AngularJS: Multiple views with routing without losing scope - angularjs

I'm trying to implement a classic list/details UI. When clicking an item in the list, I want to display an edit form for that item while still displaying the list. I'm trying to work around Angular's 1-view-per-page limitation and decided to do it by having all URLs routed to the same controller/view. (Perhaps this is the root of my problem and I'm open to alternatives.)
.when('/list', { templateUrl: '/Partials/Users.html', controller: UserController })
.when('/edit/:UserId', { templateUrl: '/Partials/Users.html', controller: UserController })
.otherwise({ redirectTo: '/list' });
The view (/Partials/Users.html):
<!-- List of users -->
<div ng-repeat="user in Users">
Edit {{ user.Name }}
<!-- Edit form -->
{{ SelectedUser.Name }}
function UserController($scope, $routeParams) {
// the model for the list
$scope.Users = GetUserListFromService();
// the model for the edit form
if ($routeParams.UserId != null)
$scope.SelectedUser = GetUserFromService($routeParams.UserId);
When clicking an edit link, the controller is reinstantiated with a new scope, so I have to re-init the Users list. (In a more complex example I could have input from the user stored bound to the model and this would also get lost.) I'd prefer to persist the scope from the previous route.
I'd prefer to use a separate controller (or, as many other Angular developers have complained, the ability to have multiple displayed views!) but that leads to the same issue of losing scope.

Try using ui-router:
They have nested views and easier state management than angular default routing :-)

Multiple views are not supported in core AngularJS. You can use this library for this purpose which supports any amount of nested views on the page, where each level is configured independently with its own controller and template:
It is much simpler to use than ui-router. Sample config may look like this:
when('/section1', 's1.home').
when('/section1/prefs', 's1.prefs').
when('/section1/:id', 's1.itemInfo.overview').
when('/section1/:id/edit', 's1.itemInfo.edit').
when('/section2', 's2').
segment('s1', {
templateUrl: 'templates/section1.html',
controller: MainCtrl}).
segment('home', {
templateUrl: 'templates/section1/home.html'}).
segment('itemInfo', {
templateUrl: 'templates/section1/item.html',
controller: Section1ItemCtrl,
dependencies: ['id']}).
segment('overview', {
templateUrl: 'templates/section1/item/overview.html'}).
segment('edit', {
templateUrl: 'templates/section1/item/edit.html'}).
segment('prefs', {
templateUrl: 'templates/section1/prefs.html'}).
segment('s2', {
templateUrl: 'templates/section2.html',
controller: MainCtrl});

I've found Angular Multi View to be a godsend for this scenario. It lets you preserve scope as the route changes and lets multiple controllers share the same route without nesting your views.
I recommend Angular Multi View if you have more than 2 views on your page. Otherwise, when using ui-router, nesting multiple views gets messy really fast.

I came up with the same problem and I personnaly don't like plugins when they aren't absolutely unavoidable. I just moved singleton part to a service.
In my case there are :id[/:mode] routes and I want to react different way if user changes just mode or id too. Thus, I have to know previous id.
So, there is a service with activate method which updates its state. And the scope is reinitialized every time with the following code.
module.controller('MyController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', 'navigator', function($scope, $routeParams, navigator) {
var id = null;
var mode = null;
if (typeof($!='undefined')
id = $;
if (typeof($routeParams.mode)!='undefined')
mode = $routeParams.mode;
navigator.activate(id, mode);
$scope.items = navigator.items;
$scope.activeItem = navigator.activeItem;
$scope.modes = navigator.modes;
$scope.activeMode = navigator.activeMode;
In activate method I can compare id to the singleton's and react differently.


share $scope between 2 routes where controller is same

As displayed below, even though i've 2 diff html i am using same controller so i want to have the scope shared between 2 html.
Is it possible to configure this in routeProvider?
.when('/cform', {
templateUrl: '/partials/clientForm.html',
controller: 'ClientCtrl', //Same Controller
.when('/vwClientManagement', {
templateUrl: '/partials/clientManagement.html',
controller: 'ClientCtrl' //Same Controller
$scope.showClientAddUpdateView = function(action,clientId) {
$"Hello World"; // This is getting displayed in UI.
$http.get("/qCli", { params:{id : clientId}}).then(
function successCallback(response){
//$scope.client =;
$"Hello World After Ajax"; // This is not getting displayed in UI.
},function errorCallback(response){
console.log("err searching clients");
Scanario 1 - changing route and setting scope in ajax success call back, loosing only those value which i have set in success callback after route change
Scanario 2 - updating scope in ajax success callback but not changing route, view is updated with correct values.
Added More details More Details
In my opinion, it's better to use Service, for sharing data between Angular controllers. Generally, angularjs is very flexible, and there is at least few ways to solve your problem: using services, using $state.go services, using stateparams, using rootscope...
Check this issue, there is a bunch of related and useful advices: Share data between AngularJS controllers
While using this:
.when('/cform', {
templateUrl: '/partials/clientForm.html',
controller: 'ClientCtrl', //Same Controller
}).when('/vwClientManagement', {
templateUrl: '/partials/clientManagement.html',
controller: 'ClientCtrl' //Same Controller
You are not using one unique controller. You are creating, for each view, an instance of ClientCtrl.
So they don't share there scope, each have a different and independant scope.
It seems you are trying to avoid using services whereas this would be best done in this case. There are severals (1, 2) answers on Stack Overflow dealing with this subject.

Providing variables outside of ng-view

So, I have an HTML page, /profile#IDGoesHere which is tied an an ng-app. The ng-app has three columns (with Bootstrap) and the middle of which is utilising Angular's ng-view.
So it's something like this:
/profile#IDGoesHere (and within it):
All Activity
The href links are set on the HTML page outside of the ng-view so when I go into the /profile#IDGoesHere page, I set the userID into a variable using a service. Like below:
profileApp.service('globalParams', function() {
var profileID = '';
var user = {};
return {
getProfileID: function() {
return profileID;
setProfileID: function(value) {
profileID = value;
I pass the 'globalParams' service into each controller as I need to access the profileID in order to make further calls to get the specific data for the user.
My Angular Router looks like this:
.when('/profile:id', {
templateUrl : 'partial/profile/feed.html',
controller : 'mainController',
myData: ['$http', function($http){
return $http.get('/session');
.when('/posts', {templateUrl: 'partial/profile/posts.html', controller: 'postsController'})
.when('/agreed', {templateUrl: 'partial/profile/likes.html', controller: 'likesController'})
.when('/disagreed', {templateUrl: 'partial/profile/dislikes.html', controller: 'dislikesController'})
.when('/comments', {templateUrl: 'partial/profile/comments.html', controller: 'commentsController'});
Now the problem, the links to Posts, Likes, Dislikes etc do not have the profileID in them as they are set when you go to the main route, /profile#IDGoesHere.
This works when I am on the page and keep navigating by using the 'globalParams' service however, if I were to refresh the page when I was on one of the sub-pages, the data is lost.
Note: I can't make the whole page to reload which is why I used the ng-view. I could fix this by doing that but it will defeat the purpose of a single page application.
Does anyone have a good idea on this? Been pulling my hair but feel I am missing something very obvious.
Thanks in advance
Edit: as it was causing some confusion, I have added a screenshot to demonstrate how it looks like:
Got it fixed by attaching the whole < body > to a parent controller and under that controller, I used the $window.location.href and split the ID from URL and then added it to the service, which I could then add to the outer hrefs for my sub-pages, essentially making the sub-pages to have a routeParam as well

Displaying separate data from API in different places on page in Angular

I have a SPA that will display data from an API in two separate parts of the page. One section displays products and prices. This information will remain on the page. The other section is a basic CRUD view. It allows the user to create new selections, read their selections, edit their selections, and remove their selections. I'm trying to determine the best way to display these two views. The CRUD section uses ng-view. Should the price/product section use a directive, a separate controller, or should I break up the page into two modules?
I'm new to Angular, and want to make sure that I do things right to avoid unforeseen issues down the road.
<div ng-view="">
<!--user selections go here -->
<!--Product/Price info will go here. Unsure whether to insert ng-app="new module", ng-controller="new controller", or a directive with its own element-->
Javascript for user selections view:
myApp.config(function ($routeProvider) {
.when('/list', {
templateUrl: 'views/list.html',
controller: 'ProjectListCtrl as projectList'
.when('/edit/:projectId', {
templateUrl: 'views/detail.html',
controller: 'EditProjectCtrl as editProject'
.when('/new', {
templateUrl: 'views/detail.html',
controller: 'NewProjectCtrl as editProject'
redirectTo: '/'
Factory for CRUD / user form section:
myApp.factory('Projects', function($firebase, fbURL) {
return $firebase(new Firebase(fbURL+'/projects')).$asArray();
Factory for product list/price section:
myApp.factory('Products', function($firebase, fbURL) {
return $firebase(new Firebase(fbURL + '/products')).$asArray();
The native Angular router is limited when creating complex and nested UIs, but AngularUI Router is a great alternative and very widely used. If you want to include multiple views in your interface then this is the way to go. It's not much more complicated than the native router but the wins are huge.
AngularUI Router is a routing framework for AngularJS, which allows you to organize the parts of your interface into a state machine. Unlike the $route service in the Angular ngRoute module, which is organized around URL routes, UI-Router is organized around states, which may optionally have routes, as well as other behavior, attached.
Here's a Plunker to demo your particular case:
With ui-router you can name views
<div ui-view="viewName"></div>
and include templates and controllers in the corresponding ui-router configuration
myApp.config(function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
// For any unmatched url, redirect to /
url: "/",
// list your views
views: {
"viewName": {
templateUrl: "viewName.html" ,
controller: "viewNameCtrl"
Checkout this Wiki for Multiple Named Views.
I hope this helps.

angularjs routing based on conditions case statements

I have a different requirement for my angularJS views.
I have a cart running where an individual can checkout with 0$ as well ( some free gifts )
So, for the payment page view we came up with a different idea.
show payment page view;
} else {
show confirmation page view;
so how do I do the same in angularJS routing. My angular routing looks like this
as.config(function($routeProvider, $httpProvider) {
.when('/index', {templateUrl: 'partials/index.html', controller: 'IndexListCtrl'})
.when('/shop/:id', {templateUrl: 'partials/shop.html', controller: 'ShopCtrl'})
.when('/payment/:id', {templateUrl: 'partials/payment.html', controller: 'PaymentCtrl'})
.when('/confirm', {templateUrl: 'partials/confirm.html', controller: 'ConfirmCtrl'})
.otherwise({redirectTo: '/index'});
So I need to show payment view only when cart_total > 0 else show confirm view.
Please help !!!
I think you have to use $route service events
PS. Here is similar question
First add a definition to your routes by declaring a constant like that.
.constant('Cart', {
showCart : 'true'
Then you have to options. First in the run function check '$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart' event and inside it you can access the route by var location = $location.path(); var route = $route.routes[location];and then access the user role by route.access; then you can remove or add Html components.Or you can make a simple directives that dose the same route checking and use the link function to remove or add Html component

UI Router conditional ui views?

I can't figure out a reasonable way, which doesn't feel like a hack, to solve this rather trivial problem.
I want a guest to see a splash page when they access the index of the website and a logged in user to see their profile, with each page having it's own template and controller. Ideally, there would be two states for one url, and somehow I would be able to automatically alter the active one depending on the loggin status. Both of these views will have their own nested views so ng-include cannot be used (I assume).
I'm quite new to angular and ui router and think I might be overlooking an easy solution to the problem.
Could it be done with named views and ng-show?
If you're using UI Router, just create three states: the root state, with the '/' URL, and two direct descendant states with no URLs. In the onEnter of the root state, you detect the state of the user and transition to the correct child state accordingly. This gives the appearance of keeping the same URL for both child states, but allows you to have to separate states with separate configurations.
The templateUrl can be a function as well so you can check the logged in status and return a different view and define the controller in the view rather than as part of the state configuration
My Solution:
.config(function ($stateProvider) {
.state('main', {
url: '/',
controller: function (Auth, $state) {
if (someCondition) {
} else {
where state 1 and state 2 are defined elsewhere.
For docs purposes, I used:
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(event, toState) {
if (( !== 'login') && (!$localStorage.nickname)) {
Using $routeChangeStart didn't work for me.
It is used for me conditional view in ui-route
$stateProvider.state('dashboard.home', {
url: '/dashboard',
controller: 'MainCtrl',
// templateUrl: $rootScope.active_admin_template,
templateProvider: ['$stateParams', '$templateRequest','$rootScope', function ($stateParams, templateRequest,$rootScope) {
var templateUrl ='';
if ($rootScope.current_user.role == 'MANAGER'){
templateUrl ='views/manager_portal/dashboard.html';
templateUrl ='views/dashboard/home.html';
return templateRequest(templateUrl);
If I understand the question; you want to make sure that the user who hasn't logged in cannot see a page that requires log in. Is that correct?
I've done so with code like this inside a controller:
if(!'some condition that determines if user has access to a page'){
$location.path( "/login" );
Anywhere (probably in some high-level controller) you should be able to just bind a '$routeChangeStart' event to the $rootScope and do your check then:
$rootScope.$on('$routeChangeStart', function(next, current){
if(next != '/login' && !userLoggedIn){
$location.path( "/login" );
This will get fired every time a new route is set, even on the first visit to the page.
The way I've done this is pretty simple. I made one for our A/B testing strategy. This is the gist:
resolve: {
swapTemplate: function(service) {
// all of this logic is in a service
if (inAbTest) {
this.self.templateUrl = '/new/template.html';
... other resolves
This gets called before the template is downloaded and therefor you're allowed to swap out the template url.
In my case, if two states can share logic of same controller, conditional template is a good choice. Otherwise, creating separate states is a good option.
