Understanding vCloud statueses - vcloud-director-rest-api

I'm trying to wrap my mind around the statuses that vCloud returns in their SDK, but there seems to be very light documentation on them. A few of them I don't understand what they're about, and in practice I'm only seeing POWERED_ON, POWERED_OFF, and SUSPENDED. The only documentation on the statuses that I can find are here:
What confuses me are things like "what is an 'entity'? And what does it mean when it's 'resolved'?" When I go to provision a VM and monitor its state, it starts at POWERED_OFF and goes to POWERED_ON, when I would expect to see some intermediary statuses while it's in the process of provisioning. Does anyone know where I can go to find out more about this?

This page from the vCD 5.1 documentation shows the possible values of the status field for various entities. The current doc uses numerical values but the API also has a few spots where string values are returned instead. The reference you found from the 1.5 API includes some of them; I think as part of the 5.1 doc update the string values were dropped from the schema reference.
An entity in the vCloud API is very similar to the likewise-named notion in database modeling. Wikipedia provides a fair definition of the term from entity-relationship modeling:
An entity may be defined as a thing which is recognized as being
capable of an independent existence and which can be uniquely
The RESOLVED (numerical value 1) state means that most of the parts of the entity are present, but it isn't fully constructed yet. You typically see it when uploading an OVF and all of the bits have be transferred to vCD but stuff is still happening in the background prior to it being usable.


Data and storage design and modeling for filters by details

I have architecture issue which boils down to filtering entities by predefined set of common filters. Input is: set of products. Each product has details. I need to design filtering engine so that I can (easily and fast) resolve a task:
"Filter out collection of products with specified details"
User may specify whatever filtering is possible with support of precedence and nested filters. So, bare example is (weight=X AND (color='red' OR color='green')) OR price<1000 The requests should go via HTTP / REST, but that's insignificant (it only adds an issue with translating filters from URI to some internal model). Any comparison operators should be supported (like equality, inequality, less than etc.)
There is no fixed model definition - in fact I am free to chose one. To make it simpler I am using simple key=>value for details. So it goes at the very minimum to:
class Value extends Entity implements Arrayable
protected $key;
protected $value;
//getters/setters for key/value here
for simple value for product detail and something like
class Product extends Entity implements Arrayable
protected $id;
* #var Value[]
protected $details;
//getters/setters, more properties that are omitted
for the product. Now, regarding data model, there is a first question: How to design filtering model?. I have a simple idea of implementing it as a let's say, recursive iterator which will be a tree regular structure according to incoming user request. The difficulties which I certainly need to solve here are:
Quickly build the model structure out from user request
Possibility for easy modification of the structure
Easy translate of chosen filters data model to chosen storage (see below)
Last point in the list above is probably the most important part as storage routines will be most time-consuming and therefore filters data model should fit in such structure. That means storage has always higher priority and if data model can not fit into some storage design that allows to resolve the issue - then data model should be changed.
As a storage I want to use NoSQL+RDBMS which is Postgree 9.4 for example. So that will allow to use JSON for storing details. I do not want to use EAV in any case, that is why pure relational DBMS isn't an option (see here why). There is one important thing - products may contain stocks which leads to the situation that I have basically two ways:
If I design products as a single entity with their stocks (pretty logical), then I can not go "storage" + "indexer" approach because this produces outdated state as indexer (such as SOLR) needs to update and reindex data
Design with separate entities. That means - to separate whatever can be cached from whatever that can not. First part then can go to indexer (and details probably can go to there, so we are filtering by them) and non-cacheable part will go somewhere else.
And the question for storage part would be, of course: which one to chose?
Good thing about first approach is that the internal API is simple, internal structures are simple and scalable because they then can easily be abstracted from storage layer. Bad thing is that then I need this "magic solution" which will allow to use "just storage" instead of "storage+indexer". "Magic" here means to somehow design indexes or some additional data-structures (I was thinking about hashing, but it isn't helpful against range queries) in storage that will resolve filtering requests.
On the other hand second solution will allow to use search engine to resolve filtering task inside itself but producing some gap when data will be outdated there. And of course now the data layer needs to be implemented the way it will somehow know about which part of model goes to which storage (so stocks to one storage, details to another etc)
What can be a proper data model to design filtering?
Which approach should be used to resolve the issue on the storage level: storage+indexer with separate products model or only storage with monolithic products model? Or may be something else?
If go the approach with storage only - is it possible to design storage so it will be possible to filter out products easily by any set of details?
If go with the indexer, what will fit better for this issue? (There is a good comparison between solr and sphinx here, but it's '15 now while it was made in '09 so for sure it is outdated)
Any links, related blogposts or articles are very welcome.
As a P.S.: I did a search across SO but faced barely-relevant suggestions/topics so far (for example this). I am not expecting a silver bullet here as it is always boils down to some trade-off, but however question looks very standard so there should be good insights already. Please, guide me - I tried to "ask google" with some luck but that was not enough yet.
P.P.S. feel free to edit tags or redirect question to proper SE resource if SO is not a good idea for such kind of questions. And I am not asking language-specific solution, so if you are not using PHP - it does not matter, design has nothing to do with the language
My preferred solution would be to split the entities - your second approach. The stable data would be held in Cassandra (or Solr or Elastic etc), while the volatile stock data would be held in (ideally) an in-memory database like Redis or Memcache that supports compare-and-swap / transactions (or Dynamo or Voldemort etc if the stock data won't fit in memory). You won't need to worry too much about the consistency of the stable data since presumably it changes rarely if ever, so you can choose a scalable but not entirely consistent database like Cassandra; meanwhile you can choose a less scalable but more consistent database for the volatile stock data.

Amazon MWS: Convert ASIN to EAN/UPC

I have a list of ASINs and need to get the corresponding EAN/UPC values.
I am aware this is possible using AWSECommerceService and ItemLookup call. However, my application already uses MWS, and I'd like to avoid using two APIs, two access keys, etc.
The most similar API call in MWS is GetMatchingProduct. However, the returned data does not include an EAN/UPC. I would be astonished if this is impossible with MWS, however, I can't see anyway to get EAN/UPC.
Any suggestions appreciated,
I don't think there is a call that does what you want. There is a call that does the opposite, if that is of any help: GetMatchingProductFromId will return the ASIN for a given EAN or UPC. Why the result from this call (and from GetMatchingProduct) does not return EANs etc. is beyond me.
If you already have items listed through MWS, the _GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_DATA_ report might help
Just answering this question for my own amusement and because I might need it in the future when I have forgotten I previously looked at this.
Amazon apparently consider EAN for ASIN/SellerSKU proprietary information which is why their standard seller APIs don't return it. This doesn't make a huge amount of sense to me personally because you would think that it would at least return them for your own products (when specifying your own sku and authentication information.)
I've combed the documentation, mws forums and also asked Amazon directly but it looks like it's not available through standard APIs.
I've ready somewhere that it may be possible via APIs available to associates but that's not me so remains a rumour.

Dereferencing two ReferenceProperty's that points to the same object in the datastore

I was reading this StackOverflow question about eager loading which led me to this blog post about efficient dereferencing on GAE.
Is it correct, that if I dereference two ReferenceProperties that point to the same object in the datastore, the framework doesn't maintain any kind of identity map and performs two separate get requests? The objects returned are also different instances and changes on one are obviously not reflected on the other.
Isn't this less than ideal? I'm coming from a SQLAlchemy background, where I find the session pattern really intuitive.
That's correct. Guido's new NDB project does perform this mapping, but the current db framework doesn't. The reason for this is what you'd expect: if two different parts of the code fetch and modify the same entity, it could create unwanted side-effects. The intuitive expectation is that if you fetched the object, it's yours and nothing else is going to change it underneath you unless you want it to.
If you're trying to dereference a batch of entities at the same time, you can convert the list of keys into a set first to eliminate duplicate fetches.

Enforcing Unique Constraint in GAE

I am trying out Google App Engine Java, however the absence of a unique constraint is making things difficult.
I have been through this post and this blog suggests a method to implement something similar. My background is in MySQL.Moving to datastore without a unique constraint makes me jittery because I never had to worry about duplicate values before and checking each value before inserting a new value still has room for error.
"No, you still cannot specify unique
during schema creation."
-- David Underhill talks about GAE and the unique constraint (post link)
What are you guys using to implement something similar to a unique or primary key?
I heard about a abstract datastore layer created using the low level api which worked like a regular RDB, which however was not free(however I do not remember the name of the software)
Schematic view of my problem
sNo = biggest serial_number in the db
Insert new entry with sNo as serial_number value //checkpoint
User adds data pertaining to current serial_number
Update entry with data where serial_number is sNo
However at line number 3(checkpoint), I feel two users might add the same sNo. And that is what is preventing me from working with appengine.
This and other similar questions come up often when talking about transitioning from a traditional RDB to a BigTable-like datastore like App Engine's.
It's often useful to discuss why the datastore doesn't support unique keys, since it informs the mindset you should be in when thinking about your data storage schemes. The reason unique constraints are not available is because it greatly limits scalability. Like you've said, enforcing the constraint means checking all other entities for that property. Whether you do it manually in your code or the datastore does it automatically behind the scenes, it still needs to happen, and that means lower performance. Some optimizations can be made, but it still needs to happen in one way or another.
The answer to your question is, really think about why you need that unique constraint.
Secondly, remember that keys do exist in the datastore, and are a great way of enforcing a simple unique constraint.
my_user = MyUser(key_name=users.get_current_user().email())
This will guarantee that no MyUser will ever be created with that email ever again, and you can also quickly retrieve the MyUser with that email:
my_user = MyUser.get(users.get_current_user().email())
In the python runtime you can also do:
my_user = MyUser.get_or_create(key_name=users.get_current_user().email())
Which will insert or retrieve the user with that email.
Anything more complex than that will not be scalable though. So really think about whether you need that property to be globally unique, or if there are ways you can remove the need for that unique constraint. Often times you'll find with some small workarounds you didn't need that property to be unique after all.
You can generate unique serial numbers for your products without needing to enforce unique IDs or querying the entire set of entities to find out what the largest serial number currently is. You can use transactions and a singleton entity to generate the 'next' serial number. Because the operation occurs inside a transaction, you can be sure that no two products will ever get the same serial number.
This approach will, however, be a potential performance chokepoint and limit your application's scalability. If it is the case that the creation of new serial numbers does not happen so often that you get contention, it may work for you.
To clarify, the singleton that holds the current -- or next -- serial number that is to be assigned is completely independent of any entities that actually have serial numbers assigned to them. They do not need to be all be a part of an entity group. You could have entities from multiple models using the same mechanism to get a new, unique serial number.
I don't remember Java well enough to provide sample code, and my Python example might be meaningless to you, but here's pseudo-code to illustrate the idea:
Receive request to create a new inventory item.
Enter transaction.
Retrieve current value of the single entity of the SerialNumber model.
Increment value and write it to the database
Return value as you exit transaction.
Now, the code that does all the work of actually creating the inventory item and storing it along with its new serial number DOES NOT need to run in a transaction.
Caveat: as I stated above, this could be a major performance bottleneck, as only one serial number can be created at any one time. However, it does provide you with the certainty that the serial number that you just generated is unique and not in-use.
I encountered this same issue in an application where users needed to reserve a timeslot. I needed to "insert" exactly one unique timeslot entity while expecting users to simultaneously request the same timeslot.
I have isolated an example of how to do this on app engine, and I blogged about it. The blog posting has canonical code examples using Datastore, and also Objectify. (BTW, I would advise to avoid JDO.)
I have also deployed a live demonstration where you can advance two users toward reserving the same resource. In this demo you can experience the exact behavior of app engine datastore click by click.
If you are looking for the behavior of a unique constraint, these should prove useful.
I first thought an alternative to the transaction technique in broc's blog, could be to make a singleton class which contains a synchronized method (say addUserName(String name)) responsible adding a new entry only if it is unique or throwing an exception. Then make a contextlistener which instantiates a single instance of this singleton, adding it as an attribute to the servletContext. Servlets then can call the addUserName() method on the singleton instance which they obtain through getServletContext.
However this is NOT a good idea because GAE is likely to split the app across multiple JVMs so multiple singleton class instances could still occur, one in each JVM. see this thread
A more GAE like alternative would be to write a GAE module responsible for checking uniqueness and adding new enteries; then use manual or basic scaling with...
Then you have a single instance running on GAE which acts as a single point of authority, adding users one at a time to the datastore. If you are concerned about this instance being a bottleneck you could improve the module, adding queuing or an internal master/slave architecture.
This module based solution would allow many unique usernames to be added to the datastore in a short space of time, without risking entitygroup contention issues.

Database design help with varying schemas

I work for a billing service that uses some complicated mainframe-based billing software for it's core services. We have all kinds of codes we set up that are used for tracking things: payment codes, provider codes, write-off codes, etc... Each type of code has a completely different set of data items that control what the code does and how it behaves.
I am tasked with building a new system for tracking changes made to these codes. We want to know who requested what code, who/when it was reviewed, approved, and implemented, and what the exact setup looked like for that code. The current process only tracks two of the different types of code. This project will add immediate support for a third, with the goal of also making it easy to add additional code types into the same process at a later date. My design conundrum is that each code type has a different set of data that needs to be configured with it, of varying complexity. So I have a few choices available:
I could give each code type it's own table(s) and build them independently. Considering we only have three codes I'm concerned about at the moment, this would be simplest. However, this concept has already failed or I wouldn't be building a new system in the first place. It's also weak in that the code involved in writing generic source code at the presentation level to display request data for any code type (even those not yet implemented) is not trivial.
Build a db schema capable of storing the data points associated with each code type: not only values, but what type they are and how they should be displayed (dropdown list from an enum of some kind). I have a decent db schema for this started, but it just feels wrong: overly complicated to query and maintain, and it ultimately requires a custom query to view full data in nice tabular for for each code type anyway.
Storing the data points for each code request as xml. This greatly simplifies the database design and will hopefully make it easier to build the interface: just set up a schema for each code type. Then have code that validates requests to their schema, transforms a schema into display widgets and maps an actual request item onto the display. What this item lacks is how to handle changes to the schema.
My questions are: how would you do it? Am I missing any big design options? Any other pros/cons to those choices?
My current inclination is to go with the xml option. Given the schema updates are expected but extremely infrequent (probably less than one per code type per 18 months), should I just build it to assume the schema never changes, but so that I can easily add support for a changing schema later? What would that look like in SQL Server 2000 (we're moving to SQL Server 2005, but that won't be ready until after this project is supposed to be completed)?
One reason I'm thinking xml is that some of the data will be complex: nested/conditional data, enumerated drop down lists, etc. But I really don't need to query any of it. So I was thinking it would be easier to define this data in xml schemas.
However, le dorfier's point about introducing a whole new technology hit very close to home. We currently use very little xml anywhere. That's slowly changing, but at the moment this would look a little out of place.
I'm also not entirely sure how to build an input form from a schema, and then merge a record that matches that schema into the form in an elegant way. It will be very common to only store a partially-completed record and so I don't want to build the form from the record itself. That's a topic for a different question, though.
Based on all the comments so far Xml is still the leading candidate. Separate tables may be as good or better, but I have the feeling that my manager would see that as not different or generic enough compared to what we're currently doing.
There is no simple, generic solution to a complex, meticulous problem. You can't have both simple storage and simple app logic at the same time. Either the database structure must be complex, or else your app must be complex as it interprets the data.
I outline five solution to this general problem in "product table, many kind of product, each product have many parameters."
For your situation, I would lean toward Concrete Table Inheritance or Serialized LOB (the XML solution).
The reason that XML might be a good solution is that:
You don't need to use SQL to pick out individual fields; you're always going to display the whole form.
Your XML can annotate fields for data type, user interface control, etc.
But of course you need to add code to parse and validate the XML. You should use an XML schema to help with this. In which case you're just replacing one technology for enforcing data organization (RDBMS) with another (XML schema).
You could also use an RDF solution instead of an RDBMS. In RDF, metadata is queriable and extensible, and you can model entities with "facts" about them. For example:
Payment code XYZ contains attribute TradeCredit (Net-30, Net-60, etc.)
Attribute TradeCredit is of type CalendarInterval
Type CalendarInterval is displayed as a drop-down
.. and so on
Re your comments: Yeah, I am wary of any solution that uses XML. To paraphrase Jamie Zawinski:
Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use XML." Now they have two problems.
Another solution would be to invent a little Domain-Specific Language to describe your forms. Use that to generate the user-interface. Then use the database only to store the values for form data instances.
Why do you say "this concept has already failed or I wouldn't be building a new system in the first place"? Is it because you suspect there must be a scheme for handling them in common?
Else I'd say to continue the existing philosophy, and establish additional tables. At least it would be sharing an existing pattern and maintaining some consistency in that respect.
Do a web search on "generalized specialized relational modeling". You'll find articles on how to set up tables that store the attributes of each kind of code, and the attributes common to all codes.
If you’re interested in object modeling, just search on “generalized specialized object modeling”.
