Using Google Analytics from a .NET desktop application - wpf

Is it possible to send "PageViews" and record activity using the official Google API for C#? for instance, if i want to track page views for my wpf/winforms desktop app. ?
Where can i find some oficial examples?

I've just downloaded "Garlic" and tried the sample app and it works a treat!

Disclaimer: I am the author for Gappalytics
I think one missing here is Gappalytics for code/UI event tracking, it is a very simple library which unlocks you a full potential of Google analytics.
It works better than mentioned before lib's because it can persist uniqueness of a user this way your data will not be skewed.

Google just released the Windows SDK for Google Analytics. It works with UWP, Xamarin, Windows Forms, and WPF.
The official announcement was made at the most recent Windows Developer Day on Feb 8th, 2017.

Here are some options, none perfect though. Google has an iOS and android SDK. Why not a Windows SDK???
Server Side Google Analytics


App Engine SSL for Custom Domain within Developer Console (not via Google Apps)

When will SSL support for custom domain be available within the developer console, instead of having to go over to Google Apps? I read somewhere it says Q3 of 2015. But seems like people have some ways of getting that to work already. Is it a private beta feature?
Building some apps for a client and they can't get their Google Apps account to work and we already have the custom sub-domain mapped to the GAE, and just need the last piece. Help!
This is the tracking issue, indeed Q3 seems to be more likely:
FWIW, I detailed a bit my solution to get things working via Google Apps in this Q&A: AppEngine subdomains to modules without wildcard mapping, maybe it can help with your customer's problems in the meantime.

Can you import Selenium Web driver into the Google App Engin

I am sort of new to app development, so this may sound like a stupid question. The company I am working with is trying to get ride of most of there IT infrastructure, so that they don't need any more servers. I have been asked to develop a program that takes information from a google spreadsheet and then with this information puts it into a web browser. I am Planning on using Phyton and selenium web driver. Will I be able to install selenium if i host the application as a Google app engine?
The Reason I want/need to use selenium web driver is because I need to put the information from google into a legacy system. The only way to put information in the system is to mimic a user putting the information in manual in a web browser.
Thank you,
I don't understand what you think Selenium will be doing here. It seems a very strange way to want to get information from one Google property into another.
Google spreadsheets have a perfectly good API that allows you to read the data from your app and display it to users.
Edit after question update Well, now I don't see what you need GAE for. That is for hosting and running websites, and you only seem to want to enter data into an existing website. That's not what it does at all.

Google Glass Development for another

Wondering if anyone knows about developing a Google Glass app for another person. Someone who is in the Glass Explorer program has asked me to help them with developing an app (which I'm happy to do) but it looks like I will need to sign in as that person in the API Console. Is this correct? Is there any way for me to prototype separately?
There is indeed a way to do this without logging in as your colleague. Join the project team on the API console. Just follow these steps:
Have your Explorer friend create an API Console project and enable the Google Mirror API for that project from the services panel.
Have them go to the team panel for that project. Have them add your account to the project's team.
This enables you to develop on the same project, but since you're not an Explorer you cannot enable or disable the Mirror API for this project.

How get data from Microsoft Outlook with Silverlight?

I need to get information from Microsoft Outlooks calendar to show it on calendar application which I made with Silverlight.
I can get all needed information with Silverlight 4 but in trusted mode and my application must be installed on users computer and work as Desctop application.
But I need for my application to work on browser.
Is it possible or the only way is using it as Desctop application?
No, you can't. The best that you can do is to create a web service to communicate with Silverlight and then an Outlook add-in to communicate with that web service.
I did it with WebDav server. I published my calndar to WebDav server. Calendar is on .ics format so I can read all information from it as with other files and then parse it.
My WCF service is on the same computer in which is WebDav so I can get all needed information with Silverlight. I decided to use this version because in this case user have no need to install .Net freamework on his computer. I also found that user can publish his calendar from internet so this version do what I need.
#Otaku thanks for your answer, it was very nice solution and it is the best version for people who can't(or don't want) use WebDav.
Here is how to publish it.
EDIT: In this case calendar opens as readonly because it located on server and cannot be synchronized with existing calendar without add-in, so #Otaku's answer is right.
My version can be used if you don't need synchronization.

How to track if browser is Silverlight enabled

I'm trying to get some stats on how many of the visitors to our website have Silverlight enabled browsers.
We currently use Google Analytics for the rest of our stats so ideally we'd like to just add 'Silverlight enabled' tracking in with the rest of our Google Analytics stats. But if it has to get written out to a DB etc then so be it.
Nikhil has some javascript to Silverlight tracking to Google Analytics. I have tried this code but Google Analytics doesn't pick it up.
Does anyone have any other ideas/techniques?
In case you missed it, there's a link to a more detailed article as well in the comments:
Edit: As David pointed out, this article covers the reverse scenario more (how to write your silverlight app so that it plays well with Analytics).
I think you answered it yourself. The page you are linking to does just that: detect which version of Silverlight the user has (not if s/he installs it). From the page:
After a little poking around, I found that Google Analytics has support for reporting a user-defined field.
Basically this detects the presence of Silverlight, and if its available, it records the version as the value of the user-defined field. Now your analytics reports will have one of three values: "(not set)", "Silverlight/1.0" or "Silverlight/2.0".
The Using Google Analytics with rich (managed) web applications in Silverlight article is very interesing but is more focused on how to get your Silverlight app to send messages to Google Analytics.
Yeah, I thought that too but I have tried running my page with Nikhil's javascript and Google Analytics didn't pick it up. But I could have screwed something up somewhere.
I'm just interested to know if anyone else has managed to do this (track Silverlight-ness) successfully.
I've written a lightweight Silverlight library that helps make it easy to integrate Google Analytics in your silverlight app. You can grab download the code or binaries here.
I think the code posted on Nikhil's blog is out of date if you are using ga.js and not urchin.js.
The use of the global function __utmSetVar() is replaced by the tracker method _setCustomVar()
