Adding WPF UserControl to Winform project - wpf

When I try to right click on the project and Add->New Item-> WPF it say to me "No items found".I want to add WPF UserControl to a Winform project. I have this problem only with this project, when I open a new project I can add WPF Usercontrol...I use VS 2010. 10x

see this articls .... it may helps


How do I add a new WPF UserControl to my .NetCore 3.1 application?

How do I create a WPF UserControl using .Net Core 3.1 in Visual Studio 2019?
I looked through the default templates available in "Add .. New .. Dialog," but I don't seem to see it.
Am I missing something?
Do I need to add it from a the command line?
I've got the DevExpress WPF/.Net Core packages installed and can add a DevExpress flavoured UserControl.
I'm able to create/add one of those from the installed templates.
How do I do so in vanilla .NetCore/WPF
Same as WinForms...compile your code, open Toolbox, drag it from there onto either your designer page or into the XAML code directly.

Adding a WPF form to a library in visual studio express

I managed to create a WPF project, but for some reason, when instead I am in a library project and I try 'Add Item', then go to WPF, there is only one thing I can add, which is a user control.
I am not clear what a user control is, but clearly it has no 'Show' method.
If instead I tried copying the mainwindow from my WPF project to the library project, but then it would not compile (and I added missing references).
Am I doing something wrong, or is Visual Studio Express for Desktop just not featuring a WPF form?
EDIT: it seems I am after a WPF window instead (as per the Mainwindow : window class that gets generated when creating a new WPF app), not a form.

User controls are not available in the toolbox in VS2010

I have created the WPF user control and WPF window in class library project. Controls are public.
These controls are available for other project of the same solution. I can see them in the toolbox of the VS2010 when i add project reference from the WPF application project.
However, when i create some WPF application project outside the solution and add reference to the my user control library project, the controls do not appear in the toolbox! (My applications XAML file is open when I try to see them in toolbox to drag-drop on the application's main XAML)
What makes the controls avilable to the outside world when their assembly is referenced by the consumers?
Try right clicking on the toolbox and selecting Choose Items From that form click browse and select your DLL. That should put the controls in the toolbox for you.
I think the problem is that in your new WPF project you need to set an XML namespace where you reference your user control library. Then you can use your controls in the XAML.
For example :
thats an xml namespace definition in the XAML:
And how you can use a control from this control library
< toolkit:ListPicker />
I hope this will help you.
Right click inside the toolbox and select "Show All".

how to add a WPF dialog to a Winforms project

I am using Visual Studio 2008 targeting .net 3.5 framework. I need to add a WPF dialog to a Winforms project. I was thinking that by adding reference to PresentationCore, PresentationFramework and WindowsBase.dll and copying a WPF dialog from a test WPF project to the WinForms project in question should do the trick, but after that when I try to open in designer a WinForms dialog studio just crashes and closes.
So basically the question is how to add a WPF dialog to a WinForms project?
Create the dialog as a WPF UserControl Library. Add it to the Windows Form application by using Project->Add Existing Item. Add an ElementHost component to the Windows Forms form. Set the HostedContent of the ElementHost to the WPF User Control.
This link may help you:

Stop silverlight or wpf usercontrols from loading in the toolbox?

I have a project with 100's of usercontrols. When I load the project in VS2010 and try to open a designer, the toolbox spins and spins until they're all loaded.
Winforms has a "AutoToolboxPopulate" switch under Tools/Options/Winddows Forms Designer/General.
I cannot find a similar switch for the XAML designer. Does one exist?
In VS2010, the Auto Populate Toolbox switch for XAML can be found under Tools/Options/Text Editor/XAML/Miscellaneous.
If you wish to keep the Auto Populate enabled, you can decorate your usercontrol classes with the System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute which will allow you to specify if they appear or not in the designer.
Unfortunately there isn't one that I am aware of, with the exception of actually adding a design-time (*.Design.dll) assembly for the project that effectively defines metadata to hide the explicit controls.
This bit me as well recently and I wish I had a solution like the old winforms attribute!
