Setting up a C project with multiple source files in MPLAB - c

I'm using the MPLAB IDE and the XC8 compiler for a C project for PIC18 devices. I'm building a project with multiple source files and don't know how to make the structure.
In the project, I have the following things:
A file main.c where the main code is located. From here, several files are included:
xc.h: to define chip-specific variables and so
stdlib.h, stdio.h, plib.h, delays.h: for the compiler's functions
enc28j60.h: a homebrew file with definitions and prototypes
A file enc28j60.c, where the functions of the prototypes in enc28j60.h go
I cannot compile enc28j60.c as standalone file because it depends on definitions in main.c.
I have a few questions on how to set this project up:
Should I add enc28j60.c to the source files of my MPLAB project? If I do this, MPLAB tries to compile the file, which fails. If I don't do this, the linker cannot find the symbols that are defined in enc28j60.c and prototyped in enc28j60.h.
Should I #include enc28j60.c from somewhere? If not, how does MPLAB know where to get the file?
Should I add enc28j60.h to the header files of my MPLAB project?
Should I #include enc28j60.h from somewhere? Right now, I do this in main.c, after the definitions enc28j60.h needs in order to run (and not throw #errors).

I managed to get this working by modifying my library and header files a bit.
At first, I added a file main.h where all the prototypes, #defines and #includes would go. Then, in every .h, file, I added this on top:
#ifndef SOME_LIB_IDENTIFIER // makes sure the lib only gets included once,
#define SOME_LIB_IDENTIFIER // has to be specific for every lib
#include "main.h" // to make sure everything's initialized (this line of course not in main.h)
And the last line of every .h file would be:
I added #include "enc28j60.h" to the top of the enc28j60.c file. This file now can be compiled.
In main.h, I added includes for xc.h, plib.h, stdlib.h, stdio.h and enc28j60.h. I nowhere included .c files.
I added both the main and enc28j60 header and source files to my MPLAB project. The source files get compiled well, both. The result is linked together.
In short
Add a main.h where all prototypes, #defines and #includes go
Add a header and footer to all your header file to make sure they're only included once. Also include main.h from these headers, to make sure every file uses the same definitions
Include a source file's corresponding .h file at the very first line of your source file. Do not include .c files
Add all header and source files (that are not built into the compiler) to your MPLAB project
Build (F10) should compile all files and link them together correctly

Don't include .c files. Include headers only. If you have declarations to be shared between files, put them in a separate header, and include that header whenever you need it.
After compiling each individual source file, link the resulting object files together. This involves the invocation of the compiler on all of the source files, then a one-time invocation of the linker on the object files (with supplemental libraries, etc.).


When to use #include "file.c" and when to use #include "file.h" in c

In what situations we need to use .h file and when to use the .c file in C.
Are they two alternatives for a same purpose?.
Please explain.
Never include .c files
If you include something, it should be a .h file.
Code goes into code files, .c.
Headers, .h files, contain only what can be compiled more than once, i.e. declarations, macro definitions, more includes.
If necessary, headers use reinclusion guards.
Whenever you feel tempted to include a .c file, you instead want to add it to your project so that it gets processed during building, i.e. gets compiled by its own and in a further build step gets linked into the created binary.

How to organize header files in a library

Say I am writing a small libary in C, with most of the source code in two folders src/A and src/B, and where the header file src/A/a.h needs to include src/B/b.h. When writing code for a non-library project, I usually write
#include "B/b.h"
in a.h and use the -Isrc flag to tell the compiler where to look for header files.
Now suppose that my library is installed locally at ~/mylib and that I want to use functions from a.h from a different project. Simply including that file using
#include "~/mylib/src/A/a.h"
would not work, because ~/mylib/src/B/b.h might not be part in the search path. My question is about the canonical way to solve this issue. It's probably quite basic, but I haven't done any advanced programming in C and have been unsuccessful in my attemps to find a solution online.
Possible solutions I thought of are the following:
Add ~/mylib to the search path, but that might lead to problems if the library and client projects have header files with the same name (say src/helpers.h). Is it possible to include one header file without cluttering the search space with files I won't need?
Use relative paths in the library header files, but that doesn't feel very robust.
Thank you.
The normal approach is to have a separate directory specifically for the headers which form the public interface of your library. Usually this directory would be called 'include'.
You would then place the public headers for your library under a library-specific directory in there, i.e. "mylib/include/mylib/b.h". This extra 'mylib' directory prevents clashes if you're using some other library that also has a "b.h". You can also, if you wish, keep other private headers, which do not form the public interface of your library, under the 'src' directory instead, to stop them being exposed to users of the library.
This means a user of the library can then use "-I mylib/include" to include this directory, and include the individual files with, for example, "#include "mylib/b.h".
Why aren't you using the standard implementation? Break out into header and source files into their own directories. Add #define headers to avoid multiple includes or namespace corruption.
Here is your directory structure:
Now a.h will have at the very top of the file...
#ifndef __A_H__
#define __A_H__
// code
#include "~/mylib/headers/b.h"
// end of file
Now b.h will have at the very top of the file...
#ifndef __B_H__
#define __B_H__
// code
// end of file
Then just compile. gcc -I~/mylib/headers
If you have 2 helpers.h just change the #define __HELPERS_H__ in one of the files to something else like #define __HELPERS2_H__

Why standard libraries have their #include <...> in the .c file and not header file

Going over our course material, I noticed that when we #include standard libraries (for example #include <stdio.h>), these #includes appear in the .c file and not in the header file. The #includes that appear in the header file are those that are for local header files, #include "anotherheader.h".
Why is that? It'd make more sense to me that all #include declarations will appear in the header file, and all the .c files will derive them from there.
Whether sources files include standard headers directly or via other included files is a matter of local coding conventions.
It is considered good style to follow these conventions:
include only the necessary headers ;
include standard headers before any other include files and local declarations ;
make every source file compilable as a separate entity, including project header files. This means you should include the standard headers needed for the types used in local header files at the top of these.
protect the definitions in a header file with a header guard: #ifndef SOME_SYMBOL / #endif.
It is good practice to include only what is really necessary in the header file to avoid circular dependencies and to allow for shorter build times.

C - Using .h files

I'm in the process of learning C for a coursework assignment. One thing that confuses me is header files. I've tried to find some information regarding my question to no avail.
My question is, say I have 3 different .c files. The convention is (atleast from reading sources) - each .c file has it's own .h file, e.g. parser.c has parser.h, lexer.c has lexer.h, typechecker.c has typechecker.h (if we were making a compiler).
We then go on to add a statement:
#include "parser.h"
#include "typechecker.h"
in the lexer.c file, and do the same with the other .c files (changing the header files we include).
Instead of using that convention, is it okay to add all the prototypes for all 3 classes files into one header, say header.h, and just include that in all 3 classes? The problem with this is that the 3 classes will have prototypes of functions already included in this class, but I don't see this as a problem (I'm a beginner at C so I could be wrong).
what you suggest is permissible but not recommended. Having all prototypes in one header will cost you in terms of compilation and building. try to concentrate on "why header files are used?". if you get this answer you will refrain from adding everything in one header file. header files are meant for modularity to provide source files only those information which they need. Secondly in large projects you have to define "private" header files which are used internally by your code and are not visible to outer word. Ofcourse you will provide other users with header file in order to use your code.
So It is not advisable to put all prototypes even in your start of learning. As starter, make one header file per source file.
if your header1.h has function function1(), wherever(all source files) you use function1(), you will add header1.h

C Header Files with the same declarations but different implementations

I have two sets of header files and .c files in my project i will only ever be including one of these headers but i want the option to quickly swap the header im including. Both header files have some declarations that are exactly the same but the implementations in the .c files are different. Basically what I need is way to tell the compiler to only compile the .c file that is associated with the header im including elsewhere in my program.
You could always specify the .c or .o file that you're going to link against at compile/link time for instance
gcc -o myexe file1.c/file1.o
gcc -o myexe file2.c/file2.o
you could even make this a different make directive if you have a makefile if you have the same header file but 2 different implementations. I would recommend just using 1 header file and changing the underlying implementation, no point in having 2 headers with similar declarations.
If both header files are exactly the same then you don't need to maintain two header files. You can keep only one copy. Whichever code includes the header file can include this single header file only.
You can always specify which .c file you want to compile while compiling. In gcc, you can mention the C file to be compiled in the command line. In Visual Studio, you can include the correct C file.
I guess you should maintain only one header file and include that in your code. Introduce a flag to the makefile to link which implementation to be linked. You have not mentioned what are you using to build.
