Creating a user login site in Wordpress - database

I would like to create a site in Wordpress where users are able to log in, and by log in, I do not mean log into the wordpress admin panel. Login to a members area only part of the site. How would I go about this?
Is there a plugin for this or do I need to do this manually using custom php (and MySQL) inside wordpress?
I am asking because there has to be an easy way for this without having knowledge of php...

Several members area plugins exist for Word Press, both free and paid versions. You could try out which is a really simple and free solution. You could also try out BuddyPress for a complete social community overlay. Some other alternatives are reviewed here


Drupal CMS help, how to allow visitors to make account/profile on my website?

I was researching different CMS's and I found that Drupal is used a lot and I thought it would be the best CMS. However, I'm very new to CMS's and how they function so I don't think I understand how it's working. The admin dashboard is stored under "url/drupal-test" so whenever I go to that page, I log in as admin and everything. Does anyone know any documentation on using Drupal to allow users to make a profile for my site? I figured Drupal would give me a "mysite/drupal-test/userlogin" page or something along those lines. If I'm not being clear, please tell me to clarify in a certain area. Thank you for helping!
the user login page is usually here:
administering users in Drupal 7 is here:
you can adjust the settings, such as whether other users can create accounts here:
At this last link you can specify whether only administrators can create accounts, or any vistor, or any vistor with administrator approval.
I think this would be the best guide for you to learn Drupal user management system.

Cleanly integrate login from Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. into CakePHP?

Summary of the question:
I would like to create a CakePHP based registration and login system offering multiple different gateways such as OpenID, Facebook, Twitter, and so forth. I would like the system to allow a user to associate multiple forms of identification with their account.
After much searching, I am turning up a blank on anything that would allow more than one method of authorization. Cake's authorization system does complicate the matter, so using a tutorial for general PHP is not really effective. Does anyone have a solution, or somewhere I can start from?
To give a simple example, looking at the StackExchange network: you can login/register using a stack exchange account, Google, Yahoo, Facebook, or OpenID. Once logged in, you can add more of these methods to your account so that you are recognized a multitude of ways. I realize StackExchange probably isn't written in Cake, but it serves as an example.
Thank you!
Original Question
Here's the scoop: I'd like to integrate a simple registration/login system for each of the main services that offer oauth/openid in CakePHP.
Basically, I'd like my users to be able to register the old fashion way (including validation e-mail) or using an existing service to verify themselves. I'd like them to be able to login afterwards using that service, or with a username and password.
Now, I have found extremely in depth plugins for full facebook integration and the like, but the bottom line is that I want to just use this for registration and login at this point, and I would like the experience to be the same regardless of which service they choose (plus, I'd like to understand how it works... because this is all about learning CakePHP after all).
I'd also like them to be able to link other services once the account is created if they so desire. In a nut shell, they're account should be able to be linked to any number of login services, or none at all.
How on earth do I go about this?
Thank you,
Looks like there is now a third-party library available using Opauth as detailed on this bakery thread
Here is the CakePHP version's github page:
Great question - our CakePHP development studio may be looking at this in the coming months also. I suspect you'll have more luck researching this as a general PHP question and then how you can port that solution into Cake. Definitely post back with anything you discover.
You might find this thread a helpful starting point, although it was posted back in 2010:
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers?

WordPress Plugin Database per User

I am trying to develop a store locator script. May exist for WordPress however, after they are installed, no matter who logs into WordPress, each user is adding/deleting entries inside that one database of addresses.
I would like to have it so that each user belongs to a group/company. When they login to WordPress, they can only see their entries in the database.
What would be the best way to implement this?
Implement the stores as custom post types and do not give your regular users the capability edit_others_posts.
WordPress will then not show stores from other users, you don't have to do anything else.

DotNetNuke: Conditional logic for displaying menu items

I am new to DotNetNuke, but I'm an experienced web admin and programmer.
I have an ASP .NET website / web application that I want to integrate into DNN 5 so I can easily add / modify content, etc. My existing site uses it's own login system to display user information. I have successfully placed (using iframes) all of my existing pages inside DNN pages.
The problem I am having is that I need to conditionally hide certain pages in the menu until a user is logged into my application. To be clear, my users are logging in using my existing authentication system, and will not actually login to DNN, so I can't simply grant permissions to those pages.
My question is this: is there some way (perhaps by modifying the DNN code) to conditionally hide menu items until certain requirements are met, such as authentication through my login system?
You can write your own DNN Authentication module that leverages your current system and code.
Our shop uses DNN, but hands off authentication to our university's centralized authentication system. I didn't write it, but I don't get the impression that it was too hard. Now when we create a portal, we install and enable our authentication module and then turn off DNN Authentication. Works like a charm.
We used DNN Garden menu for this (we do some thing sort of like that) the menu has a Node manipulator interface you can code against
we have had great success with this -
The other option which we have done as well is to write your own menu provider - not really that hard

Can Google be used for site search on a database backed website?

I'm developing a web site with Google App Engine, and I want to have a search feature for user submitted stuff. Since this project is just a toy and I don't control the server, I'd like to just use Google to handle search. However, since the content is stored in the database, I don't think Google can discover the dynamic urls. Unless maybe I create a page that links the last N submissions and hope it gets crawled frequently. Thoughts?
Absolutely. As long as the database is exposed in a web page which can be crawled, Google will crawl it (unless told not to).
The best way to make it all accessible is decent navigation between pages. However, lacking that, a site map page linked from the home page should suffice.
This is an excellent candidate for a sitemap.
You can generate the XML any way you want, and give it to Google. The best part is, it is a "private" XML file; no need to have ugly listings of dynamic URLs for users to see.
