cannot get attached property value - wpf

Hi I hope I can find some help here...
I am creating a WPF application using prism and MVVM.
I am trying to create an attached property which i found here.
in my ViewModel I get the focused Element by
var control = Keyboard.FocusedElement;
then I do
string value = ExtraTextBehaviourObject.GetExtraText(control as UIElement);
but the value returned is always null... Can anyone point me to the right direction???
public class ExtraTextBehaviourObject : DependencyObject
//Declare the dependency property
public static readonly DependencyProperty ExtraTextProperty;
static ExtraTextBehaviourObject()
//register it as attached property
ExtraTextProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("ExtraText", typeof(string),
//static function for setting the text
public static void SetExtraText(UIElement uiElement, string value)
if (uiElement != null)
uiElement.SetValue(ExtraTextProperty, value);
//static function for getting the text
public static string GetExtraText(UIElement uiElement)
if (uiElement != null)
return (string)uiElement.GetValue(ExtraTextProperty);
return "";
Set code in XAML
<dxe:TextEdit Text="{Binding Path=Customer.Comments, Mode=TwoWay}" AcceptsReturn="True" VerticalContentAlignment="Top"
HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Behaviors:ExtraTextBehaviourObject.ExtraText="HelloExtraText"
ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"/>

The problem was that I wasn't getting the right control when I used Keyboard.FocusedElement. This may be a devexpress thing as I use their controls. So traversing the element tree upwards until I get that control solved my problem... Thank you Clemens!

Just an additional idea: Instead of traversing the tree by hand yourself, you could let WPF do that for you. Flag your attached property with FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.Inherits now the value can be retrieved by all children of the initial control where you set the attached property.
For example
<Grid MyService.MyProperty="True">
<TextBox .../>
var txt = aSender as TextBox;
var val = MyService.GetMyProperty(txt);
With Inherits GetMyProperty will return true, because it "inherits" the value from his parent Grid, without inherit of course the value would be false (not null, because its a value type).
DataContext for example is also an inherited dependency property.


WPF Animate double property changes

I'm trying to find a generic way to run an animation each time a property of type double is updated.
This has to be single solution which works for all double values. It means that I don't want to write a proprietory AttachedProperty for each UIElement property (One for Opacity and then another one for Height).
A pseudo-example of what I would like to accomplish:
<TextBlock x:Name="pageTitle" Text="title example" attached:AnimatedPropertyPath="(UIElement.Opacity)" Opacity="{Binding Path=TitleOpacity}" />
The attached property should listen to any change in opacity, cancel it and instead run an animation which makes it change gradually.
My question:
Does this exact syntax make sense? is it doable?
Is there a way to cancel the Opacity property immediate change by the binding and run the animation instead?
Any links to examples would be highly appreciated as I couldn't find any myself.
I want to avoid using DataTriggers because it requires too much xaml. It would be best embedded as an attached property exactly like the peudo xaml above.
My question:
Does this exact syntax make sense? is it doable?
Does it have to be an Attached Property? Would you be fine with using a Behavior?
Is there a way to cancel the Opacity property immediate change by the binding and run the animation instead?
Maybe with some hacks(not that I know of any). Again is this is an absolute must to have to intercept and cancel a normal DP action?
Any links to examples would be highly appreciated as I couldn't find any myself.
Well if you can tweak your requirement slightly, I can give you an example:
So if your requirement is to animate any double DP when it's bound-to value changes, we can do it with a Behavior
public class AnimateBehavior : Behavior<UIElement> {
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToAnimateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ToAnimate", typeof(DependencyProperty),
typeof(AnimateBehavior), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));
public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Value", typeof(double),
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(0.0d, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.None, ValueChangedCallback));
public DependencyProperty ToAnimate {
get { return (DependencyProperty) GetValue(ToAnimateProperty); }
set { SetValue(ToAnimateProperty, value); }
public double Value {
get { return (double) GetValue(ValueProperty); }
set { SetValue(ValueProperty, value); }
private static void ValueChangedCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
var item = d as AnimateBehavior;
if (item == null || item.AssociatedObject == null) {
var newAnimation = new DoubleAnimation((double) e.NewValue, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)));
item.AssociatedObject.BeginAnimation(item.ToAnimate, newAnimation);
Now in xaml:
<TextBlock Text="Hello">
<local:AnimateBehavior ToAnimate="{x:Static TextBlock.OpacityProperty}" Value="{Binding ValueYouWantToBindToOpacity}" />
Now with this approach you can animate any DP of that control that has a double type value. Like Opacity, FontSize ...
Main difference here to your original requirement is we do not bind the Value to the element. We instead have it bound to the Behavior. Now when this changes, we detect it in the behavior and via the AssociatedObject property of the behavior, apply the animation on the actual item.
We also satisfy your requirement to satisfy multiple double DP types by providing the property to animate when value changes via a DP to the behavior.
if you want to go even more generic, you can ofc make the Behavior accept a duration and type of animation too to have it even more generic.
Alternate for DP identifying property:
if you absolutely want to pass in "Opacity" and not the DP, then try something like this:
public static readonly DependencyProperty ToAnimateProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("ToAnimate", typeof(PropertyPath),
typeof(AnimateBehavior), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null));
public PropertyPath ToAnimate
get { return (PropertyPath)GetValue(ToAnimateProperty); }
set { SetValue(ToAnimateProperty, value); }
so we made ToAnimate a PropertyPath
and in the ValueChanged function
private static void ValueChangedCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
var item = d as AnimateBehavior;
if (item == null || item.AssociatedObject == null) {
var sb = new Storyboard();
var newAnimation = new DoubleAnimation((double) e.NewValue, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)));
Storyboard.SetTarget(newAnimation, item.AssociatedObject);
Storyboard.SetTargetProperty(newAnimation, item.ToAnimate);
we create a Storyboard and use the PropertyPath with this you can have:
<TextBlock Text="Hello">
<local:AnimateBehavior ToAnimate="Opacity" Value="{Binding ValueYouWantToBindToOpacity}" />
I'd still prefer the DP over this method.

Force Propagation of Coerced Value

tl;dr: Coerced values are not propagated across data bindings. How can I force the update across the data binding when code-behind doesn't know the other side of the binding?
I'm using a CoerceValueCallback on a WPF dependency property and I'm stuck at the issue that coerced values don't get propagated through to bindings.
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Data;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace CoerceValueTest
public class SomeControl : UserControl
public SomeControl()
StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
Button bUp = new Button();
bUp.Content = "+";
bUp.Click += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
Value += 2;
Button bDown = new Button();
bDown.Content = "-";
bDown.Click += delegate(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {
Value -= 2;
TextBlock tbValue = new TextBlock();
new Binding("Value") {
Source = this
this.Content = sp;
public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value",
new PropertyMetadata(0, ProcessValueChanged, CoerceValue));
private static object CoerceValue(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
if ((int)baseValue % 2 == 0) {
return baseValue;
} else {
return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
private static void ProcessValueChanged(object source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
private void ProcessValueChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
protected virtual void OnValueChanged(EventArgs e)
if (e == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("e");
if (ValueChanged != null) {
ValueChanged(this, e);
public event EventHandler ValueChanged;
public int Value {
get {
return (int)GetValue(ValueProperty);
set {
SetValue(ValueProperty, value);
public class SomeBiggerControl : UserControl
public SomeBiggerControl()
Border parent = new Border();
parent.BorderThickness = new Thickness(2);
parent.Margin = new Thickness(2);
parent.Padding = new Thickness(3);
parent.BorderBrush = Brushes.DarkRed;
SomeControl ctl = new SomeControl();
new Binding("Value") {
Source = this,
Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay
parent.Child = ctl;
this.Content = parent;
public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Value",
new PropertyMetadata(0));
public int Value {
get {
return (int)GetValue(ValueProperty);
set {
SetValue(ValueProperty, value);
public partial class Window1 : Window
public Window1()
<Window x:Class="CoerceValueTest.Window1"
Title="CoerceValueTest" Height="300" Width="300"
<local:SomeBiggerControl x:Name="sc"/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Value, ElementName=sc, Mode=TwoWay}" Name="tb"/>
<Button Content=" "/>
i.e. two user controls, one nested inside the other, and the outer one of those in a window. The inner user control has a Value dependency property that is bound to a Value dependency property of the outer control. In the window, a TextBox.Text property is bound to the Value property of the outer control.
The inner control has a CoerceValueCallback registered with its Value property whose effect is that this Value property can only be assigned even numbers.
Note that this code is simplified for demonstration purposes. The real version doesn't initialize anything in the constructor; the two controls actually have control templates that do everything that's done in the respective constructors here. That is, in the real code, the outer control doesn't know the inner control.
When writing an even number into the text box and changing the focus (e.g. by focusing the dummy button below the text box), both Value properties get duly updated. When writing an odd number into the text box, however, the Value property of the inner control doesn't change, while the Value property of the outer control, as well as the TextBox.Text property, show the odd number.
My question is: How can I force an update in the text box (and ideally also in the outer control's Value property, while we're at it)?
I have found an SO question on the same problem, but doesn't really provide a solution. It alludes to using a property changed event handler to reset the value, but as far as I can see, that would mean duplicating the evaluation code to the outer control ... which is not really viable, as my actual evaluation code relies on some information basically only known (without much effort) to the inner control.
Moreover, this blogpost suggests invoking UpdateTarget on the binding in TextBox.Text in the CoerceValueCallback, but first, as implied above, my inner control cannot possibly have any knowledge about the text box, and second, I would probably have to call UpdateSource first on the binding of the Value property of the inner control. I don't see where to do that, though, as within the CoerceValue method, the coerced value has not yet been set (so it's too early to update the binding), while in the case that the value is reset by CoerceValue, the property value will just remain what it was, hence a property changed callback will not get invoked (as also implied in this discussion).
One possible workaround I had thought of was replacing the dependency property in SomeControl with a conventional property and an INotifyPropertyChanged implementation (so I can manually trigger the PropertyChanged event even if the value has been coerced). However, this would mean that I cannot declare a binding on that property any more, so it's not a really useful solution.
I have been looking for an answer to this rather nasty bug myself for a while.
One way to do it, without the need to force an UpdateTarget on the bindings is this:
Remove your CoerceValue callback.
Shift the logic of the CoerceValue callback into your ProcessValueChanged callback.
Assign your coerced value to your Value property, when applicable (when the number is odd)
You will end up with the ProcessValueChanged callback being hit twice, but your coerced value will end up being effectively pushed to your binding.
Base on your code, your dependency property declaration would become this:
public static readonly DependencyProperty ValueProperty =
new PropertyMetadata(0, ProcessValueChanged, null));
And then, your ProcessValueChanged would become this:
private static void ProcessValueChanged(object source, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
int baseValue = (int) e.NewValue;
SomeControl someControl = source as SomeControl;
if (baseValue % 2 != 0)
someControl.Value = DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
I slightly modified your logic, to prevent raising the event when the value needs to be coerced. As mentionned before, assigning to someControl.Value the coerced value will cause your ProcessValueChanged to be called twice in a row. Putting the else statement would only raise the events with valid values once.
I hope this helps!

How to use PropertyChanged to pass trough DataTemplate?

Question is simple: how can I trigger a change on the dataObject without acutaly changing the dataObject, and see this change on the visual?
ProductData : INotifyPropertyChanged
private ProductPartData myProductPartData;
public ProductPartData ProductPartData
return myProductPartData;
if (value != myProductPartData)
myProductPartData = value;
DataType="{x:Type ProductData}"
ProductPartData="{Binding Path=ProductPartData, Mode=OneWay}"
And now in a VM I have:
Even if the getter for ProductPart is called when I execute OnNotifyPropertyChanged, the visual is not notified, because is the same instance of the ProductPartData.
How do I trigger a change seen by the Visual without changing the instance?
Thank you,
A solution is to use UpdateTarget() method of the BindingExpression class, this way the target of the binding gets refreshed no matter what; of course, your converter will also be hit - if any. Since I'm guessing you don't have access to your visual in the Product, you could use an attached property and in its callback, you can get the BindingExpression and call UpdateTarget() on it.
Note that I'm using a simple TextBlock as the visual of the data object.
public class BindingHelper
public static bool GetRefreshBinding(DependencyObject obj)
return (bool) obj.GetValue(RefreshBindingProperty);
public static void SetRefreshBinding(DependencyObject obj, bool value)
obj.SetValue(RefreshBindingProperty, value);
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for RefreshBinding. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty RefreshBindingProperty =
DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("RefreshBinding", typeof(bool), typeof(BindingHelper), new UIPropertyMetadata(false, OnRefreshBindingPropertyChanged));
static void OnRefreshBindingPropertyChanged(DependencyObject o, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs ea)
TextBlock elem = o as TextBlock;
if (elem != null)
BindingExpression bEx = elem.GetBindingExpression(TextBlock.TextProperty);
if (bEx != null)
Also, in your data object that you can create a new bool property(let's name it ShouldRefresh) that is bound to the attached property within the template - this will trigger the AP's property changing:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:ProductData}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name, Converter={StaticResource BlankConverter}}"
local:BindingHelper.RefreshBinding="{Binding Path=ShouldRefresh}"/>
So, this way, whenever you want to update the target through binding, you can set:
ShouldRefresh = !ShouldRefresh
in your data class.
If you raise a PropertyChanged event and the new value of the property is equal to the value WPF already has, it will simply ignore you. You have a couple of options:
The "fast" way is to set the property to null and then back to the correct value again, ensuring PropertyChanged events are raised each time. It's dirty but it works every time.
The "right" way is to force a binding refresh as discussed in this post by Jaime Rodriguez. Because your visual is data-templated though getting the "dependencyObject" to pass into the call in that post is a little tricky. You may end up needing to use the template's FindName method as discussed in this post by Josh Smith.
We encountered this kind of issue with data coming from a database and converted to a DTO (data transfert object).
Our base class for DTO override Object's method such as Equals() and GetHashCode() as follow:
public override Boolean Equals(Object obj)
// Null reference
if (null == obj)
return false;
// Same reference
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this, obj))
return true;
EntityDTOBase<TEntity> entiteObj = obj as EntityDTOBase<TEntity>;
if (null == entiteObj)
return false;
return Equals(entiteObj);
public Boolean Equals(EntityDTOBase<TEntity> other)
// Null reference
if (null == other)
return false;
// Same reference
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
// No Id: cannot be compared, return false
if ( == TypeHelper.DefaultValue<long>())
return false;
// Id comparison
if ( !=
return false;
return true;
public override Int32 GetHashCode()
So the problem was when we load again the same entity from the database, since the ID is the same, some binding were not properly updated.
This particular issue was circumvented by adding an additional virtual EqualsExtended() method which default implementation simply returns true:
protected virtual Boolean EqualsExtended(EntityDTOBase<TEntity> other)
return true;
public Boolean Equals(EntityDTOBase<TEntity> other)
/// Same code as before (except last line):
return EqualsExtended(other);
Now in any implementation of our DTO class we can add some logic to make Equals() returning false in some situations, for example by adding a timestamp when data is retrieved from the database :
protected override Boolean EqualsExtended(EntityDTOBase<Act> other
if (this.Timestamp != other.Timestamp)
return false;
return true;
Long story short, one way to workaround this issue is to make your class instance look different whenever you want the GUI to update accordingly.
The problem might be that you are returning GuiProductPartData typed myProductPartData with ProductPartData typed ProductPartData? But in any case this shouldn't be like this :)
Also it's not a great practice to have the variable name same as the type, so you shouldn't have a ProductPartData ProductPartData property.
Naming conventions aside (and assuming just typos on the typing) the problem probably resides inside your ProductPartData class. Does it implement INotifyPropertyChanged as well?

Silvelright -set tabindex of UIElements in MVVM

I am trying to set the tab index of two UIElements within a user control. The user control contains a text box and button. I have focus currently being applied to the textbox via an attached property however I would like to have the ability to press the tab key and navigate from the textblock to the button or detect the key press (Enter key) and trigger the command on the button(I know separate question)
The main focus is accomplishing the tab index first.
Thanks for any pointers or suggestions.
I've since tried to employ an attached property to handle the tabbing order
public static DependencyProperty TabIndexProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("TabIndex", typeof(int), typeof(AttachedProperties), null);
public static void SetTabIndex(UIElement element, int value)
Control c = element as Control;
if (c != null)
RoutedEventHandler loadedEventHandler = null;
loadedEventHandler = new RoutedEventHandler(delegate
c.Loaded -= loadedEventHandler;
c.Loaded += loadedEventHandler;
However when this I attempt to compile I receive errors that the TabIndex property does not exist for the button control. Any ideas why this is failing?
This is a view specific concern and, as such, even in MVVM should be handled at the ViewLevel. MVVM doesn't stipulate that you remove all code from code behind. It simply means you should have a view specific concern when you do put code there. This is one of those cases, imo.
It is late in the day... I resolved this using an attached property. in the above solution I had copied an earlier DP that I created and did not change the code before I tested.
Below is the working solution
I created a attached properties class and then added the following code:
#region Search Field Focus
public static DependencyProperty InitialFocusProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("InitialFocus", typeof(bool), typeof(AttachedProperties), null);
public static void SetInitialFocus(UIElement element, bool value)
Control c = element as Control;
if (c != null && value)
RoutedEventHandler loadedEventHandler = null;
//set focus on control
loadedEventHandler = new RoutedEventHandler(delegate
c.Loaded -= loadedEventHandler;
c.Loaded += loadedEventHandler;
public static bool GetInitialFocus(UIElement element)
return false;
#region Tabbing Order of Elements
public static DependencyProperty TabIndexProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("TabIndex", typeof(int), typeof(AttachedProperties), null);
public static void SetTabIndex(UIElement element, int value)
element.SetValue(TabIndexProperty, value);
public static int GetTabIndex(UIElement element)
return (int)element.GetValue(TabIndexProperty);
The first DP sets the focus of a textblock so that when the user control is loaded you see the cursor placed within the text field.
DP 2 sets the tabbing order. Since the focus is already applied to the current control tabbing falls into place normally. If you did not have focus on the control you would need to set this first.
then finally within the xaml declare your class in the xmlns and add away to the controls.

WPF binding not applying to target after initialization

I am trying to add Series binding to the Visifire graphing controls set. To this end i have created a SeriesSource dependency property of time DataSeriesCollection. This is bound in the front end using:
`<Chart SeriesSource={Binding Series} />`
When the source changes, the validation callback is called. The value that is passed to this is the correct value, a populated ObservableCollection<something>. Immediately after the validate value is called, the CoerceValue callback is called by something, and the value that is sent to it is an EMPTY ObservableCollection<something>. Bounty will go to anyone who can:
Get the correct populated ObservableCollection<someting> passed to the CoerceValue callback OR
Get the correct value being passed to the OnSeriesSourceChanged callback OR
Explain to me how i can do any of the above :)
Here is the data template for the view:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:ReportViewModel}">
<Grid Name="rootGrid">
<visifire:Chart Grid.Row="1" SeriesSource="{Binding Series}">
<visifire:Axis Title="X axis" />
<visifire:Axis Title="Y axis" />
Here is the target Dependency Property
//Getter and setter for Dependency Property
public ObservableCollection<DataSeries> SeriesSource
get { return (ObservableCollection<DataSeries>)GetValue(SeriesSourceProperty); }
set { SetValue(SeriesSourceProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for SeriesSource. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty SeriesSourceProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("SeriesSource", typeof(ObservableCollection<DataSeries>), typeof(Chart), new UIPropertyMetadata(new ObservableCollection<DataSeries>(), new PropertyChangedCallback(OnSeriesSourceChange), new CoerceValueCallback(CoerceSeries)), new ValidateValueCallback(ValidateSeriesSource));
//Value validation callback
private static bool ValidateSeriesSource(object value)
if (value as ObservableCollection<DataSeries> != null)
return true;
return false;
//Dependency Property Changed callback
private static void OnSeriesSourceChange(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
Chart c = d as Chart;
if (c == null)
//This line was causing the issue. It was overriding the setter
c.SeriesSource = (DataSeriesCollection)e.NewValue;
//Coerce Value callback
private static object CoerceSeries(DependencyObject d, object value)
Chart c = d as Chart;
var collection = value as System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<Visifire.Charts.DataSeries>;
foreach (var item in c.Series)
if (!collection.Contains(item))
foreach (var item in collection)
if (!c.Series.Contains(item))
return collection;
New information
The value being received by the CoerceValue callback is ALWAYS the first value which that property was set to. So if the first value i pass it is a list with 1 item, it will always coerce the value back to a list with one item!
Edit: found the issue, it was in the property changed callback. Credit goes to Matt for helping me out with the CoerceValue callback
This may not be the exact problem, but you have logic in your setter. That code isn't going to be executed when the property is assigned via a binding.
Instead of adding logic to your setter, consider using a "coerced" callback which gets called every time a value is assigned to your property. See here for more details about "coerce value" callbacks. They're very similar to what you've done for your "property changed" callback.
