What are static and dynamic binding in C (strictly C,not C++)? - c

I had initial apprehensions about posting this question lest it be a duplicate.But even after googling with many keywords,I couldn't find any link on StackOverflow that explains static and dynamic binding for C.There are questions and answers for C++ though,but all involve classes and stuff that are clearly not for C.And the links outside StackExchange were quite dubious.
I need to know the rigorous definition and contrast between these two bindings,exclusively in the context of C.I would appreciate if you can take some time to answer it,or give me the links on StackOverflow for this lest I am mistaken and it has been answered in detail before.
I intend to have a clear idea about:
Binding in C.
Static vs dynamic binding in C.
Edit It would be immensely helpful if you could explain the difference with some simple code snippets.

Formally, there are no such terms in "native" C.
Simplified explanation of the terms static binding ("early binding") and dynamic binding ("late binding"): they are most often used in object-orientated design, to determine whether the decision to call a particular inherited member function is done at compile time or in run time.
The meaning of a virtual function is that it's an inherited function which gets called instead of the equivalent function in the base class which was inherited. If the compiler can determine whether an object is of type "base class" or type "inherited class" at compile time, you get static binding, otherwise dynamic binding. So you would need some sort of runtime type information (RTTI).
In the above context, these terms only make sense if you are using object-oriented inheritance/polymorphism in your C program. C has no language support for such mechanisms. It is possible to implement them "manually" in C, but it is tedious and the code tends to be quite a mess. For those who insist, there is a book "Object oriented design in ANSI-C" which demonstrates how it can be done.
(Personally I would not recommend that book, nor to implement polymorphism in C. If you need those OOP feaures, just code in C++.)

C is a statically compiled language, it doesn't really have "dynamic binding".
You can do it manually using API:s such as POSIX' dlopen(), but I would hesitate to call that "binding" although in a sense I guess it is.


Emulating lambdas in C?

I should mention that I'm generating code in C, as opposed to doing this manually. I say this because it doesn't matter too much if there's a lot of code behind it, because the compiler should manage it all. Anyway, how would I go around emulating a lambda in C? I was thinking I could just generate a function with some random name somewhere in the source code and then call that? I'm not too sure. I haven't really tried anything just yet, since I wanted to get the idea down before I implement it.
Is there some kind of preprocessor directive I can do, or some macro that will make this cleaner to do? I've been inspired by Jon Blow to try out compiler development, and he seemed to implement Lambdas in his language Jai. However, I think he does something where he generates bytecode, and then into C? I'm not sure.
I'm working on a compiler, the compiler is just a project of mine to keep me busy, plus I wanted to learn more about compilers. I primarily use clang, I'm on Ubuntu 14.10. I don't have any garbage collection, but I wanted to try my hand at some kind of smart pointer-y/rust/ARC inspired memory model for garbage collection, i.e. little to no overhead. I chose C because I wanted to dabble in it more. My project is free software, just a hobby project.
There are several ways of doing it ("having" lambdas in C). The important thing to understand is that lambdas give closures and that closures are mixing "code" with "data" (the closed values); notice that objects are also mixing "code" with "data" and there is a similarity between objects and closures. See also this answer on Programmers.
Traditionally, in C, you not only use function pointers, but you adopt a convention regarding callbacks. This for instance is the case with GTK: every time you pass a function pointer, you also pass some data with it. You can view callbacks (the convention of giving C function pointer with some void*data) as a way to implement closures.
Since you generate C code (which is a wise idea, I'm doing similar things in MELT which -on Linux- generates C++ code at runtime, compile it into a shared object, and dlopen-s that) you could adopt a callback convention and pass some closed values to every function that you generate.
You might also consider closed values as static variables, but this approach is generally unwise.
There have been in the past some lambda.h header library which generates a machine-specific trampoline code for closures (essentially generating a code which pushes some closed values as arguments then call some routine). You might use some JIT compilation techniques (using libjit, GNU lightning, LLVM, asmjit, ....) to do the same. See also libffi to call an arbitrary function (of signature known at runtime only).
Notice that there is a strong -but indirect- relation between closures and garbage collection (read the GC handbook for more), and it is not by accident that every functional language has a GC. C++11 lambda functions are an exception on this (and it is difficult to understand all the intricacies of memory management of C++11 closures). So if you are generating C code, you could and probably should use Boehm's conservative garbage collector (which is wrapping dlopen) and you would have closure GC-ed values. (You could use some other GC libraries, e.g. Ravenbrook's MPS or my unmaintained Qish...) Then you could have the convention that every generated C function takes its closure as first argument.
I would suggest to read Scott's book on Programming Language Pragmatics and (assuming you know a tiny bit of Scheme or Lisp; if you don't you should learn a bit of Scheme and read SICP) Queinnec's book Lisp In Small Pieces (if you happen to read French, read the latest French variant).

Structuring C applications?

I am planning to develop an application in C. My programming experience has always been with object oriented languages. Hence I always think in terms of classes, interfaces, inheritance, polymorphism, etc, when designing an application.
All the C books I've looked at deal with how to program in C or focus on a particular topic, I couldn't find any that talk about application architecture in C. So how do you structure a C application when the OOP features are not available? How do you keep everything modular and well organized and avoid code duplication (no OOP seems like there will be alot of code duplication)?
I am not looking for answers on 'how to write OOP code in C'. I am looking for the standard practice way of structuring C applications so they are modular and well organized. If the standard practice way is to hack on some OOP features then that is fair enough but if its not then there is no point in telling me to go down that route.
It is a different way of thinking. The core philosophy of C can be summarised as:
data + algorithms = programs
So to design an application in C:
You need to think carefully about what the data is, and define structs which reflect that well, and facilitate the relationships between different views on the data.
You need to think about what algorhythms are going to operate on what data, and what data they produce. This helps to clarify the structs you should have, and help to show what should be blocked together to create reusable blocks of code.
One way of moving to this approach from an OOP approach is to imagine that one struct + one .c file = a class, and to put in the .h file the struct definition and the externally accessible functions (public methods).
You have to write a lot of code to do boring things like memory allocation and freeing and all that jazz. It's not as bad as it sounds, but factor this into your design.
you can design your C project as oriented object project and then replace the class by structure. this was recommended to me in this topic and in this topic
Also, to create re-usable C software, read this book by David R. Hanson
Basic OOP is best done with the techniques mentioned in Alex Schriner's OOC.pdf book
First you will identify the components and their interactions to solve the problem.
then inside each component, below practices can be used.
Design the public functions first.
design the data structure ( i.e struct ) the functions are going to work
Modify the public functions to take the corresponding structure as pointer argument. [ There is no instance variable concept in c. you need to define a structure and pass structure between functions ] .
group the functions with related data structure in a header file.
provide the implementations to the public functions in a separate c file which includes the header file you defined.
make all your private/helper methods as static, so they will not be visible to other c files.
Since there is no namespace concept in C, Ensure your public functions are not conflicted with existing library functions. some people are using name mangling like {short name of header file}_{function name}
allocating and release the memory is the developers responsibility. it is better to have initialize and free functions to allocate and clear the memory along with the public functions designed.
Follow the coding styles you are comfortable with.
Design each components as shared library , so that you don't need to compile them every time.
It is possible to practice TDD with C, see C programming and TDD .
If you're used to practicing TDD, you know it will help you keep your code well organized and modular.

Implementing dynamic typing in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Representing dynamic typing in C
A professor at my History of Computation side-lecture went into great depth about manifestly typed or type-inferred languages and generally praised the greatness of latently typed languages (faster dev times, dynamic systems, etc...).
The same day, at an Automata Class, another prof says:
Dynamic typing makes things more complex by adding more ways to do the same thing.
I've been using statically typed languages most of my life : C/C++/Java - my only exposure to the other has been Shell Coding and Ren'Py.
My question is, can I write a simple program in C that implements some of the benefits of both ?
For instance, I could create Unions to accept all user driven data, like so :
typedef union {
int int_type;
char char_type;
//and so on
} dynamic;
// Var Creation :
dynamic data;
// For unknown return type
void* function(dynamic data);
I realize a Union could compromise type-safety, but that is what I'm trying to do here. What other approach could I take ? I'm just trying for a demonstration.
I tried for an answer from this question. But honestly, I could not follow the arguments closely.
I apologize if the question seems silly.
Using suggestions from below, I wrote this : http://codepad.org/A9JAX8lD, which basically does nothing much dynamic, but is at least a start.
I think I see what both my professors were trying to say.
My suggestion is not to try doing dynamic typing in a statically typed language. It will most likely have sub-par performance and a very strong syntactical burden. Instead, if you only ever have experienced statically typed languages, I would strongly suggest trying out Python. It is highly dynamic and will teach you new ways of thinking.
And last but not least, there also is Cython which is a Python dialect using C as intermediate language. It can mix static typing and dynamic typing, it's really refreshing.
I'm not against types, but I don't know of any type systems that aren't a complete pain [...]
-- Alan Kay
It's quite possible to implement a fully-featured dynamic type system on top of C: Take GType, on which the GLib Object System is based.
However, such systems are often painful to use because of the amount of boilerplate code they need, which can be worked around by using custom code generators and preprocessors, which is how Objective-C got started.
If you want to show how C can be "not type safe" try using void* to pass arguments. The downside is that it's not truly dynamic since you cannot call any methods on the object without casting it first.

Does C's FILE have an object-oriented interface?

Does the FILE type used through standard C functions fopen, etc. have an object-oriented interface?
I'm looking for opinions with reasoning rather than an absolute answer, as definitions of OO vary by who you ask. What are the important OO concepts it meets or doesn't meet?
In response to JustJeff's comment below, I am not asking whether C is an OO language, nor whether C (easily or not) allows OO programming. (Isn't that a separate issue?)
Is C an object-oriented language?
Was OOP (object-oriented-programming) anything more than a laboratory concept when C and FILE were created?
Answering these questions will answer your question.
Further thoughts:
Object Oriented specifically means several behaviors, including:
Inheritence: Can you derive new classes from FILE?
Polymorphism: Can you treat derived classes as FILEs?
Encapsulation: Can you put a FILE inside another object?
Methods & Properties: Does a FILE have methods and properties specific to it? (eg.
myFile.Name, myFile.Size, myFile.Delete())
Although there are well known C "tricks" to accomplish something resembling each of these behaviors, this is not built in to FILE, and is not the original intent.
I conclude that FILE is not Object Oriented.
If the FILE type were "object oriented", presumably we could derive from it in some meaningful way. I've never seen a convincing instance of such a derivation.
Lets say I have new hardware abstraction, a bit like a socket, called a wormhole. Can I derive from FILE (or socket) to implement it. Not really - I've probably got to make some changes to tables in the OS kernel. This is not what I call object orientation
But this whole issue comes down to semantics in the end. Some people insist that anything that uses a jump-table is object oriented, and IBM have always claimed that their AS/400 boxes are object-oriented, through & through.
For those of you that want to dip into the pit of madness and stupidity that is the USENET comp.object newsgroup, this topic was discussed quite exhaustively there a few years ago, albeit by mad and stupid people. If you want to trawl those depths, the Google Groups interface is a good place to start.
Academically speaking, certainly the actual files are objects. They have attributes and you can perform actions on them. Doesn't mean FILE is a class, just saying, there are degrees of OO-ness to think about.
The trouble with trying to say that the stdio FILE interface qualifies as OO, however, is that the stdio FILE interface doesn't represent the 'objectness' of the file very well. You could use FILEs under plain old C in an OO way, but of course you forfeit the syntactic clarity afforded by Java or C++.
It should probably further be added that while you can't generate 'inheritance' from FILE, this further disqualifies it as OO, but you could argue that's more a fault of its environment (plain C) than the abstract idea of the file-as-object itself.
In fact .. you could probably make a case for FILE being something like a java interface. In the linux world, you can operate almost any kind of I/O device through the open/close/read/write/ioctl calls; the FILE functions are just covers on top of those; therefore in FILE you have something like an abstract class that defines the basic operations (open/read/etc) on an 'abstact i/o device', leaving it up to the various sorts of derived types to flesh those out with type-specific behavior.
Granted, it's very hard to see the OO in a pile of C code, and very easy to break the abstractions, which is why the actual OO languages are so much more popular these days.
It depends. How do you define an "object-oriented interface"? As the comments to abelenky's post shows, it is easy to construct an argument that FILE is object-oriented. It depends on what you mean by "object-oriented". It doesn't have any member methods. But it does have functions specific to it.
It can not be derived from in the "conventional" sense, but it does seem to be polymorphic. Behind a FILE pointer, the implementation can vary widely. It may be a file, it may be a buffer in memory, it may be a socket or the standard output.
Is it encapsulated? Well, it is essentially implemented as a pointer. There is no access to the implementation details of where the file is located, or even the name of the file, unless you call the proper API functions on it. That sounds encapsulated to me.
The answer is basically whatever you want it to be. If you don't want FILE to be object-oriented, then define "object-oriented" in a way that FILE can't fulfill.
C has the first half of object orientated.
Encapsulation, ie you can have compound types like FILE* or structs but you can't inherit from them which is the second (although less important) half
No. C is not an object-oriented language.
I know that's an "absolute answer," which you didn't want, but I'm afraid it's the only answer. The reasoning is that C is not object-oriented, so no part of it can have an "object-oriented interface".
In my opinion, true object-orientation involves method dispatch through subtype polymorphism. If a language lacks this, it is not object-oriented.
Object-orientation is not a "technique" like GTK. It is a language feature. If the language lacks the feature, it is not object-oriented.
If object-orientation were merely a technique, then nearly every language could be called object-oriented, and the term would cease to have any real meaning.
There are different definitions of oo around. The one I find most useful is the following (inspired by Alan Kay):
objects hold state (ie references to other objects)
objects receive (and process) messages
processing a message may result in
messages beeing sent to the object itself or other objects
a change in the object's state
This means you can program in an object-oriented way in any imperative programming language - even assembler. A purely functional language has no state variables, which makes oo impossible or at least awkward to implement (remember: LISP is not pure!); the same should go for purely declarative languages.
In C, message passing in most often implemented as function calls with a pointer to a struct holding the object's state as first argument, which is the case for the file handling api. Still, C as a language can't be classified as oo as it doesn't have syntactic support for this style of programming.
Also, some other definitions of oo include things like class-based inheritance (so what about prototypal languages?) and encapsulation - which aren't really essential in my opinion - but some of them can be implemented in C with some pointer- and casting magic.

C for an Object-Oriented programmer

Having learned Java and C++, I've learned the OO-way. I want to embark on a fairly ambitious project but I want to do it in C. I know how to break problems down into classes and how to turn them into class hierarchies. I know how to abstract functionality into abstract classes and interfaces. I'm even somewhat proficient at using polymorphism in an effective way.
The problem is that when I'm presented with a problem, I only way I know how to do it is in an Object-Oriented way. I've become too dependent on Object-Oriented design philosophies and methodologies.
I want to learn how to think in a strictly procedural way. How do I do things in a world that lacks classes, interfaces, polymorphism, function overloading, constructors, etc.
How do you represent complex concepts using only non-object-oriented structs? How do you get around a lack of function overloading? What are some tip and tricks for thinking in a procedural way?
The procedural way is to, on one side, have your data structures, and, on the other, your algorithms. Then you take your data structures and pass them to your algorithms. Without encapsulation, it takes a somewhat higher amount of discipline to do this and if you increase the abstraction level to make it easier to do it right, you're doing a considerable part of OO in C.
I think you have a good plan. Doing things the completely OO way in C, while quite possible, is enough of a pain that you would soon drop it anyway. (Don't fight the language.)
If you want a philosophical statement on mapping the OO way to the C way, in part it happens by pushing object creation up one level. A module can still implement its object as a black box, and you can still use reasonable programming style, but basically its too much of a pain to really hide the object, so the caller allocates it and passes it down, rather than the module allocating it and returning it back up. You usually punt on getters and setters, or implement them as macros.
Consider also that all of those abstractions you mentioned are a relatively thin layer on top of ordinary structs, so you aren't really very far away from what you want to do. It just isn't packaged quite as nicely.
The C toolkit consists of functions, function pointers and macros. Function pointers can be used to emulate polymorphism.
You are taking the reverse trip old C programmers did for learning OO.
Even before c++ was a standart OO techniquis were used in C.
They included defining structs with a pointer to srtuct (usually called this...)
Then defining pointer functions in the struct, and during runtime initialize those pointers to the relevant functions.
All those functions received as first paremeter the struct pointer this.
Don't think C in the complete OOP way. If you have to use C, you should learn procedural programming. Doing this would not take more time than learning how to realize all the OOP features in C. Furthermore, basic encapsulation is probably fine, but a lot of other OOP features come with overhead on performance when you mimic them (not when the language is designed to support OOP). The overhead may be huge if you strictly follow the C++ design methodology to represent every small things as objects. Programming languages have specific purposes in design. When you break the boundary, you always have to pay something as the cost.
Don't think you have to shelve your knowledge of object-oriented work - you can "program into the language".
I had to work in C after being primarily experienced in object-oriented work. C allows for some level of object concepts to pull through. At the job, I had to implement a red-black tree in C, for use in a sweep-line algorithm to find the intersection points in a set of segments. Since the algorithm used different comparison functions, I ended up using function pointers to achieve the same effect as lambdas in Scheme or delegates in C#. It worked well, and also allowed the balanced tree to be reusable.
The other feature of the balanced tree was using void pointers to store arbitrary data. Again, void and function pointers in C are a pain (if you don't know their ins and outs), but they can be used to approximate creating a generic data structure.
One final note: use the right tool for the job. If you want to use C simply to master procedural technique, then choose a problem that is well-suited to a procedural approach. I didn't have a choice in the matter (legacy application written in C, and people demand the world and refuse to enter the 21st century), so I had to be creative. C is great for low/medium abstractions from the machine, say if you wanted to write a command-line packet inspection program.
The standard way to do polymorphic behavior in C is to use function pointers. You'll find a lot of C APIs (such as the standard qsort(3) and bsearch(3)) take function pointers as parameters; some non-standard ones such as qsort_r take a function pointer and a context pointer (thunk in this case) which serves no purpose other than to be passed back to the callback function. The context pointer functions exactly like the this pointer in object-oriented languages, when dealing with function objects (e.g. functors).
See also:
Can you write object-oriented code in C?
Object-Orientation in C
Try not to use OOP in C. But if you need to, use structures. For the functions,
take a structure for an argument, like so:
typedef struct{
int age;
char* name;
char* dialog;
} Human;
void make_dialog(Human human){
char* dialog="Hi";
which works exactly like python's self, or something like that and to access other functions belonging to that class:
void get_dialog(Human human){
