Haskell - check whether a 2D list has the same number of rows as columns - arrays

I have a 2D list [[Int]] in Haskell and I want to check two things:
whether the list has the sam number of rows as columns
whether the rows have the sam number of elements
For instance:
[[1,2,3], [1,55,9]] has the same number of rows as columns - here 2 - and each row has the same number of elements namely 3.
[[1,2], [1,55], [4,7]] has the same number of elements in each row though it has unequal number of rows and columns namely 3r 2c.
yet another example:
[[1,2], [1,55], [4,7,8]] has neither the same number of rows as columns nor each row has the same number of elements.
Actually step 1 includes step 2, am I right??
My attempt:
So what I attempted so far, is this:
listIsEqual :: [[Int]] -> Bool
listIsEqual myList = (all (\x -> length x == (length myList)) )
Right now I get the following error mesage:
Couldn't match expected type `Bool' with actual type `[a0] -> Bool'
In the return type of a call of `all'
Probable cause: `all' is applied to too few arguments
In the expression: (all (\ x -> length x == (length myList)))
In an equation for `listIsEqual':
listIsEqual myList = (all (\ x -> length x == (length myList)))
Could anyone tell me where the problem is?
Is there also any other ways to solve this problem?

GHC's error messages aren't always the most helpful, but in this case it got it right.
Probable cause: `all' is applied to too few arguments
And indeed, you forgot the second argument to all:
listIsEqual myList = all (\x -> length x == length myList) myList

For the second task, you can map the length of every row (the number of columns in that row) defining a function
let columnLengths rows = map length rows
Prelude> columnLengths [[1,2], [1,55], [4,7,8]]
Now that we have a list containing the lengths of the columns, we have to check whether they are all equal. The function nub in Data.List removes duplicates from a list.
let columnsLengthEqual = (==) 1 . length . nub . columnLengths
Or all together
let columnsLengthEqual = (==) 1 . length . nub . map length

Matrix respecting your criteria, are squared matrix then checking if the square of first 's row's length is equal to the number of element should be ok.
isSquaredMatrix xs#(h:_) = ((^2) . length $ h) == (length . concat $ xs)
isSquaredMatrix _ = True
But as it has been pointed out by hammar, this is incorrect since we can have positive outcome using wrong input.
# isSquaredMatrix [[1,2,3],[4,5],[6,7,8,9]]
True -- But this is false
we use # into pattern matching when we want to refer to the whole type at the same time we have break it down. An example should give you more insight,
Usually we can define an exhaustive function working on list using pattern matching as follow.
actOnList [] = -- do something when we encounter an empty list
actOnList (x:xs) = -- do something with h, and do another stuff with xs
For example,
actOnList [] = []
actOnList (x:xs) =
if (pred x)
then x:xs
else actOnList xs
Here my function consumme the list until a predicate is satisfied.
We can imagine skipUntilMeetAChar
skipUntilMeetAChar :: [Char] -> Char -> [Char]
skipUntilMeetAChar [] c = []
skipUntilMeetAChar (x:xs) c =
if (x==c)
then x:xs
else actOnList xs c
As you see when the char is met we'd like to return the list as it, not only the tail, then to do so we need to reconstruct our list using the head x and the tail xs. This can be overcome using #.
skipUntilMeetAChar :: String -> Char -> String
skipUntilMeetAChar [] c = []
skipUntilMeetAChar l#(x:xs) c =
if (x==c)
then l
else actOnList xs c
Now, regarding ($) operator, this is again some syntactic sugar.
As function application are left associative, this lead us to extensively use bracket to reorder the application of our function, as in the example below.
# f3 (f2 (f1 (f0 x)))
Then to avoid the pain of managing closing parentheses, dollars operator $ have been introduce and then our previous expression become.
# f3 $ f2 $ f1 $ f0 x
Which is definitely more readable and easiest to write.
Note that this operator is defined as follow.
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f $ x = f x
And I advise you to learn more about it consulting the following introduction material.


list of subarrays of an array

I am trying to implement a function stride n a where n is a stride length and a is an array. Given a call like stride 2 [| "a"; "b"; "c"; "d" |] it should return something like [ [|"a"; "b"|]; [|"c"; "d" |] ]. I am brand new to F# and don't know anything about using arrays in a functional language. I know what I've written is garbage, but it's a start:
let stride n (a : array 'a) =
let rec r ind =
if ind >= a.length()
a[ind .. (ind + n - 1)]::r(ind + n)
r 0
(see also on dotnetfiddle). This does not compile. I to added the array 'a type parameter because the compiler couldn't find the length method, but this type parameter does not appear to be allowed.
For context, I am trying to get groups of letters from a string, so I plan to call this like stride 2 myString.ToCharArray().
First of all, there is already an app for that - it's called Array.chunkBySize:
> Array.chunkBySize 2 [|1;2;3;4;5;6;7|]
val it : int [] [] = [|[|1; 2|]; [|3; 4|]; [|5; 6|]; [|7|]|]
And there are similar functions in the Seq and List module, so if your goal is to work with strings, I would consider using the Seq variant, since string already implements the seq interface:
> Seq.chunkBySize 2 "abcdefg";;
val it : seq<char []> =
seq [[|'a'; 'b'|]; [|'c'; 'd'|]; [|'e'; 'f'|]; [|'g'|]]
But if you're interested in education rather than GSD, then here it is:
The logic of the code is fine, except you have a few purely syntactic mistakes and one logical.
First, the type "array of a" is not denoted array 'a. In general the F# notation for generic types is either T<'a> or 'a T, for example list<int> or int list. However, this doesn't work for arrays, because arrays are special. There is a type System.Array, but it's not generic, so you can't use it like that. Instead, the idea of an array is kind of baked into the CLR, so you have to use the special syntax, which is 'a[].
So: a : 'a[] instead of a : array 'a
Second while array does have a length property, it's capitalized (i.e. Length) and it's a property, not a method, so there shouldn't be parens after it.
So: a.Length instead of a.length()
However, that is not quite the F# way. Methods and properties are meh, functions are way better. The F# way would be to use the Array.length function.
So: Array.length a instead of a.length()
Bonus: if you do that, there is no need for the type annotation : 'a[], because the compiler can now figure it out from the type of Array.length.
Third, indexing of arrays, lists, and everything else that has an index, needs a dot before the opening bracket.
So: a.[ind .. (ind + n - 1)] instead of a[ind .. (ind + n - 1)]
Fourth, the in is not necessary in F#. You can just omit it.
With the above modifications, your program will work.
But only on arrays whose length is a multiple of n. On all others you'll get an IndexOutOfRangeException. This is because you also have...
The logical mistake is that while you're checking that ind is within the array bounds, you're not checking that ind + n - 1 is as well. So you need a third case in your branch:
if ind >= Array.length a then
elif ind + n - 1 >= Array.length a then
a.[ind..] :: r (ind+n)
a.[ind .. (ind+n-1)] :: r (ind+n)
Now this is ready for prime time.

ML local enviornment

ML function that will accept a boolean function and a list of values and return the last value in the list that meets the given condition or NONE if no values in the list do
my current function looks like this:
fun last func nil = NONE
| last func L =
let val f =
fun getlast(x) = SOME x
| getlast(x::xs) = getlast xs
in List.filter func L
Can anyone help me debug my code and also help me understand local environment in ML?
You're overcomplicating this a bit, and it's unclear what the purposes of f and getlast could be as you're never using them (and the "definition" of f is a syntax error).
If you test your getlast outside of this function (this is usually a good idea) you'll notice that getlast [] is SOME [] and getlast [1,2,3] is SOME [1,2,3]; getlast y is SOME y no matter what y you pass to it.
Also, the result of List.filter func L is an 'a list, not an 'a option, so it's not very useful as the definition of last.
One way of finding such an element in the list xs is using explicit recursion:
If xs is empty, the result is NONE.
If xs is not empty, first see if there is a "last element" in the tail of xs.
If there is, that's the answer.
If there isn't, then
If func holds for the head of xs, that's your answer.
Otherwise, the result is NONE.
Translating this to ML, it might look something like this:
fun last _ [] = NONE
| last f (x::xs) = case last f xs of
NONE => if f x then SOME x else NONE
| result => result
If you want to use List.filter and avoid manual recursion, then note that the last element of a list is the first element of the reverse of that list:
fun last f xs = case List.rev (List.filter f xs) of
[] => NONE
| y::ys => SOME y
Create your own environment for ML or any new project
$ virtualenv -p python3 env (if you have 2.7,3.5)
$ virtualenv env(only you have 3.5+)
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install <packagename>

What would be an idiomatic F# way to scale a list of (n-tuples or list) with another list, also arrays?

let weights = [0.5;0.4;0.3]
let X = [[2;3;4];[7;3;2];[5;3;6]]
what I want is: wX = [(0.5)*[2;3;4];(0.4)*[7;3;2];(0.3)*[5;3;6]]
would like to know an elegant way to do this with lists as well as with arrays. Additional optimization information is welcome
You write about a list of lists, but your code shows a list of tuples. Taking the liberty to adjust for that, a solution would be
let weights = [0.5;0.4;0.3]
let X = [[2;3;4];[7;3;2];[5;3;6]]
|> List.map2 (fun w x ->
|> List.map (fun xi ->
(float xi) * w
) weights
Depending on how comfortable you are with the syntax, you may prefer a oneliner like
List.map2 (fun w x -> List.map (float >> (*) w) x) weights X
The same library functions exist for sequences (Seq.map2, Seq.map) and arrays (in the Array module).
This is much more than an answer to the specific question but after a chat in the comments and learning that the question was specifically a part of a neural network in F# I am posting this which covers the question and implements the feedforward part of a neural network. It makes use of MathNet Numerics
This code is an F# translation of part of the Python code from Neural Networks and Deep Learning.
def backprop(self, x, y):
"""Return a tuple ``(nabla_b, nabla_w)`` representing the
gradient for the cost function C_x. ``nabla_b`` and
``nabla_w`` are layer-by-layer lists of numpy arrays, similar
to ``self.biases`` and ``self.weights``."""
nabla_b = [np.zeros(b.shape) for b in self.biases]
nabla_w = [np.zeros(w.shape) for w in self.weights]
# feedforward
activation = x
activations = [x] # list to store all the activations, layer by layer
zs = [] # list to store all the z vectors, layer by layer
for b, w in zip(self.biases, self.weights):
z = np.dot(w, activation)+b
activation = sigmoid(z)
module NeuralNetwork1 =
//# Third-party libraries
open MathNet.Numerics.Distributions // Normal.Sample
open MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra // Matrix
type Network(sizes : int array) =
let mutable (_biases : Matrix<double> list) = []
let mutable (_weights : Matrix<double> list) = []
member __.Biases
with get() = _biases
and set value =
_biases <- value
member __.Weights
with get() = _weights
and set value =
_weights <- value
member __.Backprop (x : Matrix<double>) (y : Matrix<double>) =
// Note: There is a separate member for feedforward. This one is only used within Backprop
// Note: In the text layers are numbered from 1 to n with 1 being the input and n being the output
// In the code layers are numbered from 0 to n-1 with 0 being the input and n-1 being the output
// Layers
// 1 2 3 Text
// 0 1 2 Code
// 784 -> 30 -> 10
let feedforward () : (Matrix<double> list * Matrix<double> list) =
let (bw : (Matrix<double> * Matrix<double>) list) = List.zip __.Biases __.Weights
let rec feedfowardInner layer activation zs activations =
match layer with
| x when x < (__.NumLayers - 1) ->
let (bias, weight) = bw.[layer]
let z = weight * activation + bias
let activation = __.Sigmoid z
feedfowardInner (layer + 1) activation (z :: zs) (activation :: activations)
| _ ->
// Normally with recursive functions that build list for returning
// the final list(s) would be reversed before returning.
// However since the returned list will be accessed in reverse order
// for the backpropagation step, we leave them in the reverse order.
(zs, activations)
feedfowardInner 0 x [] [x]
In weight * activation * is an overloaded operator operating on Matrix<double>
Related back to your example data and using MathNet Numerics Arithmetics
let weights = [0.5;0.4;0.3]
let X = [[2;3;4];[7;3;2];[5;3;6]]
first the values for X need to be converted to float
let x1 = [[2.0;3.0;4.0];[7.0;3.0;2.0];[5.0;3;0;6;0]]
Now notice that x1 is a matrix and weights is a vector
so we can just multiply
let wx1 = weights * x1
Since the way I validated the code was a bit more than most I will explain it so that you don't have doubts to its validity.
When working with Neural Networks and in particular mini-batches, the starting numbers for the weights and biases are random and the generation of the mini-batches is also done randomly.
I know the original Python code was valid and I was able to run it successfully and get the same results as indicated in the book, meaning that the initial successes were within a couple of percent of the book and the graphs of the success were the same. I did this for several runs and several configurations of the neural network as discussed in the book. Then I ran the F# code and achieved the same graphs.
I also copied the starting random number sets from the Python code into the F# code so that while the data generated was random, both the Python and F# code used the same starting numbers, of which there are thousands. I then single stepped both the Python and F# code to verify that each individual function was returning a comparable float value, e.g. I put a break point on each line and made sure I checked each one. This actually took a few days because I had to write export and import code and massage the data from Python to F#.
See: How to determine type of nested data structures in Python?
I also tried a variation where I replaced the F# list with Linked list, but found no increase in speed, e.g. LinkedList<Matrix<double>>. Was an interesting exercise.
If I understand correctly,
let wX = weights |> List.map (fun w ->
X |> List.map (fun (a, b, c) ->
w * float a,
w * float b,
w * float c))
This is an alternate way to achieve this using Math.Net: https://numerics.mathdotnet.com/Matrix.html#Arithmetics

F# Sort an Array with foldBack or fold.

I am trying to sort an Array by using fold or foldBack.
I have tried achieving this like this:
let arraySort anArray =
Array.fold (fun acc elem -> if acc >= elem then acc.append elem else elem.append acc) [||] anArray
this ofcourse errors horribly. If this was a list then i would know how to achieve this through a recursive function but it is not.
So if anyone could enlighten me on how a workable function given to the fold or foldback could look like then i would be createful.
Before you start advising using Array.sort anArray then this wont do since this is a School assignment and therefore not allowed.
To answer the question
We can use Array.fold for a simple insertion sort-like algorithm:
let sort array =
let insert array x =
let lesser, greater = Array.partition (fun y -> y < x) array
[| yield! lesser; yield x; yield! greater |]
Array.fold insert [||] array
I think this was closest to what you were attempting.
A little exposition
Your comment that you have to return a sorted version of the same array are a little confusing here - F# is immutable by default, so Array.fold used in this manner will actually create a new array, leaving the original untouched. This is much the same as if you'd converted it to a list, sorted it, then converted back. In F# the array type is immutable, but the elements of an array are all mutable. That means you can do a true in-place sort (for example by the library function Array.sortInPlace), but we don't often do that in F#, in favour of the default Array.sort, which returns a new array.
You have a couple of problems with your attempt, which is why you're getting a few errors.
First, the operation to append an array is very different to what you attempted. We could use the yield syntax to append to an array by [| yield! array ; yield element |], where we use yield! if it is an array (or in fact, any IEnumerable), and yield if it is a single element.
Second, you can't compare an array type to an element of the array. That's a type error, because compare needs two arguments of the same type, and you're trying to give it a 'T and a 'T array. They can't be the same type, or it'd be infinite ('T = 'T array so 'T array = 'T array array and so on). You need to work out what you should be comparing instead.
Third, even if you could compare the array to an element, you have a logic problem. Your element either goes right at the end, or right at the beginning. What if it is greater than the first element, but less than the last element?
As a final point, you can still use recursion and pattern matching on arrays, it's just not quite as neat as it is on lists because you can't do the classic | head :: tail -> trick. Here's a basic (not-so-)quicksort implementation in that vein.
let rec qsort = function
| [||] -> [||]
| arr ->
let pivot = Array.head arr
let less, more = Array.partition (fun x -> x < pivot) (Array.tail arr)
[| yield! qsort less ; yield pivot ; yield! qsort more |]
The speed here is probably several orders of magnitude slower than Array.sort because we have to create many many arrays while doing it in this manner, which .NET's Array.Sort() method does not.

2d Array Sort in Haskell

I'm trying to teach myself Haskell (coming from OOP languages). Having a hard time grasping the immutable variables stuff. I'm trying to sort a 2d array in row major.
In java, for example (pseudo):
int array[3][3] = **initialize array here
for(i = 0; i<3; i++)
for(j = 0; j<3; j++)
if(array[i][j] < current_low)
current_low = array[i][j]
How can I implement this same sort of thing in Haskell? If I create a temp array to add the low values to after each iteration, I won't be able to add to it because it is immutable, correct? Also, Haskell doesn't have loops, right?
Here's some useful stuff I know in Haskell:
main = do
let a = [[10,4],[6,10],[5,2]] --assign random numbers
print (a !! 0 !! 1) --will print a[0][1] in java notation
--How can we loop through the values?
First, your Java code does not sort anything. It just finds the smallest element. And, well, there's a kind of obvious Haskell solution... guess what, the function is called minimum! Let's see what it does:
GHCi> :t minimum
minimum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
ok, so it takes a list of values that can be compared (hence Ord) and outputs a single value, namely the smallest. How do we apply this to a "2D list" (nested list)? Well, basically we need the minimum amongst all minima of the sub-lists. So we first replace the list of list with the list of minima
allMinima = map minimum a
...and then use minimum allMinima.
Written compactly:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let a = [[10,4],[6,10],[5,2]] -- don't forget the indentation
print (minimum $ map minimum a)
That's all!
Indeed "looping through values" is a very un-functional concept. We generally don't want to talk about single steps that need to be taken, rather think about properties of the result we want, and let the compiler figure out how to do it. So if we weren't allowed to use the pre-defined minimum, here's how to think about it:
If we have a list and look at a single value... under what circumstances is it the correct result? Well, if it's smaller than all other values. And what is the smallest of the other values? Exactly, the minimum amongst them.
minimum' :: Ord a => [a] -> a
minimum' (x:xs)
| x < minimum' xs = x
If it's not smaller, then we just use the minimum of the other values
minimum' (x:xs)
| x < minxs = x
| otherwise = minxs
where minxs = minimum' xs
One more thing: if we recurse through the list this way, there will at some point be no first element left to compare with something. To prevent that, we first need the special case of a single-element list:
minimum' :: Ord a => [a] -> a
minimum' [x] = x -- obviously smallest, since there's no other element.
minimum' (x:xs)
| x < minxs = x
| otherwise = minxs
where minxs = minimum' xs
Alright, well, I'll take a stab. Zach, this answer is intended to get you thinking in recursions and folds. Recursions, folds, and maps are the fundamental ways that loops are replaced in functional style. Just try to believe that in reality, the question of nested looping rarely arises naturally in functional programming. When you actually need to do it, you'll often enter a special section of code, called a monad, in which you can do destructive writes in an imperative style. Here's an example. But, since you asked for help with breaking out of loop thinking, I'm going to focus on that part of the answer instead. #leftaroundabout's answer is also very good and you fill in his definition of minimum here.
flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
flatten [] = []
flatten xs = foldr (++) [] xs
squarize :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
squarize _ [] = []
squarize len xs = (take len xs) : (squarize len $ drop len xs)
crappySort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
crappySort [] = []
crappySort xs =
let smallest = minimum xs
rest = filter (smallest /=) xs
count = (length xs) - (length rest)
replicate count smallest ++ crappySort rest
sortByThrees xs = squarize 3 $ crappySort $ flatten xs
