Uploading mirror Java Quickstart to App Engine - google-mirror-api

Question about getting the Java starter project booted up on Google App Engine
In that quickstart when configuring Eclipse it says
Uncheck the Use Google App Engine checkbox and save.
However if I follow the instructions on the above page - including Eclipse with the Google plugin - I get a project which can be run on localhost. If I try to upload the App Engine it says this is not a App Engine project and won't upload.
So then if I make it one (go under the Google->App Engine settings) the Eclipse project complains about the jars under
and still won't upload. If I delete them then I get a project that doesn't compile either. So what do I need to do specifically to get this to load to the cloud?
Related to this is that I'm confused about the relationship between Maven and Eclipse - the two seem to be a cross purposes as Maven populates the lib directory but I keep wrangling with Eclipse over it too. The App Engine plugin seems to want to use it's jars, while the app-engine code I downloaded per the instructions (to get the bin utils app-cfg) want to be used too by Maven AFAIK.

Deploy to App Engine from the command line using appcfg.sh.
Getting many IDEs and App Engine to all work in the same project has led to some compromises due to differing assumptions made by each of the tools involved. For example, the Eclipse App Engine plugin makes different assumptions about the structure of projects than other IDEs. The compromise was to fall back to the official command line tools since they seem the most tolerant of variation and are always available.
Maven is part of the project to handle dependency management.
If you'd like to use Eclipse for your deployment too, you'll probably want to create a new Eclipse App Engine project and copy the libraries and code into that project.


IntelliJ: cannot deploy to Google App Engine (Standard)

The IDE complains about no Deployment selected, but from the picture I can't pick one.
I have upgraded IntelliJ to the latest. I am planning to reinstall everything.
There should be an artifact displayed:
Make sure you have a war artifact defined in the Project Structure | Artifacts.
If the issue persists, please report a bug and attach a sample project to reproduce.
Artifact options available out of the box in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate:
If you don't see the Web Application options, you need to make sure that all the plug-ins are enabled. You can also just delete disabled_plugins.txt file from the IDE CONFIG directory and restart the IDE.
In case you are still running into issues:
It actually looks like you are using the Cloud Tools for IntelliJ plugin (https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-intellij) and not the App Engine plugin bundled in IDEA Ultimate as in the accepted answer.
You can refer to the following documentation for deployment to the App Engine standard environment:
Also a couple things to check:
You should have an app engine standard facet
You should have an exploded-war artifact:
Try the following action:
Tools > Google Cloud Tools > Add App Engine support > Google App Engine Standard and see if this resolves the problem.
If none of this helps, perhaps you can post some screenshots of your artifact / module structure under project settings.
So OK, at the end I was using IntelliJ Community which doesn't support deploying to Google App Engine anymore (although it's bizarre the plugin is available). Apparently one of the latest updates disable whatever minimal support was there, as I was able to deploy to GAE just a few weeks ago.

Running Go App Engine apps locally.

I'm trying to run an App Engine app locally using the development server, as specified in Google's docs. I'm running into a ton of compilation errors due to the go library packaged in the SDK missing system libraries.
Looking at the SDK download page, it says:
Note: The Google App Engine Launcher does not work with Go apps.
So is there no way to launch Go apps running on App Engine locally?
The GAE Go SDK contains and uses a modified version of Go 1.6.2., and the context package was added to the standard lib in Go 1.7. The old API that comes bundled in the SDK uses the appengine.Context context.
See related question: AppEngine/Go: Using a new version of Go with the SDK

How to deploy to App Engine from web

I hope someone can help-me.
I'm trying to move my development workflow to the web, so I would not need to install anything locally.
To accomplish it I'm using codeanywhere and storing my code on bitbucket, which is connected with my project´s cloud platform.
Everything is working fine, I make a change on codeanywhere commit it on bitbucket and see the change on my project's source code (on the cloud plataform). But the changes are not reflected on my application (the actual source code running my application isn't updated).
I'm running out of alternatives, I tried to update it using the Cloud Platform's Cloud Shell but I couldn't even cd to the source code folder.
Does anyone know how to deploy the source code from the Cloud Plataform to App Engine?
I need a full online workflow.
Thank you in advance for your help
You can use source-repositories of GAE to keep source code and run application from shell for example running application gradle appengineRun & deploy application gradle gradleappengineUpdate using gradle
You can see this link for building, running and deploying application using maven.

Can Google App Engine / GWT plugin work with multi-module projects?

The getting started tutorial for Google App Engine / GWT describes a very simple application using a single eclipse project (module). I'm porting a JPA / Hibernate based project to GAE and have a service layer module. It all compiles but when I attempt to run as a web-app from eclipse, obviously it doesn't have access to the service layer.
How do I get Eclipse to build a Jar, and include it (with the src) in the GWT project module - i.e. deployed to the WEB-INF/lib directory?
I can't believe that Google are not addressing this and seem to have just skimmed over this gaping hole.
You should use Ant and setup an Ant Builder that executes when you save your java classes to create the Jar
This should accomplish what you are looking for.

How to manage uploaded code in GAE?

Is there a way to manage interactively (view/delete) config and code of an application in google app engine? I understand that the deployment approach is versioned batch upload, but can i at least download back a collection of uploaded files of current (or any given) revision of an app? Or is there even an interface for GAE similar to CVS/SVN/GIT with features like revisions diff?
You can download your deployed code as of SDK version 1.3.8 according to the prerelease announcement
This feature was apparently not included in 1.3.8, but it seems to at least be in the works.
The developer who uploaded an app
version can download that version's
code using the appcfg.py
download_app command. You can use this
to download both Python and Java
application code.
You can't interactively configure your app, or modify the code without redeploying, however.
No, you cannot download a deployed application. The only way to see the source is if you have it. You can use git/CVS/SVN but it wont have anything to do with the actual deployment of the application.
Edit: Here are the docs
