, e.g.:
But how do I implement nesting? I mean if I click on some post-entry in 'posts' table - I want not the actual post to be opened in a <Show> view, but a list of it's comments (fetched from URL /{postId}/comments)? And I need also to keep the navigation functionality (some back-arrow button or hierarchy in the header to return to previous page).
Is this even possible with admin-or-rest?
If you want to show a list of comments for a post, use the <ReferenceField>. You can see an example in the demo: (click on the "orders" and "reviews" tabs to see an embedded datagrid).
If you want to link to a filtered list of comments from the post list, you'll have to create a custom button component. Once again, you can find an example in the demo:

Polymer display content based on URL

I'm trying to create a custom element for reuse. What I have is data consisting of three attributes that will be displayed on it's respective page, depending on the link you click.
I'm using the Polymer Starter Kit. Basically, I want to have a page of information that changes depending on what the URL is. I have a list of programs on a page with links to their respective pages. So far I have this:
In my index.html, I have a section that looks like this:
<section data-route="programs">
<paper-material elevation="1">
<a href$="{{baseUrl}}programs/firstprogram">Program 1</a></br>
<a href$="{{baseUrl}}programs/secondprogram">Program 2</a></br>
<a href$="{{baseUrl}}programs/thirdprogram">Program 3</a></br>
Then I have a custom element, program-info, that looks like this
<dom-module id="program-info">
<h2 class="page-title">{{}}</h2>
(function() {
'use strict';
is: 'program-info'
Based on the program that was clicked, I want to grab data and use it in my custom element (name, price, description). I've thought about putting it in an array since there are only seven programs, but I don't know understand how to grab the right item in the array based on the URL.
Any thoughts?
If you are indeed using PSK, take a look at the section/page user-info in app/index.html. It displays information about a user based the name that was grabbed from the URL.
Of course you should also take a look at the routing configuration in app/elements/routing.html to figure out how the name is grabbed from the URL and set to the params variable.
Then you should add/modify your programs route to suit your needs.
You can see a similar approach in this sample app : The data is fetch when the route changes and is then set to an article property in the scope of the blog-app element. In this element, said article property is itself bound to the similarly named property of the "page element" article-detail that is in charge of displaying the article's content that was previously fetched over the network.

AngularJS custom ng-repeat with recursion not working

The issue is best illustrated in the plunker -
Basically, I am trying to create a meta form rendering engine using angular with the help of directives that handle interpretation of data runtime and render the fields accordingly.
Please let me know if you have any ideas why the dyn-ng-repeat directive is not rendering the three URL fields under the user object as expected in the code below -
<div dyn-ng-repeat="item in {{field.model}}">
<div ng-repeat="field in field.children" ng-include src="'field.html'">/div>
Hi guys, I have created a full Plunker here - that should have all the code necessary but not working.
Basically, there is a hierarchy of objects. Social Networks have URLS and a list of Friends. The code is supposed to display three social networks and each should have two friends listed under them. The button 'Add Network' should add another social network to the list and the button 'Remove Network' should remove the respective network associated with it along with all its children. Similarly, 'Add Friend' should add a new friend object under that Social Network and 'Remove Friend' should remove the respective friend from under that network.
It's a bit complex, but if you look at it for a couple of minutes, you'll get the idea of what I'm trying to do here. It's dynamic DOM based on the data elements that are bound two way.
