Customize legend to display in vertical + horizontal EXTJS - extjs

i'm using Columns Chart.
Simply legend=true,
then it's display in horizontal manner, if i set to vertical then it's set all data in vertical manner.
but need to do that is,display legend in both way,e.g
1)data 1 2)data 2
3)data 3 4)data 4
5)data 5.
it's is possible to make customize legend like this.
Thank's in advance!


How to create multilines legend in Data Studio

In Data Studio my 10 points pie chart is like below:
As you can see there is a navigation arrow in the legend at the top of the pie.
I wonder how can I avoid the navigation by creating the multiline legend? How can I wrap the current single line legend?
Three ways to display all items in the legend; located in the Style Tab of the Pie Chart (added a GIF to elaborate):
Increasing the max lines;
Increasing the width of the Pie Chart;
Reducing the font size of the legend.
EDIT: Multi line Legend (Workaround using a Bar Chart)
How about using the legend from a Bar Chart? Added a GIF to elaborate as well as a few points:
Bar Chart: Use a Dimension and Breakdown Dimension that's the same as the one on the Pie Chart and enable the legend (Top) as well as using 2 lines (no legend for the Pie Chart)
Shape: Add a Shape over the Bar Chart (one that blends in with the background)
Order: Right click on components and select Order from the drop down to change the order of the components (Bar Chart: Send to back; Shape: Send Backwards (behind the Pie Chart); Pie Chart: Bring to Front)
Fine Tuning: Use Shift + Movement for precision placement (to get the shape exactly where you want it)

How can I set the height so that the scroll bar at the bottom of grid doesn't cover grid rows?

I have a react kendo grid like this: Kendo grid with scroll bar
Right now, when there is data, there's a max of 10 rows. The grid height is dynamic, so if there's only 5 rows of data, the grid is smaller than if there are 10 rows, and as you see in the picture, there are no rows of data.
My question is: how do I add the height of the scroll bar so that the content is not clipped below the scroll bar, as shown here? Thank you!
Try updating the KendoReact packages. I have a similar case and the scrollbar is height enough to show the message.
Example here

Add vertical scrollbar to an ExtJS panel which contains 4 other components

I have create a Ext.Panel with layout 'hbox', added 4 children, tree grids with the same store and want now to have a single vertical scrollbar for all of them and scroll only the content of the grids and not the headers. I searched through the containing Panel options and scrollable option will scroll the entire layout so, the optional horizontal scrollbars of the children will disappear. Can someone to give me a hint from where to start, what option/component to use to accomplish this single vertical scrollbar?
Why I put 4 tree grids in the same panel using the same store? Because the last one is a Bryntum Gantt component. The first column of the first grid should scroll horizontal when the items are too long and don't want to use ellipsis CSS property on the cells. And from time to time I need to switch the Gantt to another grid with more details. Also the second tree has only dates columns on them and have to be locked whenever gantt or other child toggles visibility.
I use ExtJS 6.0.1 Classic.
Thanks in advance
Because you want to keep the headers, you cannot use the panel scroller. Instead, you have to create mutual partnerships between the grid scrollers:
Ext.each(grids,function(grid) {
if(grid.normalGrid) grid = grid.normalGrid; // Use the normal subgrid of a grid with locked columns.
Ext.each(grids,function(partner) {
if(partner.normalGrid) partner = partner.normalGrid; // Use the normal subgrid of a grid with locked columns.
if(grid != partner) grid.getView().getScrollable().addPartner(partner.getView().getScrollable(), "y"); // "y" tells the scrollable that the partnership is only regarding y axis.
This forces them to stay in sync, as per the docs.

extjs 3.2 add vertical scrollbar dynamically

2,I am displaying more than 15 records in gridpanel . But only 10 records are displaying, other records are hiding below. I want to add vertical scrollbar to gridpanel, how can i achieve this.
You can use autoScroll : true config
give overflow:auto css property to body of grid

Exjs 4 grid panel with vertical scroll bar issue

Vertical scroll bar is taking/overlay's some width from last grid column. And I have implemented the search functionality on grid, then when matched elements are not found in the grid it show's empty grid. But while displaying empty grid all the grid columns are changing the width. someone help me I am new to extjs
