Solving a Variable Equation defined by the User - c

Answers in C, Python, C++ or Javascript would be very much appreciated.
I've read a few books, done all the examples. Now I'd like to write a simple program.
But, I already ran into the following roadblock:
My intention is to take an equation from the user and save it in a variable,
For example:
-3*X+4 or pow(2,(sin(cos(x))/5)) > [In valid C Math syntax]
And then calculate the given expression for a certain X-Value.
Something like this:
printf("%g", UserFunction(3.2)) // Input 3.2 for X in User's Function and Print Result
Any ideas? For the life of me, I can't figure this out. Adding to my frustration, the solution is likely a very simply one. Thank you in advance.

There isn't a simple way to do this in C but I think muParser may be useful to you, it is written in C++ but has C binding. ExprTk is also an option but looks like it is C++ only, on the plus side it looks much easier to get interesting results with.
Another option may be the Expression Evaluation which is part of Libav. It is in C and the eval.h header has some good descriptions of the interface.

In compiled languages like C, C++, or Java there is no easy way to do this--you basically have to rewrite a whole compiler (or use an external library with an interpreter). This is only trivial in "scripting" languages like Python and Javascript, which have a function (often called "eval()") that evaluates expressions at runtime. This function is often dangerous, because it can also do things like call functions with side effects.

Ffmpeg/libav has a nice simple function evaluator you could use.


C - How to get a user defined function and turn it into a pointer?

I would like to know if there is any way of getting a user defined function (with two variables) from stdin in mathematical form and turn it into a function pointer. In other words, what I want to do is run:
> ./program a*b
Program turns that into a pointer of a function that returns:
return a*b;
So, the output of program is
which would then be part of a much larger program.
I would post some code if I had any idea of how to tackle this problem, but I don't... I just need help with the step of turning the user defined function into a function pointer, since I know how to turn the user defined function into a C function.
There is no simple solution to that since you would have to generate code.
Simples solution that comes to my mind for this:
generate a C file from within your programm that only has one function, inserting the command line argument as return statement
give the function a known or generated name
exec the compiler and generate a shared library
dynamically load that shared library
call the known function
I fear it doesn't get any simpler than that.
The other solution would be to write/ use an expression parser and parse the math expression and than evaluate at runtime...
Just for fun, here is a link to CINT
CINT is an interpreter for C and C++ code...
... A CINT script can call compiled classes/functions and compiled code can make callbacks to CINT interpreted functions ...
I'm not saying this is a "good" solution (and in fact it may be very "bad" in cases!), but some people have already put a good bit of effort -- "slightly less than 400,000 lines of code" -- into this project ;-)
Happy coding.
This is very hard to do in C because it is a compiled language. You could do what Mario The Spoon is suggesting, or you could switch to a dynamic language like ruby or javascript. These languages have an "eval" method that takes a string and executes the code inside the string, and they have the ability to dynamically define functions.
What you're proposing is entirely possible, you simply write code which transforms user text into machine code. This is called a compiler. gcc would be much like your program, if it ran the code it generated.

Regular expressions in C preprocessor macro

I would like to know if there is any kind of regular expression expansion within the compiler(GCC) pre processor. Basically more flexible code generation macros.
If there is not a way, how do you suggest i accomplish the same result
The C preprocessor can't do that.
You might want to use a template processor (for instance Mustache but there are many others) that generates what you need before passing it to the compiler.
Also, if you are planning a bigger project and you know this feature will be beneficial you might want to write your own preprocessor that you can run automatically from some build system. Good example of such solution would be moc which enhances C++ for the purpose of Qt framework. Purist might of course disagree.
There is this qc = Quick C it allows you to do this in your source code files that end with qc.h
$replace asdf_(\d+) => asdf_ :) $1 blabla
// and now in your code anything that matches the above regular expression
// will become asdf_ :) 123 blabla
And it will output a .cpp & a .h thats preprocessed. Its made to avoid the need to maintain header files. And some other things not making it backwards compatible with c++, but it outputs c++ code so you can do all the c++ things you want at the end of the day.
Edit: I made it and have a bias towards qc.
You might want to look at It it a separate C preprocessor to generate
C code to match regular expressions. I found that and your question when looking for
something similar.

Need a way to parse algebraic expressions in C

I need to parse algebraic expressions for an application I'm working on and am hoping to garnish a bit of collective wisdom before taking a crack at it and, possibly, heading down the wrong road.
What I need to do is pretty straight forward: given a textual algebraic expression (3*x - 4(y - sin(pi))) create a object representation of the equation. The custom objects already exist, so I need a parser that creates a tree I can walk to instantiate the objects I need.
The basic requirements would be:
Ability to express the algebra as a grammar so I have control and can customize/extend it as necessary.
The initial syntax will include integers, real numbers, constants, variables, arithmetic operators (+, - , *, /), powers (^), equations (=), parenthesis, precedence, and simple functions (sin(pi)). I'm hoping to extend my app fairly quickly to support functions proper (f(x) = 3x +2).
Must compile in C as it needs to be integrated into my code.
I DON'T need to evaluate the expression mathematically, so software that solves for a variable or performs the arithmetic is noise.
I've done my Google homework and it looks like the best approach is to use a BNF grammar and software to generate a compiler in C. So my questions:
Does a BNF grammar with corresponding parser generator for algebraic expressions (or better yet, LaTex) already exist? Someone has to have done this already. I REALLY want to avoid rolling my own, mainly because I don't want to test it. I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount for a library (under $50)
If not, which parser generator for C do you think is the easiest to learn/use here? Lex? YACC? Flex, Bison, Python/SymPy, Others? I'm not familiar with any of these.
The standard Linux tools flex and bison would probably be most appropriate here. IIRC the sample parsers and lexers used in these tools do something close to what you want, so you might be able to just modify that code to get what you need.
These tools seem like they meet your specifications. You can customize the grammars, compile down to C, and use any operator you want.
I've had very good luck with ANTLR. It has runtimes for many different languages, including C, and has a very nice syntax for specifying grammars and building trees. I recently wrote a similar grammar (algebraic expressions) in 131 lines, which is definitely manageable.
I used the code (found on the net) from the following:
Program Translation Fundamentals" by Peter Calingaert
I enhanced it to handle functions, which lets you implement things like "if(a, b, c)" (kind of like how Excel does things).
you can build simple parser yourself or use any of popular "compiler-compiler" (some of them were listed by other posts). just decide if your parser will be complicated enough to use (and learn) an external tool. in any case you'll need to define the grammar, usually it's the most brain intensive task if you don't have prior experience. the formal way to define syntactic grammars is BNF or EBNF

Writing a complex preprocessor macro for unit testing

I am working with a unit-testing suite that hijacks function calls and tests expected output values.
The normal layout requires one block of unit-testing code for each expected value.
Since my code makes use of a large number of enums, I would like to automate the automated-testing with some for loop / macro magic, and I'm looking for some advice with writing it.
Here is a block of the test code that I need to duplicate X number of times:
Now, here is what I would envision occuring
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Now, I would like to define RUN_TEST with the code I mentioned above, except I need to replace the string default with the current value of i. What is throwing me off is the quotes and #'s that are present in the existing EXPECTED_CALLS macro.
I think I would look at using a separate macro processor rather than trying to beat the C preprocessor into submission. The classic example that people point to is m4, but for this, you might do better with awk or perl or python or something similar.
In my experiences, "complex" + "macro" = "don't do it!"
The C preprocessor was not designed to do anything this powerful. While you may be able to do some kung-fu and hack something together that works, it would be much easier to use a scripting language to generate the C code for you (it's also easier to debug since you can read through the generated code and make sure it is correct). Personally, I have used Ruby to do this several times but Python, Perl, bash (etc etc) should also work.
I'm not sure I fully understand the question, but if you want EXPECTED_CALLS to recieve a string where default is replaced with the string value of whatever default is you need to remove the #default from the string. i.e.
should be
It's probably possible: Boost.Preprocessor is quite impressive as it is.
For an enum it may be a bit more difficult, but there are for each loops in Boost.Preprocessor, etc..
The problem of the generative approach using external scripts is that it may require to externalize more than just the tests. Unless you plan on implementing a C++ parser which is known to be tricky at the best of times...
So you would need to generate the enums (store them in json for exemple) to be able to generate the tests for these enums afterward... and things begin to get hairy :/

What are the pitfalls and gotchas of mixing Objective-C and C?

At the risk of oversimplifying something I'm worried might be ridiculously complex, what should I be aware of when mixing C and Objective-C?
Edit: Just to clarify, I've never worked with C before, and I'm learning Objective-C through Cocoa. Also I'm using the Chipmunk Dynamics engine, which is C.
I'd put it the other way around: you might be risking overcomplicating something that is ridiculously simple :-)
Ok, I'm being a bit glib. As others are pointing out, Objective-C is really just a minimal set of language extensions to C. When you are writing Objective-C code, you are actually writing C. You can even access the internal machinations of the Objective-C runtime support using some handy C functions that are part of the language (no... I don't recommend you actually DO this unless you really know what you're doing).
About the only time I've ever had mildly tricky moments is when I wanted to pass an Objective-C instance method as a callback to a C function. Say, for example, I'm using a pure-C cross platform library that has functions which accept a callback. I might call the function from within an object instance to process some data, and then want that C function to call my instance BACK when its done, or as part of getting additional input etc etc (a common paradigm in C). This can be done with funky function wrapping, and some other creative methods I've seen, and if you ever need to do it googling "objective-c method for c callback" or something like that will give you the goods.
The only other word of advice is to make sure your objects appropriately manage any manually malloced memory that they create for use by C functions. You'll want your objective-c classes to tidy up that memory on dealloc if, indeed, it is finished.
Other than that, dust off any reference on C and have fun!
You can't 'mix' C and Objective-C: Objective-C is a superset of C.
Now, C++ and Objective-C on the other hand...
Objective C is a superset of C, so it shouldn't conflict.
Except that, as pointed here pure C has different conventions (obviously, since there is no built-in mechanism) to handle OO programming. In C, an object is simply a (struct *) with function pointers.
