Sencha Command Issue - extjs

Good Evening, I have a problem and have not found a solution to the CMD Sencha, Sencha SDK Tools installed and Sencha Command and am trying to develop with Sencha Touch but when I attempt to "sencha app build production" but a problem occurs:
And I tried a lot and have not found a solution yet

Do you have ruby installed on your system? If you do then the error probably has to do with your version of ruby. Make sure you are using version 1.9.3

Take a look in this link:
Error building application in Sencha Architect
It´s works for me ! Note: You have to restart the windows !


Sencha Architect "Unable to open your app.json file"

I've been trying to follow Sencha's basic tutorial on Sencha Architect with the Sencha Architect trial version, but I've been stuck on the step of the tutorial titled, "Save Your Project". I've been encountering this error in the Sencha Architect Logs every time I save my new projects:
As the error suggests, there was no "app.json" generated by Sencha Architect:
The "CMD Output Tab" also produces this output upon saving the Sencha Architect project:
[INF] Initializing empty workspace at C:\Users\marco\source\sencha-sandbox\Test2
[INF] Copying framework to C:\Users\marco\source\sencha-sandbox\Test2\ext
[INF] Added framework ext to workspace.json
[ERR] The specified string cannot be converted into a valid namespace identifier
Exception in thread "Thread-13"
com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException: com.sencha.exceptions.ExState: Invalid namespace : Test2
If it makes any difference, I am using the latest versions of Java JDK (17.0.1) and Ruby (3.0.2p107).
Here is a selection of some of the things I've tried to resolve the issue, none of which have worked:
Restart windows ❌
Recreate project ❌
Create new project with Ext JS 6.0.x, instead of the latest version ❌
Reinstall everything and try following the tutorial again on a
completely new instance of Windows 10 ❌
What I have been able to do successfully is create and run a project through the Sencha CMD following the Sencha CMD tutorial, so I find it interesting that the Sencha CMD-generated project works perfectly fine, yet my Sencha Architect Trial version cannot create a functioning project.
I got into contact with one of Sencha's engineers today, who helped me to resolve this:
When Sencha Architect (v4.2.9) installed with CMD, the CMD version (v7.3.0.19) that was automatically installed alongside Sencha Architect was causing this error.
To fix this version issue, within Sencha Architect, I had to go to menu at Edit > Preferences > Dependencies, and change the default "Custom Cmd Base Path" from
to the install location of the standalone Sencha CMD
After doing that, you re-launch Sencha Architect, and Sencha Architect will ask you to update Sencha CMD, which you proceed with. From there, it seems that all your future projects should be good to go without issue.

There was an issue communication with the cmd server.Check to make sure you have the latest version of cmd installed

I have upgrade a solution which was developed in Exts JS 4 with sencha architect 3 to Exts JS 5 using sencha architech 3.1.After upgrading ,i am getting following error.
"There was an issue communication with the cmd server.Check to make sure you have the latest version of cmd installed."
Could someone help me????
I had this issue and I resolved it by running the sencha CMD server.
I was able to start it up using the instructions from:
I imagine there is more info on this in the Sencha documentation but this seemed to make the error go away for me.
I had to download and install the Java JDK form Oracle.
Java SE Development Kit 8
Mine is running on a Mac OS X Yosemite.
And i was using Sencha Architect 3.2

Ext JS 4: Sencha CMD issues

Ok, I've been trying and trying my hardest to build a simple application with the Sencha CMD tool. I've tried this with versions 4.0.7 (located on Sencha website), 4.1.0 (here), 4.1.1 (here), and 4.2.1 (Sencha website) with varying results but no success. When I issue the commands:
sencha -sdk extjs-4.0.7 generate workspace ext407
sencha -sdk extjs-4.1.0 generate workspace ext410
sencha -sdk extjs-4.1.1 generate workspace ext411
I get a directory with only the empty directory packages. As I've read the documentation, my directories should have ext and packages. When I issue sencha -sdk ext- generate workspace ext421, I get the proper folders. However, when I take the next step:
cd ext421
sencha -sdk ext generate app ThemeDemoApp appDemo
per the Theming Guide, it appears to fail, even though I get my ext421 directory. I say it appears to fail because this is the error I get:
[INF] Loading classpath entry /var/www/html/applications/web/ext421/ext/src
/home/ec2-user/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ line 58: 19461 Killed
java $jvmArgs -jar $BASEDIR/sencha.jar "$#"
And it looks like my sass/config.rb is a bit unfinished...
cur_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
output_style = :nested
I'm running Ruby 1.9.3, Sencha CMD, and Java 1.7.0_25. I'm also on a 64-bit Amazon Linux AMI instance.
I'm so confused what the problem is... I have this working on my work laptop (Mac OSX Lion), but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong on my ec2 instance. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Cross posted from Sencha forums.
I have no idea what I did, but I diffed sencha and sencha- the only difference was the end of the file, indicating that the sencha binary did not have a newline at the end. I did a hexdump on both of the files, and sure enough, it did not. I edited the file and added one by just hitting return at the end of the file. This seemed to make the file happy.
Now, I've gone back and removed this newline, and the file still runs. Baffling. I have no idea why it's working... I even went back and re-ran the installer, now it works. Maybe I'm just going crazy?
There's been a great deal of discussing this topic in the Sencha thread I started... it kind of sounds like Java is running out of memory, but we're not 100% sure on this diagnosis. If someone comes up with a better answer, I'll mark that.
Why do you need to generate workspaces and applications on EC2 instance? Use source control repository instead, generate the files once on your laptop and check them in so you don't have to repeat this every time
Sencha Cmd is compatible with Ext JS 4.1.1a+ and 4.2.x, so no luck with other versions
Not quite sure about Ruby compatibility issues, their versioning system is weird; in Linux Cmd worked for me with Ruby 1.8.7.

Sencha Touch CMD installation issues

I have a MAMP server running on the Mac.
in the directory path: /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/MyApp/sencha-touch-2.2.0-gpl/ my SDK is copied.
I downloaded the latest Sencha CMD tool from the sencha touch website: for Mac version 3.1.1 for Mac
On installing the Sencha CMD tools: I chose Administrator/bin/ folder to install it into. It got installed successfully.
After that, I opened the Terminal window of the Mac, navigated to the SDK folder and typed the sencha command. I got the following issues:
The Sencha CMD is not reflecting the correct version.
Also, the same warning error pops up when I try to create a new Sencha App.
Could anyone please guide the correct method of installing Sencha CMD or is there any thing I have missed out?
Ankit Tanna.
For me it's all in ~/.bash_profile.
Open it with a text editor. Then you should remove the path to the SDK tools and add the path to the Sencha CMD if it's not there yet.
For example, in my ~/.bash_profile, I have
# export PATH=/Users/titouanvanbelle/bin/Sencha/Cmd/$PATH
export PATH=/Users/titouanvanbelle/bin/Sencha/Cmd/$PATH
I commented the path to an older version instead of removing it in case I need it again.
Hope this helps
I have the same problem with the bash
I do that you said but the only way that I can activate sencha is create an alias

Installing Sencha Touch 2 framework

I've a problem with getting Sencha Touch to work. I'm using a MacBook Pro and it's really been a hell installing this framework. Sencha don't seem to have any documentation that fits the latest version of their product and there is no way for me to download an older version from their website. Therefore I need your help!
I've downloaded Sencha SDK, SDKTools and their Cmd-software. The version of the SDK is 2.1.1, the SDKTools is 2.0.0 and I dont know the version of the cmd-software. All three softwares is however the latest from Senchas webpage.
I've placed the SDK under the root of the web server, and I've also installed the SDKTools in the root.
This is the structure I'm currently using:
Root of webbserver:
- SDKTools
The SDK works in the way that I can surf into it, by using my browser into the "SDK"-folder. On that page I can view examples of Sencha applications.
When I go the SDK folder via the Terminal, and type "Sencha" - I get the error:
[WARN] The current working directory (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/SDK) is not a recognized Sencha SDK or application folder. Running in backwards compatible mode.
I've googled this and tried the following actions:
1. Placed the SDKTools in the same folder as the SDK.
2. Created a systemfile named .senchasdk with the content "sdk".
3. Created a systemfile named .senchasdk with the content ".".
The first option, naturally doesn't work (didn't differ anything from the previous setup). The 2nd and 3rd action resulted in compilationerrors when typing Sencha in the SDK-folder. Example down below:
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Cannot find module '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/SDK/command/sencha.js'
at Function._resolveFilename (module.js:332:11)
at Function._load (module.js:279:25)
at Array.0 (module.js:479:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:192:40)
I've also tried typing "Sencha" from the SDKTools folder, but that doesn't work either. I don't know what this problem comes from and can't find any other solutions to solve this. Does anyone know? Or have any suggestions on solution or part of solution?
Sencha Touch 2.1 doesn't work with SDK Tools anymore. The documentation bundled with Sencha Touch 2.1 is not up-to-date. Here is the good documentation :!/guide/command
On their website, you can download the 2.0 version of the Sencha CMD tool which is used instead of SDKTools nowadays. However, if you use the 2.0 version you will meet nothing but trouble since that is outdated. The latest version as of right now is 3.1 and can only be downloadable from your account at, and not from the download page when not logged in.
