angular.js view doesn't update - angularjs

I am updating an object within a callback like so:
$scope.addProfile = function () { { "id": user_id }, $scope.createdProfile, function( savedUser, getResponseHeaders ) {
//$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.user = savedUser;
console.debug($scope.user); // I doublechecked that this contains the correct data
Unfortunately the view isn't updating correctly. As you can see I have already tried to wrap the thing in an apply, which results in an error "Error: $digest already in progress". Therefore i commented that bit out again.
The view bit which doesn't update looks like this:
The function addProfile is called from a button inside a form like so:
<form name='profileForm' >
<div class="section">
<label class="title">Name <span class="help">(required)</span>
<textarea ng-model="" ></textarea>
<div class="section">
<button class="btn btn-large highlight" ng-disabled="!profileForm.$valid" ng-click="addProfile()">Save</button>
Thanks in advance for any help!

You aren't defining your controller in the html.
<ANY ng-controller="{expression}">


How to trigger multiple Click events on one click angular js

I am having different ng-clicks events, I want all those to be triggered at once on click of a button
<div ng-controller="one">
<input type="button" id="one" ng-click="firstBtnClick(a,b)" class="fstClass"/>
<div ng-controller="two">
<input type="button" id="two" ng-click="SecBtnClick(c,d)" class="SecClass"/>
<div ng-controller="three">
<input type="button" id="three" ng-click="ThirdBtnClick(e,f)" class="ThirdClass"/>
Now I want to hit all this click functions on other button
<div ng-controller="final">
<input type="button" id="final" ng-click="finalBtnClick" class="FinalClass"/>
Final Controller code
$timeout(function () {
angular.element('.fstClass', '.SecClass').triggerHandler('click');
}, 0);
But I am unable to achieve, Any suggestions??
Why do you want to do this in the view? You are calling controller functions with every button click.
So just have a ng-click="everyClick()" and inside this controller
function, call every function you want to call.
$scope.finalBtnClick = function() {
If the functions are in the same controller you can chain together like this:
<input type="button" id="final" ng-click="firstBtnClick+SecBtnClick+ThirdBtnClick" class="FinalClass"/>
For communication across controllers you can create and inject a shared service to each controller, nest controllers, use $rootscope or use $emit:
function FirstController($scope)
$scope.$on('clickFirst', function(event, args) {
firstBtnClick(args)//click first button
// another controller or even directive
function FinalController($scope)
$scope.$emit('clickFirst', args);

AngularJS invoke Controller function

sorry for the rather basic question but I am really a beginner developing in AngularJS.
So I have a conteoller like this (like explaned here:
(function() {
'use strict';
.controller('ManagementController', ManagementController);
function ManagementController() {
var vm = this;
vm.getUsersBySearchString= getUsersBySearchString;
function getUsersBySearchString(searchString) {
alert('get User By searchstring: ' + searchString);
Now I have a HTML fragment in my template and I really don't know how to invoke function getUsersBySearchString(searchString). I have tried this one:
<div ng-controller="vm">
<form class="well form-search">
<input type="text" ng-model="term" class="input-medium search-query" placeholder="Username">
<button type="submit" class="btn" ng-click="getUsersBySearchStringgetUsersBySearchString()">Suchen</button>
<pre ng-model="result">
but I don't know what to put here
<div ng-controller="vm">
and how to invoke the method.
Thanks a lot for help!
<div ng-controller="vm">
That is incorrect. You have no controller named "vm". Your controller is named ManagementController.
The syntax for your use-case is
<div ng-controller="ManagementController as vm">
And to invoke the function, you would use
Note that the alias you choose in the HTML has no relationship with the alias you chose for thisin the controller code. You might very well use
<div ng-controller="ManagementController as managementCtrl">

ngRepeat not updating after model changed

I'm tring to code a little search input to get data from a database using ngResource.
the data are shown in the page with a ng-repeat, but when i do the search and the $scope has been updated, the view is not updated and show old data.
Here is the code:
main.html (active view)
<div ng-controller="searchCtrl as searchCtrl" layout="column">
<form class="form-inline search-form col-md-offset-1">
<div class="form-group col-md-5">
<label class="sr-only" for="search_location">Location</label> <input
id="search_location" type="search" class="form-control"
ng-Autocomplete ng-model="place" placeholder="Location" />
<div class="form-group col-md-5">
<label class="sr-only" for="search_tags">Tags</label> <input
style="width: 100%;" id="search_tags" type="search"
class="form-control" id="search_tags" placeholder="Tags">
<div class="col-md-1">
<md-button class="md-fab md-mini" aria-label="Search" ng-click=""> <md-icon class="md-fab-center"
md-font-icon="glyphicon glyphicon-search" style="color: black;"></md-icon>
<div ng-controller="mainCtrl">
<div ng-repeat="evento in eventi" ng-include="'views/components/event_card.html'" class="col-md-3"></div>
'use strict';
app.factory('Eventi', function($resource) {
return $resource('/eventsws/events/:location', {location : '#location'}, {
search: {
method: 'GET',
params: {
'location' : "#location"
isArray : true
app.controller('mainCtrl', function($scope, Eventi) {
$scope.eventi = Eventi.query();
'use strict';
app.controller('searchCtrl', function($scope, Eventi) {
$ = null; = function() {
$scope.eventi ={
'location' : $
when it start it get all the data from the database and display them correctly, when i try to make a search, the $scope.eventi is updated (i can see the new data in $scope.eventi from the debug) but the view still show the old data and never update.
I've tried to use $scope.$apply at the end of the search function but the result is the same.
Have you any idea why it's not working?
Thanks for your time.
The $scope.eventi you see in the debug is the one in your searchCtrl and not the one from your mainCtrl. To update your mainCtrl $scope.eventi you have to find an other way.
A clean but long solution would be using services to shares variables in your controllers.
To answer the question in comments :
i can see it updated, but the view still show the old data
I guess what's the problem (even if i actually didn't see your code).
If you bind your var like this :
service.serviceVar = 1;
return service
This will create a "1" var with a reference.
$scope.myvar = Service.serviceVar;
This will bind $scope.myvar to the "1" reference.
If you do this in your service or in an other controller :
service.serviceVar = 2;
You will create a new var "2" with a new reference and you will assign this reference to service.serviceVar. Badly all your old references to the old 1 var will not update.
To avoid that do it like this :
service.servicevar = {};
service.servicevar.value = 1;
return service
You create an object with a new reference and assign it to servicevar.
You create a var "1" and assign it to servicevar.value.
$scope.myvar = Service.servicevar;
You assign the servicevar reference to your scope var.
You can use the value by using the property of your var.
Updating the var doing this :
service.servicevar.value = 2;
You will create a new var "2" with a new reference and replace the old reference by this one.
BUT this time you keep all your references to servicevar in your controllers.
I hope i was clear and it answer your question.
Try to never ever use $scope.$apply. It's a really bad practice. If you use that to make something works, you should probably find an other to do that (And it will be a great question for Stacks i guess : "Why do i need $apply to solve my problem XXXXX")
rsnorman15 has a good point about your uses of asynchronous calls. Take a look at his answer too.
Here is one of my old plunker using a service to share properties
Just change:
$scope.eventi ={
'location' : $
'location' : $
}, function(eventi) {
$scope.eventi = eventi
It's an asynchronous call so it must be assigned in the success handler.
Another issue you are running into is your ng-repeat is not contained within the div that searchCtrl is scoped. Update your HTML so that it is contained like so:
<div ng-controller="searchCtrl as searchCtrl" layout="column">
<form class="form-inline search-form col-md-offset-1">
... form stuff
<div ng-repeat="evento in eventi" ng-include="'views/components/event_card.html'" class="col-md-3"></div>

angularjs button event not firing when clicked

I'm missing something here in the wiring. When the button is clicked the alert in the method isn't displayed.
<div id="mapFilter" ng-controller="MapsController">
<input type="button" ng-click="getProperties()" value="Get Data" />
<p>hotel count: {{allHotels.length}}</p>
<p>preferred count: {{preferredHotels.length}}</p>
The expected execution point:
$scope.getProperties = function () {
var msg = 'Unable to load Properties: ';
You have to add the ng-app directive to auto-bootstrap your application:
<body ng-app="main">
You will then get some errors in your plunker that you have to fix first (i.e. load ng-resource, ...)

ng-model doesnt communicate with ng-repeat

I've been working on an app for trainers and I have encountered possibly simple
problem, despite that I dont know how to fix this and I tried many different solutions.
What i've noticed is that it works pretty fine when input is above the list generated by ng-repeat but i want the list to be under the input.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Here is the html code as it is now:
<html ng-app="trainingSupport">
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" ng-controller="addOffer">
<div class="span40"><input type="text" ng-model="newOffers.offerName" name="offer" class='span48 offer-in'></div>
<div class="span8 options-btn">
<div class="pencil-offer"><i class="icon-pencil icon-offer"></i></div>
<button ng-click="newOffer()" type='submit' class="btn save-offer"><i class="icon-save"></i></button>
<button type="submit" class="btn trash-offer"><i class="icon-trash"></i></button>
<div class="row-fluid">
<ol class="span48" ng-controller="addOffer">
<li ng-repeat="offer in offers" ng-bind='offer.offerName' class="unbold f-pt-sans offer-list"></li>
and here is the tha angular code:
var trainingSupport = angular.module('trainingSupport', []);
function addOffer($scope){
{id:0, offerName:"szkolenie z pieczenia indyka"},
{id:1, offerName:"szkolenie z gaszenia wodÄ…"},
{id:2, offerName:"szkolenia z bicia konia"}
$scope.newOffer = function(){
offerName: $scope.newOffers.offerName
trainingSupport.controller("addOffer", addOffer);
I created a jsFiddle for this, and chiseled your code down to the basics, for better readability.
I refactored your controller quite a bit, its much cleaner now.
var trainingSupport = angular.module('trainingSupport', []);
function AddOfferCtrl($scope){
//this variable is bound to your input
$scope.newOfferName = '';
{id:0, offerName:"szkolenie z pieczenia indyka"},
{id:1, offerName:"szkolenie z gaszenia wodÄ…"},
{id:2, offerName:"szkolenia z bicia konia"}
$scope.newOffer = function(){
//handy little method to grab the max id in your array
var newId = Math.max.apply(null,${return}));
//increment the id, and add new entry to the array
{id: newId + 1, offerName: $scope.newOfferName }
And the HTML:
<div ng-app="trainingSupport" ng-controller="addOfferCtrl">
<input type="text" ng-model="newOfferName" />
<button ng-click="newOffer()" type="button" text="click me to add offer" ></button>
<li ng-repeat="offer in offers">{{offer.offerName}}</li>
I bound your input to a separate variable, newOfferName, and got rid of the extra submit button and the <form> tag. Judging from the code you posted, I don't see why you would need to use a <form> tag in this implementation, or a submit button. Instead, you can just bind an ng-click function to a button (or almost any other type of element really) which will handle updating your array and re-binding your list. Finally, I dont see why you need an ng-bind on your <li ng-repeat>, I removed that as well. Hopefully this refactored code helps you out!
