Using AsyncUpload on mobile device (Galaxy SII) - mobile

This morning i've test it with iphone 4 and its working perfectly so its probably specific on Android (i'm using Version 4.1.2) Vs AsyncUpload Control
I am currently creating a file upload section on a web page that can be view on every type of device (Computer, Tablets and mobile phone). When i test the file upload section on a standard computer everything works perfectly. When i test it on mobile phone (I'm using Samsung Galaxy S2 with all the latest update) i have access to the files on my phone. I can select the file that i want and it seems to upload perfectly ( I got the green dot from the telerik control which means that the upload has been successful ) but in fact the file created in the template directory of the control ( app_data\RadUploadTemp ) has a size of 0 bytes. So when i press my submit button, the file copied in my working directory is invalid and cannot be read. You can test it yourself on a telerik demo page.
When i upload a file on this page from my mobile phone, the file size is always 0... So from there i know that its not something with my code but its something between the control and the mobile browser.
I have asked my question on telerik forum but i didn't get any answer yet.
Does someone know if there is a limitation from mobile browser to upload file using RadAsyncUpload control
And by the way, RadAsyncUpload control use the html5 File API first, if the browser cannot use it, the control will try to use flash/silverlight. if its still not working, it will use standard IFrame module to upload the file.
Here are some docs about the control
I would like to know if someone else can test it on the demo page and let me know if it works. If not , anyone have an alternative solution to upload file from mobile phone ?
Thanks !

Here is the code to solve the problem on Android. i was not able to put it in my comment.
Telerik.Web.UI.RadAsyncUpload.Modules.Flash.isAvailable = function () { return false; };
Telerik.Web.UI.RadAsyncUpload.Modules.FileApi.isAvailable = function() {return false; };
Telerik.Web.UI.RadAsyncUpload.Modules.Silverlight.isAvailable = function() {return false; };
I just added a kind of If (android) do the code
Cheers !


how can i change the language in messages in input tag

i'm building a web app with capacitor js and react js.
i'm creating a button to when i click the button to upload image file.
in android it works well, but in ios when i click the button it prints three options like above picture.
i want to make those options to korean.
i knew the language of the messages are depends on system language.
so i already checked the system language setting by window.navigator.language
it already setted in korean.
and then i dont know reason why, it prints in korean when i open a app in native safari browser.
this problem only occurs when i open the web in the app i built by capacitor
someone please give me some hints .
You can set the development region in your ios/App/App/Info.plist file:

Getting Google Apps Scripts to Run on Mobile

I'm trying to get a script that I've made for a google sheet to trigger when the sheet is opened (since I've found you can't trigger them manually through the mobile app). Somehow, I've managed to get half the script to work, while the other half does not. The script is intended for use on both desktop and mobile, and I want it to clear a predetermined set of cell ranges while also hiding a predetermined set of rows and columns (for formatting purposes). The script runs perfectly on desktop, but the clearRanges portion of the script doesn't run on mobile even though the hideRows/Columns portion of the script does. Any ideas on why this might be? The function I'm using can be seen below:
function onOpen() {
//Create custom menu options
.addItem("Clear Data", "clearRange")
.addItem("Submit", "sendEmailWithPdfAttach")
//Clear ranges
var source = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
//Hide rows/columns
var sheets = source.getSheets();
sheets.forEach(function (s, i) {
if (i == sheetNum) {
s.hideRows(45, 400);
s.hideColumns(10, 17);
} else {
The custom menu options are for desktop use and can be ignored. I will also say this is my first time really using Apps Script, and most of this code was taken from elsewhere and modified. If you guys have any clue as to what I can do, I'm all ears. Thanks
There is a simple solution to it, You can create a button on your main
spreadsheet and link it with the script!
Open the same sheet on your Mobile Google Chrome
On the extreme Right Top corner, click on the three dots. A drop-down
menu Opens
Select "View in Desktop Mode".
Notice, the button your Spreadsheet is now clickable, as the sheet
interprets the user to be logged on to a PC
Now, Just Click on the button and let the script do its magic
SpreadsheetApp.getUi() doesn't work on Google Sheets mobile apps. The alternative is to create Android add-ons for Google Sheets. Unfortunately at this time there isn't support for other mobile platform add-ons for Google Sheets.
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Executing Google Apps Script Functions from Mobile App
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angular pdf not working on IOS 10

I have an ionic app using angular-pdf-viewer, with pdf.js , to display pdf documents from a url. The viewer works on android devices and IOS devices with IOS 9 but as on IOS 10 the pdf will not show. Anyone else had a similar problem ?
So I eventually found that I needed to move this line out of the if statement so that it is always run: PDFJS.disableRange = true; It seems to all be working fine now for anyone experiencing the same issue.
I was facing the same issue. And I found out it is PDFJS's compatability issue. Workaround for this issue is, you can set
PDFJS.disableRange = true;
i.e you are bounding to download the whole file instead in chunks without detecting the device.
Please comment someone else has still an issue, even after this workaround.

Codename One : Open picture on iOS with execute()

I need to open a photo collage (an image) the user made. So I use Display.getInstance().execute(montage.getMontageFullPath()); which works on Android device and Codemane One simulator but not on iOS (neither on the device nor on Xcode Simulator).
The image is saved as expected on the iPhone album but it does not open as it used to be. The only change I made to my code is to use the native interface to make the image appear on the album (ie the photo gallery).
I read this blog posting about canExecute(String url) but when I use it, it is null on Android so if I use it as a test before running execute(), the latter is never run. I can't remember what happened on iOS, but the gallery was not open either.
What are the reasons why execute() would not open an image on iOS whereas it does open the image on Android and on CN1 simulator ?
Thanks for helping me,
The canExecute method is a 3 mode result:
null - means unknown
True means it should work
False means it shouldn't work
So you can treat null & true as the same.
This should work implicitly in iOS see this newer post but make sure that the URL you give is one within your app home otherwise we can't make any guarantees.

Aspose PDF viewer

I am using the Aspose PDF tools and have successfully got it to print the pdf which is great, but ideally I want to be able to add a wpf control to display this as well.
I would have assumed that the PdfViewer class would have something, but I can't tell.
So far I have needed to use a different control MoonPdfPanel which is annoying as I would have preferred 1 tool to do both jobs.
Does anyone know of a control I can use to hook into the aspose?
We have developed an HTML5 PDF Editor application using Aspose.Pdf for .NET API which you can use in your application as a PDF Viewer as well. You can get the details and complete source code here. You can use the source code to edit the viewer as per your requirement.
P.S. I am working as social media developer at Aspose.
Well, if you are interesting in viewing the PDF file, you may convert the file to HTML and display it using an IFrame in your application. I have developed a sample application which performs different operations including viewing a PDF file in IFrame. Download it and try it at your end. Another option is that you can convert the PDF file to images and display in Imageviewer in your application (Code is available in the above application).
P.S. I am working as social media developer at Aspose.
