One thread controlling many others - c

I have an application that waits for clients to connect. Each time a client connects, a new frame gets created (with the new socket file descriptor). I know how many clients will connect, after I reach that number I just run pthread_join in a for loop.
My problem is that I would like the main thread to control all the other threads. My goal is to have each thread send the same message back to the client, at the same time, and only once. There are multiple messages a thread can send.
My current thinking is to define a list of command, as follows:
char *commands[] = {
(char*) "TERMINATE\0",
.... };
And then specify a command number that represents which command to use in that char* array. All threads will do something like
write(sockfd, buffer[commandNumber], length[commandNumber]);
I thought about waiting on a condition variable, but I see two problems:
1) I want to make sure that each thread, although synchronized, execute the command only once.
2) The main thread that initiates the command has to know when all those threads is done executing the command.
Only way I see to execute 2) is to keep track of a counter (with mutexes), and when each thread executes the command, it can increase that counter. I am not sure I will be able to avoid a thread from running the command twice.
What is the best possible way please to coordinate multiple threads to execute a single action at once; and also be able to know when that action has finished executing for every thread please?

You might use a barrier to gate the operation.
Synchronizing the send
The main thread initializes a barrier named "Ready" to N+1. Then it begins accept()ing N client connections, spawning a worker thread for each. The new worker threads immediately wait on barrier "Ready".
After spawning the Nth (and last) worker, the main thread sets the desired command (perhaps using a global commandNumber). Then the main thread waits on barrier "Ready". As soon as all workers and the main thread have arrived (reaching the barrier's limit of N+1), all threads are released, knowing that they are ready to issue their command immediately.
(A common alternate approach is to use a predicate and condition variable rather than a barrier. For example, the main thread might spawn the Nth worker and then cond_broadcast() that it has set a flag ready = 1. This approach is flawed. The main thread cannot know that the Nth worker — or, indeed, any of the workers — are yet waiting on that condition. The barrier solves this problem.)
Indicating completion
Another N+1 barrier, "AllDone", could be used to indicate that the workers are all done. A semaphore initialized to -N and posted by workers would do the same. Having the workers close() their connections and the main thread select()ing or poll()ing connections would convey the same information, too.


Posix select()/poll() and pthread IPC

This is kind of generic question - however I met this problem several times already and I still haven't found the best possible solution.
Let's imagine you have program (e.g. HTTP application server) that is multithreaded and that communicates over sockets (TCP, Unix, ...). Main thread is using asynchronous IO and select() or poll() POSIX calls to dispatch traffic from/to sockets. There are also worker threads that process requests and provides responses. To send response back to the client, worker thread synchronises with main thread (that polls) 'somehow'. Core of the questions is 'how' - in terms of what is efficient. I can use pipe() - socket based IPC mechanism - but this seems to me as quite huge overhead. I tend to use some pthread IPC techniques like mutex, condition variables etc. … but these will not work with select() or poll().
Is there a common technique in POSIX (and surroundings) that address this conflict?
I guess on Windows there is WaitForMultipleObjects() function that allows that.
Example program is crafted to illustrate an issue, I know that I can design master/worker pattern in a different way but this is not what I'm asking for. I have other cases where I'm in the same situation.
You could use a signal to poke the worker thread, which will interrupt the select() call and return EINTR. This gets even easier to do with pselect().
For this to work:
decide on a signal (or allocate a real-time signal)
attach an empty handler function to it (if the signal were ignored, the system call would be automatically restarted)
block the signal, at least in the worker thread.
use the signal mask argument in pselect() to unblock the signal while waiting.
Between threads, you can use pthread_kill to deliver the signal to the worker thread specifically. When another process should send the signal, you can either make sure the signal is blocked in all but the worker thread (so it will be delivered there), or use the signal handler to find out whether the signal was sent to the worker thread, and use pthread_kill to forward it explicitly (the worker thread still doesn't need to do anything in the signal handler).
Due to laziness on my part, I don't have a source code viewer online, but you can clone the LibreVISA git tree, and take a look at src/messagepump.cpp, where this method is used to poke the worker thread after another thread added a file descriptor to the watch list.
Simon Richthers answer is v good.
Another alternative might be to make main thread only responsible for listening for new connections and starting up a worker thread with the connection information so that the worker is responsible for all subsequent ‘transactions’ from this source.
My understanding is:
Main thread uses select.
Worker threads processes requests forwarded to it by main thread.
So need to synchronize between workers and main thread e.g. when
worker finishes a transaction need to send response back to main
thread which in turn forwards the response back to the source.
Why don't you remove the problem of having to synchronize between the worker thread and the main thread by making the worker thread responsible for all transactions from a particular connection?
Thus the main thread is only responsible for listening for new connections and starting up a worker thread with the connection information i.e. the file descriptor for the new connection.
First of all, the way to wake another thread is to use the pthread_cond_wait / pthread_cond_timedwait calls in thread A to wait, and for thread B to use pthread_cond_broadcast / pthread_cond_signal to pick it up. So, for instance if B is a producer and A is the consumer, the producer might add items to a linked list protected with a mutex. There would be an associated conditional variable such that after the addition of the item, it could wake thread B such that it went to see if any new items had arrived on the list, and if so removed them. I say 'associated' as then the same mutex can be associated with the condition variable as protects the list.
So far so good. Now you mention asynchronous I/O. What I've wanted to do several times is select() or poll() on a set of FDs and a set of condition variables, so the select(), poll() is interrupted when the condition variable is broadcasted to. There is no easy way of doing this directly; you cannot simply mix and match.
You thus need to do one of two things. Either:
work around the problem (for instance, use a self-connected pipe() to send one byte to wake the select() up either instead of the condition variable, as well as the condition variable, or from some additional thread waiting on the condition variable; or
convert to a more threaded model. IE use one thread for sending, one thread for receiving, and use a producer / consumer model, so the sender thread simply removes from a list / buffer and sends (blocking if necessary), and the received waits for I/O (blocking if necessary) and adds it to the list (this is what you put in italics at the end).
The second is a major design change for those of us brought up on asynchronous I/O, and the first is ugly. You are not the first to be dismayed by this, but I've not found an easy way around it. Re the first an inefficiency, if you only write one character to wake the select loop to the self-pipe, I don't think you are going to see too much inefficiency.

Managing a variable number of worker threads with graceful exit

I have a boss thread that spawns up to M worker threads. Over the lifetime of the program, workers may be added and removed. When the program-wide shutdown flag is signalled, I want to await the completion of these workers.
Currently, any of the threads can add/remove threads, but it's strictly not a requirement as long as any thread can initiate a spawn/removal.
What's stopping me from using a counting semaphore or pthread_barrier_wait() is that it expects a fixed number of threads.
I can't loop pthread_join() over all workers either because I'd risk leaking zombie threads that have exited and possibly since then been replaced.
The boss thread itself has no other purpose than spawning the threads initially and making sure that the process exits gracefully.
I've spent days on and off on this problem and cannot come up with something robust and simple; are there any fairly well-established ways to accomplish this with POSIX threads?
1) "Currently, any of the threads can add/remove threads"
2) "are there any fairly well-established ways to accomplish this with POSIX threads"
Yes. Don't do (1). Have the boss thread do it.
Or, you can protect the code which spawns threads with a critical section or mutex (I assume you are already doing this). They should check a flag to see if shutdown is in progress, and if it is, don't spawn any more threads.
You can also have a counter of "ideal number of threads" and "actual number of threads" and have threads suicide if they find "ideal > actual". (I.e. they should decrement actual, exit the critical section/mutex, then quit).
When you need to initiate shutdown, use the SAME mutex/section to set the flag. Once done, you know the number of threads cannot increase, so you can use the most recent value.
Indeed, to exit you can just have the boss thread set "ideal" to zero, exit the mutex, and repeatedly sleep 10ms and repeat until all threads have exited. Worst case is you wait an extra 10ms to quit. If that's too much cut it to 1ms.
These are just ideas. The central concept is that all thread creation/removal, and messages about thread creation/removal should be protected by a mutex to ensure that only one thread is adding/removing/querying status at a time. Once you have that in place, there is more than one way to do it...
Threads that want to initiate spawns/removals should ask the boss thread to actually do it for them. Then the boss thread doesn't have to worry about threads it doesn't know about, and you can use one of the simple methods you described in your question.
I'll take the opposite tac as some of the other answers since I have to do this now and again.
(1) Give every spawned thread access to a single pipe file descriptor either through the data passed through pthread_create or globally. Only the boss thread reads the pipe. Each thread announces its creation and termination to the boss via the pipe by passing its tid and boss adds or removes it from its list and pthread_joins it as appropriate. Boss can block on the pipe w/o having to do anything special.
(2) Do more or less the above with some other mechanism. Global ctr and list with accompanying condition variable to wake up boss; a message queue, etc.

When to join the created threads in a simple multiclient server application in C?

I am writing a simple multi-client server communication program using POSIX threads in C. I am creating a thread every time a new client is connected, i.e. after the accept(...) routine in main().
I have put the accept(...) and the pthread_create(...) inside a while(1) loop, so that server continues to accept clients forever. Now, where should I write the pthread_join(...) routine after a thread exits.
More Info: Inside the thread's "start routine", I have used poll() & then recv() functions, again inside a while(1) loop to continuously poll for availability of client and receive the data from client, respectively. The thread exits in following cases:
1) Either poll() returns some error event or client hangs up.
2) recv() returns a value <= 0.
Language: C
Platform: Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10.3 (x86_64)
First up starting a new thread for each client is probably wasteful and surely won't scale very far. You should try a design where a thread handles more than one client (i.e. calls poll on more than one socket). Indeed, that's what poll(2), epoll etc were designed for.
That being said, in this design you likely needn't join the threads at all. You're not mentioning any reason why the main thread would need information from a thread that finished. Put another way, there's no need for joining.
Just set them as "detached" (pthread_detach or pthread_attr_setdetachstate) and they will be cleaned up automatically when their function returns.
The problem is that pthread_join blocks the calling thread until the thread exits. This means you can't really call it and hope the thread have exited as then the main thread will not be able to do anything else until the thread have exited.
One solution is that each child thread have a flag that is polled by the main thread, and the child thread set that flag just before exiting. When the main thread notices the flag being set, it can join the child thread.
Another possible solution, is if you have e.g. pthread_tryjoin_np (which you should have since you're on a Linux system). Then the main thread in its loop can simply try to join all the child threads in a non-blocking way.
Yet another solution may be to detach the child threads. Then they will run by themselves and do not need to be joined.
Ah, the ol' clean shutdown problem.
Assuming that you may want to cleanly disconnect the server from all clients under some circumstance or other, your main thread will have to tell the client threads that they're to disconnect. So how could this be done?
One way would be to have a pipe (one per client thread) between the main thread and client thread. The client thread includes the file descriptor for that pipe in its call to poll(). That way the main thread can easily send a command to the client thread, telling it to terminate. The client thread reads the command when poll() tells it that the pipe has become ready for reading.
So your main thread can then send some sort of command through the pipe to the client thread and then call pthread_join() waiting for the client thread to tidy itself up and terminate.
Similarly another pipe (again one per client thread) can be used by the client thread to send information to the main thread. Instead of being stuck in a call to accept(), the main thread can be using poll() to wait for a new client connection and for messages from the existing client threads. A timeout on poll() also allows the main thread to do something periodically.
Welcome to the world of the actor model of concurrent programming.
Of course, if you don't need a clean shut down then you can just let threads terminate as and when they want to, and just ctrl c the program to close it...
As other people have said getting the balance of work per thread is important for efficient scaling.

halting a client server program

I am sorry for the basicness of this question, but I am having an issue here. I have a client-server program. I don't know before hand how many connections will come but they are not infinite. And at the end , after all connections are closed some results are output. But the problem I am having is, accepting connections is in an infinite while loop, how is it stoppedd to output the result.
you need to have some form of condition to break out of you loop, in your case, a timeout would probably work the best, basically meaning, if you don't get any new clients for x seconds, you stop looking for clients, same goes for any for of connection error.
Anything more requires looking at the code you are using.
Handling EINTR on error from accept(2) with terminating the program and hitting ^C usually works.
You could install a handler for the SIGTERM signal which would set a global volatile sig_atomic_t variable, and test that variable in your multiplexing loop (probably around poll or select). Remember that signal handlers cannot call many functions (only the async-signal-safe ones).
Catching nicely SIGTERM is expected from most Linux or Posix servers.
You could consider using an event handling library like libev, libevent etc.
Although my background is with Windows NT the function "names" are ones that name generic threading or process functions that should be available in any multi-threading environment.
If the main thread can determine when the child thread in question should terminate it can either do this by having the child thread loop on a boolean - such as "terminate_conditon" - or by terminating the thread throught its handle.
// child thread
while (!terminate_condition)
// accept connections
// output results
exit_thread ();
// main thread
child_thread=create_thread (...);
// monitor connections to determine when done
while (!child_thread_done)
sleep (1);
// or maybe output results here?
exit_process ();
This controlled termination solution requires that only one thread writes to the child_thread_done boolean and that any other thread only reads.
// child thread
while (1)
// accept connections
// main thread
child_thread=create_thread (...);
// monitor connections to determine when done
kill_thread (child_thread);
// output results
exit_process ();
The second form is messier since it simply kills the child thread. In general it is better to have the child thread perform a controlled termination, especially if it has allocated resources (which become the responsibility of the process as a whole rather than just the allocating thread).
If there are many child threads working with connections a synchronized termination mechanism is necessary: either a struct with as many members as there are child threads (a terminating thread sets its "terminated" boolean to true, terminates and the main thread monitors the struct to make sure all child "terminated" booleans are true before proceeding) or a counter containing the number of child threads operating (when a child is about to terminate it takes exclusive control of the counter via a spinlock, decrements it and frees the lock before terminating: the main thread doesn't do anything before the counter contains zero).

Manipulating thread's nice value

I wrote a simple program that implements master/worker scheme where the master is the main thread, and workers are created by it.
The main thread writes something to a shared buffer, and the worker threads read this shared buffer, writing and reading to shared buffer are organized by read/write lock.
Unfortunately, this scheme definitely leads to starvation of main thread, since a single write has to wait on several reads to complete. One possible solution is increasing the priority of the master thread, so if it wants to write something, it will get immediate access to the shared buffer.
According to a great post to a similar issue, I discovered that probably manipulating the priority of a thread under SCHED_OTHER policy is not allowed, what can be changed is the nice value only.
I wrote a procedure to give worker threads lower priority than master thread, but it seems not to work correctly.
void assignWorkerThreadPriority(pthread_t* worker)
struct sched_param* worker_sched_param = (struct sched_param*)malloc(sizeof(struct sched_param));
worker_sched_param->sched_priority =0; //any value other than 0 gives error?
int policy = SCHED_OTHER;
pthread_setschedparam(*worker, policy, worker_sched_param);
printf("Result of changing priority is: %d - %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
I have a two-fold question:
How can I set the nice value of a worker threads to avoid main thread starvation.
If not possible, then how can I change the scheduling policy to a one that allows changing the priority.
Edit: I managed to run the program using other policies, such as SCHED_FIFO, all I had to do was running the program as a super user
You cannot avoid problems using a read/write lock when the read and write usage is so even. You need a different method. You need a lock-free message queue or independent work queues or one of many other techniques.
Here is another way to do the job, the way I would do it. The worker can take the buffer away and work on it rather than keeping it shared:
Write thread:
Create work item.
Lock the mutex or CriticalSection protecting the current queue and pointer to queue.
Add work item to queue.
Release the lock.
Optionally signal a condition variable or Event. Another option is for worker threads to check for work on a timer.
Worker thread:
Create a new queue.
Wait for a condition variable or event or other signal, or wait on a timer.
Lock the mutex or CriticalSection protecting the current queue and pointer to queue.
Set the current queue pointer to the new queue.
Release the lock.
Proceed to work on the now private queue.
Delete the queue when all work items complete.
Now write thread creates more work items. When all the worker threads have their own copies of a queue to work on it will be able to write many items in peace.
You can modify this. For example, a worker thread may lock the queue and move a limited number of work items off into its own internal queue instead of taking the whole thing.
