Lost messages with non-blocking OpenSSL in C - c

Context: I'm developing a client-server application that is fairly solid most of the time, despite frequent network problems, outages, broken pipes, and so on. I use non-blocking sockets, select(), and OpenSSL to deliver messages between one or more nodes in a cluster, contingent on application-level heartbeats. Messages are queued and not removed from the queue until the entire message has been transferred and all the SSL_write()s return successfully. I maintain two sockets for each relationship, one incoming and one outgoing. I do this for a reason, and that's because it's much easier to detect a failed connection (very frequent) on a write than it is on a read. If a client is connecting, and I already have a connection, I replace it. Basically, the client performing the write is responsible for detecting errors and initiating a new connection (which will then replace the existing (dead) read connection on the server). This has worked well for me with one exception.
Alas, I'm losing messages. 99.9% of the time, the messages go through fine. But every now and then, I'll send, and I have no errors detected on either side for a few minutes... and then I'll get an error on the socket. The problem is that SSL_write has already returned successfully.
Let me guess: if I was blocking this would be fine, but since I'm non-blocking, I don't wait for the read on my remote end. As long as my TCP buffer can fit more, I keep stuffing things in the pipe. And when my socket goes poof, I lose anything in that buffer yet to be delivered?
How can I deal with this? Are application-level acks really necessary? (I'd rather not travel down the long road of complicated lost-acks and duplicate message complexity) Is there an elegant way to know what message I've lost? Or is there a way I can delay removal from my queue until I know it has been delivered? (Without an ack, how?)
Thanks for any help in advance.


TCP Sockets in C: Does the recv() function trigger sending the ACK?

Im working with TCP Sockets in C but yet dont really understand "how far" the delivery of data is ensured.
My main problem is that in my case the server sometimes sends a message to the client and expects an answer shortly after. If the client doesnt answer in time, the server closes the connection.
When reading through the manpages of the recv() function in C, I found the MSG_PEEK Flag which lets me look/peek into the Stream without actually reading the data.
But does the server even care if I read from the stream at all?
Lets say the server "pushes" a series of messages into the stream and a Client should receive them.
As long as the Client doesnt call recv() those messages will stay in the Stream right?
I know about ACK messages being send when receiving data, but is ACK sent when i call the recv() function or is the ACK already sent when the messsage successfully reached its destination and could (emphasising could) be received by the client if it choses to call recv()?
My hope is to trick the server into thinking the message wasnt completely send yet, because the client has not called recv() yet. Therefore the Client could already evaluate the message by using the MSG_PEEK flag and ensure it always answers in time.
Of course I know the timout thing with my server depends on the implementation. My question basically is, if PEEKING lets the server think the message hasnt reached it destination yet or if the server wont even care and when ACK is sent when using recv().
I read the manpages on recv() and wiki on TCP but couldnt really figure out how recv() takes part in the process. I found some similar questions on SO but no answer to my question.
Does the recv() function trigger sending the ACK?
No, not on any regular OS. Possibly on an embedded platform with an inefficient network stack. But it's almost certainly the wrong problem anyway.
Your question about finessing the details of ACK delivery is a whole can of worms. It's an implemention detail, which means it is highly platform-specific. For example, you may be able to modify the delayed ACK timer on some TCP stacks, but that might be a global kernel parameter if it even exists.
However, it's all irrelevant to your actual question. There's almost no chance the server is looking at when the packet was received, because it would need it's own TCP stack to even guess that, and it still wouldn't be reliable (TCP retrans can keep backing off and retrying for minutes). The server is looking at when it sent the data, and you can't affect that.
The closest you could get is if the server uses blocking writes and is single-threaded and you fill the receive window with un-acked data. But that will probably delay the server noticing you're late rather than actually deceiving it.
Just make your processing fast enough to avoid a timeout instead of trying to lie with TCP.

How to properly restart server socket?

Once in a while my server accept functions just stop working properly anymore.
There is a much deeper story behind this, I'm being flooded with SYN and SYN/ACK packets, my network router goes disco and accept keeps returning ECONNABORTED.... I already tried to debug and fix this specific attack, but without success. By now I gave up and rather look for a more generic server recover solution.
Anyway I figured out that simpy "restarting" the server socket by closing and calling socket again is helping. Theoretically very simple, but practically I'm facing here a huge challenge because (a) the server is quite complex by now and (b) when should I exactly restart the server socket.
My setup is one accept-thread that calls accept and feeds epoll, one listener-thread that listens for epoll read/write etc. events and feeds a queue of a thread pool.
I have not found any literature that guides one through restarting the server socket.
When do I actually restart the server socket? I mean I do not really know if a ECONNABORTED return value from accept is just a aborted connection or the accept/filedescriptor is going banana.
How does closing the server socket affect epoll and connected clients? Should I close the server socket immediately or rather have a buffer time such that all clients have finished first?
Or is it even best to have two alternating server sockets such that if one goes banana I just try the other one.
I am making some assumptions about the things you say in your question all being true and accurate even though some of them seems like they may be misdiagnosed. Unfortunately, you didn't really explain how you reached the conclusions presented, so I really can't do much other than assume they're true.
For example, you don't explain how or why you figured that closing and calling socket again will help. From just the information you gave, I would strongly suspect the opposite is true. But again, without knowing the evidence and rationale that lead you to figure that, all I can do is assume it's true despite my instinct and experience saying it's wrong.
When do I actually restart the server socket? I mean I do not really know if a ECONNABORTED return value from accept is just a aborted connection or the accept/filedescriptor is going banana.
If it really is the case that accepting connections will recover faster from a restart than without one and you really can't get any connections through, keep track of the last successful connection and the number of failures since the last successful connection. If, for example, you've gone 120 seconds or more without a successful connection and had at least four failed connections since the last successful one, then close and re-open. You may need to tune those parameters.
How does closing the server socket affect epoll and connected clients?
It has no effect on them unless you're using epoll on the server socket itself. In that case, make sure to remove it from the set before closing it.
Should I close the server socket immediately or rather have a buffer time such that all clients have finished first?
I would suggest "draining" the socket by calling accept without blocking until it returns EWOULDBLOCK. Then you can close it. If you get any legitimate connections in that process, don't close it since it's obviously still working.
A client that tries to get in between your close and getting around to calling listen on a new socket might get an error. But if they're getting errors anyway, that should be acceptable.
Or is it even best to have two alternating server sockets such that if one goes banana I just try the other one.
A long time ago, port DoS attacks were common because built-in defenses to things like SYN-bombs weren't as good as they are now. In those days, it was common for a server to support several different ports and for clients to try the ports in rotation. This is why IRC servers often accepted connections on ranges of ports such as 6660-6669. That meant an attacker had to do ten times as much work to make all the ports unusable. These days, it's pretty rare for an attack to take out a specific inbound port so the practice has largely gone away. But if you are facing an attack that can take out specific listening ports, it might make sense to open more listening ports.
Or you could work harder to understand the attack and figure out why you are having a problem that virtually nobody else is having.

How to notify server that client is closing connection

I have a server that is running a select() loop that sometimes continues blocking when the client closes the connection from its side. The select() loop handles all other read/write operations correctly and sets the correct file descriptor in the fd_set, leading me to believe that it is not an issue with the file descriptor setup on the server-side.
The way I planned on handling the client closing the connection was to have the select() break due to activity on the socket (closing it from the client-side), see that the fd was set for that socket, and then try to read from it - and if the read returned 0, then close the connection. However, because the select() doesn't always return when the client side closes the connection, there is no attempt to check the fd_set and subsequently try to read from the socket.
As a workaround, I implemented a "stop code" that the client writes to the server just before closing the connection, and this write causes the select() to break and the server reads the "stop code" and knows to close the socket. The only problem with this solution is the "stop code" is an arbitrary string of bytes that could potentially appear in regular traffic, as the normal data being written can contain random strings that could potentially contain the "stop code". Is there a better way to handle the client closing the connection from its end? Or is the method I described the general "best practice"?
I think my issue has something to do with OpenSSL, as the connection in question is an OpenSSL tunnel, and it is the only file descriptor in the set giving me issues.
The way I planned on handling the client closing the connection was to have the select() break due to activity on the socket (closing it from the client-side), see that the fd was set for that socket, and then try to read from it - and if the read returned 0, then close the connection. However, because the select() doesn't always return when the client side closes the connection, there is no attempt to check the fd_set and subsequently try to read from the socket.
Regardless of whether you are using SSL or not, select() can tell you when the socket is readable (has data available to read), and a graceful closure is a readable condition (a subsequent read operation reports 0 bytes read). It is only abnormal disconnects that select() can't report (unless you use the exceptfds parameter, but even that is not always guaranteed). The best way to handle abnormal disconnects is to simply use timeouts in your own code. If you don't receive data from the client for awhile, just close the connection. The client will have to send data periodically, such as a small heartbeat command, if it wants to stay connected.
Also, when using OpenSSL, if you are using the older ssl_... API functions (ssl_new(), ssl_set_fd(), ssl_read(), ssl_write(), etc), make sure you are NOT just blindly calling select() whenever you want, that you call it ONLY when OpenSSL tells you to (when an SSL read/write operation reports an SSL_ERROR_WANT_(READ|WRITE) error). This is an area where alot of OpenSSL newbies tend to make the same mistake. They try to use OpenSSL on top of pre-existing socket logic that waits for a readable notification before then reading data. This is the wrong way to use the ssl_... API. You are expected to ask OpenSSL to perform a read/write operation unconditionally, and then if it needs to wait for new data to arrive, or pending data to send out, it will tell you and you can then call select() accordingly before retrying the SSL read/write operation again.
On the other hand, if you are using the newer bio_... API functions (bio_new(), bio_read(), bio_write(), etc), you can take control of the underlying socket I/O and not let OpenSSL manage it for you, thus you can do whatever you want with select() (or any other socket API you want).
As a workaround, I implemented a "stop code" that the client writes to the server just before closing the connection, and this write causes the select() to break and the server reads the "stop code" and knows to close the socket.
That is a very common approach in many Internet protocols, regardless of whether SSL is used or not. It is a very distinct and explicit way for the client to say "I'm done" and both parties can then close their respective sockets.
The only problem with this solution is the "stop code" is an arbitrary string of bytes that could potentially appear in regular traffic, as the normal data being written can contain random strings that could potentially contain the "stop code".
Then either your communication protocol is not designed properly, or your code is not processing the protocol correctly. In a properly-designed and correctly-processed protocol, there will not be any such ambiguity. There needs to be a clear distinction between the various commands that your protocol defines. Your "stop code" would be one such command amongst other commands. Random data in one command should not be mistakenly treated as a different command. If you are experiencing that problem, you need to fix it.

Minimising client processing - c socket programming

I am working on a client/server model based on Berkeley sockets and have almost finished but I'm stuck with a way to know that all of the data has been received whilst minimising the processing being executed on the client side.
The client I am working with has very little memory and battery and is to be deployed in remote conditions. This means that wherever possible I am trying to avoid processing (and therefore battery loss) on the client side. The following conditions on the client are outside of my control:
The client sends its data 1056 bytes at a time until it has ran out of data to send (I have no idea where the number 1056 came from but if you think that you know I would be very interested)
The client is very unpredictable in when it will send the data (it is attached to a wild animal and sends data determined by connection strength and battery life)
The client has an unknown amount of data to send at any given time
The data is transmitted though a GRSM enabled phone tag (Not sure that this is relevant but I'm assuming that extra information could only help)
(I am emulating the data I am expecting to receive from the client through localhost, if it seems to work I will ask the company where I am interning to invest in a static ip address to allow "real" tcp transfers, if it doesn't I won't. I don't think this is relevant but, again, I would rather provide too much information than too little)
At the moment I am using a while loop and incrementing the number of bytes received in order to "recv()" each of the 1056 byte sections. My problem is that the server needs to receive an unknown number of these. To me, the most obvious solutions are to send the number of sections to be received in an initial header from the client or to mark the last section being sent in some way. However, both of these approaches would require processing on the client side, I was wondering if there was a way to check whether the client has closed its socket from the server side? Or even whether something like closing the connection from the server after a pre-determined period of time without information from the client would be feasible? If these aren't possible then I would love to hear any other suggestions.
TLDR: What condition can I use here to minimise client-side processing?
while(!(/* Client has ran out of data to send*/)) {
Also, I know that it is bad practise to make a stackOverflow account and immediately ask a question, I didn't know what else to do, I'm sorry. Please don't hesitate to be mean if I've missed something very obvious.
Here is a suggestion for how to do the interaction:
The client:
Client connects to server via tcp.
Client sends chunks of data until all data has been sent. Flush the send buffer after each chunk.
When it is done the client issues a shutdown on the socket, sleeps for a couple of seconds and then closes the connection.
The client then sleeps until the next transmission. If the transmission was unsuccessful, the sleep time should be shorter to prevent unsent data to overflow the avaiable memory.
If the client is unable to connect for an extended period of time, you would have to discard data that doesn't fit in the memory.
I am assuming that sleep reduces power consumption.
The server:
The server programcan be single-threaded unless you need massive scalability. It is listening for incoming connections on the agreed port.
Whenever a client connects, a new socket is created.
Use select() to see which sockets has data (don't forget to include the listening socket!), and non-blocking reads to read from the sockets.
When you get the appropriate error (no more data to read and the other side has shutdown it's side of the connection), then you can close that socket.
This should work fine up to a couple of thousand simultaneous connections.
Example that handles many of the difficulties of implementing a server

Problem supporting keep-alive sockets on a home-grown http server

I am currently experimenting with building an http server. The server is multi-threaded by one listening thread using select(...) and four worker threads managed by a thread pool. I'm currently managing around 14k-16k requests per second with a document length of 70 bytes, a response time of 6-10ms, on a Core I3 330M. But this is without keep-alive and any sockets I serve I immediatly close when the work is done.
EDIT: The worker threads processes 'jobs' that have been dispatched when activity on a socket is detected, ie. service requests. After a 'job' is completed, if there are no more 'jobs', we sleep until more 'jobs' gets dispatched or if there already are some available, we start processing one of these.
My problems started when I began to try to implement keep-alive support. With keep-alive activated I only manage 1.5k-2.2k requests per second with 100 open sockets. This number grows to around 12k with 1000 open sockets. In both cases the response time is somewhere around 60-90ms. I feel that this is quite odd since my current assumptions says that requests should go up, not down, and response time should hopefully go down, but definitely not up.
I've tried several different strategies for fixing the low performance:
1. Call select(...)/pselect(...) with a timeout value so that we can rebuild our FD_SET structure and listen to any additional sockets that arrived after we blocked, and service any detected socket activity.
(aside from the low performance, there's also the problem of sockets being closed while we're blocking, resulting in select(...)/pselect(...) reporting bad file descriptor.)
2. Have one listening thread that only accept new connections and one keep-alive thread that is notified via a pipe of any new sockets that arrived after we blocked and any new socket activity, and rebuild the FD_SET.
(same additional problem here as in '1.').
3. select(...)/pselect(...) with a timeout, when new work is to be done, detach the linked-list entry for the socket that has activity, and add it back when the request has been serviced. Rebuilding the FD_SET will hopefully be faster. This way we also avoid trying to listen to any bad file descriptors.
4. Combined (2.) and (3.).
-. Probably a few more, but they escape me atm.
The keep-alive sockets are stored in a simple linked List, whose add/remove methods are surrounded by a pthread_mutex lock, the function responsible for rebuilding the FD_SET also has this lock.
I suspect that it's the constant locking/unlocking of the mutex that is the main culprit here, I've tried to profile the problem but neither gprof or google-perftools has been very cooperative, either introducing extreme instability or plain refusing to gather any data att all (This could be me not knowing how to use the tools properly though.). But removing the locks risks putting the linked list in a non-sane state and probably crash or put the program into an infinite loop.
I've also suspected the select(...)/pselect(...) timeout when I've used it, but I'm pretty confident that this was not the problem since the low performance is maintained even without it.
I'm at a loss of how I should handle keep-alive sockets and I'm therefor wondering if you people out there has any suggestions on how to fix the low performance or have suggestions on any alternate methods I can use to go about supporting keep-alive sockets.
If you need any more information to be able to answer my question properly, don't hesitate to ask for it and I shall try my best to provide you with the necessary information and update the question with this new information.
Try to get rid of select completely. You can find some kind of event notification on every popular platform: kqueue/kevent on freebsd(), epoll on Linux, etc. This way you do not need to rebuild FD_SET and can add/remove watched fds anytime.
The time increase will be more visible when the client uses your socket for more then one request. If you are merely opening and closing yet still telling the client to keep alive then you have the same scenario as you did without keepalive. But now you have the overhead of the sockets sticking around.
If however you are using the sockets multiple times from the same client for multiple requests then you will lose the TCP connection overhead and gain performance that way.
Make sure your client is using keepalive properly. and likely a better way to get notification of the sockets state and data. Perhaps a poll device or queuing the requests.
This page has a patch for linux to handle a poll device. Perhaps some understanding of how it works and you can use the same technique in your application rather then rely on a device that may not be installed.
There are many alternatives:
Use processes instead of threads, and pass file descriptors via Unix sockets.
Maintain per-thread lists of sockets. You could even accept() directly on the worker threads.
Are your test clients reusing the sockets? Are they correctly handling keep alive?
I could see that case where you do the minimum change possible in your benchmarking code by just passing the keep alive header, but then not changing your code so that the socket is closed at the client end once the pay packet is received.
This would incure all the costs of keep-alive with none of the benefits.
What you are trying to do has been done before. Consider reading about the Leader-Follower network server pattern, http://www.kircher-schwanninger.de/michael/publications/lf.pdf
