Best practices for initializing and deconstructing controllers - extjs

When building an application what is the best way to setup your controllers?
I understand that routing, event listeners, and most all interactivity should be managed by the controllers, but my main controller is starting to grow out of control and I'm not sure how to best separate my logic into separate controllers without keeping them all "running" all the time...

It's okay to have them all loaded at app start-up, even with hundreds thousands of controllers. It's the view rendering that takes time.
Make sure your app is minimized and concatenated though, using sencha cmd.
In a test, I created 1000 simple controllers, like this:
Ext.define('app.controller.ControllerN', {
extend: '',
init: function(application) {
buttonN1: {
click: function() {
buttonN2: {
... 20 listeners
I concatenated them into one file, and loaded them in app.js like this:
... 1000 controllers
It took ONE second from browser refresh (Chrome) until the last controller's init method was called.

I had similar problem so I divided controllers on the basis of business functionality it will support, e.g. userController does all the user related operations like login, logout, update etc whereas cartController does all the operations related to shopping cart like add to cart, apply coupons, payments etc. Since a single view can have many functionalities related to different areas of app so you can add refs to this view in multiple controllers and listen to only relevant events in corresponding controller.


Multiple states and urls for the same template

I'm building a web application and I have a screen that consists in five sections, each section represents a level, the areas are the higher level of my tree, when I click in any card of the area, the system should return the skills of that area and so on.
I need to change the url and state according what the user is accessing, for example, if the user access some skill, the url must be<skillId>
and if I access this link it should automatically load the capabilities from this skill and his parent which is area in this case.
I have one controller for area, skill, capability, knowledge and criteria, in each controller I have a action to load the next level of the tree, which looks like that
$scope.loadSkills = function (id) {
$state.go('curriculo.skill', {id:}, {nofity: false, reload: false});
And these are my states
.state('curriculum', {
url: '/curriculum',
templateUrl: '/templates/curriculo.html',
.state('curriculum.are', {
url: '/area/:id',
template: '',
.state('curriculum.skill', {
url: '/skill/:id',
template: '',
.state('curriculum.capability', {
url: '/capability/:id',
.state('curriculum.knowledge', {
url: '/knowledge/:id',
.state('curriculum.criteria', {
url: '/criteria/:id',
I'm new in Angular and I not sure about what to do, should I created multiple nested views in this case, and if so, how do I load stuff that I need according the url?
I would suggest to use the capability of multiple named views offered by the ui-router. You can read more about it here. Basically the documentation says the following:
You can name your views so that you can have more than one ui-view per
If you check the example in the documentation, you'll notive that there are similarities between your scenario and the example, because you want to dynamically populate a different views (here named views).
I tried to recreate your scenario in this JSFiddle.
First I created an abstract state which provides the different views like areas, skills etc. This is the template for the abstract state:
<div class="curriculum" ui-view="areas"></div>
<div class="curriculum" ui-view="skills"></div>
Next I created a nested state curriculo.main, which declares the different views (areas, skills etc.) you need. Each view has its own template and controller. Notice that the nested state has a resolve which initially loads the areas from a service called curriculo. If you use resolves remember that the resolve keyword MUST be relative to the state not the views (when using multiple views).
Basically the service is responsible for the business logic, means getting the areas, skills etc. In the JSFiddle I have hard-coded the HTTP results. Replace that with HTTP calls and make use of promises. Since each named view has its own controller we need a mechanism to notify about changes, for example to notify the SkillsController that skills have been loaded. Thus, I created a simple event system (subcribe-notify):
.factory('notifier', function($rootScope) {
return {
subscribe: function(scope, callback, eventName) {
var handler = $rootScope.$on(eventName, callback);
scope.$on('$destroy', handler);
notify: function(eventName, data) {
$rootScope.$emit(eventName, data);
The SkillsController can then subscribe to a specific event like so:
notifier.subscribe($scope, function(event, data) {
$scope.skills = data;
}, 'onSkillsLoaded');
The curriculo service calls (at the end of the getSkills()) notifyand provides an event. In this case the same event as you subscribed to in the SkillsController.
notifier.notify('onSkillsLoaded', result);
All in all, that's the magic behind my little example. It's worth mentioning that you need to apply best practices to the code, since this is just to recreate your scenario. For best practices I suggest the Angular Style Guide by John Papa.
Update 1
I updated my example to show you deep linking. I simulate the deep link via
$state.go('.', {area: 2, skill: 5});
This way I can activate a certain state. Now each view has its activate function. Inside this function I do all the work that is neseccary for the initialization, e.g. selecting an area if the query param is set. As you know, you can access the params with the $state service. I had to use a $timeout to delay the init of the areas controller because the subscribe wasn't made yet. Please try to find a better solution to this problem. Maybe you can use promises or register each controller in a service which resolves if all controller have been initialized.
If anything has been selected I also use the go with an additional option to set the notify to false.
$state.go('.', {area:, skill: skillId ? skillId : undefined}, {notify: false});
If notify is set to false it will prevent the controllers from being reinitialized. Thus you can only update the URL and no state change will happen.

Sharing data from multiple instances of a directive

I have a custom directive which is re-usable throughout the application. This directive uses ui-grid and I'm trying to determine the "angular way" of allowing access to the grid API from anywhere in the application.
If it was only a single instance, I'd use a service to share data across controllers:
var attachments = angular.module('attachments', ['ui.grid']);
// this would be accessible from any of my controllers
attachments.factory('Attachments', function() {
return {};
attachments.directive('attachments', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'attachments.html', // template has a ui-grid, among other elements
controller: ['$scope', 'Attachments', function($scope, Attachments) {
$scope.gridOptions = {
// ui-grid code here
onRegisterApi: function( gridApi ) {
Attachments.grid = gridApi;
However, there could be multiple instances of the directive
For example, there might be a primary instance of this directive and one inside a modal, or one in a sidebar, one in a modal, etc.
I suppose I could add property namespaces to that service...
Attachments = {
libraryGrid: // ...
someModalGrid: // ...
I'd prefer to avoid making a service for each possible instance, i.e.:
attachments.factory('SomeModalAttachments', function() {
return {};
While it would work it feels inefficient. However, both choices are a lot better than digging into the modal scope and finding child scopes with the necessary API.
Is there any other method I haven't considered?
To me it depends on your usage model.
If you're going to have multiple of these and other bits of the application are going to access them, then that means one of a few things:
The access is actually initiated from the grid. So you have perhaps many list pages, and the currently active list page is the one you want to deal with. So I'd have the grid register with all the things it wants to talk to, and deregister when it closes again. The other things would all be services (singletons).
There are a specified number of these grids, and you talk to them by name - so you want to interact with the list-page-grid, or the modal-grid or whatever. So you have each grid register with somewhere central (maybe a service that everything else talks to).
The grids are subsidiary to something. So a page includes the grid directive, and then that page wants to talk to that grid. You could pass an object into the directive, then have the grid register itself on that object. So you call the directive with "myGridCommunicationObject = {}", and then the grid does "$scope.myGridCommunicationObject.gridApi = gridApi". This doesn't let other bits of the application talk to the grid, but if really you only want whatever created the grid to talk to it, then it works well.
You could broadcast. So if you don't really care which grid you talk to, you just want to talk to any grid that's currently visible (say you're resizing them or something) you could just broadcast an event to them, and all your grid directives could listen for that event. Taking this one step further, you could broadcast and include a grid id or name in the parameter, and then have each grid check whether it's me before taking action.
Having said all those options, there's something about what you're doing that has a bit of a code smell to it. Really, arbitrary bits of the application shouldn't want to talk directly to the grid Api, they should be communicating with methods on the controller that holds the grid. Perhaps some examples of what you want to do would help, but it feels to me like the model should be one of the grid registering to use other services (e.g. resize notifications), or of the controller that owns the grid interacting with the grid, and other things interacting with that controller.

(How) can a controller be active when its view is not visible?

If I understand correctly, a controller is generated when its view becomes active?
Meaning that if the view is not visible, the controller doesn't exist/isn't active?
Is there any way that I can make the controller active "in the background"?
I have an app which has two main tabs, one for vehicle tracking & the other for something else. Each of those tabs has several sub-tabs (suing UI-Router); in the case of the vehicle tracking, I have one tab for a google map & another to show a grid with street addresses.
Here's a pic of the desktop app which I am trying to re-implement in Angular:
Now, I am an Angular beginner, so maybe my design idea is flawed, but:
Both the map and the vehicle locations tab use the identical data pulled from a server, which is a list of GPS lat/long & timestamp.
It seemed to me that it would be wrong to have each of those tabs (controllers) fetching the same data, duplicating code.
So, I wanted to have a controller for the "Vehicle locations" tab, which would get the data and feed it to a service which the two map/Vehicle locations sub-tabs (controllers) could $watch.
Even if I were not looking at that "parent view" ("Vehicle locations", but at another ("Vehicle reports" or "Employee reports"), I would this data downloading & view updating to continue, so that when the user clicks the "Vehicle locations" tab, the information is already there & the user doesn't have to wait while the app goes to the server to fetch data & draw its view.
Question: can Angular work that way, or am I asking it to do something which is un-angular-ish? If so, what is the correct way to implement this? Should I duplicate the $http.get code and should I have the controllers fetching & updating their own data on $scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded'?
If you need a central point of access for data in your AngularJS app, the best way to achieve it is to encapsulate it in a provider (either a service or a factory). Fetch the data in your provider and implement getters, so that you can inject it in your controllers and ask for the data without duplicating code and requests.
yourApp.service('serviceName', [ '$http',
function($http) {
this.getData = function() {
return $http.get(...);
yourApp.controller('controllerA', ['serviceName',
function(serviceName) {
$ = data;
//the same for other controllers
There are some points you can consider for this app:
You can create a factory for data you intend to share and reuse. So maybe create a http factory to get the data from the server and then inject it to whichever controllers you need to. Also you can resolve incoming data with "resolved" in angularjs (an option in routes) to make sure it's available before the page renders.
If you are passing in data within controller to http.get then, inject the factory and use promises with the http method.

ExtJS Application Event Woes

I have run into a bit of a conundrum and would love to hear some other developers input on this scenario regarding ExtJS events and controller methods. I understand this topic has been covered and debated on numerous occasions but I feel that it could use a bit more delving into.
As is standard practice, I define event listeners in my Controller's init() method declaration as follows:
Ext.define("My.controller.Awesome", {
init: function(application){
/** Observe some Views */
'my-awesome-view #saveButton':{
click: this.saveMyData
/** Listen for Events, too! */
showAwesomeView: this.showMyAwesomeView
/** Application events, what fun! */
showThatAwesomeView: this.showMyAwesomeView
Now, as I merrily go about coding some functionality in some other controller, I find myself needing to call showMyAwesomeView in My.controller.Awesome. I can do this in a few different ways...
Ext.define("My.controller.Other", {
/* ... class definition */
someImportant: function(){
// I can do this (Approach #1)
// Or I can do this (Approach #2)
// Last but not least, I can do this (Approach #3)
To me, Approach #3 feels the most 'right'. My problem is that if I haven't instantiated the My.controller.Awesome before, the init() method has not been run yet and therefore there are no listeners established, so the fired event goes off into mystery land never to be heard of again.
I have overloaded Ext.application.getController() to call controller.init() before returning controller, therefore a controller has its init method called as soon as it is loaded (typically as a dependency in another controller). Is this bad?
In order to save on load time (my application is quite large) my controllers and their dependencies are loaded on an as-needed basis. Therefore, the majority of my controllers (and views, and data stores) are not instantiated when my application first boots therefore not init()'ed which makes firing application-wide events quite cumbersome.
I feel like I may be missing something big here, or maybe I just need to bite the bullet and ensure my controllers have been init'd before firing events. I suppose I could also put an absolutely horrific number of event listeners in the main application file and handle init'ing controllers before calling their methods accordingly, but this seems very sloppy and difficult to maintain.
Any input would be greatly appreciated, thank you for your time!
Approach #3 (this.application.fireEvent('showThatAwesomeView')) is a great solution. The use of application events results in controllers that have no assumptions about what other logic may be added or removed from the application related to this event.
Regarding your concern about controllers having been instantiated in time to be correctly bound to events, use of the controller will eliminate this. The App controller initializes all specified controllers when the App initializes. You noted a concern about start-up time related to the number of controllers. I have worked on many single page apps that have dozens and even hundreds of controllers in some cases. Keeping any init logic to a minimum should reduce any noticeable slowdown. Minified and combined scripts in place of on-demand loading has worked well to keep app start-up very fast.
Avoiding the getController method is good practice. Application logic tends to be better organized when using application events in place of logic that tightly couples controllers with each other.
Ext.define('UD.controller.c1', {
extend: '',
refs: [
selector: 'viewport',
ref: 'userview'
init: function() {
'viewport > panel': {
render: this.onPanelRendered
Ext.define('UD.controller.c2', {
extend: '',
refs: [
selector: 'viewport',
ref: 'userview'
init: function() {
myevent : this.doSomething

Backbone Marionette using Require.js, Regions and how to set up

I'm currently writing a Backbone Marionette app which ultimately amounts to about 6 different "screens" or pages which will often times share content and I am unsure of how to best structure and access Regions.
I am using the app/module setup described here: StackOverflow question 11070408: How to define/use several routings using backbone and require.js. This will be an application which will have new functionality and content added to it over time and need to be scalable (and obviously as re-usable as possible)
The Single Page App I'm building has 4 primary sections on every screen: Header, Primary Content, Secondary Content, Footer.
The footer will be consistent across all pages, the header will be the same on 3 of the pages, and slightly modified (using about 80% of the same elements/content) on the remaining 3 pages. The "morecontent" region will be re-usable across various pages.
In my app.js file I'm defining my regions like so:
define(['views/LandingScreen', 'views/Header', 'router'], function(LandingScreen, Header, Router) {
"use strict";
var App = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
header: '#mainHeader',
maincontent: '#mainContent',
morecontent: '#moreContent',
footer: '#mainFooter'
App.addInitializer(function (options) {
App.on("initialize:after", function () {
if (!Backbone.History.started) Backbone.history.start();
return App;
Now, referring back to the app setup in the aforementioned post, what would be the best way to handle the Regions. Would I independently re-declare each region in each sub-app? That seems to be the best way to keep modules as independent as possible. If I go that route, what would be the best way to open/close or hide/show those regions between the sub-apps?
Or, do I keep the Regions declared in app.js? If so, how would I then best alter and orchestrate events those regions from sub-apps? Having the Regions defined in the app.js file seems to be counter-intuitive to keeping what modules and the core app know about each other to a minimum. Plus, every example I see has the appRegions method in the main app file. What then is the best practice for accessing and changing those regions from the sub-app?
Thanks in advance!
I actually have a root app that takes care of starting up sub-applications, and it passes in the region in which they should display. I also use a custom component based off of Backbone.SubRoute that enables relative routing for sub-applications.
check out this gist:
You could easily adapt it to send a "config" object for addRegions that defines multiple regions, instead of the region value I'm sending to the sub-applications' start method
Keep in mind that whenever you call in Marionette, it's going to first close whatever view is currently being shown in it. If you have two different regions, each defined in its own app, but both of which bind to the same DOM element, the only thing that matters is which region had show called most recently. That's messy, though, because you're not getting the advantages of closing the previous view - unbinding Event Binders, for example.
That's why, if I have a sub-app that "inherits" a region from some kind of root app, I usually just pass in the actual region instance from that root app to the sub-app, and save a reference to that region as a property of the sub-app. That way I can still call and it works perfectly - the only thing that might screw up is your event chain if you're trying to bubble events up from your region to your application (as the region will belong to the root app, rather than the sub-app). I get around this issue by almost always using a separate instance of Marionette.EventAggregator to manage events, rather than relying on the built-in capabilities of regions/views/controllers/etc.
That said, you can get the best of both worlds - you can pass the region instance into your sub-app, save a reference to it just so you can call "close", then use its regionInstance.el property to define your own region instance pointing to the same element.
for(var reg in regions) if regions.hasOwnProperty(reg) {
var regionManager = Marionette.Region.buildRegion(regions[reg].el,
thisApp[reg] = regionManager;
It all depends on what your priorities are.
I personally prefer to use the modules in my Marionette application. I feel it removes the complexity that require.js adds to your application. In an app that I am currently working on, I've created one app.js file that defines my backbone application but I am using a controller module that loads my routes, fills my collections and populates my regions.
app.js ->
var app = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
region1: "#region1",
region2: "#region2",
region3: "#region3",
region4: "#region4"
app.mainapp.js ->
app.module('MainApp', function(MainApp, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {
// AppObjects is an object that holds a collection for each region,
// this makes it accessible to other parts of the application
// by calling app.MainApp.AppObjects.CollectionName....
MainApp.AppObjects = new App.AppObjects.Core();
MainApp.Controller = new Backbone.Marionette.Controller.extend({
start: function() {
// place some code here you want to run when the controller starts
} //, you can place other methods inside your controller
// This code is ran by Marionette when the modules are loaded
MainApp.addInitializer(function() {
var controller = new MainApp.Controller();
You would then place your routes inside another module that will be accessed in the controller.
Then in the web page, you would start everything by calling.
$(function () {
Marionette will automatically run and load all of your modules.
I hope this gets you started in some direction. Sorry I couldn't copy and past the entire application code to give you better examples. Once this project has been completed, I am going to recreate a demo app that I can push to the web.
