Why does MSVS not optimize away +0? [duplicate] - c

This question already has answers here:
Why does Clang optimize away x * 1.0 but NOT x + 0.0?
(2 answers)
Closed 8 months ago.
This question demonstrates a very interesting phenomenon: denormalized floats slow down the code more than an order of magnitude.
The behavior is well explained in the accepted answer. However, there is one comment, with currently 153 upvotes, that I cannot find satisfactory answer to:
Why isn't the compiler just dropping the +/- 0 in this case?!? –
Michael Dorgan
Side note: I have the impression that 0f is/must be exactly representable (furthermore - it's binary representation must be all zeroes), but can't find such a claim in the c11 standard. A quote proving this, or argument disproving this claim, would be most welcome. Regardless, Michael's question is the main question here.
An implementation may give zero and values that are not floating-point
numbers (such as infinities and NaNs) a sign or may leave them

The compiler cannot eliminate the addition of a floating-point positive zero because it is not an identity operation. By IEEE 754 rules, the result of adding +0. to −0. is not −0.; it is +0.
The compiler may eliminate the subtraction of +0. or the addition of −0. because those are identity operations.
For example, when I compile this:
double foo(double x) { return x + 0.; }
with Apple GNU C 4.2.1 using -O3 on an Intel Mac, the resulting assembly code contains addsd LC0(%rip), %xmm0. When I compile this:
double foo(double x) { return x - 0.; }
there is no add instruction; the assembly merely returns its input.
So, it is likely the code in the original question contained an add instruction for this statement:
y[i] = y[i] + 0;
but contained no instruction for this statement:
y[i] = y[i] - 0;
However, the first statement involved arithmetic with subnormal values in y[i], so it was sufficient to slow down the program.

It is not the zero constant 0.0f that is denormalized, it is the values that approach zero each iteration of the loop. As they become closer and closer to zero, they need more precision to represent, hence the denormalization. In the original question, these are the y[i] values.
The crucial difference between the slow and fast versions of the code is the statement y[i] = y[i] + 0.1f;. As soon as this line is executed, the extra precision in the float is lost, and the denormalization needed to represent that precision is no longer needed. Afterwards, floating point operations on y[i] remain fast because they aren't denormalized.
Why is the extra precision lost when you add 0.1f? Because floating point numbers only have so many significant digits. Say you have enough storage for three significant digits, then 0.00001 = 1e-5, and 0.00001 + 0.1 = 0.1, at least for this example float format, because it doesn't have room to store the least significant bit in 0.10001.


How should I obtain the fractional part of a floating-point value?

I have a variable x of type float, and I need its fractional part. I know I can get it with
x - floorf(x), or
fmodf(x, 1.0f)
My questions: Is one of these always preferable to the other? Are they effectively the same? Is there a third alternative I might consider?
If the answer depends on the processor I'm using, let's make it x86_64, and if you can elaborate about other processors that would be nice.
Please make sure and refer to the behavior on negative values of x. I don't mind this behavior or that, but I need to know what the behavior is.
Is there a third alternative I might consider?
There's the dedicated function for it. modff exists to decompose a number into its integral and fractional parts.
float modff( float arg, float* iptr );
Decomposes given floating point value arg into integral and fractional
parts, each having the same type and sign as arg. The integral part
(in floating-point format) is stored in the object pointed to by iptr.
I'd say that x - floorf(x) is pretty good (exact), except in corner cases
it has the wrong sign bit for negative zero or any other negative whole float
(we might expect the fraction part to wear the same sign bit).
it does not work that well with inf
modff does respect -0.0 sign bit for both int and frac part, and answer +/-0.0 for +/-inf fraction part - at least if implementation supports the IEC 60559 standard (IEEE 754).
A rationale for inf could be: since every float greater than 2^precision has a null fraction part, then it must be true for infinite float too.
That's minor, but nonetheless different.
EDIT Err, of course as pointed by #StoryTeller-UnslanderMonica the most obvious flaw of x - floor(x) is for the case of negative floating point with a fraction part, because applied to -2.25, it would return +0.75 for example, which is not what we expect...
Since c99 label is used, x - truncf(x) would be more correct, but still suffer from the minor problems onto which I initially focused.

Simple floating point multiplication not giving expected result [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is floating point math broken?
(31 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
When given the input 150, I expect the output to be the mathematically correct answer 70685.7750, but I am getting the wrong output 70685.7812.
int main()
float A,n,R;
float and double numbers are not represented very accurately in the memory. The main reason is that the memory is limited, and most non-integers are not.
The best example is PI. You can specify as many digits as you want, but it will still be an approximation.
The limited precision of representing the numbers is the reason of the following rule:
when working with floats and double numbers, not not check for equality (m == n), but check that the difference between them is smaller than a certain error ((m-n) < e)
Please note, as mentioned in the comments too, that the above rule is not "the mother rule of all rules". There are other rules also.
Careful analysis must be done for each particular situation, in order to have a properly working application.
(Thanks #EricPostpischil for the reminder)
It is common for a variable of type float to be an IEEE-754 32-bit floating point number.
The number 3.14159 cannot be stored exactly in an IEEE-754 32-bit float - the closest value is approximately 3.14159012. 150 * 150 * 3.14159012 is 70685.7777, and the closest value to this that can be represented in a 32-bit float is 70685.78125, which you are then printing with %.4f so you see 70685.7812.
Another way of thinking about this is that your n value only ends up being accurate to the sixth significant figure, so - as you are just calculating a series of multiplications - your result is also only acccurate to the sixth significant figure (ie 70685.8). (In the general case this can be worse - for example subtraction of two close values can lead to a large increase in the relative error).
If you switch to using variables of type double (and change the scanf() to use %lf), then you will likely get the answer you are after. double is typically a 64-bit float, which means that the error in the representation of your n values and the result is small enough not to affect the fourth decimal place.
Have you heard that float and double values aren't always perfectly accurate, have limited precision? Have you heard that type float gives you the equivalent of only about 7 decimal digits' worth of precision? This is what that means. Your expected and actual answers, 70685.7750 and 70685.7812, differ in the seventh digit, just about as expected.
I expect the output to be the mathematically correct answer
I am sorry to disappoint you, but that's your mistake. As a general rule, when you're doing floating-point arithmetic, you will never get the mathematically correct answer, you will always get a limited-precision approximation of the mathematically correct answer.
The canonical SO answers to this sort of question are collected at Is floating point math broken?. You might want to read some of those answers for more enlightenment.

Clang reciprocal to 1 optimisations

After a discussion with colleagues, I ended up testing wether if clang would optimize two divisions, with a reciprocal to 1, to a single division.
const float x = a / b; //x not used elsewhere
const float y = 1 / x;
Theoretically clang could optimize to const float y = b / a if x is used only as a temporary step value, no?
Here's the input&output of a simple test case: https://gist.github.com/Jiboo/d6e839084841d39e5ab6 (in both ouputs you can see that it's performing the two divisions, instead of optimizing)
This related question, is behind my comprehension and seem to focus only on why a specific instruction isn't used, whereas in my case it's the optimisation that isn't done: Why does GCC or Clang not optimise reciprocal to 1 instruction when using fast-math
No, clang can not do that.
But first, why are you using float? float has six digits precision, double has 15. Unless you have a good reason, that you can explain, use double.
1 / (a / b) in floating-point arithmetic is not the same as b / a. What the compiler has to do, is in the first case:
Divide a by b
Round the result to the nearest floating-point number
Divide 1 by the result
Round the result to the nearest floating-point number.
In the second case:
Divide b by a.
Round the result to the nearest floating-point number.
The compiler can only change the code if the result is guaranteed to be the same, and if the compiler writer cannot produce a mathematical proof that the result is the same, the compiler cannot change the code. There are two rounding operations in the first case, rounding different numbers, so it is unlikely that the result can be guaranteed to be the same.
The compiler doesn't think like a mathematician. Where you think simplifying the expression is trivial mathematically, the compiler has a lot of other things to consider. It is actually quite likely that the compiler is much smarter than the programmer and also knows far more about the C standard.
Something like this is probably what goes through the optimizing compiler's "mind":
Ah they wrote a / b but only use x at one place, so we don't have to allocate that variable on the stack. I'll remove it and use a CPU register.
Hmm, integer literal 1 divided with a float variable. Okay, we have to invoke balancing here before anything else and turn that literal into a float 1.0f.
The programmer is counting on me to generate code that contains the potential floating point inaccuracy involved in dividing 1.0f with another float variable! So I can't just swap this expression with b / a because then that floating point inaccuracy that the programmer seems to want here would be lost.
And so on. There's a lot of considerations. What machine code you end up with is hard to predict in advance. Just know that the compiler follows your instructions to the letter.

How to avoid floating point round off error in unit tests?

I'm trying to write unit tests for some simple vector math functions that operate on arrays of single precision floating point numbers. The functions use SSE intrinsics and I'm getting false positives (at least I think) when running the tests on a 32-bit system (the tests pass on 64-bit). As the operation runs through the array, I accumulate more and more round off error. Here is a snippet of unit test code and output (my actual question(s) follow):
Test Setup:
static const int N = 1024;
static const float MSCALAR = 42.42f;
static void setup(void) {
input = _mm_malloc(sizeof(*input) * N, 16);
ainput = _mm_malloc(sizeof(*ainput) * N, 16);
output = _mm_malloc(sizeof(*output) * N, 16);
expected = _mm_malloc(sizeof(*expected) * N, 16);
memset(output, 0, sizeof(*output) * N);
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
input[i] = i * 0.4f;
ainput[i] = i * 2.1f;
expected[i] = (input[i] * MSCALAR) + ainput[i];
My main test code then calls the function to be tested (which does the same calculation used to generate the expected array) and checks its output against the expected array generated above. The check is for closeness (within 0.0001) not equality.
Sample output:
0.000000 0.000000 delta: 0.000000
44.419998 44.419998 delta: 0.000000
...snip 100 or so lines...
2043.319946 2043.319946 delta: 0.000000
2087.739746 2087.739990 delta: 0.000244
...snip 100 or so lines...
4086.639893 4086.639893 delta: 0.000000
4131.059570 4131.060059 delta: 0.000488
4175.479492 4175.479980 delta: 0.000488
...etc, etc...
I know I have two problems:
On 32-bit machines, differences between 387 and SSE floating point arithmetic units. I believe 387 uses more bits for intermediate values.
Non-exact representation of my 42.42 value that I'm using to generate expected values.
So my question is, what is the proper way to write meaningful and portable unit tests for math operations on floating point data?
*By portable I mean should pass on both 32 and 64 bit architectures.
Per a comment, we see that the function being tested is essentially:
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
D[i] = A[i] * b + C[i];
where A[i], b, C[i], and D[i] all have type float. When referring to the data of a single iteration, I will use a, c, and d for A[i], C[i], and D[i].
Below is an analysis of what we could use for an error tolerance when testing this function. First, though, I want to point out that we can design the test so that there is no error. We can choose the values of A[i], b, C[i], and D[i] so that all the results, both final and intermediate results, are exactly representable and there is no rounding error. Obviously, this will not test the floating-point arithmetic, but that is not the goal. The goal is to test the code of the function: Does it execute instructions that compute the desired function? Simply choosing values that would reveal any failures to use the right data, to add, to multiply, or to store to the right location will suffice to reveal bugs in the function. We trust that the hardware performs floating-point correctly and are not testing that; we just want to test that the function was written correctly. To accomplish this, we could, for example, set b to a power of two, A[i] to various small integers, and C[i] to various small integers multiplied by b. I could detail limits on these values more precisely if desired. Then all results would be exact, and any need to allow for a tolerance in comparison would vanish.
That aside, let us proceed to error analysis.
The goal is to find bugs in the implementation of the function. To do this, we can ignore small errors in the floating-point arithmetic, because the kinds of bugs we are seeking almost always cause large errors: The wrong operation is used, the wrong data is used, or the result is not stored in the desired location, so the actual result is almost always very different from the expected result.
Now the question is how much error should we tolerate? Because bugs will generally cause large errors, we can set the tolerance quite high. However, in floating-point, “high” is still relative; an error of one million is small compared to values in the trillions, but it is too high to discover errors when the input values are in the ones. So we ought to do at least some analysis to decide the level.
The function being tested will use SSE intrinsics. This means it will, for each i in the loop above, either perform a floating-point multiply and a floating-point add or will perform a fused floating-point multiply-add. The potential errors in the latter are a subset of the former, so I will use the former. The floating-point operations for a*b+c do some rounding so that they calculate a result that is approximately a•b+c (interpreted as an exact mathematical expression, not floating-point). We can write the exact value calculated as (a•b•(1+e0)+c)•(1+e1) for some errors e0 and e1 with magnitudes at most 2-24, provided all the values are in the normal range of the floating-point format. (2-24 is the maximum relative error that can occur in any correctly rounded elementary floating-point operation in round-to-nearest mode in the IEEE-754 32-bit binary floating-point format. Rounding in round-to-nearest mode changes the mathematical value by at most half the value of the least significant bit in the significand, which is 23 bits below the most significant bit.)
Next, we consider what value the test program produces for its expected value. It uses the C code d = a*b + c;. (I have converted the long names in the question to shorter names.) Ideally, this would also calculate a multiply and an add in IEEE-754 32-bit binary floating-point. If it did, then the result would be identical to the function being tested, and there would be no need to allow for any tolerance in comparison. However, the C standard allows implementations some flexibility in performing floating-point arithmetic, and there are non-conforming implementations that take more liberties than the standard allows.
A common behavior is for an expression to be computed with more precision than its nominal type. Some compilers may calculate a*b + c using double or long double arithmetic. The C standard requires that results be converted to the nominal type in casts or assignments; extra precision must be discarded. If the C implementation is using extra precision, then the calculation proceeds: a*b is calculated with extra precision, yielding exactly a•b, because double and long double have enough precision to exactly represent the product of any two float values. A C implementation might then round this result to float. This is unlikely, but I allow for it anyway. However, I also dismiss it because it moves the expected result to be closer to the result of the function being tested, and we just need to know the maximum error that can occur. So I will continue, with the worse (more distant) case, that the result so far is a•b. Then c is added, yielding (a•b+c)•(1+e2) for some e2 with magnitude at most 2-53 (the maximum relative error of normal numbers in the 64-bit binary format). Finally, this value is converted to float for assignment to d, yielding (a•b+c)•(1+e2)•(1+e3) for some e3 with magnitude at most 2-24.
Now we have expressions for the exact result computed by a correctly operating function, (a•b•(1+e0)+c)•(1+e1), and for the exact result computed by the test code, (a•b+c)•(1+e2)•(1+e3), and we can calculate a bound on how much they can differ. Simple algebra tells us the exact difference is a•b•(e0+e1+e0•e1-e2-e3-e2•e3)+c•(e1-e2-e3-e2•e3). This is a simple function of e0, e1, e2, and e3, and we can see its extremes occur at endpoints of the potential values for e0, e1, e2, and e3. There are some complications due to interactions between possibilities for the signs of the values, but we can simply allow some extra error for the worst case. A bound on the maximum magnitude of the difference is |a•b|•(3•2-24+2-53+2-48)+|c|•(2•2-24+2-53+2-77).
Because we have plenty of room, we can simplify that, as long as we do it in the direction of making the values larger. E.g., it might be convenient to use |a•b|•3.001•2-24+|c|•2.001•2-24. This expression should suffice to allow for rounding in floating-point calculations while detecting nearly all implementation errors.
Note that the expression is not proportional to the final value, a*b+c, as calculated either by the function being tested or by the test program. This means that, in general, tests using a tolerance relative to the final values calculated by the function being tested or by the test program are wrong. The proper form of a test should be something like this:
double tolerance = fabs(input[i] * MSCALAR) * 0x3.001p-24 + fabs(ainput[i]) * 0x2.001p-24;
double difference = fabs(output[i] - expected[i]);
if (! (difference < tolerance))
// Report error here.
In summary, this gives us a tolerance that is larger than any possible differences due to floating-point rounding, so it should never give us a false positive (report the test function is broken when it is not). However, it is very small compared to the errors caused by the bugs we want to detect, so it should rarely give us a false negative (fail to report an actual bug).
(Note that there are also rounding errors computing the tolerance, but they are smaller than the slop I have allowed for in using .001 in the coefficients, so we can ignore them.)
(Also note that ! (difference < tolerance) is not equivalent to difference >= tolerance. If the function produces a NaN, due to a bug, any comparison yields false: both difference < tolerance and difference >= tolerance yield false, but ! (difference < tolerance) yields true.)
On 32-bit machines, differences between 387 and SSE floating point arithmetic units. I believe 387 uses more bits for intermediate values.
If you are using GCC as 32-bit compiler, you can tell it to generate SSE2 code still with options -msse2 -mfpmath=sse. Clang can be told to do the same thing with one of the two options and ignores the other one (I forget which). In both cases the binary program should implement strict IEEE 754 semantics, and compute the same result as a 64-bit program that also uses SSE2 instructions to implement strict IEEE 754 semantics.
Non-exact representation of my 42.42 value that I'm using to generate expected values.
The C standard says that a literal such as 42.42f must be converted to either the floating-point number immediately above or immediately below the number represented in decimal. Moreover, if the literal is representable exactly as a floating-point number of the intended format, then this value must be used. However, a quality compiler (such as GCC) will give you(*) the nearest representable floating-point number, of which there is only one, so again, this is not a real portability issue as long as you are using a quality compiler (or at the very least, the same compiler).
Should this turn out to be a problem, a solution is to write an exact representation of the constants you intend. Such an exact representation can be very long in decimal format (up to 750 decimal digits for the exact representation of a double) but is always quite compact in C99's hexadecimal format: 0x1.535c28p+5 for the exact representation of the float nearest to 42.42. A recent version of the static analysis platform for C programs Frama-C can provide the hexadecimal representation of all inexact decimal floating-point constants with option -warn-decimal-float:all.
(*) barring a few conversion bugs in older GCC versions. See Rick Regan's blog for details.

Why does this floating-point loop terminate at 1,000,000?

The answer to this sample homework problem is "1,000,000", but I do not understand why:
What is the output of the following code?
int main(void) {
float k = 1;
while (k != k + 1) {
k = k + 1;
printf(“%g”, k); // %g means output a floating point variable in decimal
If the program runs indefinitely but produces no output, write INFINITE LOOP as the answer to the question. All of the programs compile and run. They may or may not contain serious errors, however. You should assume that int is four bytes. You should assume that float has the equivalent of six decimal digits of precision. You may round your answer off to the nearest power of 10 (e.g., you can say 1,000 instead of 210 (i.e., 1024)).
I do not understand why the loop would ever terminate.
It doesn't run forever for the simple reason that floating point numbers are not perfect.
At some point, k will become big enough so that adding 1 to it will have no effect.
At that point, k will be equal to k+1 and your loop will exit.
Floating point numbers can be differentiated by a single unit only when they're in a certain range.
As an example, let's say you have an integer type with 3 decimal digits of precision for a positive integer and a single-decimal-digit exponent.
With this, you can represent the numbers 0 through 999 perfectly as 000x100 through 999x100 (since 100 is 1):
What happens when you want to represent 1000? You need to use 100x101. This is still represented perfectly.
However, there is no accurate way to represent 1001 with this scheme, the next number you can represent is 101x101 which is 1010.
So, when you add 1 to 1000, you'll get the closest match which is 1000.
The code is using a float variable.
As specified in the question, float has 6 digits of precision, meaning that any digits after the sixth will be inaccurate. Therefore, once you pass a million, the final digit will be inaccurate, so that incrementing it can have no effect.
The output of this program is not specified by the C standard, since the semantics of the float type are not specified. One likely result (what you will get on a platform for which float arithmetic is evaluated in IEEE-754 single precision) is 2^24.
All integers smaller than 2^24 are exactly representable in single precision, so the computation will not stop before that point. The next representable single precision number after 2^24, however, is 2^24 + 2. Since 2^24 + 1 is exactly halfway between that number and 2^24, in the default IEEE-754 rounding mode it rounds to the one whose trailing bit is zero, which is 2^24.
Other likely answers include 2^53 and 2^64. Still other answers are possible. Infinity (the floating-point value) could result on a platform for which the default rounding mode is round up, for example. As others have noted, an infinite loop is also possible on platforms that evaluate floating-point expressions in a wider type (which is the source of all sorts of programmer confusion, but allowed by the C standard).
Actually, on most C compilers, this will run forever (infinite loop), though the precise behavior is implementation defined.
The reason that most compilers will give an infinite loop is that they evaluate all floating point expressions at double precision and only round values back to float (single) precision when storing into a variable. So when the value of k gets to about 2^24, k == k + 1 will still evaluate as false (as a double can hold the value k+1 without rounding), but the k = k + 1 assignment will be a noop, as k+1 needs to be rounded to fit into a float
gcc on x86 gets this infinite loop behavior. Interestingly on x64 it does not, as it uses sse instructions which do the comparison in float precision.
