Which one should I use? Backbone.js Router.navigate and window.location.hash - backbone.js

I began learning Backbonejs recently, by reading a book. and I feel a little bit confuse about this issue.Here is a Router:
define(['views/index', 'views/login'], function(indexView, loginView) {
var SelinkRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
currentView: null,
routes: {
'home': 'home',
'login': 'login'
changeView: function(view) {
if(null != this.currentView)
this.currentView = view;
home: function() {
login: function() {
return new SelinkRouter();
and this is the boot method of a application:
define(['router'], function(router) {
var initialize = function() {
// Require home page from server
url: '/home', // page url
type: 'GET', // method is get
dataType: 'json', // use json format
success: function() { // success handler
error: function() { // error handler
var runApplicaton = function(authenticated) {
// Authenticated user move to home page
if(authenticated) window.location.hash='home';
//router.navigate('home', true); -> not work
// Unauthed user move to login page
else window.location.hash='login';
//router.navigate('login', true); -> not work
// Start history
return {
initialize: initialize
My question is about the runApplication part. The example of the book that I read passed router into module just like this, but it used window.location.hash = "XXX", and the router wasn't touched at all.
I thought the "navigate" method would make browser move to the page I specified, but nothing happened. Why?
And for the best practice sake, what is the best way to achieve movement between pages(or views)?
thanks for any ideas.

You could also use the static method to avoid router dependency (while using requirejs for instance).
Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options)
This way, you just need :
// Start history
// Authenticated user move to home page
Backbone.history.navigate('home', true);
// Unauthed user move to login page
Backbone.history.navigate('login', true);

According to the documentation, if you also want to call the function belonging to a specific route you need to pass the option trigger: true:
Whenever you reach a point in your application that you'd like to save
as a URL, call navigate in order to update the URL. If you wish to
also call the route function, set the trigger option to true. To
update the URL without creating an entry in the browser's history, set
the replace option to true.
your code should look like:
router.navigate('home', {trigger: true});
Once your router is created, you also have to call
When all of your Routers have
been created, and all of the routes are set up properly, call
Backbone.history.start() to begin monitoring hashchange events, and
dispatching routes.
Finally the runApplication logic will be something similar to this:
var runApplicaton = function(authenticated) {
var router = new SelinkRouter();
// Start history
// Authenticated user move to home page
router.navigate('home', true);
// Unauthed user move to login page
router.navigate('login', true);


Angular UI Router Reload Controller on Back Button Press

I have a route that can have numerous optional query parameters:
$stateProvider.state("directory.search", {
url: '/directory/search?name&email',
templateUrl: 'view.html',
controller: 'controller'
When the user fills the form to search the directory a function in the $scope changes the state causing the controller to reload:
$scope.searchDirectory = function () {
$state.go('directory.search', {
name: $scope.Model.Query.name,
email: $scope.Model.Query.email
}, { reload: true });
In the controller I have a conditional: if($state.params){return data} dictating whether or not my service will be queried.
This works great except if the user clicks the brower's forward and/or back buttons. In both these cases the state (route) changes the query parameters correctly but does not reload the controller.
From what I've read the controller will be reloaded only if the actual route changes. Is there anyway to make this example work only using query parameters or must I use a changing route?
You should listen to the event for succesful page changes, $locationChangeSuccess. Checkout the docs for it https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/service/$location.
There is also a similar question answered on so here How to detect browser back button click event using angular?.
When that event fires you could put whatever logic you run on pageload that you need to run when the controller initializes.
Something like:
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
Or better setup like:
var searchDirectory = function () {
$state.go('directory.search', {
name: $scope.Model.Query.name,
email: $scope.Model.Query.email
}, { reload: true });
$scope.searchDirectory = searchDirectory;
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
Using the above, I was able to come up with a solution to my issue:
controller (code snippet):
...var searchDirectory = function (searchParams) {
if (searchParams) {
$scope.Model.Query.name = searchParams.name;
$scope.Model.Query.email = searchParams.email;
$state.go('directory.search', {
name: $scope.Model.Query.name,
email: $scope.Model.Query.email,
}, { reload: true });
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function () {
//used $location.absUrl() to keep track of query string
//could have used $location.path() if just interested in the portion of the route before query string params
$rootScope.actualLocation = $location.absUrl();
$rootScope.$watch(function () { return $location.absUrl(); }, function (newLocation, oldLocation) {
//event fires too often?
//before complex conditional was used the state was being changed too many times causing a saturation of my service
if ($rootScope.actualLocation && $rootScope.actualLocation !== oldLocation && oldLocation !== newLocation) {
$scope.searchDirectory = searchDirectory;
if ($state.params && Object.keys($state.params).length !== 0)
{..call to service getting data...}
This solution feels more like a traditional framework such as .net web forms where the dev has to perform certain actions based on the state of the page. I think it's worth the compromise of having readable query params in the URL.

still the navigate triggers and upate my url, the method is not calling

In my backbone app, i use the requirejs to load the js files. as well i need different views, there is no.of links are there in my drop down menu. according to the drop down menu i a adding the #url example:
the navigate method works fine and updating the url, also whenever i copy and paste this url to any other browser / refresh with current hash state my router methods works fine.
But click on link in the drop down menu not working, the method not calling... what would be the reason and how can i fix this..?
my code: main js file (part of code)
var extender = _.extend({},backBone.Events);
var params ={
boardHolder :$('.boardHolder'),
column :3,
space :30,
extender :extender
var listApp = new routerer(params);
my router code :
singleton.router = Backbone.Router.extend({
"" :"appView",
"post" :"postView",
"projectName/:id" :"projectNameView",
"assignedTo/:id" :"assignedToView",
"sortBy/:id" :"sortByView"
this.params = params;
this.collection = new listCollection;
console.log('i am called');
console.log('from hash view');
var that = this;
// var defaultApp = new listCollection();
new listViews({model:data,params:that.params})
projectNameView:function(thisView){ // not calling not sync
console.log('called',thisView); // on click not works
assignedToView:function(thisView){ // not calling not sync
console.log(thisView); // on click not works
sortByView:function(thisView){ // not calling not sync
console.log(thisView); // on click not works
return singleton.router;
thanks in advance.
navigate only updates the url, you also have to call the route function by setting the trigger option to true. If you'd like to update the URL without creating an entry in the browser's history, also set the replace option to true.
would become
listApp.navigate(post.category+'/'+post.filter, {trigger: true});

Backbone pushstate history not working

I am using backbone.js routes and i am struggling to make history to work. Here is the code i have:
$(function() {
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"/": "initHome",
"home": "initHome",
"projects": "initProjects",
"project/:id" : "initProject"
// Instantiate the router
var app_router = new AppRouter;
app_router.on('route:initProject', function (id) {
// Note the variable in the route definition being passed in here
app_router.on('route:initProjects', function () {
app_router.on('route:initHome', function () {
$(document).on("click",".links",function(e) {
var href = $(this).attr("href");
var url = lang + "/" + href;
page = $(this).attr("data-id");
var param = $(this).attr("data-param");
if (typeof(param) == 'undefined') { param = ""; }
if(activepage != href && !main.hasClass("loadingPage")){
firstInit = false;
activepage = href;
res = app_router.navigate(url, true);
return false;
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true, root: "/karlin/"});
Push state is working fine on click, but it wont call getContent() function when i try back/next buttons in the browser. I am an newbie to backbone, so any advice will be helpful.
Change this: res = app_router.navigate(url, true);
To this: app_router.navigate(url, {trigger: true});
I can't see any reason to create a variable "res".
IMHO you've got a convoluted implementation of Backbone. I'd suggest moving your routes to the constructor like so:
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"/": "initHome",
"home": "initHome",
"projects": "initProjects",
"project/:id" : "initProject"
initProject: function (id) {
// Note the variable in the route definition being passed in here
getContent("project", id);
initProjects: function () {
initHome: function () {
// Instantiate the router
var app_router = new AppRouter;
Also, if you set up your routes properly like in the Backbone docs,
routes: {
"help": "help", // #help
"search/:query": "search", // #search/kiwis
"search/:query/p:page": "search" // #search/kiwis/p7
you can pass parameters to the routes with traditional links. You can also move your if activePage statement to the router as a helper function for changing pages.
Router.navigate is for rare instances.
I suggest, reading the Backbone docs over and over. I learn something new every time. There's a lot there and Backbone is doing things efficiently already. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Hope this helps!
I second Andrew's answer: your use of routing is a bit odd.
If you're interested in learning more about why, as Andrew says, "Router.navigate is for rare instances", read pages 32-46 here: http://samples.leanpub.com/marionette-gentle-introduction-sample.pdf
It's part of the sample for my book on Backbone.Marionette.js, but routing concepts remain the same. In particular, you'll learn why the default trigger value is false, and why designing your app routing with that in mind will make your apps better.

Tracking Site Activity (Google Analytics) using Backbone

I am looking the best way to track the Site Activity in Google Analytics for a web app made with Backbone and Requires.
Looking At Google's Page, I found this drop-in plugin - Backbone.Analytics.
My questions are:
1) using Backbone.Analytics, should I change backbone.analytics.js in order to add _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-XXXXX-X']);?
2) Are there other possible solutions/plugins?
I prefer "do it yourself" style :) It's really simple:
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function()
//track every route change as a page view in google analytics
this.bind('route', this.trackPageview);
trackPageview: function ()
var url = Backbone.history.getFragment();
//prepend slash
if (!/^\//.test(url) && url != "")
url = "/" + url;
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', url]);
And you add google analytics script to your page as usual.
You shouldn't have to change anything. Just add your Google Analytics code snippet, like normal, and include Backbone.Analytics as you would any other Javascript library.
Just figured i'd share how i'm doing it. This might not work for larger apps but I like manually telling GA when to track page views or other events. I tried binding to "all" or "route" but couldn't quite get it to record all the actions that I need automajically.
App.Router = BB.Router.extend({
track: function(){
var url = Backbone.history.getFragment();
// Add a slash if neccesary
if (!/^\//.test(url)) url = '/' + url;
// Record page view
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'pageview',
'page': url
So i just call App.Router.Main.track(); after I navigate or do anything i want to track.
Do note that I use the new Analytics.js tracking snippet which is currently in public beta but has an API so intuitive that it eliminates the need for a plugin to abstract any complexity what so ever. For example: I keep track of how many people scroll to end of an infinite scroll view like this:
onEnd: function(){
ga('send', 'event', 'scrollEvents', 'Scrolled to end');
Good luck.
I wrote a small post on this, hope it helps someone:
var appRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function() {
this.bind('route', this.pageView);
routes: {
'dashboard': 'dashboardPageHandler'
dashboardPageHandler: function() {
// add your page-level logic here...
pageView : function(){
var url = Backbone.history.getFragment();
if (!/^\//.test(url) && url != ""){
url = "/" + url;
if(! _.isUndefined(_gaq)){
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', url]);
var router = new appRouter();
Regarding other possible solutions/plugins, I've used https://github.com/aterris/backbone.analytics in a few projects and it works quite well as well. It also has options for a few more things like event tracking which can be handy at some point in your analytics integration.
If you use the new universal analytics.js, you can do that like this:
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"*path": "page",
initialize: function(){
// Track every route and call trackPage
this.bind('route', this.trackPage);
trackPage: function(){
var url = Backbone.history.getFragment();
// Add a slash if neccesary
if (!/^\//.test(url)) url = '/' + url;
// Analytics.js code to track pageview
ga('send', {
'hitType': 'pageview',
'page': url
// If you have a method that render pages in your application and
// call navigate to change the url, you can call trackPage after
// this.navigate()
pageview: function(path){
pageView = new PageView;
// It's better call trackPage after render because by default
// analytics.js passes the meta tag title to Google Analytics
All answers seem to be almost good, but out-of-date (Sept. 2015). Following this Google devs guide: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/single-page-applications
Here's my version of the solution (I've added the suggested call to ga('set'...) ):
MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend
initialize: () ->
# Track every route and call trackPage
#bind 'route', #trackPage
trackPage: () ->
url = Backbone.history.getFragment()
# Add a slash if neccesary
if not /^\//.test(url) then url = '/' + url
# Analytics.js code to track pageview
global.ga('set', {page: url})
global.ga('send', 'pageview')
Just posting an update to this question as it seems to be one I get a lot from backbone.js developers I know or work with who seem to fall at the last hurdle.
The Javascript:
App.trackPage = function() {
var url;
if (typeof ga !== "undefined" && ga !== null) {
url = Backbone.history.getFragment();
return ga('send', 'pageview', '/' + url);
Backbone.history.on("route", function() {
return App.trackPage();
The Tracking Snippet:
function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X', 'auto');
The Tracking Snippet should be available on any page you wish to track activity. This could be your index.html where all your content is injected, but some sites may have multiple static pages or a mix. You can include the ga('send') function if you wish, but it will only fire on a page load.
I wrote a blog post that goes in to more detail, explaining rather than showing, the full process which you can find here: http://v9solutions.co.uk/tech/2016/02/15/how-to-add-google-analytics-to-backbone.js.html

What to be done to prevent the router URL being used directly on the address bar by user?

Have done some working samples using Backbone Router, but is there a way to protect the routes being used directly on the address bar? And also when the user press the back button on the browser, the routes doesn't get cleared and creates issues. What is the best solution for this?
I think I see what you're saying - you want to force the user to enter your site through a certain (home) page. Is that correct?
This is useful, for example, when you're building a mobile-optimized-web-app, and you always want users to enter through a splash screen. What I'll do is set a 'legitEntrance' property to my router, and check for it on every route, as so:
APP.Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
legitEntrance: false,
// Just a helper function
setLegitEntrance: function() {
this.legitEntrance = true;
// Send the user back to the home page
kickUser: function() {
this.navigate("home", {trigger:true});
routes : {
// Example router function: Home page
routeToHome: function() {
var homeView = APP.HomeView.extend({ ... });
// Example router function: some other internal page
routeToSomeOtherInternalPage: function() {
if(!this.legitEntrance) {
var someOtherInternalView = APP.SomeOtherInternalView.extend({
I'm sure this code could be cleaned up some, but you get the general idea. Hope it helps.
