Transform server status data to running 24 hour tabular format - sql-server

I need to display running server status, in an grid view using c#, for the last 24 hours in 5 minute increments. The data is in SQL Server records of the form: HostName, RecordDate, RecordTime, Status. I need to transform the data into tabular format to load a grid view control. Transform to something like: HostName, Date, 00:00 status, 00:05 status, ..., 23:55 status. One of the problems, of course, is the user can access the web page at any time. The column names must be the 5 minute increment time, as 15.30, 15.35, etc. They'll always be the same, as 24 hours will be displayed, but will be in a different order, and potentially cross dates, depending upon when the user logs into the web site. I hope I've explained this well enough. All options are on the table: linq, linq to sql, linq to xml, etc.
Thanks for any help.

I will offer a T-SQL solution. You need a date table that holds the 5-minute intervals for the day in question. Left join that with your AccessLog (or whatever it's called) table where the access time is within each time range, and do whatever aggregations you want. This will give you the vertical list. Then you need to PIVOT that to make your TimeRanges into columns (search for SQL server PIVOT operator).
Below is the rough SQL. After that, you just need to wrap the results into a pivot.
declare #myDate SMALLDATETIME = '20130415';
;with TimeRanges as (
SELECT TOP 288 DateAdd(minute, (Row_Number() over (order by sc1.Name) -1) * 5 , #myDate) TimeRangeMin
, DateAdd(minute, Row_Number() over (order by sc1.Name) * 5 , #myDate) TimeRangeMax
FROM Master.dbo.SysColumns sc1, Master.dbo.SysColumns sc2
select convert(varchar(5), TimeRangeMin, 114) AS TimeRange, COUNT(*)
from TimeRanges t
LEFT JOIN AccessLog a on a.AccessTime >= t.TimeRangeMin and a.AccessTime < t.TimeRangeMax
GROUP BY convert(varchar(5), TimeRangeMin, 114);


How to select between, for example, between 6:15 and 7:15? Microsoft SQL Server 2014

I want to query data that happened between 6:15 and 7:15, 7:15:01 and 8:15 and so forth. So far I am only able to do the following:
Select *
From table
Where datepart(hh, t_stamp) = 7
and datepart(day, t_stamp) = day(getdate())
I am selecting all data that happens between 7:00 and 7:59:59....
I tried googling it. Found something using unix_timestamp, but that does not work in Microsoft SQL Server. I've been wrecking my brain but as a SQL noob (I am used to "ladder logic" in PLC programming) this is way out of my comfort zone.
If you are looking for fetching the data between a specific time, let's say 06:15 to 07:15 for any date, then convert the datetime to time and use it in the where clause.
select * from your_table_name
where cast(t_stamp as time) between '06:15:00' and '07:15:00';
If you need it only for today's date, then add that condition too in the Where clause.
select * from your_table_name
where cast(t_stamp as time) between '06:15:00' and '07:15:00'
and cast(t_stamp as date) = cast(getdate() as date);

Make chart gaps in ZingChart when missing dates in dynamically loaded data?

I have been using ColdFusion 2016 and ZingCharts (bundled) to dynamically create charts using SQL Server, with a time series on the X axis. When there are time gaps I would like the line chart to also show a gap, but instead the line is continuous and plots each datapoint consecutively.
A pic of the chart the way it is plotting now, you can see there is no 'gap' between the Oct 29 and March dates, the data just run together:
My data are generally in 15min increments, but there are stretches of time (days or months) where there are gaps in the timeseries and data. I contacted ZingCharts to ask if there was some kind of style tag that controls whether the dates are displayed consecutively or with gaps and there is not. It's something that has to be manipulated at the data-level. If my data were hardcoded I would have to add null values so that the charts would plot with gaps in the timeseries, but my charts are dynamic (a user can choose any number of 7 parameters to add to the chart for a date range they choose). I have found information on how to solve this for hardcoded data, but I'm looking for ideas for solutions for dynamically loaded data/series. I have also found information on a deprecated coldfusion tag for the XML file, isInterpolated="false", but that's no longer an option.
My question is what is the best way to solve this? I found some information about creating a calendar table in SQL Server and unioning that with the table(s) providing the data so that all datetimes would be filled. I was wondering if there's another approach that I'm not thinking of? Thanks for any help, I'm very new at all of this.
Update: Here is the current query for the data, which is a bit complicated. It pulls "Nth" rows based on how many parameters (7 available) are selected and how many days are in the date range:
datepart(year, t.sample_date) as [year]
,datepart(month, t.sample_date) as [month]
,datepart(day, t.sample_date) as [day]
,datepart(hour, t.sample_time) as [hr]
,datepart(minute, t.sample_time) as [min]
,convert(varchar(10), t.sample_date, 1) + ' ' +
RIGHT('0' + CONVERT([varchar](2), DATEPART(HOUR, t.sample_time)), 2) + ':' +
RIGHT('0' + CONVERT([varchar](2), DATEPART(MINUTE, t.sample_time)), 2) AS [datetime]
<cfif isDefined("form.parameter") and ListFindNoCase(form.parameter, "salinity")>,ROUND(t.salinity,1) as salinity</cfif>
<!---plus 6 more parameters--->
<cfif isDefined("form.parameter") and ListFindNoCase(form.parameter, "salinity") >,salinity</cfif>
<!---plus 6 more parameters--->
, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY streamcode) AS rownum
FROM MyUnionizedTables
WHERE stationdesc = (<cfqueryparam value="#form.station#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">)
AND [sample_date] BETWEEN (<cfqueryparam value='#Form.StartDate#' cfsqltype="cf_sql_date">)
AND (<cfqueryparam value='#Form.EndDate#' cfsqltype="cf_sql_date">)
<cfif isDefined("form.parameter") and ListFindNoCase(form.parameter, "salinity")>and salinity > -25 and salinity <40 and salinity is not NULL </cfif>
<!---plus 6 more parameters--->
GROUP BY sample_date, sample_time, stationdesc, streamcode
<cfif isDefined("form.parameter") and ListFindNoCase(form.parameter, "salinity")>,salinity</cfif>
<!---plus 6 more parameters--->
) AS t
WHERE <!---returning Nth row when record sets (count of days between dates selected) are long--->
<cfif IsDefined("form.station") AND IsDefined("form.parameter") AND #ParamCount# LTE 3 AND form.station eq 'Coastal Bays - Public Landing' and #ctdays# gte 10> t.rownum % 64 = 0
<cfelseif IsDefined("form.parameter") AND #ParamCount# LTE 3 AND #ctDays# gte '5840'> t.rownum % 64 = 0
<!---plus lots more elseifs--->
<cfelseif IsDefined("form.parameter") AND #ParamCount# GTE 7 AND #ctDays# gte '350'> t.rownum % 8 = 0
<cfelse>t.rownum % 1 = 0</cfif>
datepart(year, t.sample_date)
,datepart(month, t.sample_date)
,datepart(day, t.sample_date)
,datepart(hour, t.sample_time)
,datepart(minute, t.sample_time)
SECOND UPDATE (after Leigh's link to query on GitHub):
So I'd actually been working on a similar query to the one Leigh posted based on the "CTE Expression" section here. I switched to trying to work with her version, which is below.
I don't have write edits, so I'm working with an existing table. MyDataTable has ~ 21mil rows, with a separate sample_date(datetime) and sample_time(datetime) [the dates and times are a PITA - b/c of the instruments and the way these data are remotely telemetered we get a datetime column with a 'good date' but a bogus timevalue that we call 'sample_date', and then a separate datetime column called 'sample_time' with a bogus date and a 'good time'.] There are 125 stations, each with data (for example, temperature) from different starting and ending dates/times, beginning in 2001 through present. So I need to fill date/time gaps for 125 different stations with differing gaps of time, that are normally in 15min increments.
--- simulate main table(s)
--CREATE TABLE MyDataTable ( sample_date datetime, sample_time datetime, stationdesc nvarchar, wtemp float)
--- generate all dates within this range
DECLARE #startDate datetime
DECLARE #maxDate datetime
SET #startDate = '2015-01-01'
SET #maxDate = '2016-12-31'
--- get MISSING dates
;WITH missingDates AS
SELECT DATEADD(day,1,#startDate) AS TheDate
SELECT DATEADD(day,1, TheDate)
FROM missingDates
WHERE TheDate < #maxDate
-- ,[stationdesc]
FROM missingDates mi LEFT JOIN MyDataTable t ON t.sample_date = mi.TheDate
WHERE t.sample_date IS NULL
--and stationdesc = 'Back River - Lynch Point'
--ORDER BY timevalue
When I run this query as-is I get only 17 rows of data. TheDate column lists datetimes with dates 12/15-12/31/16 and all times are 00:00:00.000. Query takes 49s.
Meanwhile, my coworker and I have been working on alternate methods.
--Putting data from only 1 station from our big datatable into the new testtable called '_testdatatable'
SELECT station, sample_date, sample_time, wtemp, streamcode, stationdesc, TIMEVALUE
INTO _testdatatable
FROM MyBigDataTable
WHERE (stationdesc = 'Back River')
order by [sample_date],[sample_time]
--Next, make a new table [_testdatatableGap] with all time values in 15min increments from a datetime table we made
SELECT [wtemp]=null
,[stationdesc]= 'Back River'
into [tide].[dbo].[_testdatatableGap]
FROM DateTimeTable
WHERE (TIMEVALUE BETWEEN '4/19/2014' AND getdate())
--Then, get the missing dates from the Gap table and put into the testdatatable
INSERT into [_testdatatable]
( [wtemp]
[wtemp]=null -- needs this for except to work
FROM [_testdatatableGap]
[wtemp]=null -- needs this for except to work
FROM [_testdatatable])
This method worked to create a table with all the 15min increments in date/time, which resulted in a correctly drawn chart (below). However, we don't know how to scale this up to the full 125 station full data table without making multiple tables.
After working through several suggestions, and a lot of research, trial and error I think I’ve solved my problem. I need to work on my additional complication of sometimes needing to reduce the volume of data returned and graphed, but that part is sort of outside the realm of my original question.
The short version of my answer is:
Made a table view of MyBigDataTable with an additional column which is a
datetime column called “TIMEVALUE”.
Made a big permanent datetime calendar table with the datetime column called the same:
I then developed a set of SQL queries that
(a) gather data from MyBigDataTable and put it into a #temptable, and
(b) also gathers datetimes from the calendar table and puts it into the same #temptable.
(c) because now there will sometimes be 2 datetime rows, one with data and one
with nulls, I run a query to only keep the row with data if there
are 2 rows of matching datetime and station. This data can then be charted.
This is all now written dynamically in my .cfm page, station, date
range and parameters are chosen by a user and a chart is now
successfully drawn with correct ‘gaps’ in the datetimes for times of
missing data.
Here’s SQL (here, limited to only 1 parameter, but I have 8):
--Step 1. Check if the temptable exists, if it does then delete it
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TempTable') IS NOT NULL
--Step 2. Create the temptable with data from the parameters, station and dates selected on the .cfm
INTO #TempTable
FROM MyBigDataTable
stationdesc = 'Station01'
and [timevalue] BETWEEN '5/29/2014' AND '10/01/2016'
--Step 3. Now select datetimes from a big calendar table, and set stationdesc to the selected station,
--and rest of parameters to null. And do this for the same selected date range
,[stationdesc]= 'Station01'
FROM MyDatetimeCalendarTable
WHERE [timevalue] BETWEEN '5/29/2014' AND '10/01/2016'
--Step 4. Run query on the temptable to gather data for chart, but b/c sometimes there will be 2 rows with the same datetime and station but one with data and one with nulls, this query only gathers the row with data if there are 2 rows with matching datetime and station
SELECT distinct *
FROM #TempTable a
wtemp is not null or
wtemp is null and
not exists(
SELECT * FROM #TempTable b
WHERE a.timevalue=b.timevalue
and a.stationdesc=b.stationdesc and b.wtemp is not null)
ORDER BY timevalue
I need to fully test it and make some amendments, but I think this satisfies the requirements of an answer, because so far it's doing what I need it to do. Thank you to #Leigh and #Dan Bracuk for their wisdom (and patience!)

SQL Server Stored Procedure get nearest available date to parameter

I have a table of database size information. The data is collected daily. However, some days are missed due to various reasons. Additionally we have databases which come and go over or the size does not get recorded for several databases for a day or two. This all leads to very inconsistent data collection regarding dates. I want to construct a SQL procedure which will generate a percentage of change between any two dates (1 week, monthly, quarterly, etc.) for ALL databases The problem is what to do if a chosen date is missing (no rows for that date or no row for one or more databases for that date). What I want to be able to do is get the nearest available date for each database for the two dates (begin and end).
For instance, if database Mydb has these recording dates:
and I want to compare 2015-05-06 with 2015-05-14
The 2015-05-07 date is missing so I would want to use the next available date which is 2015-05-08. Keep in mind, MyOtherDB may only be missing the 2015-05-06 date but have available the 2015-05-07 date. So, for MyOtherDb I would be using 2015-05-07 for my comparison.
Is there a way to proceduralize this with SQL WITHOUT using a CURSOR?
You're thinking too much into this, simple do a "BETWEEN" function in your where clause that takes the two parameters.
In your example, if you perform the query:
SELECT * FROM DATABASE_AUDIT WHERE DATE BETWEEN param1 /*2015-05-06*/ and param2 /*2015-05-14*/
It will give you the desired results.
select (b.dbsize - a.dbsize ) / a.dbsize *100 dbSizecChangePercent from
( select top 1 * from dbAudit where auditDate = (select min(auditDate) from dbAudit where auditDate between '01/01/2015' and '01/07/2015')) a
cross join
(select top 1 * from dbAudit where auditDate = (select max(auditDate) from dbAudit where auditDate between '01/01/2015' and '01/07/2015')) b
The top 1 can be replaced by a group by. This was assuming only 1 db aduit per day

Question about Crystal Reports + SQL Server stored procedure with GROUP BY

I'm writing a report in Crystal Reports XI Developer that runs a stored procedure in a SQL Server 2005 database. The record set returns a summary from log table grouped by Day and Hour.
Currently my query looks something like this:
sum(colA) as "Total 1",
day(convert(smalldatetime, convert(float, Timestamp) / 1440 - 1)) as "Date",
datepart(hh, convert(smalldatetime, convert(float, Timestamp) / 1440 - 1)) as "Hour"
Day, Hour
Ignore the date insanity, I think the system designers were drinking heavily when they worked out how to store their dates.
My problem is this: since there are not always records from each hour of the day, then I end up with gaps, which is understandable, but I'd like Crystal to be able to report on the entire 24 hours regardless of whether there is data or not.
I know I can change this by putting the entire query in a WHILE loop (within the stored procedure) and doing queries on the individual hours, but something inside me says that one query is better than 24.
I'd like to know if there's a way to have Crystal iterate through the hours of the day as opposed to iterating through the rows in the table as it normally does.
Alternatively, is there a way to format the query so that it includes the empty hour rows without killing my database server?
Here's how I solved this problem:
Create a local table in your SQL-Server. Call it "LU_Hours".
This table will have 1 integer field (called "Hours") with 24 rows. Of course, the values would be 1 through 24.
Right join this onto your existing query.
You might need to tweak this to make sure the nulls of empty hours are handled to your satisfaction.
You could use a WITH clause to create the 24 hours, then OUTER JOIN it.
WITH hours AS (
SELECT 1 AS hour
SELECT 2 AS hour
SELECT 24 AS hour
FROM hours h
LEFT OUTER JOIN [your table] x ON h.hour=x.datepart(hh, convert(smalldatetime, convert(float, Timestamp) / 1440 - 1))
This SQL would need to added to a Command.
Group as necessary in the SQL or the report.

Count number of 'overlapping' rows in SQL Server

I've been asked to look at a database that records user login and logout activity - there's a column for login time and then another column to record logout, both in OLE format. I need to pull together some information about user concurrency - i.e. how many users were logged in at the same time each day.
Do anyone know how to do this in SQL? I don't really need to know the detail, just the count per day.
Thanks in advance.
Easiest way is to make a times_table from an auxiliary numbers table (by adding from 0 to 24 * 60 minutes to the base time) to get every time in a certain 24-hour period:
SELECT test_time
,COUNT(*) AS simul
FROM your_login_table
INNER JOIN times_table -- a table/view/subquery of all times during the day
ON your_login_table.login_time <= times_table.test_time AND times_table.test_time <= your_login_table.logout_time
GROUP BY test_time
) AS simul_users (test_time, simul)
I think this will work.
Select C.Day, Max(C.Concurrency) as MostConcurrentUsersByDay
SELECT convert(varchar(10),L1.StartTime,101) as day, count(*) as Concurrency
FROM login_table L1
INNER JOIN login_table L2
ON (L2.StartTime>=L1.StartTime AND L2.StartTime<=L1.EndTime) OR
(L2.EndTime>=L1.StartTime AND L2.EndTime<=L1.EndTime)
WHERE (L1.EndTime is not null) and L2.EndTime Is not null) AND (L1.ID<>L2.ID)
GROUP BY convert(varchar(10),L1.StartTime,101)
) as C
Group BY C.Day
Unchecked... but lose date values, count time between, use "end of day" for still logged in.
This assumes "logintime" is a date and a time. If not, the derived table can be removed (Still need ISNULL though). of course, SQL Server 2008 has "time" to make this easier too.
DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, logintime, 0), logintime) AS inTimeOnly,
ISNULL(DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, logouttime, 0), logintime), '1900-01-01 23:59:59.997') AS outTimeOnly
) foo
inTimeOnly >= #TheTimeOnly AND outTimeOnly <= #TheTimeOnly
