QooxDoo Contrib confusion - qooxdoo

We are working towards a PC based software client for our industrial control module box and we are using QooxDoo for the UI.
I wish to use the qxe package for the StatusBar widget it provides. However, there is no clear direction on how to acquire the package. The docs (Qx 2.1.1) refer to a SVN repository (https://qooxdoo-contrib.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/qooxdoo-contrib/), which seems to be empty as of today.
We would also later like to use the contributed themes in our product.
Any help would be great.
Thanks and best regards,
Vishal Sapre

The qooxdoo-contrib SF project was upgraded recently to their Allura platform, during which the SVN repo URL changed. The updated one is:
The old repo has been retired, to avoid confusion (hence it's empty). The new URL is also what you get looking at the qxe homepage entry at qooxdoo.org. For contrib-specific information I suggest that you start there.
If you follow this blog post, applying the referenced patch to your qooxdoo SDK, the change should be transparent for you project. Ie. the reference to qxe via the contrib://qxe/<version>/Manifest.json pseudo URL should continue to work.
Besides the new repo URL nothing has changed in using contributions, so the correpsonding manual entry you are referring to basically applies. For offline usage, though, as the tarball downloading feature is not supported with SF's new repositories anymore, the easiest would be to let the Generator download it once (using the contrib:// entry in config.json), then locate it on your disk ('generate.py info' will list your local download path) and copy it from there.


Issue with 2sxc remove action

I have just started a new site where I am using 2sxc version 11.11.4 (started with 11.7.3 and upgraded to see if that would fix it). I have the data and views set up just like I have done on another site using version 10.25.2. On the newer version though, I'm unable to use the remove button/action. I did some searching and found a few references to adding lines to the web config file (https://github.com/2sic/2sxc/issues/1654, https://github.com/2sic/2sxc/issues/2205). I tried this and it worked great.
So, my question: will a fix be implemented for this or will we have to add these lines of code to the web config file on any site we use 2sxc on?
Also, could these lines of code affect any other DNN features, other modules, etc.?
I think you are talking about my solution here
This is specific to a server where the WebDAV features have been added/enabled in Windows. I do not think its an issue that can or will be fixed in 2sxc.
I do know that it is safe to add those two items in web.config. All its doing is telling ASP.NET to NOT make WebDAV available in this application's (DNN's) context. I am not aware of any DNN feature or modules that need or use WebDAV. Its just something handed down from the server because its installed and its causing a weird change in behavior that makes the DELETE (and other) command types get ignored (IMHO, presumably because they are handled before they get to DNN).

Where do I find CodenameOne's version of iKVM?

I need to do some research if/how to use backend code from some already available Java web service in some newly created Windows 10 UWP app. The Java code deals with parsing special binary data, depends on things like configuration files and some additional 3rd party libs like Apache Commons*. The current ideas are either providing some native DLL to be bundled with the UWP-app or providing a stand-alone one publishing some high level web services which the UWP-app consumes.
I came across iKVM and CodenameOne and read that iKVM itself is not maintained anymore, but CodenameOne forked a version for their own purposes. At various places authors say that that version of iKVM is managed in the official GitHub repo of CodenameOne, but I'm unable to find it there. The only thing I find are some helper implementations and formerly committed DLLs in the repo-history and such, but nothing which looks like the complete forked project.
Any idea where I can find this? Obviously I'm missing something...
I would simply like to have a look at what CodenameOne needed to change, how much effort they put into keeping up with Java 8, what of those efforts went back to the original project etc.
Sorry about that. I was under the wrong impression that the code resided in the Ports/UWP directory but apparently it isn't there. I'm probably the person who wrote that in those places...
We added a link to the actual repo there for reference. It's here: https://github.com/shannah/cn1-ikvm-uwp

How to migrate page versions from once CQ instance to another?

I am working on Adobe CQ. I created 2-3 versions(1.2,1.2,1.3) for a particular page in my author instance. Now I tried to package my content page and installed it in another instance. I couldn't see the versions of the page which I installed in another instance.
Can anyone help me out doing this?? I want to migrate my content pages along with their versions from one CQ instance to another??
We are in the same situation. You can extract prior version details using the packaging approach, but you will be precluded from reloading them in due to the new Oak security model. The next issue is that you would need to extract and transform the data, and then reinsert due to the node ID's potentially differing, especially if you are using partial data sets to extract.
Where we have gotten to, and are proving now, is to use the new migration tool to move content from instance to instance, which purportedly has a version extract tool. I will update details here when we get our results back.
We have tested the CRX2OAK migration tool, and it indeed does move versions across. Using the tool, you can specify filters to only migrate a subset of content, which will then drag the version details across as well.
It seems this approach works quite well for both single tenancy and multi tenancy approaches as it used to using a package for content.
Unfortunately, it can't be used as a portable backup system, as it is an instance to instance solution. It does, however, work well for blue/green deployment strategies.
Versions are stored by path '/jcr:system/jcr:versionStorage' in AEM.
To transfer pages with their versions just create a package with filters for content which you want to move and the version storage path as well, download package and install in other AEM.
If anyone comes across this question like me, here is the summarised answer:
You can use crx2oak utility available from link below to migrate pages and page version across instances:
This is a powerful utility with multiple uses (especially in upgrades) as documented in links below:
The source and destination repositories need to be offline while running this utility so best to plan ahead for this type of migration.

Is Raven.Client.Authorization 1.0.960 package compatible with Raven.Client 1.0.972?

The current version of the Raven.Client.Authorization is back a version from Raven.Client. The new Raven.Clients allows you to use the latest Json.Net package and therefore RestSharp, ETC.
I hope to save some time / avoid a deep valley of frustration here. Can 1.0.972 support the 1.0.960 Authorization?
I don't sure if out of the box. Try use assembly redirect. If this is not working, you can get the source of build 972 from this branch than compile the Raven.Client.Authorization for yourself, after you update the json.net reference there.
P.S. If your app is in development and will be for the next 2 months, I strongly recommend that you'll try out v1.2, which already started the stabilization process.

Silverlight 4 Out Of Browser: Check for Updates without installing?

I have created a Silverlight 4 application, that is running out of browser. As you will know, there is a function that is checking if a new version of the app is available and installing it.
But what if I want to only check for the update and not installing it?
Personally, I do not like applications that silently update themselves, downloading something from the internet. So I'd like to have the following mechanism.
- when the app starts, it checks if updates are available
- if so, I show a messagebox to the user, telling her that there is an update and that she can download and installing it via the update-button
- the user can now decide to update
Unfortunately, there seems to be no option to just checking for updates without actually downloading and installing it. Any ideas, how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
You can roll your own update detection, by having a small file on your server next to the XAP for your app, that contains the latest version. For example:
When you want to check for updates without downloading them, you can always hit the .ver file, check the version listed in it and if newer then the current running app, show the Update button to the user.
Note that this approach also would allow you to create more advanced scenarios, like prompting the user to upgrade to a different version of the app (Pro for example) or that they need to upgrade their Silverlight to get the latest.
And if you have multiple apps, you can list all of them in that file and do cross-promotion between your apps.
