multiple mail recipients with CakePHP using bcc (the right insert method) - cakephp

i use the php framework cakePHP to create a web app. There,i want the user to insert in a field as many email addresses as he desires and by hitting the Send button,a message would be emailed to all of the emails.
To achieve that,i have to use bcc.
My problem is that i do not know how can i "read" from the user his email addresses in the right form so that i use them in bcc.
Till now,i have a variable $to = $this->request->data['Mail']['to']; ,where 'Mail' is my model name,and in case the user inserts just one email address,the recipient receives the mail correctly. But how can i enable it to receive multiple email addresses (maybe in an array??) so that i use the variable $to at this piece of code:
$Email = new CakeEmail();
and help is welcomed :)
thank you in advance!

There is the API ( ) and the code is open source. They all provide the information you are looking for.
If you open the class CakeEmail you will find ( ):
public function addBcc()
which is different from bcc() since it can be used multiple times to add multiple bcc addresses.


Exception in Site.createExternalUser in Apex RESTclass: Site.ExternalUserCreateException: [That operation is only allowed from within an active site.]

I have a Non-Salesforce Auth System which holds usernames and passwords for a few thousand users. I am willing to migrate these users to Salesforce and give access to these users to my Experience Cloud site. I am developing an apex REST Resource which will take username and password as arguments and create a user with that username and password with a community profile. I am planning to call this API from my Non-Salesforce system and migrate all these users. I am using Site.createExternalUser method in this API. I am getting the exception
Site.ExternalUserCreateException: [That operation is only allowed from within an active site.]
The reason I am using Site.createExternalUser is because I don't want to send the welcome email/reset password email to my users since they already have signed up successfully long ago.
I am open to any alternatives for achiving this.
Below is my code:
global with sharing class createUserRestResource {
global static String doPost(){
Contact con=new Contact();
con.LastName= "Last";
con.AccountId='/Add an account Id here./';
insert con;
usr.Username= "";
usr.Alias= "alias123";
usr.Email= "";
usr.FirstName= "First";
usr.IsActive= true;
usr.LastName= "Last";
usr.ProfileId='/Community User Profile Id/';
usr.EmailEncodingKey= 'ISO-8859-1';
usr.TimeZoneSidKey= 'America/Los_Angeles';
usr.LocaleSidKey= 'en_US';
usr.LanguageLocaleKey= 'en_US';
usr.ContactId = con.Id;
String userId = Site.createExternalUser(usr, con.AccountId, 'Password#1234', false);
return userId;
You can suppress sending emails out in whole org (Setup -> Deliverability) or in the Community config there will be way to not send welcome emails (your community -> Workspaces -> Administration -> Emails).
Without running on actual Site I don't think you can pull it off in one go. In theory it's simple, insert contact, then insert user. In practice depends which fields you set on the user. If it's Partner community you might be setting UserRoleId too and that's forbidden. See MIXED DML error. In Customer community you might be safe... until you decide to assign them some permission sets too.
You might need 2 separate endpoints, 1 to create contact, 1 to make user out of it. Or save the contact and then offload user creation to #future/Queueable/something else like that.

Sending emails to multiple users using flows(Salesforce)

I need to send an email notification to the record owner and manager once the opportunity is closed-won.
adding only owner email works fine
adding only manager email works fine
But if I add both together with coma, {!$Record.Owner.Email},{!$Record.Engagement_Manager__r.Email} I'm getting error.
what is the correct way to add it?
You can try creating a Formula Resource in your flow like this but, in your case, using $Record.Owner.Email and $Record.Engagement_Manager__r.Email:
Then, you can use this Resource in your Email Action:
Try the below code and let me know if it works.
global class SendPurchaseOrderEmail {
WebService static void sendEmail(String poId) {
List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> emails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>();
String theTemplate = [SELECT Id FROM EmailTemplate WHERE DeveloperName = 'Purchase_Order_With_Items'].Id;
User theUser = [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Name = 'user name goes here'];
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
mail.setToAddresses(new String[] { '' ,''}); //add other emails here.
Please refer below link for more details.
This is because you have to pass a direct email address there.
Instead of that, you can create a collection variable, store the emails into it, then pass that variable to email addresses (collection) field.
Note: you can only store upto 5 emails into that colllection variable at a time.
Hi For that you can simply add collection Variable.
For that variable assign multiple values to it. So that you can send email to both record owner as well as manager.
From New Resource Select the Variable and click Allow Multiple Values and Data-type as text.
Then by using Assignment. Add the following email Address to it Please refer the below image.
I hope you have got the solution

Sending to another user with e-mail address

I am trying to create a script in Python to transfer funds to another Coinbase user when all I have is an e-mail address. I have been unsuccessful so far. How do I get another user's "id" when all I have is their e-mail address?
As a follow on, can I add a memo/note to the transfer? If so, how?
Finally figured it out with a little bit more searching and trial and error. For anyone else who may have this question:
First get the account ID for the currency you want to send.
account_list = client.get_accounts()['data']
ETH_id = [acc['id'] for acc in account_list if acc['balance']['currency'] == "ETH"][0]
Then use the send_money function (not transfer_money) to send to an e-mail address.
client.send_money(ETH_id,to="<e-mail address>", amount="0.0005", currency="ETH", description = "Hey look, it worked.")
The description keyword is for the memo.

Salesforce- Creating contact and user by importing CSV file & send notification email to User

I want to create the contact & user related to account by importing csv file.After creating user, generated username & password should be send to the respective user's email address.
I am planning to use Vf page for accepting the csv file & the Contact & User API for adding contacts & Users. But I am not sure regarding the email notification to user through API.
So can anyone please provide me the best solution for this?
You'll need to use Database.insert() flavor instead of straightforward insert users;
Check out the DML options help topic, especially the "emailHeader" property
Something like this should do the trick:
List<User> users = new List<User>(); // fill in with data from your CSV
Database.DMLOptions dlo = new Database.DMLOptions();
dlo.EmailHeader.triggerUserEmail = true;
database.insert(users, dlo);
Be aware though that you can't insert an inactive user. You can deactivate them straight after the insert but then they can't login so you'll probably want to suppress the sending of email, not enforce it. Make sure you have sufficient amount of licenses before you start!
Last but not least - you can cheat by setting the same password for them with System.setPassword('user id', 'new password') :) It's not recommended to expose this functionality to your end users though, can process only 1 user at a time and wastes 1 DML statement...

VISUALFORCE /APEX : Simple email feedback form

I am developing a site in Visualforce and would like to offer user a simple form to send me feedback via email. There would be 3-4 fields like name, user's email, reason and feedback and "send" button. Clicking the send button should automatically send that message to my email address.
I do not want to store the form data in salesforce at least for now...All the stuff I found online about visualforce/apex and email is about saving that data to salesforce too.
Can I just make use of apex's email capabilities and send out email without storing that data anywhere in salesforce?
It's not required to insert/update/delete any records in the database when executing an action on a VisualForce page. You can leverage the Outbound Email functionality to send out your notification. For something like this, you will probably want to familiarize yourself with the SingleEmailMessage methods.
A simple example to get you going:
public PageReference actionSend() {
String[] recipients = new String[]{''};
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage msg = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
msg.setSubject('Test Email Subject');
msg.setHtmlBody('Test body including HTML markup');
msg.setPlainTextBody('Test body excluding HTML markup');
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] {msg}, false);
return null;
If you are interested in sending these outbound messages from a dedicated email address (something like, you can set these up through the Setup -> Administration Setup -> Email Administration -> Organization-Wide Addresses menu. Once you have created an org-wide address, grab the Id from the URL and use the setOrgWideEmailAddressId(Id) method on your instance of Messaging.SingleEmailMessage.
