extjs scroll's grid stop working - extjs

I´ve spent a couple of days dealing with an issue about grids' vertical scroll. Scrolls just stop working under some unknown conditions, I mean, it is not deterministic I think.
My application has lots of grids and most of them work perfectly always but just a couple of them just don´t.
I found this Extjs Grid scroll dons't work after application running while that describes the same problem that I have currently, however a migration to a newer version is not the solution for me because after do it (yes, I did it but rolled it back) I found more problems that it is risky enough to discard given the applications is going to production in a few days.
Does someone have a solution, patch, hack or whatever to workaround this problem?
We are using extjs 4.0.7.

The issue with scrolling is localized to 4.0.x-4.0.7 releases due to Sencha's attempt to use virtual scrolling technique.
As you have discovered this strategy backfired and has since been reverted to native scrolling.
Your issue is solvable by upgrading to 4.1+ release.

Try to using:
grid: Grid that is modify.
Store: it's the original store.
null: value for 'new' columns.
See the comment too: reconfigure function on Sencha Api 4.0.7


setLeadComponet leading to a sluggish UI

I have noticed that all my setLeadComponent calls are leading to a sluggish UI when scrolling up or down. It used to work perfectly in the past so I guess a recent platform update may have messed it up.
My use case requires me to create a list of items that users can scroll through and click on items. I have adopted the approach discussed in the 'Avoiding Lists' article.
Any pointers on what may be causing this?
PS: I am currently exploring using addPointerReleasedListener() as an alternative.
This can be a couple of things described by these two issues. First it could be similar to the bug described here.
It also could be due to this, which was eventually resolved via by disabling layout on paint (which is now the default). It might make sense to re-enable layout on paint in the parent form to see if this solves your issue.

Oracle APEX 5 master/detail form -- detail region stopped working

I was adjusting some columns on a master/detail form and the detail interactive grid stopped retrieving rows. I'm not sure at what point exactly that it stopped working, but I think it was when I was using the quick edit to adjust the height of the region.
I tried putting everything back the way it was, but no luck. I added another interactive grid on the same table, linked by the same column to the master, and that works ok. I tried exporting the source and comparing the non-working grid to the working grid, to see if something was messed up in the source, but I don't know enough to figure out what differences are significant.
Any ideas on what might have happened? How I might be able to fix it, or at least avoid having this issue in the future?
I switched the interactive grid to an interactive report and saved it, then switched it back to an interactive grid again, and that seems to have resolved the problem.

ExtJS grid and cell merging

does anybody know if it's possible to have the cell merging feature in the ExtJs grids?
then is the ExtJs grid working exactly in the same way in all browser and in the Android phones browser as well?
Out of the box a Grid(View) will never support this and negative margins won't work on all browsers. The more I think about it I must say no, you can't do this a save way.
The only possible solution is a custom rendered Table with a custom storebind. But I wouldn't do that.
Maybe this answer is kind of late, but it is a solution, it was created by a Sencha developer:
Row Spanning Solution.
And he also gives some suggestion here.

Winforms widget to display a grid of constantly updated numbers?

I'd like to create a Winform app (Mono support would be a huge plus) to display a grid of rapidly updating numbers, while not running into redraw problems while scrolling.
From searching around I've found:
Telerik GridView
which seems to be exactly what I want. Is the Telerik path the way to go? Or is the capability available within the standard .NET tool set? If so, which widgets should I be looking at to implement such an application?
Thanks in advance for your help!
All the Grid components from vendors are going to have performance issues if you change the attached values very very quickly. So if you need high performance you really need to create your own. If you are concerned only about flicker and the update does not need to be amazing quick then you will be fine with Telerik or indeed any other vendors Grid component.
You could consider implementing Virtual Mode on the Telerik RadGridView to overcome any performance issues you might encounter.
The demo application included with the controls contains an example of a rapidly updating grid. Although its just a small demo, if you resize the window to be smaller the scrollbar will appear and you can scroll without any redraw issues. You can access the demo under GridView -> Performance -> High Refresh.
Unfortunately, the Telerik WinForms controls aren't compatible with mono.

What commercial WPF suite is better? Please suggest

Im working on a middle size project, using WPF. Need DataGrid, suitable for the client: fast, customizable, beautiful. Which component suite do you suggest from your practice?(for example Devexpress's, telerik's, Infragistics's and etc)
I have used Telerik data grid in the past and it seemed to have the least hastles for me compared to others I have had a look at.
However I can pretty much put my money on it that someone else would feel that Telerik's control wasn't great and that Infragistics was better etc. - so I suggest that you maybe download the trials and test them for your specific scenario.
"Fast, customizable, beautiful." - try Xceed's (I work there), there's a no-install XBAP demo. Also supports asynchronous data virtualization and smooth scrolling and other stuff no other datagrid does.
Xceed DataGrid for WPF main page
XBAP demos page
I've been evaluating Xceed for a few weeks now and while it is powerful it's dog slow when placed in a tab control switching between tabs. 30 seconds to open a tab on a large data set. The forum on their website seems to suggest this is a known problem without resolution. Shame as in other aspects it appears to do a good job.
