Savepoint in database - database

I am researching on transaction savepoint in databases but what I am not getting is what exactly is the information which is saved during savepoint. It has to be little bulky since it will be used to rollback the transaction to the savepoint and restart from there. please provide some link or info to get detailed understanding. Thanks!

What you need is a regular backups...
Make sure that you can restore what you need - specific database, table etc.


Finding the Insert Transaction Date on SqlServer

A record inserted to a table good while ago with no datetime. Is there any way when this transaction has been done based on the id?
You might be able to do it by importing/digging through the log files and extracting the LSN of the event...
Here's a good link on how to attempt it.
Good luck!
AFAIK, unless you have a datetime column in your table to record the actual time of insertion; there is actually no way to find that out.
You can run DBCC command to check Transaction Log (DBCC LOG ('DB_NAME')) but not sure how much helpful that would be.
You can probably use Server-Side Tracing but have never used that personally.
Nope there is nothing in Sql server that can get you information about that insert unless you have CDC enabled or some sort of Audit Trigger on that table.
Having said all this you do have the Log file which logs details about all the operations in Sql Server. You can use some Third-Party tools to view that Sql Server Transaction Log.
Some of the tools are
Red Gate SQL Log Rescue
Apex Sql Discovery and recovery tool

Managing transaction log for datawarehouse

I have a sql database that I dump data into every 15 minutes using SSIS. The transaction log get's huge and I back it up and shrink it a few times a week. But I know I'm doing something wrong. What is the best practice for me to maintain it? Should it stay ~1GB and I should be backing it up hourly? Since it's a datawarehouse, should I be backing it up at all? Show I be doing something different in SSIS? The datawarehouse recovery model is Bulk Logged.
You should also look to make sure SSIS is setup correct to do minimally logged operations as you may not have it set correctly. Then once that is working correctly, evaluate if you really need bulk logged recovery model: is good link on subject. If you can quickly (your definition of quick) redo the data that is lost and don't want point in time recovery of non-bulk operations, move to simple recovery, IMHO.
You have a few options with logs and they are related to how you are backing up your database and how much data loss you can stand. If you are doing full backups nightly for example...change you database to simple mode. This truncates your log on commit (meaning once logged operations complete the log cleans itself up) ... there are a lot of articles on this topic ... Google it up and if you need more help post back.

What happens to connections when taking SQl Server Database Offline?

I have recently tried a big merge of 2 databases. We recreated the schema from Database 2 into Database 1 and created a script to transfer all data from database 2 into Database 1. This script takes about 35 min to run and have transaction handling with:
The full script is a bit sensitive but here is some SQL that have the same structure:
We ran the script and all data was transfered without errors. We tested the systems running with the new combined database (removed access rights to the old database).
But as a last task we wanted to take the old database offline to make sure no one used that database. To do this we used:
This was bad. After this line of SQL code all data in the combined database that we just copied was suddenly gone. I first asumed it wasn't really finished so the "Rollback immediate" sounds like it have performed a rollback on my transaction..
But why? Wasn't the transaction allready committed?
Also I tried running the same script again a few times but after every attempt no data was copied even if it said the script was successfull. I have no idea why... did it remember my offline rollback somehow?
What is really happening to my connections?
Sounds like you had a pending transaction uncommitted and you forced it to rollback, loosing some of the work. The rest is explained by how your scripts are structured. Is unlikely your script had a single transaction from start to bottom. Only the last transaction was rolled back, so the database was left now in a state in which it is 'half copied'. Probably your script does various checks and this intermediate state sends the script on the 'ELSE' branches where it does not do the proper work (ie. apparently does nothing).
W/o posting the exact script, is all speculation anyway.
Right now you need to restore the database to a consistent state, the one before your data copy. Use the backup you took before the data move (you did take a backup, right?). for extra credit, make sure your script is idempotent and works correctly on a half-updated database.
I'd double-check to make sure that there are no outstanding transactions. Either go through the file and count the number of BEGIN TRANSACTION vs COMMIT TRANSACTION lines, or add a statement to the end of it to SELECT ##TRANCOUNT to ensure that there are no open transactions remaining.
If your data has been committed, there should be no way it can be lost by disconnecting you.
All incomplete transactions will be rolled back and any other
connections to the database will be
immediately disconnected.
Sounds like someone got the 2 databases mixed up or maybe there is an outstanding transaction?.... Can you post your entire script?
Rather than only checking ##ERROR, inspect ##TRANCOUNT as well.

SQL server transaction

I need to understand about sql server transaction? I have gone through some articles available on google but I have not understood anything. Can anyone help me?
You can explicitly start a transaction by writing BEGIN TRANSACTION. You end the transaction by running COMMIT TRANSACTION.
Before the COMMIT is run, the tables affected by your query can still be rolled back to the state they were in at the BEGIN TRANSACTION point-in-time.
This is useful when you are writing a stored procedure that is pumping a lot of data between tables. By dividing it in smaller parts using transactions, the whole bunch does not need to be "rolled back" when the procedure hangs, an error occurs or you cancel it manually.
An article that elaborates on this is for example this one.
See Understanding Transactions.
Database Journal have a lot of good articles abaut mentoed subject

SQL Server sys.databases log_reuse_wait question

I was investigating the rapid growth of a SQL Server 2005 transaction log when I found that transaction logs will only truncate correctly - if the sys.databases "log_reuse_wait" column is set to 0 - meaning that nothing is keeping the transaction log from reusing existing space.
One day when I was intending to backup/truncate a log file, I found that this column had a 4, or ACTIVE_TRANSACTION going on in the tempdb. I then checked for any open transactions using DBCC OPENTRAN('tempdb'), and the open_tran column from sysprocesses. The result was that I could find no active transactions anywhere in the system.
Are the settings in the log_reuse_wait column accurate? Are there transactions going on that are not detectable using the methods I described above? Am I just missing something obvious?
I still don't know why I was seeing the ACTIVE_TRANSACTION in the sys.databases log_reuse_wait_desc column - when there were no transactions running, but my subsequent experience indicates that the log_reuse_wait column for the tempdb changes for reasons that are not very clear, and for my purposes, not very relevant. Also, I found that running DBCC OPENTRAN, or the "select open_tran from sysprocess" code, is a lot less informative than using the below statements when looking for transaction information:
select * from sys.dm_tran_active_transactions
select * from sys.dm_tran_session_transactions
select * from sys.dm_tran_locks
Here there are explanations how log_reuse_wait_desc is working:
We also need to understand how the log_reuse_wait_desc reporting mechanism works. It gives the reason why log truncation couldn’t happen the last time log truncation was attempted. This can be confusing – for instance if you see ACTIVE_BACKUP_OR_RESTORE and you know there isn’t a backup or restore operation running, this just means that there was one running the last time log truncation was attempted.
So in your case there is no ACTIVE TRANSACTION right now, but it was when log truncation was attempted last time.
There are a couple of links to additional tools/references you can use to help troubleshoot this problem on the References link for this video:
Managing SQL Server 2005 and 2008 Log Files
That said, the information in log_reuse_wait should be accurate. You likely just had a stalled or orphaned transaction that you weren't somehow able to spot.
My answer from The Log File for Database is Full:
As soon as you take a full backup of the database, and the database is not using the Simple recovery model, SQL Server keeps a complete record of all transactions ever performed on the database. It does this so that in the event of a catastrophic failure where you lose the data file, you can restore to the point of failure by backing up the log and, once you have restored an old data backup, restore the log to replay the lost transactions.
To prevent this building up, you must back up the transaction log. Or, you can break the chain at the current point using the TRUNCATE_ONLY or NO_LOG options of BACKUP LOG.
If you don't need this feature, set the recovery model to Simple.
The data is probably accurate. What you need to do is have a regular transaction log backup. Contrary to other advice you should NOT use the NO_TRUNCATE option on 2005 as it clears the log of transactions committed but it doesn't back them up.
What you should be doing is performing a tail-log backup by using the BACKUP LOG statement with NO_TRUNCATE option. You should be applying regular transaction logs throughout the day as well. This should help keep the size fairly manageable.
Hm, tricky. Could it be that the question it self to sys.databases is causing the ACTIVE_TRANSACTION? In that case though, it should be in the MASTER and not the TEMPDB.
