libtomcrypt usage benchmarking - c

I wanted to compare AES algorithm performance from libtomcrypt in Windows and Ubuntu by creating a benchmark-like file, but I have got errors while coding it. Please help me. Below is my file for comparing:
`#include <time.h> `
#include <tomcrypt.h>
#define MIN_TIME 10.0
#define MIN_ITERS 20 `
double test_rijndael_ecb_encrypt(const unsigned char *pt, unsigned char *ct, symmetric_key *skey) {
int iterations = 0;
clock_t start;
double elapsed=0.0;
int out;
out = rijndael_ecb_encrypt(pt, ct, skey);
} while(elapsed<MIN_TIME || iterations<MIN_ITERS);
printf("%s \n",pt);
printf("%s \n",skey->data);
printf("%s \n",ct);
printf("iterations: %8d \n",iterations);
printf("%8.2lf ms per iteration \n",elapsed);
printf("out: %d \n",out);
return elapsed;
int main() {
unsigned char pt[22]="-K4)<i50~'APg2fa7DiV";
unsigned char ct[22];
unsigned char key[16]="EDB1C6D13FC72";
symmetric_key *skey;
int err;
double tout1;
if((err=rijndael_setup(key,16,0,skey))!=CRYPT_OK) {
return -1;
printf("%s \n",ct);
return 0;
But when I compile this it shows runtime errors as:
gcc -o "TestC" ./src/TestC.o
./src/TestC.o: In function `test_rijndael_ecb_encrypt':
/home/anvesh/workspace/TestC/Debug/../src/TestC.c:27: undefined reference to `rijndael_ecb_encrypt'
./src/TestC.o: In function `test_rijndael_ecb_decrypt':
/home/anvesh/workspace/TestC/Debug/../src/TestC.c:53: undefined reference to `rijndael_ecb_decrypt'
./src/TestC.o: In function `main':
/home/anvesh/workspace/TestC/Debug/../src/TestC.c:82: undefined reference to `rijndael_setup'
/home/anvesh/workspace/TestC/Debug/../src/TestC.c:83: undefined reference to `error_to_string'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [TestC] Error 1
Where did I go wrong?

You forgot to link with tomcrypt library. Compile with -ltomcrypt to link the library:
gcc file.c -ltomcrypt


Multiple definition error when compiling multiple C source files with GCC

I am writing a program in C that contains two source files, one containing main() and one containing function definitions. I also have a header file declaring the functions and variables so I don't have to pass variables back and forth. Here is the content of the files.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "defs.h"
#include "sorting.c"
int main(int argc, char **argv){
listLength = 0;/*this is a load of barnacles*/
EOFFlag = 1;
input = fopen(argv[1], "r");
if(input == NULL){
printf("Could not open requested file.\n");
return -1;
for(genericIterator = 0; genericIterator < USHRT_MAX + 1; genericIterator++){
printf("%d: %s; %d", genericIterator + 1, wordlist[genericIterator], wordcount[genericIterator]);
for(genericIterator = 0; genericIterator < listLength; genericIterator++){
printf("%d: %s; %d", genericIterator + 1, wordlist[genericIterator], wordcount[genericIterator]);
return 1;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "defs.h"
int sortNextWord(){
if(wordHolder[0] != '\0')/*checks to ensure that getNextWord didn't get an empty string*/
return 1;
int getNextWord(){
char charStore;
char returnFlag = 0;
genericIterator = 0;
while(genericIterator != USHRT_MAX){
switch(charStore = getc(input)){
case EOF:
EOFFlag = 0;
goto exitcond;/* checks for EOF or whitespace, exits loop if found*/
case ' ':
case '\n':
case '\t':
goto exitcond;
wordHolder[genericIterator++] = charStore;/* otherwise it writes the character it read to the next available spot */
wordHolder[genericIterator] = '\0';
wordlen = genericIterator;
return 1;
int listMatch(){/* runs through wordlist to find a matching word. If found, increments the respective wordcount entry, otherwise, creates new entry in wordlist */
for(genericIterator = 0; genericIterator < listLength; genericIterator++){
if(strcmp(wordHolder, wordlist[genericIterator])){
goto foundmatch;
return 1;
int addToList(){ /*adds word to next available spot in wordlist*/
char *string;
if(FULLLISTCONSEQUENCES) /*doesnt do anything if wordlist is full */
return 0; /* John Freeman, who was Go */
if(listLength == USHRT_MAX)
string = malloc((wordlen + 1) * sizeof(char));
string[0] = '\0';
strncat(string, wordHolder, USHRT_MAX + 1);
wordcount[listLength] = 1;
wordlist[listLength++] = string;
return 1;`
defs.h (ignore the stuff about heapsort. I'm going to implement that to sort the wordlist, but i need to make sure this works first.
#ifndef DEFS_H
#define DEFS_H
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
char *wordlist[USHRT_MAX + 1];
int wordcount [USHRT_MAX + 1];
unsigned short listLength;
unsigned short genericIterator;
FILE *input;
/*heapsort goes here */
char wordHolder[USHRT_MAX + 1];
unsigned short wordlen;
char EOFFlag;
int heapsort();
int buildMaxHeap();
int restoreMaxHeap();
int swap(unsigned short, unsigned short);
unsigned short getParent(unsigned short);
unsigned short getRightChild(unsigned short);
unsigned short getLeftChild(unsigned short);
int sortNextWord();
int getNextWord();
int listMatch();
int addToList();
When I run those through gcc with the command
gcc -o wordsort main.c sorting.c
I get the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0x0): multiple definition of `wordlist'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0x0): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0x80000): multiple definition of `wordcount'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0x80000): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0xc0000): multiple definition of `listLength'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0xc0000): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0xc0002): multiple definition of `genericIterator'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0xc0002): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0xc0008): multiple definition of `input'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0xc0008): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0xc0020): multiple definition of `wordHolder'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0xc0020): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0xd0020): multiple definition of `wordlen'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0xd0020): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0xd0022): multiple definition of `EOFFlag'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0xd0022): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o:(.bss+0xd0023): multiple definition of `FULLLISTCONSEQUENCES'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:(.bss+0xd0023): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o: in function `sortNextWord':
main.c:(.text+0x0): multiple definition of `sortNextWord'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:sorting.c:(.text+0x0): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o: in function `getNextWord':
main.c:(.text+0x2a): multiple definition of `getNextWord'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:sorting.c:(.text+0x2a): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o: in function `listMatch':
main.c:(.text+0xdf): multiple definition of `listMatch'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:sorting.c:(.text+0xdf): first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/cc8X0W8R.o: in function `addToList':
main.c:(.text+0x191): multiple definition of `addToList'; /tmp/cc3dFw3Q.o:sorting.c:(.text+0x191): first defined here
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
What is happening? I've only defined these functions once in sorting.c. Where did this error come from?
I've tried removing some of the #include headers, and I added the #ifndef statement to defs.h. Neither made any difference. I've also tried compiling and then linking as suggested in`your text`

Failed to compile with secp256k1 library

So I was following this tutorial: I installed libsecp256k1 from but while compiling my program:
#include <secp256k1.h>
#include <stdio.h>
static secp256k1_context *ctx = NULL;
int main()
ctx = secp256k1_context_create(
/* Declare the private variable as a 32 byte unsigned char */
unsigned char seckey[32];
/* Load private key (seckey) from random bytes */
FILE *frand = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
/* Read 32 bytes from frand */
fread(seckey, 32, 1, frand);
/* Close the file */
/* Loop through and print each byte of the private key, */
printf("Private Key: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
printf("%02X", seckey[i]);
i get:
josh#pc:~/Code$ gcc prvkey.c -o exec
/tmp/cc5OVPMJ.o: In function `main':
prvkey.c:(.text+0x1d): undefined reference to `secp256k1_context_create'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Thanks in advance!
gcc prvkey.c -o exec -lcrypto -lsecp256k1
gcc -l links with a library file.
Let me know if that works or any questions let me know.

RAND_bytes not invoking though setting a RAND_set_rand_method()?

Even though we set currentMethod.bytes with local function to generate random numbers, the RAND_bytes is not invoking. After we set RAND_set_rand_method(&cuurentMethod).
Here I attached link [] which I already tried.
int main()
unsigned char rand[16];
int ret;
RAND_METHOD *oldMethod,currentMethod,*temp;
oldMethod = RAND_get_rand_method();/*getting default method*/
currentMethod = *oldMethod;
currentMethod.bytes = local_function_rand;
if((ret = RAND_set_rand_method(&currentMethod))!= 1)
return 0;
/* Now we are printing both address of local_function_method_rand() and
temp->bytes , those address are same after getting. */
temp = RAND_get_rand_method();
/* after we are comparing with RAND_SSLeay() function , to find default or not*/
if((ret = RAND_bytes(rand,16)) != 1)
return 0;
return 1;
Expecting result is our local function should invoke. Also, to invoke RAND_bytes() is it required to set fips mode in Linux system?
After cleaning up and minimizing your test program and filling in the missing parts:
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int local_function_rand(unsigned char *buf, int num) {
printf("in local_function_rand(); requested %d bytes\n", num);
memset(buf, 4, num); // RFC 1149.5 standard random number
return 1;
int main(void) {
unsigned char rand[16];
RAND_METHOD currentMethod = {.bytes = local_function_rand};
if (RAND_bytes(rand, sizeof rand) != 1) {
return 0;
and running it (With OpenSSL 1.1.1):
$ gcc -Wall -Wextra rand.c -lcrypto
$ ./a.out
in local_function_rand(); requested 16 bytes
it works as expected; the user-supplied function is being called by RAND_bytes(). If you're getting different results from your code, there's probably a problem in the bits you didn't include in your question.

./a.out: file not recognized: File truncated collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status?

I wrote a small program that fills an array with prime numbers which are returned from a separate function. The program compile fine but when i go to run the executable i get the above error. Here is my source code. I'm not really sure why its happening. Could anyone here do me the huge favor of compiling and running the following code? I'm wondering if its something on my laptop but i really have no clue. I'm running linux mint if that helps at all.
#include <stdio.h>
int prime(int x);
int main()
int intergers,index,return_value;
int array[100]={2}; /*intialize array[0] being 2*/
for(index=1;index<100;index=index+1) /*begin array index at array[1]*/
for(intergers=3;intergers<102;intergers=intergers+1) /*check for prime numbers starting from 3*/
return_value = prime(intergers);
printf("hello world");
int prime(int x)
int divisors,count,value;
return value;
The following code compiled and linked without errors or warnings from the gcc compiler on SuSE SLES 11 using the following command: gcc -Wall -o test test.c
#include <stdio.h>
int prime(int x);
int main()
int intergers,index,return_value;
int array[100]={2}; /*intialize array[0] being 2*/
for(index=1;index<100;index=index+1) /*begin array index at array[1]*/
for(intergers=3;intergers<102;intergers=intergers+1) /*check for prime numbers starting from 3*/
return_value = prime(intergers);
printf("hello world\n");
return(0); // Added this line to rid compiler: warning: control reaches end of non-void function
int prime(int x)
int divisors,/* count, */ value;
return value;
I then executed the program:
> ./test
hello world
The code executed as expected.

ffmpeg code does not link (undefined reference to avcodec_register_all

I am trying to compile a simple introductory program using ffmpeg that tries to check if the mp3 codec is available. While the code compiles OK, I am facing difficulty in solving linker errors. Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
float *generateSinusoid(unsigned int sampleRate, unsigned int nSecondsAudio) {
unsigned int nsamples = (nSecondsAudio * sampleRate);
float *arr;
arr = (float*) malloc(sizeof(float) * nsamples);
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
arr[i] = 20 * sin(2.f * (M_PI) * (330/sampleRate) * i); /*frequency of 330H
return arr;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
AVCodec *codec;
unsigned int sampleRate = 22050; /*assumed.*/
unsigned int nSecondsAudio = 4;
float *arr;
arr = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float) * nSecondsAudio * sampleRate);
/*Step 1. Generate sinusoid.*/
arr = generateSinusoid(sampleRate, nSecondsAudio);
/* Step 2. See if encoder exists.*/
/*codec = avcodec_find_encoder(AV_CODEC_ID_MP3);*/
if(!codec) { /*codec = NULL.*/
printf("MP3 codec not found!!!!");
} else {
printf("MP3 codec found!!!");
return 0;
The code is compiled and linked like so:
encoding_mp3: encoding_mp3.o
gcc encoding_mp3.o -o encoding_mp3 -L/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/lib/w32api -L/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_dev/lib -lm -luser32 -lpthread -lavcodec
encoding_mp3.o: encoding_mp3.c
gcc -I/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_dev/include -I/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/usr/include -g -c encoding_mp3.c -o encoding_mp3.o
rm encoding_mp3.o encoding_mp3
Linking gives the following error:
gcc -I/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_dev/include -I/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/usr/include -g -c encoding_mp3.c -o encoding_mp3.o
gcc encoding_mp3.o -o encoding_mp3 -L/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/lib/w32api -L/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_dev/lib -lm -luser32 -lpthread -lavcodec
encoding_mp3.o: In function `main':
/cygdrive/c/Users/Desktop/webserver/cygnus/ffmpeg/work/encoding_mp3.c:31: undefined reference to `_avcodec_register_all'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [encoding_mp3] Error 1
I have gone through most of the threads on SO regarding this problem and here is what I have tried so far:
- Put libraries at the end of all non-option arguments
- Commented out code that references functions. This seems to work. The undefined reference errors go away after all function calls are removed, though the presence of a struct AVCodec does not cause any problems.
Any help on this is most welcome.
