JAX-RPC runtime for Tomcat - tomcat6

I have ported a Java EE web application from JBoss 4.0.5/Java 5 to Tomcat 6.0.33/Java 6.
The web application exposes some web services. They were implemented as JAX-RPC web services in JBoss, I have adapted them as JAX-WS web services using CXF 2.6 as the implementation run-time. Now I have been requested to make available in the new environment (Tomcat 6.0.33/Java 6) also the JAX-RPC web services for compatibility with existing clients. The two versions of the same web services would of course be available through two different end point URLs.
The JAX-RPC web services in JBoss 4.0.5/Java 5 are implemented using Spring (the implementation class extends org.springframework.remoting.jaxrpc.ServletEndpointSupport, found in spring-remoting-2.0.8.jar) but I cannot guess which is the underlaying implementation framework for JAX-RPC made available by JBoss. I just can see that the configuration files are webservices.xml and jaxrpc-mapping.xml.
I tried to "replicate" that Spring configuration in Tomcat but when I try to retrieve the WSDL I get an error javax.servlet.ServletException: Class pack.age.MyEndPoint is not a Servlet. Indeed that class (the JAX-RPC end point implementation class) is not a servlet but under JBoss 4.0.5/Java 5 it is declared in web.xml as a servlet and it works.
Could you please help? I imagine I just have to supply the proper JAX-RPC implementation framework to Tomcat (I would like to avoid AXIS because it uses different configuration files). Thanks in advance.


ABP IHttpClientProxy in non-IHost-ed environment

Using ABP Framework v3.2.1, we are wanting to use the ABP IHttpClientProxy dynamic proxy classes in application environments other than .NET Core hosts (E.g, AWS Lambda function, Xamarin client app) - where the only ABP modules required are those that IHttpClientProxy depends on.
Firstly, is this supported?
Secondly, what would be the process to load a single "entry" module that's not a hosted service?
Going through the source, I can only find the IServiceCollection.AddApplication extension methods - there doesn't appear to be the same for "AddModule"

JAX-WS with Apache CXF under CDI/Weld

I have seen the other questions on CXF under CDI but they all seem to be for JAX-RS style web services.
Is JAX-WS possible in this configuration? If not, how can I expose a JAX-WS service using CDI/Weld in a non-EE container (Tomcat 8)?
If you want to use CDI and JAX-WS in Tomcat then most possibly the easiest you can do is to use Apache TomEE.
TomEE is basically a standard Apache Tomcat, but pimped with lots of JavaEE libs. It brings a full CDI container, JAX-RS, JAX-WS etc.
For JAX-WS you should take the 'plus' variant.
If you want it really just embedded or smallish (in size, not in power), then you can also take a look at Apache Meecrowave and bundle the JAX-WS part of CXF to it.
Meecrowave is a EE8 technology based smallish (9MB) Application Server which can be used standalone or embedded (via Meecrowave#bake()). It's pure Apache:
Tomcat (Servlets-4.0), OpenWebBeans (CDI-2.0), Johnzon (JSON-P_1.1, JSON-B_1.0), CXF, log4j2.
First, you have to enable CDI on tomcat. See here.
In my case, #Inject did not work on classes with #WebService but I was able to inject using CDI.current().select(MyClass.class).get().
It did not work on #PostConstruct though, but you can use it inside a #WebMethod.
[Note] I was using Metro instead of Apache CXF

Which Java EE container works for Apache Camel/CXF/ActiveMQ web applications using EJBs?

The Camel web page says
The following projects can leverage Apache Camel as a routing and mediation engine:
Apache ServiceMix - a popular distributed open source ESB and JBI container
Apache ActiveMQ - a mature, widely used open source message broker
Apache CXF - a smart web services suite (JAX-WS and JAX-RS)
Apache Karaf - a small OSGi based runtime in which applications can be deployed
Apache MINA - a high-performance NIO-driven networking framework
However, I would like to run Camel inside a Java EE web application and have access to web services, JMS, and EJB (CDI, message driven beans, JPA, etc.) Preferably using an open source Java EE server.
If I recommend this to my company, then then all the usual Java EE wizards such as wsdl2java need to work out of the box. There also needs to be documentation and tutorials so we can hire people to jump in and start using it.
Glassfish failed across the board. The wsdl2java wizard for CXF fails using the Glassfish runtime classes (I ran it manually and hacked my code tree.) There is no documentation nor any tutorials for wiring in OpenMQ (and google searches on the topic are discouraging.) Simple library-only samples run fine, of course, but without having ActiveMQ as the native JMS it seems to be a dead end. CXF integration seems unworkable as well. My first attempt at copying a WS sample complains "No component found with scheme: cxf" which appears to be a bundle or classpath issue.
I'm starting to think I should go back to ServiceMix and drop back to servlets without EJBs and CDI, even though I really hated not being able to use Eclipse gracefully for edit/compile/debug (you pretty much have to build and run from an outside DOS prompt window and remote debug in.)
You can use Apache Camel with any container of choice. We try to not have any restrictions or barriers. You can also run it standalone. The web page just mentions some of the containers you can use.
Apache Camel is just a bunch of JAR files you can deploy and use in any container of choice. For example with WAR files you can deploy to Tomcat, TomEE, etc.

What is benefit of developing webservice using Apache CXF over normal JAX-WS with Java6

Can some body expalain what is the benefit of developing JAX-WS webservice using apache CXF over normal JAX-WS provided by Java 6.
JAX-WS is only the api / specification - to use it you need an implementation. It can be something like CXF, Axis or the one provided by the application server (JBoss, Weblogic et..).
One advantage of using CXF is that you have more flexibility in terms of deployment. It can be deployed in a web container or you can use an embedded web container and runt it as a stand alone application.
CXF also provides integration with other frameworks like spring.
It also provides tools to work with schema / WSDL etc..
Apache CXF is a open source webservice framework which contains JAX-WE and JAX-RS and also it helps to integrate with spring framework
CXF Supports
1) XML , JSON Format
2)JAXB Data Binding
3) SAOP ,REST,HTTP protocal binding
I have recently completed the web service implementation with JAX-WS using reference implementation apache-cxf. And I found with CXF - integration with Spring is very easy. Moreover, It provides various features like:
Customization of Logging features
Inbound and Outbound interceptor
Application Level security
Easy Exception handling using custom Fault.
For more detail, if you want, please checkout this link: http://predic8.com/axis2-cxf-jax-ws-comparison.htm
And, I read above link, its preety helpful for me.
Thanks !

Accessing EJB in WAR from remote standalone client

I have an EJB accessed remotely from a Swing client as well as locally by servlet/JSP. I want to switch the packaging for my EJB from a EJB/WAR/EAR to a EJB/WAR since it is simpler to work with.
What do I mean by simpler? In Eclipse, for example, I can have a single project with my EJB/web classes rather than having a EJB + WAR + EAR project (My client is a separate project in Eclipse).
Is it possible to package a EJB in a WAR and have it be accessible remotely?
The intent of EJB-in-WAR was primarily to simplify packaging for local EJBs used by the WAR. However, I cannot find a restriction for remote EJBs packaged in a WAR even though there are restrictions on other technologies (specifically, entity beans and JAX-RPC endpoints are not allowed), which leads me to believe remote views are allowed in WARs from a specification perspective. I don't have broad knowledge of vendor implementations, but I have tested that it works on WebSphere Application Server.
According to the web profile and EJB 3.1 specs, Java EE web profile products are only required to provide EJB Lite, which doesn't support remote clients to EJBs.
But they can provide remote ejb client connection as a product optional component.
So if you want to package remote EJBs in a WAR you'll have to look for a Java EE web server that provides this service and be aware that the same behaviour isn't required in other Java EE 6 web servers.
Useful links:
