How to save effect of drag on drop in jqtree - jqtree

I am using drag and drop support of jqtree
but that effect is temporarily how to save changes ??

Got answer need to bind move event to jqtree
like this u can send all information to server
// do the move first, and _then_ POST back.
$.post('your_url', {tree: $(this).tree('toJson')});


Programmatically sending keypress event

I'm making an autofill to fill the values automatically.
I've this page using AngularJS. When I copy the mobile number using $("input[name='username']").val('9999999999') it does not cause change event be fired upon which "Get OTP" link should be activated.
Sometime back I has asked similar question : How to trigger click on a button
I've tried many ways like Is it possible to simulate key press events programmatically? but I'm not able to make it work.
I've also tried sending focus-in event, then simulated mouse click within it, then copying the value then simulating mouse click on a different element etc.
What could be the way to make it work?
This is your textChanged() function which is called initially and whenever text is changed:
a.textChanged = function() {
a.isMobCollapse = "collapse", a.username && (a.errorMsg = "", a.user.otp = "", s(a.username) && 10 == a.username.length ? (a["continue"] = "enabled",
a.isEmailOrMobile = "mobile") : a["continue"] = "disabled");
Now this function doesn't check for value $("input[name='username']").val(), it checks for ng-model value 10 == a.username.length. That's why your jquery code has no effect.
Just transfer all the logic inside angular scope and instead of setting like this
initialize angular model like this:
a.username = '9999999999';

Suppress ng-click action upon ng-swipe-left

Button works perfectly on touchscreen when clicking or left-swiping:
<button ng-click="click(it)" ng-swipe-left="leftSwipe(it)" />
However, on the desktop where left-swipe is accomplished by combining a mouse-click with a left-drag, the click event is also fired.
Is there any way I could suppress this?
Well I didn't find anything simple, so here is one workaround and one semi-suppression, both rely on $timeout, but given you rely on human interaction I think we're ok.
Semi-Suppression: we'll want to ignore clicks this digest cycle and return to listen to the event next digest cycle.
$scope.leftSwipe = function(event){
.bind('click', function(it) {$;})},0);
Here we pass the event to the 'left-swipe' function in order to get the target element, if you do not want to pass the event as parameter (depending on your code) you can grab an element hardcoded id either with query ($('#yourButtonId')) or without (document.querySelector('#yourButtonId')) and use it instead. Take note that re-handling click event here will require passing the params (in your case 'it'?) again, that is why it is wrapped in another function and not called directly.
Workaround: I'd consider this much simpler but it's up to you and the code.
var hasSwiped = false;
$ = function(event){
if (!hasSwiped){
$scope.leftSwipe = function(event){
hasSwiped = true;
$timeout(function(){ hasSwiped = false; },1000);
Here we simply create a variable 'hasSwiped' and set it to true once swiping and reseting it to false only after the 'click' event has fired (it depends on the app, but one second sounds reasonable to me between a swipe and click). In the click event just check this flag if raised or not.
Hope this helps,
Good Luck!

Reset Form Record Not Clearing Values - ExtJS 4.2

I have a Grid panel containing records which, on-click, will be loaded into a Form panel for editing.
On "close" of our form panel, we're calling myForm.getForm.reset(), which seems to reset the record but the values in the form fields themselves persist.
// Load record
// Close
me.down('form').getForm().reset() or me.down('form').reset()
Please advise how to also clear values in the form upon resetting our record.
Do you have trackResetOnLoad set to true for the form? If so, what you really want is it set to false.
Maybe you need set 'resetRecord' parameter into 'reset()' method for unbind any record set by 'loadRecord' method.
You can override the default form panel to add this functionality. Add the following to your code:
Ext.override(Ext.form.Panel, {
Ext.each(this.getForm().getFields().items, function(field){
You can then clear a form using:
Where myForm is your form panel.
The reset() method just resets the form back to the last record loaded.
If you want to maintain trackResetOnLoad=true (e.g. so you can use the form's "dirtychange" event) another approach is to take a copy of the values just after the form is created like var originalValues = myForm.getFieldValues(); then simply restore those values using myForm.setValues(originalValues); instead of calling myForm.reset(...);
You can try this...

Backbone.js 'swallows' click event if another event triggers a re-render

What I want to achieve is that on form changes, the whole view should be re-rendered. This is to provide a preview of the data just edited, and to hide certain elements in the form when check boxes are ticked.
When the user edits the field and clicks on the button without leaving the filed first two events are fired at the same time: change, click. The change handler first updates the model, which triggers a re-render of the form. When it's the click events turn, nothing happens. I guess it has to do with the re-render because when I comment out the
#model.on 'change', #render, #
Both event handlers are executed as it should be.
Maybe the click handler is not executed because the click target has been removed from dom and a new button has been added? How would I fix this? I was thinking the code I wrote was 'idiomatic' Backbone.js, but I'm still learning :-)
Here is a simplified version of my code showing the problem:
Let us add a few things so that we can see what's going on. First we'll mark the Save button with a unique ID:
render: ->
id = "b#{Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)}"
console.log('button id = ', id)
And then we can see which button was hit:
save: ->
console.log('pressed = ', #$('button').attr('id'))
We'll also add a global click handler to watch the <button> outside of the Backbone stuff:
$(document).on('click', 'button', ->
console.log('global click = ', #id)
Live version:
Play around with that version a bit and you might see what is going on:
Change the content of the <input>.
Try to click Save.
As soon as the <input> loses focus, the change event is triggered.
That event calls fieldChanged which does #model.set(...).
The #model.set call triggers Backbone's events, in particular, the #model.on(...) from the view's initialize.
The Backbone event sends us into render which does a #$el.html(...) which replaces both the <input> and the <button>.
The html call kills all the DOM elements inside the view's el. But, and this is a big but, the browser needs to get control again before this process finishes.
Now we're back into the event queue to deal with the click on Save. But the <button> we're clicking is a zombie as the browser's work queue looks like this: deal with the click event, replace the DOM elements from 3.4. Here the work from 3.4 isn't complete so the <button> that you're clicking is half in the DOM and half dead and won't respond to any events.
You have two event queues fighting each other; your Backbone events are changing the DOM behind the browser's back and, since JavaScript is single threaded, the browser is losing and getting confused.
If you delay the #$el.html call long enough to let the browser catch up:
set_html = =>
#$el.html """
<input type="text" id="text" value="#{#model.get('foo')}"/>
<button class="save" id="#{id}">Save</button>
setTimeout(set_html, 1000) # Go higher if necessary.
You'll get the behavior you're expecting. But that's an awful, horrific, nasty, and shameful kludge.
Messing around with the DOM while you're still processing events on those DOM elements is fraught with danger and is little more than a complicated way to hurt yourself.
If you want to validate the field when it changes and bind the view's render to "change" events on the model, then I think you'll have to do the validation by hand and use a silent set call:
fieldChanged: (e) ->
field = #$(e.currentTarget)
#model.set({ foo: field.val() }, { silent: true })
// #model.validate(#model.attributes) and do something with the return value
If you do a in the Save button's callback, the silent changes will be validated en mass and sent to the server. Something like this:
Or you skip the #model.set inside fieldChanged and just use #model.validate:
fieldChanged: (e) ->
val = #$(e.currentTarget).val()
// #model.validate(foo: val) and do something with the return value
and leave all the setting stuff for save:
save: -> #$('#text').val())
Something like this:
You can add a little delay before update model in fieldChange, you can replace change event with keyup. There might be many workarounds, but probably best was would be not to re-render whole view on model change.

ExtJS form creating help

I'm using extJS 4.
I have a form pop up every time you click edit profile.
The problem is that every time you click edit Profile another form pops up so you can just keep clicking.
Is there a way to make the form only pop up if there isn't one already up.
Thanks for the help!!!
The problem sounds like you are creating a new window on every click of the "edit profile" button/link.
What you need to do is put a check in at the beginning of your form code to check to see if it exists first. If it doesn't, create the window and .show() it... Otherwise, you will just need to .show() it. Be sure to also reset the form if need be. You will also want to try and hide the window instead of destroying it. Otherwise, you will be creating new objects every time.
You can make your form modal, so to block entire interface until you close it, or you can use something like this to your controller to create form:
editProfile: function(button) {
var me = this;
if (! { = Ext.widget('editProfile');
// delete the reference if the window gets destroyed'destroy', function() {
