extjs rowexpander plugin: expand one row at time - extjs

I'm using the RowExpander plugin with a nested grid in my app. I want to expand only one row at time so when I click on the '+' icon all the other rows have to collapse. How can I do that?

You should listen for the expandbody event of the rowexpander plugin, and keep track of the last expanded row. Whenever a new row is expanded use toggleRow to collapse the previously expanded row.
To toggle row:
grid.getPlugin( pluginId ).toggleRow(rowIndex)
To find if a row is collapsed (code adapted from RowExpander.js) - there may be a better way to do it..?
var rowExpander = grid.getPlugin( pluginId );
var rowNode = grid.getView().getNode(rowIdx);
var row = Ext.fly(rowNode, '_rowExpander');
var isCollapsed = row.hasCls(rowExpander.rowCollapsedCls);

For Ext 6.0.1 The following code might help you. I am happy to see if there are a more simple way of doing this.
var rowExpander = yourGrid.getPlugin('yourPluginId');
var expandedRecords = rowExpander.recordsExpanded;
var currentExpandedRecord;
var currentInternalId = 0; // start from 1
var currentIndex = -1; // start from 0
for(var prop in expandedRecords) {
if(expandedRecords.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
// expandedRecords is storing internal id,
// and internal id start form 1 in Ext 6.0.1
currentInternalId = parseInt(prop, 10);
if(currentInternalId && expandedRecords[prop] === true) {
// extjs 6.0.1 store data index start from 0
currentExpandedRecord = yourGrid.store.getByInternalId(currentInternalId);
currentIndex = yourGrid.store.indexOf(currentExpandedRecord);
rowExpander.toggleRow(currentIndex, currentExpandedRecord);
rowExpander.toggleRow(index, record);


Loop through Checkboxes in Kendo ui-Menu on Toolbar in Kendo Grid

I am trying to implement a Kendo ui-Menu in the toolbar of a Kendo Grid in Angular. I am manually creating the column list on the menu. I am able to show/hide the columns when clicking the checkboxes. I need to iterate through the checkboxes when the menu opens so that I can set checked/unchecked based on the options set on each column in the grid. The problem is that I don't know how to access the check/unchecked of the child nodes.
The code below gets all of the child nodes, but I don't know how to access their checked/unchecked values:
var columns = $(e.item).find(".k-item:not(:has(.k-group))");
I have a Dojo setup where the check/uncheck works, but I don't know how to access them from 'onOpen'. Any assistance is grealy appreciated.
First you have to find checkbox element and then you can get checkbox checked value by using .prop("checked") method.
So if you eg. want to switch checkboxes values on menu open you can use:
$scope.onOpen = function(e) {
var checkboxes = $(e.item).find(".k-item:not(:has(.k-group))").find("input[type='checkbox']");
for(var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++){
var checkbox = $(checkboxes[i]);
checkbox.prop("checked", !checkbox.prop("checked"));
Updated dojo: http://dojo.telerik.com/OnAXI
Thanks to Jarosław Kończak who put me on the right path, here is how I eventually was able to use the "hidden attribute" on my columns to set the checkboxes as checked or !checked by altering his suggestion just a little:
$scope.onOpen = function(e) {
var checkboxes = $(e.item).find(".k-item:not(:has(.k-group))").find("input[type='checkbox']");
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) {
var checkbox = $(checkboxes[i]);
if (checkbox.prop("checked")) {
var fieldData = checkbox.data("field");
var columns = $scope.SearchGrid.columns;
for (var x = 0; x < columns.length; x++) {
if (columns[x].field == fieldData) {
if (columns[x].hidden == true) {
checkbox.prop("checked", false);
Here is a working Dojo with dynamically created columns instead of the "manual" column list.

ui grid returning rows in the same order they are selected?

Hi am using UIgrid in an angularjs project and when I call the method gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows() to get the selected rows it returns an array with all the rows but in a random order. Ideally I want to get the rows in the same order they were selected (as if gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows() is backed by a queue) . Any idea how to achieve this please ?
This link to plunker shows the issue http://plnkr.co/edit/gD4hiEO2vFGXiTlyQCix?p=preview
You can implement the queue by yourself. Something like
$scope.gridOnRegisterApi = function(gridApi) {
gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged($scope, function(row) {
var selections =gridApi.selection.getSelectedRows();
// add sorted
if ($scope.mySelections.indexOf(s) === -1) {
// remove the ones that are not selected (use for to modify collection while iterating)
for (var i = $scope.mySelections.length; i >0; i--) {
if (selections.indexOf($scope.mySelections[i]) === -1) {
$scope.mySelections.splice(i, 1);
row.entity.firstSelection = false;
if (row.isSelected) row.entity.firstSelection = (gridApi.selection.getSelectedCount() == 1);
I think there is a bug with that version of angular I was using there , if you upgrade the version in the plnkr to 1.6.1 it will behave as expected

How to add legends in Amserial charts

I am using Amcharts in my AngularJS Application to create a simple bar chart.The following is my code in the controller:
let empChart;
let empBarGraph;
let empLine;
const writeemp = data => {
const {
} = data;
empChart.dataProvider = e;
var configChart = function () {
empChart = new AmCharts.AmSerialChart();
empChart.categoryField = "state";
empChart.labelRotation = 90;
var yAxis = new AmCharts.ValueAxis();
yAxis.position = "left";
empBarGraph = new AmCharts.AmGraph();
empBarGraph.valueField = "count";
empBarGraph.type = "column";
empBarGraph.fillAlphas = 1;
empBarGraph.lineColor = "#f0ab00";
empBarGraph.valueAxis = yAxis;
.then(response => writeemp(response.data));
Code in html:
<div class='panel-body'>
<div id="empChart"></div>
This would return me the values of State on x-axis and count on y-axis. I wanted to filter the chart based on the value of state and was not sure how to create the legends for this chart. could anyone suggest me on how to use legends. I want to create legends for the state value that is being returned.
You can add a legend using the OO-based syntax by creating a legend object through new AmCharts.AmLegend() and adding it to the class by calling the chart's addLegend method:
var legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();
If you want the legend to show values upon hovering over a column, you need to add a ChartCursor to your chart:
var cursor = new AmCharts.ChartCursor();
You can change what the legend displays upon column rollover by setting the valueText property. It allows for the same [shortcodes] used in fields like balloonText and labelText, e.g. legend.valueText = "[[category]]: [[value]]". You can also use set its valueFunction if you need to customize the text it returns dynamically like in your previous questions. All of the properties available in the legend object can be found in the AmLegend API documentation.
Legends work off of graph objects only, so there isn't an out of the box method that allows you to represent each column as a legend item that toggles the other columns' visibility unless you're willing to reorganize your dataset and use different graph objects for each state. A workaround for this is to use the the legend's custom data array and add some event handling so that clicking on the custom data items adds/removes a toggle by unsetting your count valueField in the dataProvider.
The following annotated code accomplishes what you're trying to do:
//create the legend but disable it until the dataProvider is populated,
//since you're retrieving your data using AJAX
var legend = new AmCharts.AmLegend();
legend.enabled = false;
chart.toggleLegend = false;
// Callback that handles clicks on the custom data entry markers and labels
var handleLegendClick = function(legendEvent) {
//Set a custom flag so that the dataUpdated event doesn't fire infinitely
legendEvent.chart.toggleLegend = true;
// The following toggles the markers on and off.
// The only way to "hide" a column is to unset the valueField at the data index,
// so a temporary "storedCount" property is added to the dataProvider that stores the
// original value so that the value can be restored when the legend marker is toggled
// back on
if (undefined !== legendEvent.dataItem.hidden && legendEvent.dataItem.hidden) {
legendEvent.dataItem.hidden = false;
legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].count = legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].storedCount; //restore the value
} else {
// toggle the marker off
legendEvent.dataItem.hidden = true;
legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].storedCount = legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].count; //store the value
legendEvent.chart.dataProvider[legendEvent.dataItem.stateIdx].count = undefined; //set to undefined to hide the column
legendEvent.chart.validateData(); //redraw the chart
chart.addListener('dataUpdated', function(e) {
var legendDataItems; //used to store the legend's custom data array.
if (e.chart.toggleLegend === true) {
//is the user toggling a legend marker? stop here as the dataProvider will get updated in handleLegendClick
e.chart.toggleLegend = false;
// if we're at this point, the data provider was updated.
// reconstruct the data array.
// initialize by grabbing the state, setting a color and stoing the index
// for toggline the columns later
legendDataItems = e.chart.dataProvider.map(function(dataElement, idx) {
return {
'title': dataElement.state,
'color': graph.lineColor,
'stateIdx': idx //used in toggling
// if the legend is not enabled, then we're setting this up for the first time.
// turn it on and attach the event handlers
if (e.chart.legend.enabled === false) {
e.chart.legend.enabled = true;
e.chart.legend.switchable = true;
e.chart.legend.addListener('clickMarker', handleLegendClick);
e.chart.legend.addListener('clickLabel', handleLegendClick);
// update the legend custom data and redraw the chart
e.chart.legend.data = legendDataItems;
Here's a fiddle that illustrates this: http://jsfiddle.net/g254sdq5/1/

How do I reset all filters in Extjs Grids?

How do I reset my ExtJS filters in my grids. More specifically, how do I get the header to honour the changes to the filtering.
ie. This works fine :
But the header rendering is all wrong. I need to get into all the menu objects and unselect the checkboxes.
I am getting pretty lost. I am pretty sure this gives me the filterItems :
var filterItems = grid.filters.filters.items;
And from each of these filter items, i can get to menu items like so :
var menuItems = filter.menu.items;
But that's as far as I can get. I am expecting some kind of checkbox object inside menu items, and then I can uncheck that checkbox, and hopefully the header rendering will then change.
I now have this code. The grid store has its filter cleared. Next I get the filterItems from grid.filters.filters.items and iterate over them. Then I call a function on each of the menu items.
var filterItems = grid.filters.filters.items;
for (var i = 0; i<filterItems.length; i++){
var filter = filterItems[i];
filter.menu.items.each(function(checkbox) {
if (checkbox.setChecked)
checkbox.setChecked(false, true);
The checkboxes do get called, but still nothing is happening :(
Try this code:
This should take care of both the grid and its underlying store.
When you do
it can only clear the filters on the store but the grid's view doesn't get updated with that call. Hence to handle it automatically for both the grid's view as well as the grid's store, just use
Hope it helps!
Your update help me but you forget the case where you have input text instead of checkbox.
So this is my addition of your solution:
var filterItems = grid.filters.filters.items;
for (var i = 0; i<filterItems.length; i++){
var filter = filterItems[i];
filter.menu.items.each(function(element) {
if (element.setChecked) {
element.setChecked(false, true);
if(typeof element.getValue !== "undefined" && element.getValue() !== "") {
When you use grid wiht gridfilters plugin
and inovoke
it reset applyed filters, but it don't clean value in textfield inside menu.
For clean textfield text you can try this:
const plugin = grid.getPlugin('gridfilters');
let activeFilter;
if('activeFilterMenuItem' in plugin) {
activeFilter = plugin.activeFilterMenuItem.activeFilter
if (activeFilter && activeFilter.type === "string") {

hidden true in extjs need to have same functionality as that of hide column

I have overridden the hide column functionality of extjs which is working fine. When the column is given hidden:true, during first time page load my hide functionality is not working. When i do hide/show column, it is working. Need to have the same functionality enabled during page load too
columnhide: function() {
var cell = this.getEl().query('.x-grid-cell-inner');
var collen = grid.columns.length;
var i = 1;
for (var y = i; y < cell.length; y = y + collen) {
for (var x = 0; x < cell.length; x++) {
if (x == y) {
cell[x].style.display= "none";
You're right, the columnhide event fires only when a column is hidden after it has been rendered.
The simplest way to make your current code work would be to call hide() on the column, instead of using the hidden option.
Replacing hidden: true with the following in the column config will do the trick:
,listeners: {
// we want to catch the event only the first time it is fired
single: true
,afterrender: function() {
This code will add a listener to the column you want to hide, and after the column is rendered, it will call its hide() method. That will trigger your event, etc.
