Getting actions to fire with backbone - backbone.js

Iv'e set up my first little backbone app with a router to see if i can get some actions firing. I can't. I don't get an error message, but the console.log messages aren't displaying. Is there something more I have to set up to get the app started?
window.BreakfastApp = new (Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: { "": "interest", "products/:type": "products"},
initialize: function(){
console.log("hello world");
start: function(){
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true});
interest: function(){
products: function(type){
console.log('product' + type )
toppings: function(){
results: function(){

The documentation says:
During page load, after your application has finished creating all of
its routers, be sure to call Backbone.history.start(), or
Backbone.history.start({pushState: true}) to route the initial URL.
In your case something like:
var BreakfastAppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
var router = new BreakfastAppRouter();
should do the job.


Success callback function is not called

I`m building a simple backbone application, and have a problem with success callback function in my View.
Here is a code
var EditUser = Backbone.View.extend({
el: '.page',
render: function(option){
var that = this;
that.user = new User({id :});
var template = _.template($("#edit-user-template").html());
that.$el.html(template({user: user}));
var template = _.template($('#edit-user-template').html());
that.$el.html(template({user: null}));
'submit .edit-user-form': 'saveUser',
'click .delete': 'deleteUser'
saveUser: function(ev){
var userDetails = $(ev.currentTarget).serializeObject();
var user = new User();,{success: function(){
error: function(e){console.log(e);}
return false;
success: function(){
return false;
On the SaveUser function,query send to the server correct, but after this, success callback function is not called, for navigating to the app home page.
The same problem appear with deleteUser method.
Any ideas what is the problem? Thanks!
It could be related to the response type from your server, the expected response is a JSON object that will be set on your attributes, but if the response is different as "text" for example, the parse fails.
Here is a fiddle for demo using Mock request
url: "hello.php",
responseTime: 0,
//responseText: 'A text response from mock ajax'
responseText: '{"a": "a"}'
In this example, the error function is been called that is not happening in your case, Is it possible your app defines some default behavior for "Ajax" calls?.
I need more information to be able to determinate this issue, but hope this give you some guidance with your problem.

Backbone boilerplate: "this.model is undefined"

I'm a backbone newbie, so I'm sort of fumbling on getting an app set up. I'm using the backbone-boilerplate ( and github-viewer ( as a reference, though when running I seem to be getting a "this.model is undefined".
Here is my current router.js:
// Application.
function (app, Homepage) {
"use strict";
// Defining the application router, you can attach sub routers here.
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function(){
var collections = {
homepage: new Homepage.Collection()
_.extend(this, collections);
".homepage": new Homepage.Views.Index(collections)
index: function () {
// Shortcut for building a url.
go: function() {
return this.navigate(_.toArray(arguments).join("/"), true);
reset: function() {
// Reset collections to initial state.
if (this.homepage.length) {
// Reset active model. = false;
return Router;
And my homepage.js module:
"use strict";
var Homepage = app.module();
Homepage.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function(){
return {
homepage: {}
Homepage.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Homepage.Model,
cache: true,
url: '/app/json/test.json',
initialize: function(models, options){
if (options) {
this.homepage = options.homepage;
Homepage.Views.Index = Backbone.View.extend({
template: "homepage",
el: '#mainContent',
render: function(){
var tmpl = _.template(this.template);
return this;
initialize: function(){
this.listenTo(this.options.homepage, {
"reset": function(){
"fetch": function() {
return Homepage;
Thanks in advance for the help!
Update: After much googling (you should see how many tabs I have open), I think I made a little bit of headway, but still no luck. I updated my router to have the following:
".homepage": new Homepage.Views.Index()
I made a number of modifications to my homepage.js module to now look like this:
"use strict";
var Homepage = app.module();
Homepage.Model = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: function(){
return {
homepage: {}
Homepage.Collection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
//localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage("Homepage.Collection"),
refreshFromServer: function() {
return Backbone.ajaxSync('read', this).done( function(data){
//save the data somehow?
model: Homepage.Model,
cache: true,
url: '/app/json/test.json',
initialize: function(options){
if (options) {
this.homepage = options.homepage;
Homepage.Views.Index = Backbone.View.extend({
template: "homepage",
el: '#mainContent',
initialize: function(){
var self = this;
this.collection = new Homepage.Collection();
this.collection.fetch().done( function(){
render: function(){
var data = this.collection;
if (typeof(data) === "undefined") {
} else {
$(this.el).html(_.template(this.template, data.toJSON()));
return this;
return Homepage;
As you can see, I have localStorage code but commented out for now because I just want to get everything working first. The ultimate goal is to have an initial call that loads data from a JSON file, then continues afterwards using localStorage. The app will later submit data after the user does a number of interactions with my app.
I am getting the main view to load, though the homepage module isn't populating the #mainContent container in the main view.
I did all of the googling that I could but frustrated that it's just not sinking in for me. Thanks again for looking at this and any feedback is appreciated!
I think your class hierarchy is a bit wonky here. Your instance of Homepage.Collection is actually assigning a homepage property out of options, for instance. Then you pass an instance of Homepage.Collection into Homepage.Views.Index as the homepage option... It's a bit hard to follow.
That said, it seems to me your problem is simply that you aren't supply a model option when you construct your Homepage.Views.Index:
new Homepage.Views.Index(collections)
collections doesn't have a model property, and thus I don't see how this.model.toJSON() later on in the view can have a model to access. Basically, you seem to want Homepage.Views.Index to handle a collection of models, not just one. So you probably need a loop in your render function that goes over this.collection (and you should change your construction of the view to have a collection option instead of homepage option).
If I'm missing something here or I'm unclear it's because of this data model oddness I mentioned earlier. Feel free to clarify how you've got it reasoned out and we can try again :)
This example code you have is a little bit confusing to me, but I think the problem lies in the following two lines of code:
".homepage": new Homepage.Views.Index(collections)
It looks like you pass a collection to the view, but in the view you use this.model, hence the error "this.model is undefined", since it is indeed undefined.
If you aren't in any rush, may I suggest that you start over. It seems you are trying too much too quickly. I see that you have backbone, requirejs (or some other module loader), and the boilerplate, which is a lot to take in for someone new to backbone. Trust me, I know, because I am relatively new, too. Maybe start with some hello world stuff and slowly work your way up. Otherwise, hacking your way through bits of code from various projects can get confusing.

Backbone.Marionette controller not working

I have a Backbone.Marionette app configured using the AppRouter as well as the EventAggregator.
The initializer starts the router, and then history. I know for sure that my EventAggregator is set up properly - MyVent.trigger('abc') works properly in the console. The AppRouter also seems to be working properly as navigating to an undefined URL results in a 404, as expected.
Am I missing something?
//do stuff here
router = new MyRouter(MyController);
console.log('routing started!');
MyVent.trigger('routing:started'); <-- this works
MyVent = new Backbone.Marionette.EventAggregator();
MyVent.on('contactUs', function(){
console.log('ContactUs received by MyVent!');
MyVent.on('bookNow', function(){
console.log('BookNow received by MyVent!');
MyVent.on('home', function(){
console.log('home received by MyVent!');
console.log('after starthome on myvent');
MyVent.on('routing:started', function(){
console.log('routing:started recieved at MyVent!');
if( ! Backbone.History.started) Backbone.history.start();
console.log('Backbone.history sucessfully started!');
MyController = {
console.log('home receieved at mycontroller');
MyRouter = Backbone.Marionette.AppRouter.extend({
controller: MyController,
routes: {
'' : 'homeMethods',
'tours' : 'toursMethods',
'booknow' : 'booknowMethods',
'contactus' : 'contactusMethods'
WOW! What a stupid mistake - at least I'm getting faster at identifying these.
Declaring routes in AppRouter, is different than in the Backbone router.
Marionette: appRoutes
Regular Backbone: routes

Backbone - Update URL from view function

I'm stumbling through my first backbone project, and am trying to update the URL after a button element is clicked.
I can manually set the URL via window.location.hash, but I assume this is not the correct way. Can anyone tell me what is the preferred way to update the URL?
var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"click #loadProject": "filterProject",
filterProject: function(){
var projectID = $('#selectProject option:selected').val();
var orgID = 'test';
// Is there a better way to do this?
window.location.hash = '/'+orgID+'/'+projectID;
//Some code
var PropertiesRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"/:who/:project":"getProjects", //#/org/1
"/:who":"getOrganisation", //#/org
"*actions": "defaultRoute"
defaultRoute: function(actions){
var app = new AppView();
//create router instance
var propertiesRouter = new PropertiesRouter();
//start history service
You definitely can call window.location.hash, but this does break some of the separation backbone is trying to create for you. A better choice is to call router.navigate(..). See

loading multiple views in init function breaks one or the other

I'm building my first backbone.js app, and I've run into a problem when trying to initialize my app and display both recipes and a shopping list, both of which are different (yet related) backbone objects.
My init function is
var MyApp= {
Models: {},
Views: {},
Routers: {},
Collections: {},
AppView: {},
Init: function() {
new MyApp.Views.ShoppingList;
new MyApp.Routers.Recipes;
Strangely, when I use
new MyApp.Routers.ShoppingList;
new MyApp.Routers.Recipes;
I don't get the shopping list View, I only get the recipes.
I also don't get any errors.
The shopping list router is fairly basic
MyApp.Routers.ShoppingList = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "index",
"shopping_list/:id": "show"
index: function(){
new MyApp.Views.ShoppingList();
so from what I understand, the app should load the router, and display the view, but I'm not getting that or the console.log.
--------------as requested, here is my 'recipes router'---------------
MyApp.Routers.Recipes = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"": "index",
"recipes/:id": "show"
index: function(){
MyApp.RecipeList = new MyApp.Collections.RecipeList; = 1;
} else {;
add: true,
success: function() {
new MyApp.Views.RecipeList({ collection: MyApp.RecipeList});
error: function() {
new Error({ message: "Error loading documents." });
show: function(id){
var recipe = MyApp.RecipeList.get(id);
new MyApp.Views.RecipeView({ model: recipe});
newRecipe: function(){
new App.Views.Edit({ model: new Recipe() });
edit: function(id){
var recipe = new Recipe({ id: id});
success: function(model, resp){
new App.Views.Edit({ model: recipe});
error: function(){
new Error({message: "Hey!? Were'd it go? sorry I can't find your recipe"});
window.location.hash = '#';
----------------- some progress -----------------------------
I may be wrong, but in commenting out sections of the router, I find that the problem may be caused by my 'routes' as they both have index where the url is empty. Commenting out the 'routes' in one controller/router causes the other controller/router to display.
I've changed the routes so that they are more representative of their namespace
"recipes" : "recipes"
recipes: function()...
but I'm still not getting the right information to display. I'm now trying to figure out if I need an initialize function and what that would look like, or if I've even debugged this properly
--------------------- update, I was using backbone wrong ------------------------
It turns out I believe that I was mis-understanding Routers and was thinking of them more like controllers, so I was calling multiple routers on load, but the page was only loading the last one which pointed to an empty route as you can only request a single url route at a time.
Now I'm loading multiple Views on load and only one router.
After instantiating your view, you still need to render it and add it to the DOM.
index: function(){
var view = new MyApp.Views.ShoppingList();
//you don't have to append to the whole body, but this is just an example
