segmentation fault when using omp parallel for, but not sequentially - c

I'm having trouble using the #pragma omp parallel for
Basically I have several hundred DNA sequences that I want to run against an algorithm called NNLS.
I figured that doing it in parallel would give me a pretty good speed up, so I applied the #pragma operators.
When I run it sequentially there is no issue, the results are fine, but when I run it with #pragma omp parallel for I get a segfault within the algorithm (sometimes at different points).
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i = 0; i < dir_count; i++ ) {
int z = 0;
int w = 0;
struct dirent *directory_entry;
char filename[256];
directory_entry = readdir(input_directory_dh);
if(strcmp(directory_entry->d_name, "..") == 0 || strcmp(directory_entry->d_name, ".") == 0) {
sprintf(filename, "%s/%s", input_fasta_directory, directory_entry->d_name);
double *count_matrix = load_count_matrix(filename, width, kmer);
//normalize_matrix(count_matrix, 1, width)
for(z = 0; z < width; z++)
count_matrix[z] = count_matrix[z] * lambda;
// output our matricies if we are in debug mode
printf("running NNLS on %s, %d, %d\n", filename, i, z);
double *trained_matrix_copy = malloc(sizeof(double) * sequences * width);
for(w = 0; w < sequences; w++) {
for(z = 0; z < width; z++) {
trained_matrix_copy[w*width + z] = trained_matrix[w*width + z];
double *solution = nnls(trained_matrix_copy, count_matrix, sequences, width, i);
normalize_matrix(solution, 1, sequences);
for(z = 0; z < sequences; z++ ) {
solutions(i, z) = solution[z];
printf("finished NNLS on %s\n", filename);
gdb always exits at a different pint in my thread, so I can't figure out what is going wrong.
What I have tried:
allocating a copy of each matrix, so that they would not be writing on top of eachother
using a mixture of private/shared operators for the #pragma piece
using different input sequences
writing out my trained_matrix and count_matrix prior to calling NNLS, ensuring that they look OK. (they do!)
I'm sort of out of ideas. Does anyone have some advice?

Solution: make sure not use static variables in your function when multithreading (damned f2c translator)

Defining "#pragma omp parallel for" is not going to give you what you want. Based on the algorithm you have, you must have a solid plan on which variables are going to shared and which ones going to private among the processors.
Looking at this link should give you a quick start on how to correctly share the work among the threads.
Based on your statement "I get a segfault within the algorithm (sometimes at different points)", I would think there is a race condition between the threads or improper initialization of variables.

Function readdir is not thread safe. To quote the Linux man page for readdir(3):
The data returned by readdir() may be overwritten by subsequent calls to readdir()
for the same directory stream.
Consider putting the calls to readdir inside a critical section. Before leaving the critical section, copy the filename returned from readdir() to a local temporary variable, since the next thread to enter the critical section may overwrite it.
Also consider protecting your output operations with a critical section too, otherwise the output from different threads might be jumbled together.

A very possible reason is the stack limit. As MutantTurkey mentioned, if you have a lot of static variables (like a huge array defined in subroutine), they may use up your stack.
To solve this, first run ulimit -s to check the stack limit for the process. You can use ulimit -s unlimited to set it as ulimited. Then if it still crashes, try to increase the stack for OPENMP by setting OMP_STACKSIZE environmental variable to a huge value, like 100MB.
Intel has a discussion at It has more information of stack and heap memory.


Manual synchronization in OpenMP while loop

I recently started working with OpenMP to do some 'research' for an project in university. I have a rectangular and evenly spaced grid on which I'm solving a partial differential equation with an iterative scheme. So I basically have two for-loops (one in x- and y-direction of the grid each) wrapped by a while-loop for the iterations.
Now I want to investigate different parallelization schemes for this. The first (obvious) approach was to do a spatial a parallelization on the for loops.
Works fine too.
The approach I have problems with is a more tricky idea. Each thread calculates all grid points. The first thread starts solving the equation at the first grid row (y=0). When it's finished the thread goes on with the next row (y=1) and so on. At the same time thread #2 can already start at y=0, because all the necessary information are already available. I just need to do a kind of a manual synchronization between the threads so they can't overtake each other.
Therefore I used an array called check. It contains the thread-id that is currently allowed to work on each grid row. When the upcoming row is not 'ready' (value in check[j] is not correct), the thread goes into an empty while-loop, until it is.
Things will get clearer with a MWE:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
int main()
// initialize variables
int iter = 0; // iteration step counter
int check[100] = { 0 }; // initialize all rows for thread #0
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
int ID, num_threads, nextID;
double u[100 * 300] = { 0 };
// get parallelization info
ID = omp_get_thread_num();
num_threads = omp_get_num_threads();
// determine next valid id
if (ID == num_threads - 1) nextID = 0;
else nextID = ID + 1;
// iteration loop until abort criteria (HERE: SIMPLIFIED) are valid
while (iter<1000)
// rows (j=0 and j=99 are boundary conditions and don't have to be calculated)
for (int j = 1; j < (100 - 1); j++)
// manual sychronization: wait until previous thread completed enough rows
while (check[j + 1] != ID)
//printf("Thread #%d is waiting!\n", ID);
// gridpoints in row j
for (int i = 1; i < (300 - 1); i++)
// solve PDE on gridpoint
// replaced by random operation to consume time
double ignore = pow(8.39804,10.02938) - pow(12.72036,5.00983);
// update of check array in atomic to avoid race condition
#pragma omp atomic write
check[j] = nextID;
}// for j
#pragma omp atomic write
check[100 - 1] = nextID;
#pragma omp atomic
#pragma omp single
printf("Iteration step: %d\n\n", iter);
}// omp parallel
The thing is, this MWE actually works on my machine. But if I copy it into my project, it doesn't. Additionally the outcome is always different: It stops either after the first iteration or after the third.
Another weird thing: when I remove the slashes of the comment in the inner while-loop it works! The output contains some
"Thread #1 is waiting!"
but that's reasonable. To me it looks like I created somehow a race condition, but I don't know where.
Does somebody has an idea what the problem could be? Or a hint how to realize this kind of synchronization?
I think you are mixing up atomicity and memory consitency. The OpenMP standard actually describes it very nicely in
1.4 Memory Model (emphasis mine):
The OpenMP API provides a relaxed-consistency, shared-memory model.
All OpenMP threads have access to a place to store and to retrieve
variables, called the memory. In addition, each thread is allowed to
have its own temporary view of the memory. The temporary view of
memory for each thread is not a required part of the OpenMP memory
model, but can represent any kind of intervening structure, such as
machine registers, cache, or other local storage, between the thread
and the memory. The temporary view of memory allows the thread to
cache variables and thereby to avoid going to memory for every
reference to a variable.
1.4.3 The Flush Operation
The memory model has relaxed-consistency because a thread’s temporary
view of memory is not required to be consistent with memory at all
times. A value written to a variable can remain in the thread’s
temporary view until it is forced to memory at a later time. Likewise,
a read from a variable may retrieve the value from the thread’s
temporary view, unless it is forced to read from memory. The OpenMP
flush operation enforces consistency between the temporary view and
To avoid that, you should also make the read of check[] atomic and specify the seq_cst clause to your atomic constructs. This clause forces an implicit flush to the operation. (It is called a sequentially consistent atomic construct)
int c;
// manual sychronization: wait until previous thread completed enough rows
#pragma omp atomic read
c = check[j + 1];
} while (c != ID);
Disclaimer: I can't really try the code right now.
Furhter Notes:
I think the iter stop criteria is bogus, the way you use it, but I guess that's irrelevant given that it is not your actual criteria.
I assume this variant will perform worse than the spatial decomposition. You loose a lot of data locality, especially on NUMA systems. But of course it is fine to try and measure.
There seems to be a discrepancy between your code (using check[j + 1]) and your description "At the same time thread #2 can already start at y=0"

MPI wrapper that imitates OpenMP's for-loop pragma

I am thinking about implementing a wrapper for MPI that imitates OpenMP's way
of parallelizing for loops.
begin_parallel_region( chunk_size=100 , num_proc=10 );
for( int i=0 ; i<1000 ; i++ )
//some computation
The code above distributes computation inside the for loop to 10 slave MPI processors.
Upon entering the parallel region, the chunk size and number of slave processors are provided.
Upon leaving the parallel region, the MPI processors are synched and are put idle.
EDITED in response to High Performance Mark.
I have no intention to simulate the OpenMP's shared memory model.
I propose this because I need it.
I am developing a library that is required to build graphs from mathetical functions.
In these mathetical functions, there often exist for loops like the one below.
for( int i=0 ; i<n ; i++ )
s = s + sin(x[i]);
So I want to first be able to distribute sin(x[i]) to slave processors and at the end reduce to the single varible just like in OpenMP.
I was wondering if there is such a wrapper out there so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel.
There is no such wrapper out there which has escaped from the research labs into widespread use. What you propose is not so much re-inventing the wheel as inventing the flying car.
I can see how you propose to write MPI code which simulates OpenMP's approach to sharing the burden of loops, what is much less clear is how you propose to have MPI simulate OpenMP's shared memory model ?
In a simple OpenMP program one might have, as you suggest, 10 threads each perform 10% of the iterations of a large loop, perhaps updating the values of a large (shared) data structure. To simulate that inside your cunning wrapper in MPI you'll either have to (i) persuade single-sided communications to behave like shared memory (this might be doable and will certainly be difficult) or (ii) distribute the data to all processes, have each process independently compute 10% of the results, then broadcast the results all-to-all so that at the end of execution each process has all the data that the others have.
Simulating shared memory computing on distributed memory hardware is a hot topic in parallel computing, always has been, always will be. Google for distributed shared memory computing and join the fun.
Well, if you've distributed x across processes then individual processes can compute sin(x[i]) and you can reduce the sum on to one process using MPI_Reduce.
I must be missing something about your requirements because I just can't see why you want to build any superstructure on top of what MPI already provides. Nevertheless, my answer to your original question remains No, there is no such wrapper as you seek and all the rest of my answer is mere commentary.
Yes, you could do this, for specific tasks. But you shouldn't.
Consider how you might implement this; the begin part would distribute the data, and the end part would bring the answer back:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>
typedef struct state_t {
int globaln;
int localn;
int *locals;
int *offsets;
double *localin;
double *localout;
double (*map)(double);
} state;
state *begin_parallel_mapandsum(double *in, int n, double (*map)(double)) {
state *s = malloc(sizeof(state));
s->globaln = n;
s->map = map;
/* figure out decomposition */
int size, rank;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
s->locals = malloc(size * sizeof(int));
s->offsets = malloc(size * sizeof(int));
s->offsets[0] = 0;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
s->locals[i] = (n+i)/size;
if (i < size-1) s->offsets[i+1] = s->offsets[i] + s->locals[i];
/* allocate local arrays */
s->localn = s->locals[rank];
s->localin = malloc(s->localn*sizeof(double));
s->localout = malloc(s->localn*sizeof(double));
/* distribute */
MPI_Scatterv( in, s->locals, s->offsets, MPI_DOUBLE,
s->localin, s->locals[rank], MPI_DOUBLE,
return s;
double end_parallel_mapandsum(state **s) {
double localanswer=0., answer;
/* sum up local answers */
for (int i=0; i<((*s)->localn); i++) {
localanswer += ((*s)->localout)[i];
/* and get global result. Everyone gets answer */
MPI_Allreduce(&localanswer, &answer, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
free( (*s)->localin );
free( (*s)->localout );
free( (*s)->locals );
free( (*s)->offsets );
free( (*s) );
return answer;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int rank;
double *inputs;
double result;
int n=100;
const double pi=4.*atan(1.);
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
if (rank == 0) {
inputs = malloc(n * sizeof(double));
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
inputs[i] = 2.*pi/n*i;
state *s=begin_parallel_mapandsum(inputs, n, sin);
for (int i=0; i<s->localn; i++) {
s->localout[i] = (s->map)(s->localin[i]);
result = end_parallel_mapandsum(&s);
if (rank == 0) {
printf("Calculated result: %lf\n", result);
double trueresult = 0.;
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) trueresult += sin(inputs[i]);
printf("True result: %lf\n", trueresult);
That constant distribute/gather is a terrible communications burden to sum up a few numbers, and is antithetical to the entire distributed-memory computing model.
To a first approximation, shared memory approaches - OpenMP, pthreads, IPP, what have you - are about scaling computations faster; about throwing more processors at the same chunk of memory. On the other hand, distributed-memory computing is about scaling a computation bigger; about using more resourses, particularly memory, than can be found on a single computer. The big win of using MPI is when you're dealing with problem sets which can't fit on any one node's memory, ever. So when doing distributed-memory computing, you avoid having all the data in any one place.
It's important to keep that basic approach in mind even when you are just using MPI on-node to use all the processors. The above scatter/gather approach will just kill performance. The more idiomatic distributed-memory computing approach is for the logic of the program to already have distributed the data - that is, your begin_parallel_region and end_parallel_region above would have already been built into the code above your loop at the very beginning. Then, every loop is just
for( int i=0 ; i<localn ; i++ )
s = s + sin(x[i]);
and when you need to exchange data between tasks (or reduce a result, or what have you) then you call the MPI functions to do those specific tasks.
Is MPI a must or are you just trying to run your OpenMP-like code on a cluster? In the latter case, I propose you to take a look at Intel's Cluster OpenMP:

Parallelizing a for loop in Visual Studio 2010 (OpenMP)

I've recently reading up about OpenMP and was trying to parallelize some existing for loops in my program to get a speed-up. However, for some reason I seem to be getting garbage data written to the file. What I mean by that is I don't have Points 1,2,3,4 etc. written to my file, I have Points 1,4,7,8 etc. I suspect this is because I am not keeping track of the threads and it just leads to race conditions?
I have been reading as much as I can find about OpenMP, since it seems like a great abstraction to do multi-threaded programing. I'd appreciate any pointers please to get to the bottom of what I might be doing incorrectly.
Here is what I have been trying to do so far (only the relevant bit of code):
#include <omp.h>
pixelIncrement = Image.rowinc/2;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < Image.nrows; i++ )
int k =0;
row = + i * pixelIncrement;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int j = 0; j < Image.ncols; j++)
disparityThresholdValue = row[j];
// Don't want to save certain points
if ( disparityThresholdValue < threshHold)
// Get the data points
x = (int)Image.x[k];
y = (int)Image.y[k];
z = (int)Image.z[k];
grayValue= (int)Image.gray[k];
cloudObject->points[k].x = x;
cloudObject->points[k].y = y;
cloudObject->points[k].z = z;
cloudObject->points[k].grayValue = grayValue;
fprintf( cloudPointsFile, "%f %f %f %d\n", x, y, z, grayValue);
fclose( pointFile );
I did enable OpenMP in my Compiler settings (C/C++ -> Language -> Open MP Support (/openmp).
Any suggestions as to what might be the problem? I am using a Quadcore processor on Windows XP 32-bit.
Are all points written to the file, but just not sequentially, or is the actual point data messed up?
The first case is expected in parallel programming - once you execute something side-by-side you wont be able to guarantee order unless you synchronize the access (at which point you can just leave out the parallelization as it becomes effectively linear). If you need to rely on order, you can parallelize any calculations but need to write it down in one thread.
If the points itself are messed up, check where your variables are declared and if multiple threads are accessing the same.
A few problems here:
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < Image.nrows; i++ )
int k =0;
row = + i * pixelIncrement;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int j = 0; j < Image.ncols; j++)
There's no need for the inner parallel for. The outer loop should contain enough work to keep all cores busy.
Also, for the inner loop k is a shared variable and gets incremented in a non-atomic way. x, y, z are also shared among the inner loop threads and overwritten "randomly". Remove the inner directive and see how it goes.
When you have a loop with a nested loop there is no need for a second omp pragma.
It will already paralelize the first loop. Remember that this is valid only if the second loop has to be executed in sequence. You have a sequencial incrementation, so you can not execute the second loop in a random order. OMP pragmas are a very easy and cool way to paralelize code but do not use them too much!
More details here -> Parallel Loops with OpenMP

unbalanced nested for loops in openmp

I've been trying to parallelize an algorithm with unbalanced nested for loops using OpenMP. I can't post the original code as it's a secret project of an unheard government but here's a toy example:
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
#pragma omp parallel for private(j, k)
for (j = 0; j < 1000000; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
temp = i * j * k; /* dummy operation (don't mind the race) */
if (i % 2 == 0) temp = 0; /* so I can't use openmp collapse */
Currently this example is working slower in multiple threads (~1 sec in single thread ~2.4 sec in 2 threads etc.).
Things to note:
Outer for loop needs to be done in order (dependent on the previous step) (As far as I know, OpenMP handles inner loops well so threads don't get created/destroyed at each step, right?)
Typical index numbers are given in the example (100, 1000000, 2)
Dummy operation consists of just a few operations
There are some conditional operations outside the inner most loop so collapse is not an option (doesn't seem like it would increase the performance anyways)
Looks like an embarrassingly parallel algorithm but I can't seem to get any speedups for the last two days. What would be the best strategy here?
Unfortunately this embarrassingly parallel algorithm is an embarrassingly bad example of how performant parallelism should be implemented. And since my crystall ball tells me that besides i, temp is also a shared automatic variable, I would assume it for the rest of this text. It also tells me that you have a pre-Nehalem CPU...
There are two sources of slowdown here - code transformation and cache coherency.
The way parallel regions are implmentend is that their code is extracted in separate functions. Shared local variables are extracted into structures that are then shared between the threads in the team that executes the parallel region. Under the OpenMP transformations your code sample would become something similiar to this:
typedef struct {
int i;
int temp;
} main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars;
void main_omp_fn_0 (void *data) {
main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars *vars = data;
// compute values of j_min and j_max for this thread
for (j = j_min; j < j_max; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) {
vars->temp = vars->i * j * k;
if (vars->i % 2 == 0) vars->temp = 0;
int main (void) {
int i, temp;
main_omp_fn_0_shared_vars vars;
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)
vars.i = i;
vars.temp = temp;
// This is how GCC implements parallel regions with libgomp
// Start main_omp_fn_0 in the other threads
GOMP_parallel_start(main_omp_fn_0, &vars, 0);
// Start main_omp_fn_0 in the main thread
// Wait for other threads to finish (implicit barrier)
i = vars.i;
temp = vars.temp;
You pay a small penalty for accessing temp and i this way as their intermediate values cannot be stored in registers but are loaded and stored each time.
The other source of degradation is the cache coherency protocol. Accessing the same memory location from multiple threads executing on multiple CPU cores leads to lots of cache invalidation events. Worse, vars.i and vars.temp are likely to end up in the same cache line and although vars.i is only read from and vars.temp is only written to, full cache invalidation is likely to occur at each iteration of the inner loop.
Normally access to shared variables is protected by explicit synchronisation constructs like atomic statements and critical sections and performance degradation is well expected in that case.
Think of the overheads:
Since your outer loop needs to be in order you're creating x threads to perform the work in the inner loop, destroying them, then creating them again... and so on 100 times.
You have to wait until the longest task within the inner loop completes its work before performing the next step in the outer loop, so essentially this is a synchronization overhead. The tasks don't look irregular, but if the work to perform is small there's only so much speedup you can get out of this.
You have the cost of thread creation here, and allocating the private variables.
If the work inside the inner loop is small the benefits of parallelising this loop might not necessarily outweigh the cost of the parallelisation overheads above, hence you end up with a slowdown.

Seg Fault when initializing array

I'm taking a class on C, and running into a segmentation fault. From what I understand, seg faults are supposed to occur when you're accessing memory that hasn't been allocated, or otherwise outside the bounds. 'Course all I'm trying to do is initialize an array (though rather large at that)
Am I simply misunderstanding how to parse a 2d array? Misplacing a bound is exactly what would cause a seg fault-- am I wrong in using a nested for-loop for this?
The professor provided the clock functions, so I'm hoping that's not the problem. I'm running this code in Cygwin, could that be the problem? Source code follows. Using c99 standard as well.
To be perfectly clear: I am looking for help understanding (and eventually fixing) the reason my code produces a seg fault.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(void){
//first define the array and two doubles to count elapsed seconds.
double rowMajor, colMajor;
rowMajor = colMajor = 0;
int majorArray [1000][1000] = {};
clock_t start, end;
//set it up to perform the test 100 times.
for(int k = 0; k<10; k++)
//first we do row major
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
for(int j = 0; j<1000; j++)
majorArray[i][j] = 314;
rowMajor+= (end-start)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//at this point, we've only done rowMajor, so elapsed = rowMajor
//now we do column major
for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
for(int j = 0; j<1000; j++)
majorArray[j][i] = 314;
colMajor += (end-start)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
//now that we've done the calculations 100 times, we can compare the values.
printf("Row major took %f seconds\n", rowMajor);
printf("Column major took %f seconds\n", colMajor);
printf("Row major is faster\n");
printf("Column major is faster\n");
return 0;
Your program works correctly on my computer (x86-64/Linux) so I suspect you're running into a system-specific limit on the size of the call stack. I don't know how much stack you get on Cygwin, but your array is 4,000,000 bytes (with 32-bit int) - that could easily be too big.
Try moving the declaration of majorArray out of main (put it right after the #includes) -- then it will be a global variable, which comes from a different allocation pool that can be much bigger.
By the way, this comparison is backwards:
printf("Row major is faster\n");
printf("Column major is faster\n");
Also, to do a test like this you really ought to repeat the process for many different array sizes and shapes.
You are trying to grab 1000 * 1000 * sizeof( int ) bytes on the stack. This is more then your OS allows for the stack growth. If on any Unix - check the ulimit -a for max stack size of the process.
As a rule of thumb - allocate big structures on the heap with malloc(3). Or use static arrays - outside of scope of any function.
In this case, you can replace the declaration of majorArray with:
int (*majorArray)[1000] = calloc(1000, sizeof majorArray);
I was unable to find any error in your code, so I compiled it and run it and worked as expected.
You have, however, a semantic error in your code:
//set it up to perform the test 100 times.
for(int k = 0; k<10; k++)
Should be:
//set it up to perform the test 100 times.
for(int k = 0; k<10; k++)
Also, the condition at the end should be changed to its inverse:
Finally, to avoid the problem of the os-specific stack size others mentioned, you should define your matrix outside main():
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int majorArray [1000][1000];
int main(void){
//first define the array and two doubles to count elapsed seconds.
double rowMajor, colMajor;
rowMajor = colMajor = 0;
This code runs fine for me under Linux and I can't see anything obviously wrong about it. You can try to debug it via gdb. Compile it like this:
gcc -g -o testcode test.c
and then say
gdb ./testcode
and in gdb say run
If it crashes, say where and gdb tells you, where the crash occurred. Then you now in which line the error is.
The program is working perfectly when compiled by gcc, & run in Linux, Cygwin may very well be your problem here.
If it runs correctly elsewhere, you're most likely trying to grab more stack space than the OS allows. You're allocating 4MB on the stack (1 mill integers), which is way too much for allocating "safely" on the stack. malloc() and free() are your best bets here.
