Highslide Photo Gallery and External Databases - database

Is it possible to connect a highslide gallery to an external database that can load in the image/path/etc as well as the caption/text assoicated with that image into a website. Thereby eliminating the need to house the images, thumbs and html code on the page referencing the images specifically?

Yes, serving the images and captions etc. in a database is standard procedure for web developers working with server based technologies like PHP/MySQL, Node.js or ASP.NET. I won't go in detail here, but the idea is to make the server side language print HTML and JavaScript for the client, for example by printing image tags including the image file path and caption text. To learn about this in detail, you need to know the basics in for example PHP, which you can pick up in online resources on the matter.


where should I store images of my e-commerce react app?

I have an e-commerce react app, so as you know every product has at least three or four images, so to show the image of product in my website i created a folder with a name of " images " inside the public folder so everytime i want to show images of a specific product i can get and show them very simply and for Now this is very very awesome.
The Problem:
as we know each e-commerce website should have an admin where he can publish new products and upload new images, so by the time may be i will have thousands of images in my website.
what is the best practice to store images of my react app ?
do i need to use third party like AWS or Firebase ?
Thank you.
Storing images in the code-base assets folder is not the best option for large number of images. Handling updates, inserts is a big problem. So you have the following options.
Options: Cloud/On Premises
You may store in the cloud like AWS S3
If you want to store on premises, you may store in MongoDB Grids
or even on the File System with file-path stored in the database.
Step Ahead
But going ahead you might need responsive images according to the image placeholder. Example for an image you might need thumbnails of different sizes lets say for listing pages, android apps, iOS apps.You might also need to compress the images in case they are heavy for web purpose.
In that case you may choose to store the images in the desired
resolutions.For this you'll have to store multiple versions on an image. For example product1/original.jpg, product1/compressed.jpg, product1/300x300.jpg etc
You may resize/crop the images on the fly. If you want to write your resizing systems you may write ImageMagick/vips/PIL etc based code.You may try to search for readymade nginx based plugins to server responsive images.
If you do not want to do this resizing stuff yourself you may use image storage services like imgix,cloudinary,akamai that provides CDN + image manipulations.Some of these provide storage+manipulation while some only manipulation.

Where to store image if the image is used in two different websites

I want to upload the image in my website. The same image will be shown in another website. So this is the scenario where image is uploaded in one website and displayed in both website. These two websites are hosted in two different servers as well as they both have their own database.
I am using Angular JS, Entity Framework, Web API and SQL Server 2014 as backend for both of the website. Currently I am using ngFileUpload to upload the images. Please answer me on below questions:-
Should I upload the image in database(as nvarchar-max) or filesystem(FTP or local web server file system)? I read many articles and get to know that Database retrieval of image has affect on performance but it is more secured. However File System is easy in performance but complex on maintenance like back ups. So I am just not able to decide which to choose among these two as both have pros and cons. Which option will be more suitable to my requirement where same image will be displayed in both website. Please note that there can big images like upto 5 MB uploaded in the application but the number of images will not be huge as compare to any social networking or online shopping site.
How to create different size of images(thumbnail, medium, large etc) automatically upon uploading of image in website? Is there any tool or directive already available in Angular JS to achieve this?
I know my question is broad but I need suggestion to start with my requirements.
Please help.
I use the file system to host my images. If the image is displayed on someone's computer screen, they can use an image capturing software to copy it anyway. Also, while storing them to a database may be more secure, I don't need the extra overhead in my code where a simple url to retrieve the image will suffice.
As for resizing an image using Angular, check out these links:

Where to get a web graph with corresponding web pages dataset

I'm trying to implement PageRank algorithm on a set of web pages, for that I need a sample dataset of web pages, and the web graph corresponding to them, this web graph represents the links between the pages that the data set contains.
I need the web graph so I can get the transition matrix and do the calculation needed. Example:
URL1 -> URL2
URL3390 -> URL5
URLxxxx is an id, somehow mapped to the corresponding web page
My question is: how/where can I get this resource (I've tried many links on the internet but nothing really helps), I would also like it to be not of a very large size, (internet connection limitation), if I can't have this as it is, could sou give me some advice on what I should do?
Update: for people who may consider this off topic, and they may be right, networks like Software Recommendation or on Computer Science, don't even have corresponding tags, and doesn't really fit the kind of this question, I appreciate your help.
May be Site Visualizer is the tool you're looking for. The app has the feature to generate visual sitemap.
Download and install the app (Standard or Pro version), click Create new project toolbutton, type the URL of the website you need to crawl, and then click Start button.
After the crawling is finished, click Draw button on the Visual Sitemap tab. Graph of the website will be drawn as a set of pages (rectangles) and links (lines with arrows). Click on a box to select the certain page and highlight its outbound links:
Dataset of all links of the website you can get by using All Links report (on the Reports tab). 'From URL' and 'To URL' columns are what you need.
Besides of that, you can represent a dataset of pages or links of the crawled website by using your particular SQL query. For instance, go to the Database tab, type the following query and click Execute toolbutton:
SELECT * FROM links WHERE link_type='A'
The resultset will contain only A-tag links, excluding images, CSS files, JS, etc.
The program has full-featured 30-days trial period, so you can carry out your tasks for free.
you might try searching for datasets used in supplementary information for PageRank papers. Here's an example:
this paper: http://langvillea.people.cofc.edu/ReorderingPageRank.pdf
uses this dataset:
which supposedly contains 9,664 nodes and 16,773 links. The links are at the end of the file and appear to be in a connection format similar to what you're looking for.
from this page (which also has other datasets):
here's a few other pages that aggregate network datasets:
http://snap.stanford.edu/data/, see particularly
good luck!

how to generate a print ready format with dynamic contents?

Hello we have a non profit application built in Google App Engine for Java.
This application allows people to register as Blood Donors on our system.
As a result we want to email them their print ready e-BloodDonor cards.
What is the way to create such cards where we can define the design of the card and contents are filled dynamically based on registered data?
Please advise
You could create the layout in HTML, just like a normal view in your app, and then email them the link to that page to print it out. You could also go the much-more-complex route of generating PDFs or images for each user. PDFBox by Apache is pretty good for PDF generation.
I'd really recommend the HTML route, though, if it works for you. In my experience, it's much easier to do HTML layouts than it is to program PDF layouts in Java.

silverlight in html EMAIL body

I have a news letter which i did in silverlight, is there a way to send it in email. like as you include html tags, is there a way to include silverlight xap package in it.
Probably better to reference a webpage containing your silverlight content.
Technically, you could put the path to the .xap hosted on a website into an HTML email body, but nearly all mail clients will not display this - most even prevent images from loading by default.
Most email systems will prevent you from embedding active content like SilverLight, as it presents a security risk. Your only option probably is to put your SilverLight app on the web, and just email a link to it.
Don't if you want your newsletter to be read by anyone. See this article for a good list of do's and don'ts when sending emails.
Don't listen to those guys, they're probably FlashHeads... ;)
Besides that they give up too easily. More power to ya!
I assume this newsletter is for an audence that specifically desires your content: i.e a club or similar organization that doesn't have a windows based webserver.
What you do is attach the file in such a way that they drag a zip containing the files that would normally be served from a website to the hard drive - right click - extract all then they run it by clicking on an HTML file with .htm extension that hosts the silverlight plugin instead of an aspx file.
One note that probably won't matter to you is that without a server backing this up the content can't really send you back any info but it CAN get dynamic info that comes from say RSS feeds or WCF services hosted on the web.
