How to start Titan graph server and connect with gremlin? - graph-databases

I've been playing with Titan graph server for a while now. And my feeling is that, despite an extensive documentation, there is a lack of Getting started from scratch tutorial.
My final goal is to have a titan running on cassandra and query with StartTheShift/thunderdome.
I have seen few ways of starting Titan:
Using Rexster
from this link, I was able to run a titan server with the following steps:
download rexster-server 2.3
download titan 0.3.0
copy all files from titan-all-0.3.0/libs to rexster-server-2.3.0/ext/titan
edit rexster-server-2.3.0/rexster.xml and add (between a ):
for a berkeleydb
for a cassandra db.
launch the server with ./bin/ -s -c rexster.xml
dowload rexster console and run it with bin/
you can now connect to your graph with g = rexster.getGraph("geograph")
The problem with this method is that you are connected via rexster and not gremlin so you do not have autocompletion. The advantage is that you can name your database (here geograph).
Using Titan server with cassandra
start the server with ./bin/ config/titan-server-rexster.xml config/
create a file called cassandra.local with
start titan gremlin and connect with g ="cassandra-es.local")
this works fine.
Using titan server with BerkeleyDB
From this link:
download titan 0.3.0
start the server with ./bin/ config/titan-server-rexster.xml config/
launch titan gremlin: ./bin/
but once I try to connect to the database (graph) in gremlin with g ='graph') it creates a new database called graph in the directory I'm in. If i execute this where my directory (filled) is I get:
Could not instantiate implementation: com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.berkeleyje.BerkeleyJEStoreManager
Could someone clarify these process, and tell me what I'm doing wrong.

According to the documentation takes either the name of a config file or the name of a directory to open or create a database in.
If what steven says is true, there would be two ways to connect to the database with a BerkelyDB backend:
Start the database through bin/ Connect to the database through the rexster console.
DON'T start the database using bin/ Use the gremlin console instead:"database-location"). This will open the database. But this does not have a rexster server. Nothing else will be able to access the database but the gremlin console.

With Titan Server/BerkeleyDB, you should attempt to connect via RexPro or REST (Thunderdome should connect over REST). You can't open another Titan-based connection to BerkeleyDB as Titan Server already owns that.
This is different than Titan Server/Cassandra where connectivity occurs over RexPro or REST, but also through embedded Cassandra which enables connectivity over thrift via'graph')

It's also possible to access Titan from python using these two libraries:
Thunderdome is currently Titan-specific, and bulbs is generic. A (possibly biased) comparison between Thunderdome and Bulbs is given on Thunderdome's wiki:
If you need autocompletion, you can use iPython and enable autocompletion in your iPython config.


How can i obtain a temporary mssql database with test containers using a specially modified JDBC URL?

I want to obtain a temporary mssql database to execute some tests, currently i am using h2 for the purpose but because it does not support stored procedures i want to start using the test containers, how can i obtain such database through the jdbc url in my application-test.yaml as i do for the h2:
I tried to find a solution for this in the documentation but i dont find any for mssql.
Hostless JDBC url can be used. Using spring boot the following property should be set spring.datasource.url=jdbc:tc:sqlserver:latest:///. Read more about Testcontainers MSSQL server module.
See an example here

Uploading Databases

How does one go about uploading a database like Apache Cassandra after creating one? Furthermore, is there a way to upload/share only its skeleton structure, without the data gathered in it? I'm on MacOS and would like to use Python to do all of this. Thank you!
Based on your second comment, I guessed it to mean you want the database to be remotely accessible to clients/apps not installed locally.
Clients/apps connect to Cassandra on the IP address set for rpc_address and the CQL port set for native_transport_port (default is 9042) set in cassandra.yaml.
You mentioned that your Cassandra instance is running on your laptop so only clients/apps running on your local network can access it if you configure rpc_address to an IP address accessible on the network (default is localhost).
If you're just trying out Cassandra and want to collaborate with other developer friends, try Astra and launch Cassandra instance on the free-tier (no credit card required). With it you can share the database credentials with your friends and they can connect to it over the internet.
You can connect to Astra from your Python app using the Python driver. Otherwise, Astra includes pre-configured and ready to use. Stargate is a data access gateway that lets you connect to Cassandra from your app using REST API, GraphQL API or JSON/Doc API without having to learn CQL. For more info, see Connecting to your Astra database. Cheers!

Connecting to Google Cloud SQL from Eclipse Not Using App Engine

We are trying to connect to Google Cloud SQL from Eclipse using the Database Development perspective. To do so I'm trying to add a new Database Connection, which I was able to do successfully for a local MySQL instance running on my machine.
The motivation for doing this is that we currently run our JUnit tests against the local instance. However, we are switching to Hibernate and want to make sure that all of our configuration files work with Cloud SQL. As a general guide I've been using:
We're diverging slightly in that we're using hibernate.cfg.xml instead of persistence.xml, but I don't think this will actually have a bearing on the current issue of simply connecting to the database. From another answer as well as some Google documentation I'm aware that I can't use the, because that needs to be run from an AppEngine instance. Instead I'm trying to follow the directions here:
and am using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.
I have assigned my Cloud SQL instance an ip address and have added my current ip address to the whitelist, as described here:
My driver is the Connector/J driver I've been using successfully with the local instance, and the url I'm using is:
which I got based on:
After adding the connection and setting the information I click Test Connection, which worked successfully on my local instance. However, this throws the following error:
java.lang.Exception: Connection failed with unspecified error.
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.DriverConnectionBase.internalCreateConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.enablement.internal.mysql.connection.JDBCMySQLConnectionFactory.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionFactoryProvider.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.internal.ConnectionProfile.createConnection(
at org.eclipse.datatools.connectivity.ui.PingJob.createTestConnection(
Obviously this isn't very helpful.
I've tried fiddling with the url, tried a number of users (none of which require passwords, so I'm leaving the password fields blank), and different versions of the driver for different versions of MySQL. Nothing has worked.
There are perhaps more deep-seated issues with doing it this way, such as how I will easily switch between test and deployment versions of my hibernate.cfg.xml, and I don't have good answers. I was just planning on editing them by hand back to the AppEngineDriver, which means I might run into further configuration issues at that point even if the JUnit tests are passing. Nevertheless, I think getting a connection set up to Cloud SQL that will allow JUnit testing will be a step in the right direction. I'd appreciate any input!
You should use jdbc:mysql://<cloudsql-instance-ip>:3306/<database-name> to connect from an external network. The connection string you are using is to connect from Google App Engine.

How to use DATABSE_URL in Play 2.0 (Scala) for local connection to mysql

I'm new to Play framework. I'm trying to configure MySQL database as a datasource to be used with Play.
i have done following setting to connect mysql database to play..
but i am getting following configuration error.
play.api.Configuration$$anon$1: Configuration error[Cannot connect to
database [default]]
I am not able to connect my wamp localhost database to play.
How do I modify the configuration file to use a mysql database as opposed to an in-memory version. Do I need to setup an entirely separate DB or can I modify the db.default.url property?
I'm using Play! 2.1.
I have resolved with issue. Thank You for your guidance.
Few lines to Put.
"mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.18"
Follow the reference,
Your url should be in this structure:
If you didn't set the default password, it is usually root with no password, like this:

DatabaseConnection datasource creation from eclipse

I am new to Eclipse.
Currently developing a sample web application using primefaces 3.1 and glassfish 3.
I have created a oracle database connection under datasource explorer. I would like to know how to
integrate this with my web application, so that I could connect to database from my web application. I know that by creating context.xml and entering the following might be suffice for database access, but are there anyways to integrate database connection with my application? So that I do not need to hard code password in context.xml.
I have used Jdeveloper in the past and by creating a database connection corresponding datasource entries in xml are generated. So I was wondering something similar would be possible using Eclipse?
Any help is highly appreciated.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Resource name="jdbc/SampleDB" auth="Container"
username="app" password="app"
maxActive="8" />
I have found a solution to create datasource for glassfish.
I created a a JDBC Resource under GlassFish and pointed connection to my connection created under Date Source Explorer. It created a sun-resources.xml. I had to manually rename this to glassfish-resource.xml. By default there are no entry for password,so I had to manually add . When I ran my web application I was getting this error
java.sql.SQLException: Error in allocating a connection. Cause: No PasswordCredential found
So to resolve this error I added a property in JDBC Connection Pool in glassfish admin server. Now I could connect to Oracle database.
Not sure why I have to do two steps manually. Besides by default it creates sun-resources.xml. Perhaps someone could point out how to workaround these.
