synchronisation issue within callback functions - c

In a continuous loop barcodes are scanned and if scan is valid text data and voice data are read out/played, which happens in differnt context. Text playback happens first, then its callback function gets executed, from there voice playback happens, and then its callback function. The issue is seen when multiple scanning is done, sometimes there is synchronisation issues. While text playback of 1st barcode is happening, if another scan is done, then voice data of 2nd barcode gets played(skipping text playback of 2nd). This behaviour is observed only sometimes, so it is kind of difficult to debug.
Any ideas how to provide synchronisation within callbacks?
Thanks in advance for any help.

Your question isn't very clear so lets assume you currently have 3 threads
Reads the barcode from hardware
Displays the code?
Audio playback of the code as text contained in the barcode
The thread reading the barcode is a producer of data and should push a work unit onto a consumer stack and should notify the stack that there is a work unit. Run a cursory google search for producer-consumer queue.
Threads 2 & 3 appear to be synchronous and should be combined into a single thread?


How does order of streams in flink connect matter?

How would the two scenarios compare or differ
I) stream1.connect(stream2).flatMap(new connectFunction())
flatmap1 of connectFunction will process input from stream1 and flatMap2 will process input from stream2.
II) stream2.connect(stream1).flatMap(new connectFunction())
flatmap1 of connectFunction will process input from stream2 and flatMap2 will process input from stream1.
That’s all there is to it. There’s no significant difference.
As David mentioned there's no significant difference but in case you're asking because you're worried about the order in which the inputs arrive, you should always keep in mind that there is no guarantee whatsoever that one stream (for example your "control stream" in case you're doing some kind of "dynamic filter") will actually be processed before the stream you want to filter on. There could be lag due to Kafka consumer lag or many other reasons.
As such it is a common pattern to set up a state for both streams so that you can keep items in a "pending processing" state until you receive what you need from the other stream.
For instance, if you have a control stream called control that contains items from a blocklist/disallowlist that you would like to use to filter an input stream called input, after keying by a common key, it won't matter whether you do input.connect(control) or control.connect(input). However, the important point is to remember that it's not necessary that the control stream would have produced anything by the time you receive your first element from input. For that reason you would set up a state (could be a ListState[InputType] to keep track of all input items that have arrived before you received what you needed from control. In other words, you'd be keeping track of "pending items". Once you do receive the required item from control you will process all "pending" items from the ListState.
This is documented in the Learn Flink > ETL section, in the last paragraph of the Connected streams section:
It is important to recognize that you have no control over the order in which the flatMap1 and flatMap2 callbacks are called. These two input streams are racing against each other, and the Flink runtime will do what it wants to regarding consuming events from one stream or the other. In cases where timing and/or ordering matter, you may find it necessary to buffer events in managed Flink state until your application is ready to process them. (Note: if you are truly desperate, it is possible to exert some limited control over the order in which a two-input operator consumes its inputs by using a custom Operator that implements the InputSelectable interface.

Reading two streams (main and configs) in sequential in Flink

I have two streams, one is main stream let's say in example of fraud detection I have transactions stream and then I have second stream which is configs, in our example it is rules. So I connect main stream to config stream in order to do processing. But when first time flink starts and we are adding job it starts consuming from transactions and configs stream parallel and when wants process transaction it sometimes see that there is no config and we have to send transaction to dead letter queue. However, what I want to achieve is, if there is patential config which I could get a bit later I want to get that config first then get transaction in order to process it rather then sending it to dead letter queue. I have the same key for transactions and configs.
long story short, is there a way telling flink when first time job starts try to consume one stream until there isn't new value then start processing main stream? How I can make them kind of sequential?
The recommended way to approach this is to connect the 2 streams and apply a RichCoFlatMap that will allow you to buffer events from main while you're waiting to receive the config events.
Check out this useful section of the Flink tutorials. The very last paragraph actually describes your problem.
It is important to recognize that you have no control over the order in which the flatMap1 and flatMap2 callbacks are called. These two input streams are racing against each other, and the Flink runtime will do what it wants to regarding consuming events from one stream or the other. In cases where timing and/or ordering matter, you may find it necessary to buffer events in managed Flink state until your application is ready to process them. (Note: if you are truly desperate, it is possible to exert some limited control over the order in which a two-input operator consumes its inputs by using a custom Operator that implements the InputSelectable interface.
So in a nutshell you should connect your 2 streams and have some kind of ListState where you can "buffer" your main elements while waiting to receive the rules. When you receive an element from the config stream, you check whether you had some pending elements "waiting" for that config in your ListState (your buffer). If you do, you can then process these elements and emit them through the collector of your flatmap.
Starting with version 1.16, you can use the hybrid source support in Flink to read all of once source (configs, in your case) before reading the second source. Though I imagine you'd have to map the events to an Either<config, transaction> so that the data stream has consistent record types.

Is there a way to define a Flink count window, which evicts all messages after a given time, if the count is not reached?

I am currently working on a streaming program which aggregates the data from a number of messages (8), the aggregation requires all 8 messages, so i am using a count window. All 8 messages share the same unique key. However there is no guarantee that all 8 messages will arrive. So my question is two-fold:
First what happens to a Flink count window that never closes? I am assuming the windows simply accumulate overtime, consuming more and more ram.
Secondly can I close a count window if it does not receive all of its messages within a given time? I am looking for a solution that is as real-time as possible, I already tried using a time window, however the time-of-flight of the messages varies between a few millisecond and 40 seconds.
So essentially is there a way to define a window that triggers at 8 messages, and evicts all messages from the window after a given time (in this case after 60 seconds)?
The answer for your question regarding never closing windows is that the part of the state reserved for them will never be freed.
Your described behaviour could be implemented with custom trigger and evictor on Global Window. The trigger could either wait the expected time or number of elements before emitting window while the evictor would evict all messages if there are less than 8. For some referential implementation you can have a look at CountTrigger(emits on count) and EventTimeTrigger(emits on time). For the evictor have a look at CountEvictor.
For cases like this where you need to combine stateful stream processing with timers, ProcessFunction can be a good choice. See

speedup or mute audio playback in a windows process via hooking calls

I have an application which I do not have source code for that plays back audio but lacks the facility to speed up or temporarily mute audio playback. I am trying to add these two functionalities by injecting a dll and hooking waveOutOpen, waveOutWrite (and either preventing playback or trying to waveOutSetPlaybackRate for mute and speedup respectively). I have a couple of problems however.
Lets first talk about the "mute" button since that was my first order of business:
I will refer to the hooked versions of functions as MyWaveOut...
I am able to hook the functions no problem and I see them being called in dbgView log statements. My first attempt was to just intercept waveOutWrite function calls and if my "mute" button is pressed to just return MMSYSERR_NOERROR in MyWaveOutWrite function and not call the real waveOutWrite. This correctly prevents the audio from playing however I encounter a problem when I turn off the "mute" . The audio does not play again when I disable the mute, in fact the hooked function (nor the real one) is ever called again by the hooked process.
My first suspicion was that I was not calling the callback waveOutProc that is registered by the application when it calls WaveOutOpen. I therefore also hooked the waveOutOpen and kept and switched the address of the waveOutProc to MyWaveOutProc and added logic to call the real waveOutProc before returning the same MMSYSERR_NOERROR in MyWaveOutWrite. This had weird results causing the playback visual to skip forward very fast but then I had the same problem with the audio not returning (MyWaveOutWrite function never called again).
As for the audio speedup portion I tried using waveOutSetPlaybackRate but this simply returned MSYSERR_NOTSUPPORTED so I arrived at a dead end with that. Hooking GetTickCount and QueryPerformanceCounter had no affect on the audio playback at all, the visual playback indicator would skip forward ahead fast if the audio is disabled, but when the audio device is enabled the visual seems even to be bound to the rate of the audio playback.
Any help with with those experienced with either of these problems would be appreciated. I do not usually work with windows audio so it is a bit of a learning experience for me.
A suggestion for a different approach.
This assumes the OS is from Vista Kernnel or higher.
In these operation systems there is a pr application volume control, it might be simpler to mute it here then with any hooks.

WPF Application thread usage going up and up

I have a multithreaded WPF application that is using > 600 threads after is has been running for more than 8 hours. All but approximately 10 of these threads have a stack trace that is very similar to this:
Stack trace 1:
Stack Trace 2:
Application uses System.Threading.Timer to periodically poll for data from several webservices using a WCF client proxy and at any giving time, could be making about 20 of these requests at the same time. Each call to a webservice instantiates a new proxy instance but the client is always closed when a response is received from the webservice.
Application also manipulates with bitmaps for a GIS and this is also done on a periodic interval. No where in code am I explicitly creating threads besides localized usage of the Timer class to poll for data periodically. The GIS does
use the BackgroundWorker but they do limit the thread count.
Anyone have an idea on what is spawning these new threads and why they are not being disposed?
Yeah, looks like something you shouldn't ignore. They are the threadpool thread that the Timer class uses to make the callback. They are deadlocked, looks like they are waiting for a method call that's marshaled by COM to complete. There should be another thread in your program, one of the other 10 on which you created the GIS object. That thread is not pumping a message loop, a hard requirement for an STA thread that creates single apartment threaded COM components. Or it is stuck itself, not re-entering the message loop. Getting a managed stack trace ought to make it easier to see where the thread is stuck.
Trying to use threads on a COM object that explicitly doesn't support them (very few do) is pointless. Be sure to create the GIS object on your program's main UI thread. And use a DispatcherTimer. Creating your own STA thread that pumps a message loop can be a solution when the GIS component is taking too much of a hit on your user interface.
Problem was not GIS related but was due to System.Threading.Timer call backs queuing up as they were being called faster than they could be actioned. Problem was further compounded by the fact that timer call back was doing a Dispatcher.Invoke to the main user interface thread to refresh data grids. Dispatcher.Invoke was blocking when main user interface was busy, say when user was panning and zooming on map, and before timer call back got a chance to complete it was invoked again.
Fixed problem by temporarily stopping timer when it starts executing the call back and restarting it again after call back is complete. Also, instead of doing a Dispatcher.Invoke to get my grids updated, I changed it to a Dispatcher.BeginInvoke to avoid blocking.
