What is the purpose of "post" in Matlab's padarray function? - arrays

In Matlab, there is a function called padarray. I didn't understand the "post" value of the function. Can you describe it in terms of an example?

So I will try to be clear:
A = magic(2);
A =
1 3
4 2
B = padarray(A,[0 1],'circular','post')
B =
1 3 1
4 2 4
post only pads after the last array element along each dimension: in this particular case, only along dimension 2 because of [0 1] as second input in padarray.
P.S.: MATLAB user manual is usually quite plenty of examples about any built-in function.


Array indexing in Simulink

how to deal with elements of an Array A =[1 2 4 3 6 2 7 3] in simulink like A(3) = 4.
and how about returning value like A(n-1) in simulink??
thank you so much.
To address into an array in Simulink there are a few blocks you can use.
Try the Index Vector block which will allow you to pass the array as one input and the index as the other. The block will output the value at the specified index.

Variation of indices of an array or matrix

If I use this syntax:
Why doesn't the content of C(mX) vary with varying mX?
Instead of doing
C(2)=A(1)+A(2), etc
it does:
C(3)=A(1), etc
Is there any way to vary C(mX) without resorting to a loop?
To answer your first question:
makes the sum over A(1:[1 2 3 4 5]), which results in A(1:1), and hence all your C(mX) values will be filled with purely the element A(1).
What you want to do is make a cumulative sum, which can be done, as #leanderMoesinger mentioned with cumsum:
C = cumsum(A)
C =
If you want to learn more about indexing I can highly recommend the following post: Linear indexing, logical indexing, and all that
If you want not all elements of A, but e.g. up to element three you can do
mX = 1:3;
A = rand(5,1);
C = cumsum(A(mX)); calculate only to mX
mX = [1 3 5];
C = cumsum(A(mX)) % Also works if you only want elements 1 3 and 5 to appear
% If you want elements of C 1 3 and 5 use
tmp = cumsum(A);
C = tmp(mX);
You can do this by cumsum like so:
C = cumsum(A(mX));

Julia: Converting Vector of Arrays to Array for Arbitrary Dimensions

Using timing tests, I found that it's much more performant to grow Vector{Array{Float64}} objects using push! than it is to simply use an Array{Float64} object and either hcat or vcat. However, after the computation is completed, I need to change the resulting object to an Array{Float64} for further analysis. Is there a way that works regardless of the dimensions? For example, if I generate the Vector of Arrays via
u = [1 2 3 4
1 3 3 4
1 5 6 3
5 2 3 1]
uFull = Vector{Array{Int}}(0)
for i = 1:10000
I can do the conversion like this:
fill = Array{Int}(size(uFull)...,size(u)...)
for i in eachindex(uFull)
fill[i,:,:] = uFull[i]
but notice this requires that I know the arrays are matrices (2-dimensional). If it's 3-dimensional, I would need another :, and so this doesn't work for arbitrary dimensions.
Note that I also need a form of the "inverse transform" (except first indexed by the last index of the full array) in arbitrary dimensions, and I currently have
filla = Vector{Array{Int}}(size(fill)[end])
for i in 1:size(fill)[end]
filla[i] = fill[:,:,i]'
I assume the method for the first conversion will likely solve the second as well.
This is the sort of thing that Julia's custom array infrastructure excels at. I think the simplest solution here is to actually make a special array type that does this transformation for you:
immutable StackedArray{T,N,A} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
data::A # A <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractArray{T,N-1}}
function StackedArray(vec::AbstractVector)
#assert all(size(vec[1]) == size(v) for v in vec)
StackedArray(vec, (length(vec), size(vec[1])...))
StackedArray{T, N}(vec::AbstractVector{T}, dims::NTuple{N}) = StackedArray{eltype(T),N,typeof(vec)}(vec, dims)
Base.size(S::StackedArray) = S.dims
#inline function Base.getindex{T,N}(S::StackedArray{T,N}, I::Vararg{Int,N})
#boundscheck checkbounds(S, I...)
Now just wrap your vector in a StackedArray and it'll behave like an N+1 dimensional array. This could be expanded and made more featureful (it could similarly support setindex! or even push!ing arrays to concatenate natively), but I think that it's sufficient to solve your problem. By simply wrapping uFull in a StackedArray you get an object that acts like an Array{T, N+1}. Make a copy, and you get exactly a dense Array{T, N+1} without ever needing to write a for loop yourself.
julia> S = StackedArray(uFull)
10001x4x4 StackedArray{Int64,3,Array{Array{Int64,2},1}}:
[:, :, 1] =
1 1 1 5
1 1 1 5
1 1 1 5
julia> squeeze(S[1:1, :, :], 1) == u
julia> copy(S) # returns a dense Array{T,N}
10001x4x4 Array{Int64,3}:
[:, :, 1] =
1 1 1 5
1 1 1 5
Finally, I'll just note that there's another solution here: you could introduce the custom array type sooner, and make a GrowableArray that internally stores its elements as a linear Vector{T}, but allows pushing entire columns or arrays directly.
Matt B.'s answer is great, because it "simulates" an array without actually having to create or store it. When you can use this solution, it's likely to be your best choice.
However, there might be circumstances where you need to create a concatenated array (e.g., if you're passing this to some C code which requires contiguous memory). In that case you can just call cat, which is generic (it can handle arbitrary dimensions).
For example:
u = [1 2 3 4
1 3 3 4
1 5 6 3
5 2 3 1]
uFull = Vector{typeof(u)}(0)
for i = 1:10000
ucat = cat(ndims(eltype(uFull))+1, uFull)
I took the liberty of making one important change to your code: uFull = Vector{typeof(u)}(0) because it ensures that the objects stored in the Vector container have concrete type. Array{Int} is actually an abstract type, because you'd need to specify the dimensionality too (Array{Int,2}).

Store formulas as an element of an array in Matlab

(* I don't know programming in Matlab. It is just a general question about Matlab language. *)
In Excel, we can store a formula in a cell. For instance, if A2 contains a formula = A1+10, the re-evaluation of A2 returns 30 when the value of A1 is 20.
My question is, is there a similar mechanism in matlab? That said, can we specify a formula in a element of an array in Matlab, so that we can re-evaluate the array later?
Edit 1:
Following the comment of #rayryeng I try to make an example to illustrate the concept... Actually, this is exactly what spreadsheet languages such as Excel can do.
So my question is, is there a mechanism that permits the following in Matlab? (Note that the following syntax is just symbolic)
>> B = [1 2; B{1,1}+2 4] // store some values and a formula in the array
B =
1 2
3 4
>> B{1,1} = 10 // change the value of one cell
B =
10 2
3 4
>> EVAL(B) // there is a re-evaluation command to re-calculate all the cells
ans =
10 2
13 4
Hopefully I'm understanding what you want correctly, but the answer is indeed yes. You can store "formulas" in a cell array where each element is a handle or an anonymous function.
Perhaps you mean something like this:
formulae = {#(x) x+10, #sin, #cos, #(x) x / 3};
The syntax # denotes a function handle and the (x) denote that this is an anonymous function with the input variable x. The first cell element provides a function that adds 10 to every value that goes into it, the second and third parameters are handles to sin and cos, so these act like those trigonometric functions. The last handle divides every value that goes into it by 3.
To demonstrate, let's create a small array, then go through each formula and apply each of them to the small array:
>> formulae = {#(x) x+10, #sin, #cos, #(x) x / 3};
>> A = [1 2; 3 4]
A =
1 2
3 4
>> formulae{1}(A)
ans =
11 12
13 14
>> formulae{2}(A)
ans =
0.8415 0.9093
0.1411 -0.7568
>> formulae{3}(A)
ans =
0.5403 -0.4161
-0.9900 -0.6536
>> formulae{4}(A)
ans =
0.3333 0.6667
1.0000 1.3333
We first create the formulae, then create a small 2 x 2 matrix of [1 2; 3 4]. After, we access each formula's cell, then put in the input A into the function and we get what you see.
However, when you're starting out, start with actually declaring functions in function scripts.... don't use this kind of style of programming for practical applications. It makes your code less readable. For example, doing sin(A) is much more readable than formula{2}(A). People reading your code have to remember what position in the array corresponds to what formula you are applying to each element in the input.

How do you pick out rows from an array based on a specific value in a column?

I have an array of data. For simplicity, let's call it a 4 x 3 matrix. Let's say I want to find a data point in column 2 that has a value of 5. Then, I want to take all rows that contains the value of 5 in column 2 and place it in its own array. My data is much larger than the one displayed below, so I don't want to go through by eye and look at every line of data and identify all the 5's.
% My idea of the code:
data = [1 2 3 4; 5 5 5 6; 6 4 5 6]
if data(:,2) == 5
% This is the part I can't figure out
Let's call the finaldata the array in which the data with 5's will be stored. How do I do this?
You should use logical indexing:
all_fives_rows = data(data(:, 2) == 5, :)
You can use the FIND Function to search that value, and give the coords back (it might be a vector) to retrieve the rows:
data(find (data(:,2)==5),:)
Why not using logical indexing: Performance
