Fetching data from the server to Backbone giving me a weird json - backbone.js

I'm trying to fetching data from the server with backbone, this is my request:
I initialize the view with this:
// Backbone view initialize
this.collection = new Dropdown.Collections.Brands();
this.listenTo(this.collection, 'reset', this.render);
I send the data to my server from my Backbone View:
// after the input text fires keypress event
this.collection.fetch({data: {limit: 10, term:value}, reset: true});
I response this from PHP:
return json_encode($data);
This is what's inside the response:
In the render function i log this to see what I get:
This is the Chrome debugger that gives me this:
I'm not sure where is the error, I've tried different working ways by skipping the fetch method and using a jquery plugin handler for the input text, but i would do it with the right way, where is the problem?
Also Response Headers are the same for both methods.
I've solved the problem by overriding the parse method of the collection:
parse:function (response) {
return jQuery.parseJSON(response);
With that it works, but shouldn't it works correctly by default?

Lol the problem was a json_ecode called twice in different places, now everything works perfect.


Backbone model's fetch doesn't work when the page initially loads but on second attempt works fine

In my backbone project I am trying to fetch a model based on some search criteria submitted by the users from a form. In submit handler, I am trying to fetch the model by passing search criteria's via data option (following is the code).
var productType=$("#productType").val();
var customerId=$("#customerId").val();
var stateSelected=$("#selectedState").val();
var srbStatus=$("#stateReportingStatus").val();
var dateType=$("#dateType").val();
var fromDate=$("#fromDate").val();
var toDate=$("#toDate").val();
var billTypeInd=$("#billTypeIndicator").val();
var dataElement=$("#dataElement").val();
var ediFileName=$("#ediFileName").val();
var ediBillName=$("#ediBillNumber").val();
var billId=$("#billId").val();
var claimantFirstName=$("#claimantFirstName").val();
var claimantLastName=$("#claimantLastName").val();
var insurerName=$("#insurerName").val();
var insurerFEIN=$("#insurerFEIN").val();
var insurerZip=$("#insurerZIP").val();
var dashboardSearchResultModel= new dashboardSearchResult();
var dashboardSearchResultModel= new dashboardSearchResult();
productType: productType,
customerId: customerId,
success: function(dashboardSearchResultModel)
alert("This is what we get for result"+JSON.stringify(dashboardSearchResultModel));
error: function (model, xhr, options) {
alert("Error: An error occurred while trying to fetch the dashboardSearchResultModel");
alert("Error got model"+JSON.stringify(model));
Initially when the page loads after providing the search criteria's if I click submit the fetch doesn't work and goes to the error handler. After that when I submit the from second time the fetch works and retrieves data from the backend server. Any idea what is wrong? Thanks in advance.
When error callback is called, it is because your XHTMLRequest to the server returned a error (HTTP status code). So, there is where your problem resides.
Who starts this code? As the erros does not occur on a second attempt, I would suggest that you area callind $('#id').val() when the DOM is not ready. This way you are sending null values to the server, and that's causing the error you are receiving.
To solve your problem, assure you DOM is ready when executing this script.
See if your request is leaving the browser and reaching the server (i.e., cross-domain request fail with status 0, not reaching the server).
And, if it is, debug your server-side, as it does not seem to be an client-side problem.
So after trying many things I finally decided to try $.ajax call rather the fetch method. This is what I came up with
type: "GET",
url: "rest/dashboardResult",
dataTyp: 'json',
data: {
productType: productType,
customerId: customerId,
.done(function(response) {
alert( "Result is: " + response);
This works without any problem from the get go. Now my question is how to bind the response to the backbone model?
Finally I figured out what was wrong. The call was inside a submit click handler, and $.ajax call or fetch is asynchronous. So by the time the call got reply from the server default action of submit click already took place (which is to reload the page). So by the time success or .done got called the whole page was reloaded. So I put event.preventDefault() at the beginning of handler method and let the handler receive the call back from the server and display it at the template. Thanks everyone for your time.

Collection fetch doesnt fire reset

I am just going crazy as why is this not working. I have a collection that fetches the data. The collection is bind to run render function on reset. But render isnt called.
this.uploadTemplate = _.template(UploadTemplate);
this.artistCollection = new ArtistCollections();
this.artistCollection.bind('reset', this.render, this);
this.artistCollection.fetch({success: function(){console.log('jsjbajsb');},
error: function(collection, response, options){ console.log(response)}});
// this.artistCollection.fetch({reset: true});
this.me = options.me;
Neither is the success function called nor the commented line works
Edit :1 Added error option
So, I was not sending a correct Json-fied response. Lots of thnks to #mu is too short.
I wish backbone would have provided a verbose error in this case.

Site wide error management with backbone

The problem
I want to have a default error handler in my app that handles all unexpected errors but some time (for example when saving a model) there are many errors that can be expected so I want to handle them in a custom way rather than show a generic error page.
My previous solution
My Backbone.sync function used to have this:
app.vent.trigger('api:error', response) # This is the global event channel
However, this no longer works since backbone always wraps the error function so it can trigger the error event on models.
New solution 1
I could overwrite the fetch and save methods on models and collections to wrap options.error and have the code above there but this feels kinda ugly.
New solution 2
Listen to error on models, this won't allow me to override the default error handler though.
New solution 3
Pass in a custom option to disable the global triggering of the errors, this feels redundant though.
Have I missed anything? Is there a recommended way of doing this?
I can add that I'm using the latest version from their git repo, not the latest from their home page.
Could you do this in your overridden sync? This seems to accomplish the same thing you did before.
// error is the error callback you passed to fetch, save, etc.
var error = options.error;
options.error = function(xhr) {
if (error) error(model, xhr, options);
// added line below.
// no error callback passed into sync.
else app.vent.trigger('api:error', xhr);
model.trigger('error', model, xhr, options);
This code is from Backbone source, I only add the else line.
This is not the prettiest solution, but might work for you. Create a new Model base class to use, instead of extending Backbone.Model, extend this.
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
// override fetch. Do something similar for save, destroy.
fetch: function(options){
options = options ? _.clone(options) : {};
var error = options.error;
options.error = function(model, resp) {
if (error) error(model, resp);
else app.vent.trigger('api:error', resp);
return Backbone.Model.prototype.fetch.apply(this, [options]);
var MyModel = Model.extend({});
var model = new MyModel();
model.fetch(); // error will trigger 'api:error'
Actually, this might be better than overriding sync anyways.
Possible alternative is to use this: http://api.jquery.com/ajaxError/.
But with that, you will get the error regardless of whether you passed in an error callback to backbone fetch/save/destroy.

Qunit + Sinon to test Backbone's model events

These days I'm trying to put up some tests for my first serious Backbone app. I had no problem so far with normal test but now I'm stuck trying to setting up an async test.
Basically my server API return a page with a 500 HTTP code error if I try to save a model with invalid attributes and I want to check if this trigger the right "error" state in Backbone.
I've tried to set-up the test in this way:
asyncTest("Test save Model function", function(){
var user = new User({});
var err_spy = this.spy();
equal( err_spy.callCount, 1, "Callback 'error' called once");
The problem is that the error callback of the save function overrides the one in the model, so the only way to trigger it would be to do it manually:
I don't think it is a right way to test because in my production environment there is no error callback for model's save function, but on the other hand I don't know how to tell Qunit to wait the ajax response to evaluate the test assertion.
Can someone suggest me a way to make it work? Thank you!
Something like this should do the trick. I'm going from memory here, but the sinon fake server should allow you to immediately return the 500 error state and subsequently invoke the spied-on function. You might need to tweak the server.respondWith(...) call.
asyncTest("Test save Model function", function(){
var user = new User({});
// Set up a fake 500 response.
var server = sinon.fakeServer.create();
server.respondWith(500, {}, "");
// Create the error callback.
var err_callback = function(){};
var err_spy = sinon.spy(err_callback);
user.save(user, {error: err_callback});
equal( err_spy.callCount, 1, "Callback 'error' called once");

Backbone.js DELETE request not firing

I'm trying to get the backbone.js DELETE request to fire, but don't see any requests being made in my console.
I have collection model like so:
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend(
urlRoot: '/test',
var TableList = Backbone.Collection.extend(
url: '/test',
model: Model
In my view I'm running this:
Everything seems to be running fine, I can see output coming from the remove function that calls the destroy so I know it's getting there plus it also successfully runs an unrender method that I have. Can't see any requests being made to the sever though?
If I am not mistaken, you have to have an id property on your model to ensure that it hits the correct url. IE if your model was...
var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
url: '/some/url'
var model = new Model({
id: 1
model.destroy(); // I THINK it will now try and DELETE to /some/url/1
Without an id it doesn't know how to build the url correctly, typically you'd fetch the model, or create a new one and save it, then you'd have a Url...
See if that helps!
I found the issue to my problem, thought not a solution yet. I'm not sure this is a bug with backbone or not, but I'm using ajaxSetup and ajaxPrefilter. I tried commenting it out and it worked. I narrowed it down to the ajaxSetup method and the specifically the use of the data parameter to preset some values.
Have you tried using success and error callbacks?
success : _.bind(function(model, response) {
...some code
}, this),
error : _.bind(function(model, response) {
...some code
}, this);
Might be instructive if you're not seeing a DELETE request.
