Laravel 4 not getting JSON from input Backbone.js - backbone.js

I have read and worked with the other posts about this and it appears the version of Laravel 4 I just downloaded has more changes made to the way the JSON input is handled by a controller.
$input = Input::json()->all(); gives me errors as if I am referring to something that does not exist when I request some part of the payload after doing a PUT request. And without ->all(); I get a symfony error.
Does anyone know how to get good JSON from backbone in Laravel 4's latest version?
Currently, I am doing the long way around to get my data, ie:
$input_title = Input::get('title');
$input_completed = Input::get('completed');
$task = Task::find($id);
$task->title = $input_title;
$task->completed = $input_completed;
Yes, I am doing the tutorial on tutsplus to learn laravel/backbone, so a little noob patience is apreciated.
The error I get when using Input::get(); is:
{"error":{"type":"UnexpectedValueException","message":"The Response content must be a string or object implementing __toString(), \"array\" given.","file":"/Users/brentlawson23/Sites/laravel4App/bootstrap/compiled.php","line":16858}}
I really want to get the Laravel-specific answer instead of using straight php to stringify the payload.
I get same error using just Input::json();
For the current beta of Laravel 4, Input::json(); is not getting a stringified version of the request payload that can be used to create a new row in a table, nor does Input::json()->all(); (hoping to play nice with the ParameterBag from symfony). I have tried json_encode among other hacks and basically every step of the way in this tut, I hit some brick wall. Anyone have a suggestion based on what I have presented here?
Today I got this when simply trying to echo the result of $input = Input::json(); :
{"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"Catchable Fatal Error: Object of class Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag could not be converted to string in /Users/brentlawson23/Sites/laravel4App/app/controllers/TasksController.php line 45","file":"/Users/brentlawson23/Sites/laravel4App/app/controllers/TasksController.php","line":45}}
Yes, I have studied the Symfony API.

I had a similar problem. Input from Backbone is converted to array in Laravel. On tutsplus, Jeffrey Way is using object. So I was trying to do this (like in tutorial):
return $input->title // using object,but got an error.
If I change that line to:
return $input["title"] // everything works fine with array.

I'm also working through the Backbone tutorial on tuts+. If I'm right in assuming are you stuck on the Creating New Contacts section? Below is how I got it to work for me, in ContactController.php:
public function store()
$input = Input::all();
'first_name' => $input['first_name'],
'last_name' => $input['last_name'],
'email_address' => $input['email_address'],
'description' => $input['description']
And then also needed to update app/models/Contact.php with the below:
class Contact extends Eloquent {
protected $fillable = array('first_name', 'last_name', 'email_address', 'description');
That should get it working for you and insert the contact into the database. If I've misread let me know and I can have another look.


CakePHP How to create pagination from API JSON data source

I have an API like example
I have used cakephp HTTP client to get data, below my attempted code
public index()
$http = new Client();
$response = $http->get('');
// $json = $response->getJson(); //also tried usgin json
$countries = $this->paginate($response);
$this->set(compact('countries '));
I am trying to apply pagination with this country data then fetch it in view with pagination.
After tried above code , I have gotten below error
Argument 1 passed to Cake\Datasource\Paginator::extractData() must be an instance of Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface, instance of Cake\Http\Client\Response given, called in \myapp\vendor\cakephp\cakephp\src\Datasource\Paginator.php on line 176
How can I get my desire result ?
You have probably need to implement a class who extend RepositoryInterface.
class JsonSource implements Cake\Datasource\RepositoryInterface
{ ... }
public index() {
$http = new Client();
$response = $http->get('');
$src = new JsonSource();
$countries = $this->paginate($src);
$this->set(compact('countries ')); }
Is a bit tedious, because you need to define Json like a datasource.
The default pagination only supports querying tables (repositories), or operating on pre-built query instances.
To extend on #Zeppi's answer. You basically have three somewhat straightforward options here:
Create custom query/repository implementations as hinted by #Zeppi.
This can indeed be quite a lot of work though, so you might want to look into alternatively implementing it with the help of plugins, for example muffin/webservice, which does most of the hard work of implementing the required interfaces.
Or create a custom paginator that actually accepts and works on array data.
Or use what is widely know as a "datatable", that is a JavaScript based table in the frontend that paginates the data, for example jQuery DataTables.

Angular Request how it works for nestjsx/crud

I've been trying for hours to make it work and I can't do it, I hope some of you have the answer to my question because it must be very simple and I am a beginner
I am using AngularJs and NestJs in Nest used the #nestjsx/crud and I went trow the request docs so, here is the problem:
This is my Angular service function
getProductsOfPiece(pieceId: number): Observable<ProductSimple[]> {
return this.http.get<ProductSimple[]>(
'api/producto/', {
params: {
fields: "id,refFabr,refCliente,descrCorta,imagen",
filter: '||$eq||'+ pieceId
This request gives me a 400 Bad Request, it looks like this:
I imagine the % and the hexadecimal have something to do with the URI coding and tried to encode/decode it, but didn't work.
I also tried using the class RequestQueryBuilder of #nestjsx/crud-request from the FrontEnd usage referenced in the docs, and append it to the URL
let queryString = RequestQueryBuilder.create()
field: "",
operator: CondOperator.EQUALS,
value: collectionId
return this.http.get<ProductSimple[]>(
but got worse result
What I don't understand is how I do this with my Postmand and it works!
How can I make it work, what is wrong with my code?
Finally got the answer, just had to set the .query(false) on the RequestQueryBuilder, this boolean parameter is for encode, seams like Angular's HttpClient class does some encoding or something to the URL so, anyway
It Works! Here is the code:
getProductsOfPiece(pieceId: number): Observable<ProductSimple[]> {
let queryString = RequestQueryBuilder.create()
field: "",
operator: CondOperator.EQUALS,
value: collectionId
return this.http.get<ProductSimple[]>(
And you need to import
RequestQueryBuilder of #nestjsx/crud-request
npm i #nestjsx/crud-request.
Any observations are welcome...
To create or update
Here are de docs
Create One
Update One
Following that guide the create and update are simple
Just do POST to the API 'api/producto/' (for example) with the object as body in the request
For the Update follows similar just using the PUT method and the API with the model id 'api/producto/1' (for example)

How can i fetch dynamic data from database based on selected language.?

Hi i am working on a project in laravel 7.0, in back-end i have a table called Posts which contains 2 text language input one in french and the other is arabic added by the back-end application.
what i am trying to do is when the user uses the French Language i want the title_fr to be displayed on the view and same thing in Arabic language the title should be title_ar.
P.S data are stored in French and Arabic
I have tried the similar solution given in an other similar question but none of it worked in my case!
Any idea how i might get this to work ?
Thanks in advance.
You can do something similar to below. We have a model Post, this model has an attribute title. I also assume that you have an attribute that will return user's language from the User model.
class Post extends Model
public function getTitleAttribute(): string
return Auth::user()->language === 'fr' ? $this->title_fr : $this->title_ar;
FYI above is just a demo on what can be done. For a full blow solution I would recommend decorator pattern.
Also it might be worth considering using morph for things like that. You can have a service provider that will initiate the morph map for you post model relevant to the language that user has, I.e.
Class ModelProvider {
Protected $models = [
‘fr’ => [
‘post’ => App/Models/Fr/Post::class,
‘ar’ => [
‘post’ => App/Models/Ar/Post::class,
Public function boot() {
$language = Auth::user()->Settings->language;
Afterwards you just need to call to Relation::getMorphModel(‘post’) to grab Post class that will return correct language.
I.e. App/Models/Fr/Post can have a an attribute title:
Public function getTitleAttribute(): string {
Return $this->title_fr;
For example above you would also want to utilise interfaces to make sure that all models follow the same contract, something below would do the trick:
Interface I18nPostInterface {
Public function getTitleAttribute(): string
Also, depending on the database you use, to store titles (and other language data) in a JSON format in the database. MySQL 8 has an improve support for JSON data, but there are limitations with that.
So I was Able to fetch data from my database based on the Language selected by the user.
Like i said before I have a table called Posts and has columns id,title_fr and title_ar. I am using laravel Localization.
Inside my PostController in the index function i added this code:
public function index()
$post = Post::all();
$Frtitle = post::get()->pluck('title_fr');
$Artitle = post::get()->pluck('title_ar');
return view('post.index',compact('post','Frtitle','Artitle'));
if anyone has a better way then mine please let me know, i am sure
there is a better way.

Difference in accessing variables in views

I've two controllers one is "Upload" which deals with images uploads and other is "Page" whid deals with the creation of pages of CMS now if in my "Upload" controller I load both the models i.e 'image_m' which deals with image upload and "page_m" which deals with the pages creation I've highlighted the relevant code my problem is if I access the variables in the view
$this->data['images'] = $this->image_m->get(); sent by this I can access in foreach loop as "$images->image_title, $images->image_path" etc
But the variable sent by this line ***$this->data['get_with_images'] = $this->page_m->get_no_parents();*** as $get_with_images->page_name, $get_with_images->page_id etc produces given error
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Trying to get property of non-object
Filename: upload/index.php
Line Number: 20
what is the difference between these two access levels one for $image & other for $get_with_images because I can only access its values as $get_with_images
class Upload extends Admin_Controller {
public function __construct() {
public function index($id = NULL) {
//var_dump($this->data['images'] = $this->image_m->get_with_images());
//$this->data['images'] = $this->image_m->get_with_images();
***$this->data['images'] = $this->image_m->get();***
$this->data['subview'] = 'admin/upload/index';
if ($id) {
$this->data['image'] = $this->image_m->get($id);
count($this->data['image']) || $this->data['errors'][] = 'Page Could not be found';
$id == NULL || $this->data['image'] = $this->image_m->get($id);
/*this calls the page_m model function to load all the pages from pages table*/
***$this->data['get_with_images'] = $this->page_m->get_no_parents();***
You are not posting all your code so its hard to tell but is it because you used $this-> in the controller, but you haven't done the same thing in the view?
In this case i would recommend not using $this-> because its not necessary. Also its much better to check for errors etc when you call the model so do something like
if ( ! $data['images'] = $this->image_m->get($id) ) {
// Failure -- show an appropriate view for not getting any images
// am showing $data in case you have other values that are getting passed
$this->load->view( 'sadview', $data ); }
else {
// Success -- show a view to display images
$this->load->view( 'awesomeview', $data ); }
so we are saying if nothing came back - the ! is a negative - then show the failure view. Else $data['images'] came back, and it will be passed to the view. note i have not had to use $this-> for anything and it won't be needed in the view.
Would also suggest using separate methods - have one method to show all images and a separate method like returnimage($id) to show an image based on a specific validated $id.
====== Edit
You can access as many models as you want and pass that data to the View. You have a different issue - the problem is that you are waiting until the View to find out - and then it makes it more difficult to figure out what is wrong.
Look at this page and make sure you understand the differences between query results
When you have problems like this the first thing to do is make a simple view, and echo out directly from the model method that is giving you problems. Its probably something very simple but you are having to look through so much code that its difficult to discover.
The next thing is that for every method you write, you need to ask yourself 'what if it doesn't return anything?' and then deal with those conditions as part of your code. Always validate any input coming in to your methods (even links) and always have fallbacks for any method connecting to a database.
On your view do a var_dump($get_with_images) The error being given is that you are trying to use/access $get_with_images as an object but it is not an object.
or better yet on your controller do a
echo '<pre>';
maybe your model is not returning anything or is returning something but the data is not an object , maybe an array of object that you still need to loop through in some cases.

How to set up CakePHP 2.x to behave like a RESTful webservices (for using it together with JavascriptMVC)

I am trying to set up cakephp to work with the very nice javascriptMVC ( JavaScriptMVC requires the JSON-Output in the following format:
'id': 1,
'name' : 'Justin Meyer',
'birthday': '1982-10-20'
'id': 2,
'name' : 'Brian Moschel',
'birthday': '1983-11-10'
Cake would generate a deeper nested array with a prepended Class Name. I found attempts to solve the problem but theyre not for cakephp 2.x. I know that I can simply generate a new array and json_encode() it via php, but it would be nicer to include a function like this and another one to deflatten it.
Where would be the best place to put such functions? The AppController doesnt seem to work. Should i put it in beforeRender () or beforeFilter() of the controller? Or does someone maybe even know of an existing solution/plugin for this? This would be the best for me in my current Situation, as Im pretty much pressed for time.
Ok, I'm not 100% sure I understand what you are trying to do so here's a word to the wise just in case: Cake and JMVC are both comprehensive MVC frameworks. if you are attempting to combine them as a single cohesive platform to build your application, I strongly suggest you review your approach / platform / etc.
Also -- I'm not an expert by any means in jmvc, so I'm just going to pretend that processing the response from Cake in jmvc is completely out of the question, for some odd reason. For the record, think of Cake's responses like this:
{ "Model" :
'id': 1,
'name' : 'Justin Meyer',
'birthday': '1982-10-20'
'id': 2,
'name' : 'Brian Moschel',
'birthday': '1983-11-10'
Cake has had comprehensive REST service support, since at least Cake 1.2. The lib you are interested in is HttpSocket. As for json encoding and serving response, Request Handling covers, among other things, responding to all manners of requests, content types, decoding and encoding json, etc. Finally, the built-in Set utility will almost certainly cover whatever array manipulation you need in a line or two.
The functionality you are interested in is pretty basic and hasn't changed too much. I'd bet a lot of the (reasonably simple) solutions you have already found would probably still work, maybe with a little bit of tweaking.
For pretty much any basic service endpoint, you would probably create a controller (not AppController - that is application-wide, hence you can't invoke it directly) method, considering Cake routes the controller/action into your url:
Cake consuming services from a different app would look like this:
class CollectController extends AppController {
public function getInfo($array = null) {
App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');
$http = new HttpSocket();
$http->get('http://jmvcproject/controller/action', $array);
// ...etc.
Cake providing services from the same controller / action to a different app would simply be:
public function getInfo($array = null) {
$results = $this->Collect->find('all', $array);
// ...fetch the results
Or you could just loop over that array with foreach($this->data as $data) { ... to drop the class name. But if your data will include associated models, etc, Set is probably the most versatile and resilient solution.
Anyway, HTH
