How to setup Drupal multi language site? - drupal-7

I was searched and read many websites but can't find how to set up drupal multi language website.
I want to use 2 languages in a site.
These 2 languages have different content. (not content translation).
I had enabled Locale module, enabled multilingual support in each content type
but when i was added content in 2 languages
the front page list all of those articles without filter the site's language.
how to setup drupal 7 to list articles with filtered language.
eg: <- this url should list all english article. <- this url should list all france article.

I have to install i18n or Internationalization module from Drupal contributed modules and enabled these option.
Multilingual select
** This module require Variable module.

Since the content is different, one way to achieve this is by creating two different content types. Assign an alias pattern to each content type like en/[node:title] and fr/[node:title]. You can then display each or both content types on any page; it could be a taxonomy page with alias en or fr. If you choose this method you won't need locale. This one is not intended for translated sites where each content has a matching translated content.

If you also want to expand some special words which have not include in language lib, you can try following code:
$zh = variable_get('locale_custom_strings_zh-hans');//zh-hans is your language key.
$zh["More news"] = '更多信息'; // KEY/VALUE
variable_set('locale_custom_strings_zh-hans',$zh); // set it back.


How to add a telephone link via wagtail?

I am trying to add links in the form 555-555-555 arbitrarily into paragraphs of text on my wagtail site. These phone numbers are currently peppered throughout the site as plain text, but I want to convert them to links.
I found this old wagtail github issue where they explained why they would not add them, but the 'Special-purpose pages' use case they described seems to be different than mine: my site has these numbers in paragraphs of text on most of the content pages (blog, product, marketing, etc).
Can anyone explain how I can add telephone links that can be used throughout the site?
I am using wagtail 1.x
To have telephone link within rich text, you'll need to create a plugin for Hallo.js. Have a look at the documentation and how Wagtail 1.13 creates and register such plugins.
Be aware though that it's usually quite involved and that Wagtail 2.0 rich text editor is now Draftail and Hallo.js is deprecated. Therefore, if you create a Hallo.js plugin and upgrade to Wagtail 2.0, you'll have to add some configuration to continue using Hallo.js or recreate the plugin for Draftail.
FWIW, if you are interested in having a look at what would be involved with creating an plugin for Draftail, you'll need to create an entity (also note that the API for creating entities should receive some enhancements in Wagtail 2.2).
With Raw HTML there is nothing to prevent editors from inserting malicious scripts into the page. Do not use this block.
A workaround would be a custom filter. Eg:
{{ self.text|richtext|phonify }}
In your
>>> def phonify(val):
... for tel in re.findall(r'tel:(\d+)', val):
... tag = '{}'.format(tel, tel)
... val = val.replace('tel:{}'.format(tel), tag)
... return val
>>> phonify('Hello tel:123 world tel:456!')
'Hello 123 world 456!'
Now you can instruct editors (via help_text) to add phone numbers like tel:5555555555.
This example does not handle - and +1. But if you figure that out, I'll update the answer ;)
I ended up chopping up my paragraphs and including raw html where I needed to add the tel links. A bit tedious, and the styles were slightly different on some pages, but shorter than doing it any other way.

Generate english versions of same content on Drupal?

My website needs to be able to support multiple languages for multiple countries. For example, the US might have English and Spanish, while the UK might only have English. If two countries use the same language, it DOES NOT mean the content is the same.
For this reason, I decided to use the internationalization module (i18n) and I created language codes as follows:
gb-en - UK English
us-en - US English
us-es - US Spanish
I set this up with no issues, but my problem comes in with creating all the default content. For each content type, I want to:
Set the content types default language as "English"
Create translated versions of each content type for each language
I know this will mean that the Spanish content would still be in English, but it's the first step towards translating it.
What is the easiest way to create all these "default" content pages?
You could create a module implementing hook_node_insert(). This module would intercept the creation of a new node (stored with the default language) and create as many copies as needed. Each of these copies should have a different value in the field language. These copies colud be easily stored in the dabase using node_save() function.

drupal 7 taxonomy i18n is not working when editing multilingual content.I'm stock to default language

I create a taxonomy called colors.
Each of my term are translatable, in french and english.
I create a content type called product where I can associate a taxonomy color. Note that my product content type is multilingual aswell
My admin default language is french.
When I create a product,the color taxonomy is only showing in french which is my admin default language. In my mind, it's supose to be displayed within the language set in the node.
It's a problem right now because, english node is associated to french taxonomy.
Anybody know how can I resolve this issue.
Thanks a lot.
It depends on how your taxonomy was set up.
There are three different modes, beside from no-multilingual:
Localize. Terms are common for all languages, but their name and description may be localized.
Translate. Different terms will be allowed for each language and they can be translated.
Fixed Language. Terms will have a global language and they will only show up for pages in that language.
I guess colors are common for all languages, so I would recommend using the first option.
You can then translate the colors via config > translate interface.
When you chose the "localize" option you don't have duplicate colors showing up on node forms.
If the terms are common for all languages but you want to add more fields to the terms, you could use localize and in addition use the entity translation module.
Entity translation allows you to translate the different fields for each term.
There are two drawbacks though:
On top of the entity translation you have to translate the terms via translate interface or else the terms will not be translated on the node-edit-forms.
You have to alter the aliases for the Terms yourself via /admin/config/search/path so the terms have different path aliases for different languages
This is of course not a good solution for user-generated terms but works if the terms are moderated.

How to translate role in Drupal?

If I want to translate the role to other language, how do I do it?
I can change that to other language as the default but I would like to use English so I don't have to deal with UTF8 issue in my code with Asian charactors.
if(in_array("administer nodes", $user->roles))
I have tried to find it from translation module but this seems not translatable as other text in Drupal.
So I'm assuming you've already tried using the t() or st() functions?
If that's so, you may need to try a client-side AJAX translation solution. One way you might do this is to create a vocabulary of terms (corresponding to the English role names), and have the Asian character translation as a secondary field. Then use views to create a view of this vocabulary, and create a lightweight module that:
1) loads a Drupal AJAX script on every page (or every page where role names might be utilized)
2) the script looks for a list of specified containers by id that you know will contain role names
3) searches the view you created for the English pattern, and replaces it in the container with any positive matches
Drupal API's example AJAX module
You could then expand the module/AJAX script to solve other similar translate fails on your site.

Is it possible for an entry to have two URL in Expression Engine, and translate template names?

I'm currently making a bilingual Expression Engine 2.5.2 website. I'm using this technique to create the two langues, which works perfectly.
I have created a {country_code} global variable in the two index.php files which allows me to detect the current language.
Using this technique, I have no problems to get language-relative data when accessing an entry. My only concern is that I apparently have to privilege a language-specific "clean" URL.
Example entry:
{entry_id} = 123
{title} = My test article
{title_permalink} = my-test-article
{name_fr} = Mon article
{name_en} = My article
If I request, I expect to to find, in english, "My article" using the template articles in the blog template group.
Everything is fine, but the french translation is accessible when requesting The correct translation of the URL should be
Anyone encountered a problem like this? Any solutions via extensions or modules?
I believe the Transcribe module solves this by both providing the ability to translate template group and template names, and having you create a separate entry for each language and piece of content in your site (hence, you have two separate URL titles). But that means buying into their entire methodology for a multi-lingual site.
Myself, I usually just stick to using the entry_id instead of the url_title, and live with the template names being in the primary language.
The best way I found to achieve this is by embedding templates with segment translations, duplicating template groups and duplicating channels.
In the blog/articles template:
{embed="shared/.head" segment_2_translation="blogue" segment_3_translation="articles"}
In the blogue/articles template:
{embed="shared/.head" segment_2_translation="blog" segment_3_translation="articles"}
In shared/.head template:
[...] {if lang == "fr"}English{if:else}Français{/if} [...]
And then you can create a Articles (FR) and a Articles (EN) channels, and each will have their unique URL titles. You can also add a relationship custom field for each channel to associate an entry with it's translation.
It feels messy, but it is the only way I could make it work without modules, plugins or whatnot.
