Fill data in ObservableCollection using LINQ - wpf

I have a structure as below.
public class CategoryClass
public decimal Category_ID { get; set; }
public string Category_Name { get; set; }
//public System.Nullable<char> _Category_Type;
public ObservableCollection<DAL.SubCategoryClass> SubCat { get; set; }
public class SubCategoryClass
public decimal Sub_Category_ID { get; set; }
public string Sub_Category_Name { get; set; }
public decimal Category_ID { get; set; }
I need to fill data using LINQ.
I have some code here, please correct me to solve it.
public ObservableCollection<DAL.CategoryClass> GetCategoryandSubCategory()
var cat = from c in dbc.Categories
select new DAL.CategoryClass
Category_ID = c.Category_ID,
Category_Name = c.Category_Name,
SubCat = from d in dbc.Sub_Categories
where d.Category_ID == c.Category_ID
select new DAL.SubCategoryClass
Sub_Category_ID = d.Sub_Category_ID,
Sub_Category_Name = d.Sub_Category_Name,
Category_ID = d.Category_ID
Also suggest me some examples of validation tech in WPF.

One option is to just return an IEnumerable.
That may serve your needs.
If you need an ObservableCollection then you need to new it.
For List just .ToList()
As for validation one question at time.
Start with searching MSDB for validation.
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
List<SimpleClass> baseList = new List<SimpleClass> { new SimpleClass(1), new SimpleClass(2), new SimpleClass(3) };
public IEnumerable<SimpleClass> iEint
get { return baseList.Where(x => x.ID < 3).Select(w=> new SimpleClass(w.ID)); }
public List<SimpleClass> Lint
get { return iEint.ToList(); ; }
public ObservableCollection<SimpleClass> OCint
get { return new ObservableCollection<SimpleClass>(iEint); }
public class SimpleClass
public Int32 ID { get; private set; }
public SimpleClass ( Int32 id) { ID = id; }

public IEnumerable<DAL.CategoryClass> GetCategoryandSubCategory()
ObservableCollection<DAL.SubCategoryClass> s = new ObservableCollection<DAL.SubCategoryClass>();
var cat = from c in dbc.Categories
select new DAL.CategoryClass
Category_ID = c.Category_ID,
Category_Name = c.Category_Name,
SubCat =s.Add( from d in dbc.Sub_Categories
where d.Category_ID == c.Category_ID
select new DAL.SubCategoryClass
Sub_Category_ID = d.Sub_Category_ID,
Sub_Category_Name = d.Sub_Category_Name,
Category_ID = d.Category_ID
return cat ;
hope it work with u

If you want GetCategoryandSubCategory() returns ObservableCollection that is refreshed automatically when dbc.Categories changes or CategoryClass (SubCotegory) properties change, you can use my ObservableComputations library. Using that library you can code:
public ObservableCollection<DAL.CategoryClass> GetCategoryandSubCategory()
var cat = dbc.Categories.Selecting(c =>
new DAL.CategoryClass
Category_ID = c.Category_ID,
Category_Name = c.Category_Name,
SubCat = dbc.Sub_Categories
.Filtering(d => d.Category_ID == c.Category_ID)
.Selecting(d => new DAL.SubCategoryClass
Sub_Category_ID = d.Sub_Category_ID,
Sub_Category_Name = d.Sub_Category_Name,
Category_ID = d.Category_ID
To make code above working dbc.Categories and dbc.Sub_Categories must be of type ObservableCollection and all the classes mentioned in the code must implement INotifyPropertyChanged.


ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')

I have parent and childs nested tables.
Here is my model:
public class Categories
public int CategoriesId { get; set; }
public int Order { get; set; }
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
public List<News> News { get; set; }
public class News
public int NewsId { get; set; }
public int CategoriesId { get; set; }
public string Content { get; set; }
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public List<Comments> Comments { get; set; }
public Categories Categories { get; set; }
public class Comments
public int CommentsId { get; set; }
public int NewsId { get; set; }
public string Comment { get; set; }
public News News { get; set; }
public class NewsImages
public int ImageId { get; set; }
public int NewsId { get; set; }
public string ImageUrl { get; set; }
public bool Cover { get; set;}
public News News { get; set; }
I'm trying to send it from ViewComponent to View;
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
var group = _dbContext.Categories.Where(k => k.Order != 0).OrderBy(h => h.Order)
.Select(c => new
C = c,
N = c.News.OrderByDescending(n => n.Date).Take(5)
.Select(r => new
Y = r.Comments,
R = r.NewsImages.Where(rs => rs.Cover == true).FirstOrDefault()
var model = group
.Select(m => m.C);
return View(await model.ToListAsync()) ;
I am sure there are enough News records for every Category, But I get error :
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')
AspNetCore.Views_Shared_Components_IndexKategori_Default.ExecuteAsync() in Default.cshtml
var bp = k.News.FirstOrDefault();
if I use that code works fine :
var model = _dbContext.Categories
.Include(h => h.News).ThenInclude(h => h.Comments)
.Include(h => h.News).ThenInclude(h => h.NewsImages)
.Where(h => h.Order != 0)
.OrderBy(h => h.Order)
But when I use the code above, a few records appear for some categories, and some categories react as if there are no records.
Where am I making mistakes?
Thank you in advance for those who helped ..
Whenever you have a big LINQ statement that throws an exception, and you can't find where the exception comes form, translate the LINQ into smaller steps, and ToList() every step.
public async Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
// Temp code: small steps, ToList after every step
var a = dbContext.Categories.Where(category => category.Order != 0).ToList();
var b = a.OrderBy(category => category.Order).ToList();
var c = b.Select(category => new
Category = category,
News = category.News.OrderByDescending(news => news.Date)
var d = c.Select(item => new
Category = item.Category,
NewsItems = item.News.Select(news => new
Comments = news.Comments,
Images = news.NewsImages.Where(newsImage => newsImage.Cover).ToList(),
var e = d.Select(item => new
Category = item.Category,
NewsItems = item.NewsItems.Select(newsItem => new
Comments = newsItem.Comments,
Images = images.FirstOrDefault();
// original code:
var group = _dbContext.Categories.Where...
I'm sure that your debugger will tell you which step is incorrect.

Create Viewmodel from Controller / Model. Populate lists from database

I'm working on my first WPF MVVM application. I created a database and wrote queries to fetch album names and song names. Now I want to fill a list in my View with the album names and a second list with corresponding songs. I'm new to c# and WPF. I'd like to know how a view model would like for my controller would look like.
My controller:
public class BandManagerController
private bandkramEntities _context;
public BandManagerController()
_context = new bandkramEntities();
public List<AlbumData> GetAlbumList()
return _context.albums
.Select(a => new AlbumData
AlbumID = a.AlbumID,
AlbumName = a.AlbumName,
public List<SongData> GetSongList(int albumID)
return _context.songs
.Where(s => s.AlbumID == albumID)
.Select(s => new SongData
SongID = s.SongID,
SongName = s.SongName
I created a helper class with the NotifyOfPropertyChange class and a song and album data class:
public class AlbumData
public string AlbumName { get; set; }
public int AlbumID { get; set; }
public class SongData
public string SongName { get; set; }
public int SongID { get; set; }
For a better overview I want to split my Viewmodel into 4 main parts.
public class SongViewModel : NotifyOfPropertyChange
public SongViewModel()
public string SongName { get; set; }
public int SongID { get; set; }
public class AlbumViewModel : NotifyOfPropertyChange
public AlbumViewModel()
public string AlbumName { get; set; }
public int AlbumID { get; set; }
I would like to know how 3. and 4. would have to look like to fill the album list with the album names and show corresponding songs in a second list.
With MVVM you would lose the controller and just have a ViewModel. There you would have your lists as such(including a notify property changed)
private ObservableCollection<SongData> _songList;
public ObservableCollection<SongData> SongList
get { return _songList; }
set { SetProperty(ref _songList, value, () => SongList); }
Then you would load this list at some point
public void LoadSongData(int albumID)
Using(YourContext _context = new YourContext)
SongList = new ObservableCollection(_context.songs
.Where(s => s.AlbumID == albumID)
.Select(s => new SongData
SongID = s.SongID,
SongName = s.SongName

Execute RaiseCanExecuteChanged from 'subclass'

So I have the following setup:
public class Planning : ViewModelBase
public Planning()
AddNewActivityCommand = new RelayCommand(AddActivity, CanAddActivity);
public ObservableCollection<PlanningItem> PlanningItems { get; set; }
public PlanningItem SelectedPlan { get; set; }
#region AddNewActivity
public RelayCommand AddNewActivityCommand { get; private set; }
private bool CanAddActivity()
if (!PlanningItems.Any())
return true;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(PlanningItems[PlanningItems.Count - 1].Activities) != true ||
PlanningItems[PlanningItems.Count - 1].DhpRepresentativeSelected != null)
return true;
return false;
private void AddActivity()
PlanningItems.Add(new PlanningItem());
public class PlanningItem : ViewModelBase
private string _activity;
public ObservableCollection<OutreachUser> DhpRepresentativeSource
var userSource = new ObservableCollection<OutreachUser>();
using (var context = new Outreach_Entities())
var query = from a in context.UserInfoes
join b in context.PersonalInfoes on a.UserIdentity equals b.PersonIdentity
join c in context.PersonalTitles on b.TitleLink equals c.TitleIdentity into cGroup
from c in cGroup.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new OutreachUser
PersonLink = a.UserIdentity,
Username = a.Username,
FirstName = b.FirstName,
MiddleInitial = b.MiddleInitial,
LastName = b.LastName
foreach (var result in query)
return userSource;
public OutreachUser DhpRepresentativeSelected { get; set; }
public DateTime PlanningDate { get; set; }
public TimeSpan PlanningStart { get; set; }
public TimeSpan PlanningEnd { get; set; }
public int PlanningTotalHours { get; set; }
public string Activities
return _activity;
_activity = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(Activities), "", _activity, true);
I have a ListBox bound to the PlanningItems Observable Collection.
I want to be able to add a new item to the list if the following criteria are met:
The Planning Items Collection is empty.
The last item in the Planning Items Collection has a DhpRepresentativeSelected that is not null.
The last item in the Planning Items Collection has some text in the Activities string.
The first item is easy enough because I call AddNewActivityCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); after I add a new item from an empty list.
Now I need to call the AddNewActivityCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); from within the PlanningItem ViewModel, but it does not have access rights to the command.
Clueless pointed me to the answer.
What I did was inside of my Planning ViewModel I created an internal Method that called the AddNewActivityCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged() method. I think called that method from within the PlanningItems ViewModel.

BindingList<> (master) with a composed BindingList<> (child) reference

I have a situation where a BindingList<> represents a collection of POCOs that have sub-collections of similar nature, Here is a sample code of two such POCOs and their respective lists:
The DirectoryTypePoco
public class DirectoryTypePoco : IBasePoco
public DirectoryTypePoco()
public DirectoryTypePoco(Int16 directoryTypeId, String directoryImplementation, String directoryDescription, DirectoryDefinitionPocoList directoryDefinition)
DirectoryTypeId = directoryTypeId;
DirectoryImplementation = directoryImplementation;
DirectoryDescription = directoryDescription;
DirectoryDefinition = directoryDefinition;
public Int16 DirectoryTypeId { get; set; }
public String DirectoryImplementation { get; set; }
public String DirectoryDescription { get; set; }
public DirectoryDefinitionPocoList DirectoryDefinition { get; set; }
public object GenerateEntity(GenericRepository repository, params object[] parameters)
var lastMaxEntityId = repository.GetQuery<DirectoryType>().Select(select => #select.DirectoryTypeId).DefaultIfEmpty().Max();
var newEntity = new DirectoryType
DirectoryTypeId = (short)(lastMaxEntityId + 1),
DirectoryImplementation = this.DirectoryImplementation,
DirectoryDescription = this.DirectoryDescription
return newEntity;
And the BindingList<DirectoryTypePoco>:
public class DirectoryTypePocoList : BindingList<DirectoryTypePoco>
public DirectoryTypePocoList()
using (var repository = new GenericRepository(new PWRDbContext()))
var query = repository.GetQuery<DirectoryType>();
foreach (var r in query)
Add(new DirectoryTypePoco(r.DirectoryTypeId, r.DirectoryImplementation, r.DirectoryDescription, new DirectoryDefinitionPocoList(r.DirectoryTypeId)));
public DirectoryTypePocoList(short directoryTypeId)
using (var repository = new GenericRepository(new PWRDbContext()))
var query = repository.GetQuery<DirectoryType>(where => where.DirectoryTypeId == directoryTypeId);
foreach (var r in query)
Add(new DirectoryTypePoco(r.DirectoryTypeId, r.DirectoryImplementation, r.DirectoryDescription, new DirectoryDefinitionPocoList(r.DirectoryTypeId)));
The second object: DirectoryDefinitionPoco
public class DirectoryDefinitionPoco : IBasePoco
public DirectoryDefinitionPoco()
public DirectoryDefinitionPoco(Int16 directoryTypeId, Byte parameterId, String parameterName, String parameterValidation, Boolean encryptionRequired, PocoChangeType changeType = PocoChangeType.None)
DirectoryTypeId = directoryTypeId;
ParameterId = parameterId;
ParameterName = parameterName;
ParameterDescription = parameterName;
ParameterRequired = false;
ParameterValidation = parameterValidation;
EncryptionRequired = encryptionRequired;
public Int16 DirectoryTypeId { get; set; }
public Byte ParameterId { get; set; }
public String ParameterName { get; set; }
public String ParameterDescription { get; set; }
public String ParameterValidation { get; set; }
public Boolean ParameterRequired { get; set; }
public Boolean EncryptionRequired { get; set; }
public object GenerateEntity(GenericRepository repository, params object[] parameters)
var masterId = (short) parameters[0];
var lastMaxEntityId = repository.GetQuery<DirectoryDefinition>(where => where.DirectoryTypeId == masterId).Select(select => #select.ParameterId).DefaultIfEmpty().Max();
var newEntity = new DirectoryDefinition
DirectoryTypeId = (short)parameters[0],
ParameterId = (byte)(lastMaxEntityId + 1),
ParameterName = this.ParameterName,
ParameterDescription = this.ParameterDescription,
ParameterValidation = this.ParameterValidation,
ParameterRequired = this.ParameterRequired,
EncryptionRequired = this.EncryptionRequired
return newEntity;
And BindingList<DirectoryDefinitionPoco>:
public class DirectoryDefinitionPocoList : BindingList<DirectoryDefinitionPoco>
public DirectoryDefinitionPocoList(short directoryTypeId)
using (var repository = new GenericRepository(new PWRDbContext()))
var query = repository.GetQuery<DirectoryDefinition>(where => where.DirectoryTypeId == directoryTypeId);
foreach (var r in query)
Add(new DirectoryDefinitionPoco(r.DirectoryTypeId, r.ParameterId, r.ParameterName, r.ParameterValidation, r.EncryptionRequired));
public List<DirectoryDefinition> GetSourceQuery()
List<DirectoryDefinition> result;
using (var repository = new GenericRepository(new PWRDbContext()))
result = repository.GetQuery<DirectoryDefinition>().ToList();
return result;
public List<DirectoryDefinition> GetSourceQuery(short directoryTypeId)
List<DirectoryDefinition> result;
using (var repository = new GenericRepository(new PWRDbContext()))
result = repository.GetQuery<DirectoryDefinition>(where => where.DirectoryTypeId == directoryTypeId).ToList();
return result;
On the form, I load the data into the grid through a BindingSource component. The child rows are added properly and the data is valid.
Here is the issue: I'm able to add new DirectoryTypePoco but when try to add a DirectoryDefinitionPoco, in the code, the the DirectoryDefinitionPocoobject that I get has a zero for it's parent object. In the above picture, the Test5.dll234 is a DirectoryTypePoco with DirectoryTypeId = 8 and all child under it are ok except the new one I create. What am I suppose to do to make sure I have Master-Child relation in this case?
Ok. It seems that there are two thing I should have noticed in my design.
The individual child Poco needs to know the parent Poco through a reference.
The DevExpress Grid has methods that allow for retrieving the attached data to a parent row while in the child view' particular row.
The first part is straightforwards: add a new property in the child poco of parent poco type.
This however, in my case, doesn't solve my issue as when I visually add a new row on the grid, the default constructor is invoked and it takes no parameters and hence the parent poco reference will remain NULL and the Ids (numeric) will be defaulted to 0
The second point helped fix my issue completely. I was able to conjure up an extension method for the XtraGrid's GridView as follows:
public static class DevExpressGridHelper
public static IBasePoco GetPocoFromSelectedRow(this BaseView view)
return (IBasePoco)view.GetRow(((GridView)view).FocusedRowHandle);
public static IBasePoco GetParentPocoFromSelectedRow(this GridView view)
if (view.ParentView !=null)
// return (IBasePoco)(view.ParentView).GetRow(((GridView)(view.ParentView)).FocusedRowHandle);
return (IBasePoco)((GridView)view.ParentView).GetFocusedRow();
return null;
And used it as follows:
private void GridMain_Level_1_RowUpdated(object sender, RowObjectEventArgs e)
var view = sender as GridView;
if (view == null)
var pocoObject = e.Row as DirectoryDefinitionPoco;
if (pocoObject == null)
var parentPocoObject = view.GetParentPocoFromSelectedRow();
if (parentPocoObject == null)
if (view.IsNewItemRow(e.RowHandle))
Create(pocoObject, parentPocoObject);

Ria Service: Navigation Property is null

For example I have two entities
Class A
public Guid Id {get;set;}
public Guid BId {get;set;}
public B InstanceB {get;set;}
Class B
public Guid Id {get;set}
B is related to A, on my silver light application I am creating a new instance of A, and also a new instance of B. The new instance of B does not exist yet. But I need the instance of B on my service.
Can I do this without Entity or Association with Ria Service?
My Class A :
public partial class lSync{
// Metadata classes are not meant to be instantiated.
private lSync() {
public string ConflictMessage { get; set; }
public DateTime DateInserted { get; set; }
public Guid vValuesId { get; set; }
public Guid ID { get; set; }
public bool IsConflict { get; set; }
public bool IsReadyToSync { get; set; }
public Guid SyncSet { get; set; }
public vValues vValues { get; set; }
My Ria Service:
public lSync[] SynchvValuesFromClient(lSync[] syncs) {
bool noConflict = true;
foreach (lSync sync in syncs) {
var servervValue = GetvValuesByID(sync.vValuesId).FirstOrDefault();
var queuevValues = sync.vValues; //sync.vValues here is null, but my sync.vValuesId is not
if (servervValue== null) {
else {
if (servervValue.IsServerConflict(queueValue)) {
sync.IsConflict = true;
sync.ConflictMessage = "Conflict";
noConflict = false;
if (!servervValue.AreValuesEqual(queueValue)) {
if (noConflict) {
return syncs;
public IQueryable<vValues> GetvValuesByID(Guid ID) {
return ObjectContext.vValues.Where(t => t.ID == ID);
public void InsertvValues(vValues model) {
model.ServerDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
if ((model.EntityState != EntityState.Detached)) {
this.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(model, EntityState.Added);
else {
public void UpdatevValues(vValuesmodel) {
model.ServerDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
this.ObjectContext.vValues.AttachAsModified(model, this.ChangeSet.GetOriginal(model));
The order is wrong of your method :)
Make an instance of the service before creating instances of the Entities.
It should be:
public void SyncToServer() {
ContextService service = new ContextService();
var instanceA = new A();
instanceA.InstanceB = new B();
service.SubmitChanges(); //service.SaveChanges() for LinqToEntities
Are you reloading after a submit because only adding the [Include] attribute in the DomainService MetaData won't work. You need to do this in the DomainService for LinqToSql
public A GetA()
DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.LoadWith<A>(a => a.InstanceB);
this.DataContext.LoadOptions = dlo;
return this.DataContext.APlural.FirstOrDefault( ); //don't know the plural of A.
public A GetA()
return this.MyEntitiesContext.APlural.Include( "instanceB" ).FirstOrDefault( ); //don't know the plural of A.
var a = new A(){
B = new B(); //or (B)selectedItem
now a.Id and a.BId is 0 until you SaveChanged and return saved A
