Accessing SQL Server 2012 from Windows XP - sql-server

Is there a compatibility problem that would prevent a program running under Windows XP from accessing a SQL Server 2012 Standard instance running on a Windows 2008 server on the same domain?
This might be a stupid question; I know that it is not possible to install SQL Server 2012 on XP, but I cannot think of a reason why it would not allow access by a program.
So this is merely a stab in the dark. For the moment I only wish to know whether there are any problems in principle; if there are none I will try to come up with a minimal error case for my particular setup and ask a separate question.

I just confirmed that an application written in VB6 using ADO with the "Microsoft OLEDB provider for SQL Server" can connect to a SQL Server 2012 database. The connection string looks like this:
Persist Security Info=False;
User ID=SomeUserName;
Initial Catalog=SomeDatabase;
Data Source=SQL2012Instance
The operating system is Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3.
The operating system hosting the SQL database is Win-7.
The database engine is Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60 (x64)


Upgrading from SQL Server 2012 Express to Standard

I have a phone server running Window Server 2008. The server software is currently using Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express Edition. I created an IVR application that has created a second database using the same SQL Server instance.
I found out post-development that the version of SQL Server installed on the server was Express and NOT Standard like I had thought. I checked the SQL Server Configuration manager and noticed that the instance is MSSQLSERVER, but it is running express. The phone system software I am using is proprietary and I cannot get in to change/modify connection strings.
My question is:
Is it reasonable to assume that upgrading from SQL Server 2012 Express to SQL Server 2012 Standard is safe? Does upgrading change the connection string, or instance name? Or is there anything I should be aware of during the upgrade? Or would it be better to just run Standard alongside Express?
I have read various articles saying that the connection string doesn't change, but I would like some input from someone who has actually upgraded from Express to Standard.

confusion about SQL Server Express and localdb

I need to deploy a WCF service with a database on client machines. I am confused about SQL Server Express. I need to verify all of the following.
When attaching database files in the App_Data folder, do I still need to install SQL Server Express engine (Windows service) on client machines?
There is a flavor called SQL Server Express LocalDb. That one does not need an engine (Windows service)? But I think it need a prerequisite installation of LocalDb.
Localdb is introduced with SQL Server 2012. There is NO localdb for SQL Server 2008. Correct? I could not find 2008 version on MS site.
Do I still need to install SQL Server Express engine (A win Service)
on client machines?
Yes, they need it installed for your application to query the database. Can't really get around it.
There is a flavor called SQL Express localDb. That one does not need
an engine (win service)? but I think it need a perquisite installation
of localdb.
Yes, you'd still need to install LocalDB on the client machine. It's pretty hassle-free to do, but I think it's overkill unless you really need the full features of a SQL Server instance for your webservice.
Instead of LocalDB I'd strongly recommend using SQL Server Compact Edition - it performs the role you're thinking of (your WCF Service can simply connect directly to the database file on your client machines without installing SQL Server, and is lightweight), but doesn't need to be installed (it's simply included as a DLL with your WCF application):
Unlike other editions of Microsoft SQL Server, SQL CE runs
in-process with the application which is hosting it.
In Microsoft's own words on the differences between LocalDB and SQLCE:
LocalDB and SQL Server Compact?
Small and simple database, lightweight installation, connecting to a
database file -- this will sound familiar to any developer using SQL
Server Compact. The similarities are not accidental, as our goal for
LocalDB was to be as easy to use as SQL Server Compact (while being as
powerful and compatible with full SQL Server as SQL Express).
There are significant differences between LocalDB and SQL Server
Execution mode: SQL Server Compact is an in-proc DLL, while LocalDB runs as a separate process.
SQL Server CE is kind of like an updated version of MS Access, the file goes with the application which can "just connect" to the database file without involving any database server installation, and its syntax/features are very close to SQL Server standard.

Database Synchronization options

There is a new windows application to be developed in visual studio 2010. The Clients requested that the application should have a local database on each of their laptops and the database should be synchronized with the central server when they are connected to the office network. The central server is windows server 2003 and the Client PC is windows 2007. Please help me with the answers to the below questions
Which version of sql server can be installed in windows server 2003?
Methods of synchronization with sql server if MS Access is used as a local database. Is linking of access database to SQL Server is a two way synchronization?
Can sql express be used on local to be synchronized with SQl server using microsoft sync framework? If yes please let me know the version of SQL express and SQL Server to be installed.
Please let me know the Pros and cons of the above methods or any alternative solution. I have done a lot of research on this but cannot come to a conclusion. Kindly help.
Check the system requirements of each SQL edition you are eyeing to use, that should tell you if you can install it on Win 2003 or not.
Linking Access to SQL Server stores your data in SQL Server, not in the local Access Database
Yes, see:Tutorial: Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Express

how to enumerate all instances of SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, and SQL Server?

looking to generate a listing of all SQL Server instances, showing
machine name
default or instance name
type of component (Database Engine or SSRS or SSIS or SSAS)
is there a powershell script that does this, or will system center show all this?
If you need to find it on a server or workstation, you can pop in the SQL disk, wait for the install center to come up and select Tools > Installed SQL Server features discovery report.
To check your whole network, check out Microsoft MAP. Works for SQL 2008. It will check:
Windows 7
Windows Vista
Windows XP Professional
Office 2010 and previous versions
Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 R2
Windows 2000 Professional or Windows 2000 Server
VMware ESX
VMware ESXi
VMware Server
Linux variants
LAMP application stack discovery
SQL Server 2008
I'm not sure about 2005/2000 besides db instances. Those are easy to find with sqlcmd -L. You could use wmi queries on specific servers to match service names. I believe the sql active directory services may register the services in AD...but I don't think you can rely on that.

Connection error for sqlserver rake db:migrate

I am getting the following error:
OLE error code:80004005 in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
HRESULT error code:0×80020009
Exception occurred.
I have tried following the directions here with no luck.
Any ideas?
My specific issue I believe was related to having to many mixed systems installed on my laptop. I had Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 components and SQL Server Management Standard loaded with SQL Server Express Edition as well as various other components that might have affected the stability of my environment. Once I reloaded Vista and went back through the steps from the link above it worked without issue.
I only loaded the Express Editions of SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio.
Usually a authentication/permissions error.
Is the SQL Server on the same box as the web server, review the accounts they are running under, and review the type of connection you are making (integrated or otherwise)?
Random guess: By default SQL Server (express, at least anyway) does NOT enable network access. The SQL Admin manager tools connect to it using named pipes, however rails most likely will be trying to use TCP.
My specifc issue I believe was related to having to many mixed systems installed on my laptop. I had Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 componets and SQL Server Managment Standard loaded with SQL Server Express Edition as well as various other componets that might have effected the stability of my envirnomnet. Once I reloaded Vista and went back through the steps on it worked without issue.
I only loaded the Express Editions of SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio
