Cant find DatePicker in WPF - wpf

I am using visual studio 2008.
I am learning WPF.
I want to have a Masked TextBox or DatePicker in WPF.
But I don't find them in toolbox.
I have tried to Reset the toolbox but still cant find it.
I have also tried to choose control from .NET Library but there also no control found named DatePicker for WPF.

The WPF 1.0 does not provide such controls.
I highly recommend you the WPF Toolkit.


I want to use Windows7 visual style in my C# projects

I want to make lists in a WinForms project like this one:
Is there an easy way to do it? or I have to code it by my self??
Would depend on whether or not you re using WinForms or WPF. In WPF, you could use list box templates: I think it would be harder in WinForms and I'm not aware of any controls that match the appearance you are looking for although you might check out the Telerik and DevExpress WinForm controls.

AutoCompleteBox not found in wpf toolkit using visual studio 2012

This is really a wanted feature, AutoCompleteBox (not AutoCompleteComboBox apparently).
However, visual studio 2012 cannot find the AutoCompleteBox control. But I have not tried in earlier version of vs, so it may not be a version matter.
I installed wpf toolkit, added those extensions to my WPF project:
WPF Toolkit
WPF Toolkit Design
WPF Toolkit Input Design
WPF Toolkit Input Visual Studio Design
WPF Toolkit Layout
WPF Toolkit Layout Visual Studio Design
WPF Toolkit Visual Studio Design.
Looks almost like virii to me. Every permutation of words are used...
Well well in my WPF project, I added
to a window and tried to also add a auto complete box like this:
<toolkit:AutoCompleteBox />
but AutoCompleteBox does not seem to exist, the first component that is listed when I have typed
is ButtonBaseBehavior.
Not all the toolkit controls are included in the "main" namepace.
Let me explain it how are the toolkit dlls are built up:
You can also install the WPF toolkit through NuGet:
PM> Install-Package WPFToolkit
It will add three dlls to your project:
WPFToolkit.dll this contains the core/stable controls of toolkit which can be found in the xmlns:toolkit=""
System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit.dll this dll contains the preview controls like AutoCompleteBox and Rating
System.Windows.Controls.Layout.Toolkit.dll this dll contains the preview layout controls like the Accordion
The preview controlls are not included in the main xmls namespace so you need to use a the namespace form the corresponding preview dll:
<controls:AutoCompleteBox />
Add a reference to (Included in WPFToolkit):
and then in your xaml at the top:
and for using it anywhere in your code just like this:
<System_Windows_Controls:AutoCompleteBox />

WPF forms+ Winforms in MDI

We have an application which is using winforms. Now we want to upgrade it.
We are planning to use some WPF forms and some old winforms. and we also need to use MDI.
From MDIParent we need to open both winforms and WPF forms. And these forms need to be in tile format. I got to know that WPF doesn't support MDI.
Is there any other way to achieve this?
Using AvalonDock, can we display the forms in tiles format also. I know that it display in Dockable format.
why you want to upgrade your application to wpf and still use some of your old winforms and the mdi concept any further?(i dont like mixup both:))
for quick and dirty what about using your winform app and integrate wpf in it - if you want/have to?
if you want your WinForms in Wpf you can use
<WindowsFormsHost />
It should work with Avalon too. Here is an example for WindowsFormsHost.

Wpf Docking Control with UI Automation compatibility

We have slowly been creating UI Automation tests using Ranorex on our product but have ran into several problems.
We are using Telerik Wpf controls (TabControl, TreeView, Grid and Docking) and so far we've only been able to test the TreeView and Grid using Ranorex. We replaced the TabControl for the standard Wpf TabControl which works with Ranorex. However the Docking control does not work and of course there is no standard out of the box Wpf Docking control for us to use instead.
My question is this: Does anybody know of any Wpf Docking controls that can be tested using an UI Automation tool (preferably Ranorex)?
I found AvalonDock, which at first looked promising, but according to this thread on their site it doesn't support UI Automation :(
Cheers for any comments,
As of now, Telerik has their own product that supports UI automation for WPF - Telerik Test Studio - including RadDocking control.

How to develop an application looks like VS.NET in WPF?

I want to develop Error List Control present in VS.NET into my application using WPF
Help me
Thank u!!!!!!!!1
have a look at AvalonDocks
The error list in Visual Studio is essentially a DataGrid. Check out the DataGrid control in the WPF Toolkit. If you are using 4.0, DataGrid is part of the framework.
