Folder for Commit changes in RMS j2me - mobile

I mentioned folder name in emulator setting (to commit RMS changes) but my question is:
Such folder will be available on real phone or not while running on it?


How I find out which files wicket write in the "generated" directory?

I'm new in wicket. But I have to care a project with wicket 6.20 components (run on a payara application server). Now I have a space problem on my live-server. In directory
web-filestore are collect in time a huge amount of data files.
How can I find the cause of this file generation?
Wicket stores the stateful pages on the disk (by default). It creates a file for each http session. On session expiration the file is deleted and the content of the temp folder should not grow endlessly.
But there was a bug in the past that left such files there.
I don't remember in which version exactly the bug was fixed.
The best would be to upgrade to the latest available version. 6.x is not supported since several years, but still you can upgrade to latest 6.x.

An incremental storage / database

I am looking for a method to store only the incremental values of documents in a storage. It can be a database or a file system but the main requirements are:
Fast (adding documents, saving new revisions and retrieving all should be handled as fast as possible)
Efficient (it should use the least amount of storage while keeping it fast enough)
Able to handle a lot of files (billions of files/documents)
At first I was using SVN and now my best choice seems to be Git. It has all the thing I want. However, it has a few issues.
I have to have a copy of the last version of each document in the repository. Which equals to a lot of files sitting at the storage folder.
It seems like it's kind of overkill to use a full version control just to use its storage capability. I'm not sure if this has any disadvantages or not though.
I think the ideal solution would be a database which has something like a version control or basically git's core functionality at its core.
Is there such solution? Is it possible for just 1 developer to somehow easily create such tool without months/years of research and effort?
What would you recommend and why?
Git does meet your requirement. The database or incremental storage just as the .git folder for a git repo.
Remote repo is the place which only store the delta changes (checksum) for different version. And it’s bare repo, that means there is no working directory (no documents of last version exist). So the you can treat remote repo as database.
1. Create a remote repo:
You can create remote repo locally or hosted on github, bitbuket etc. For remote repo hosted on github or bitbucket, you just need to sign up and create a repository, then clone a working copy for it. So I just list create a remote repo locally here:
# In an empty folder, such as D:\repo
git init --bare
Now you have an empty remote repo in D:\repo.
2. Making changes for the remote repo/database:
Working in the git repo, you need a working copy (local repo). So you can clone a local repo from remote and make/commit changes. When you want to store the changes in remote repo (database), just push changes to remote.
# In another directory, such as D:\local
git clone D:/repo
cd repo
# Add/create files you want to store in git repo (D:\local\repo)
git add .
git commit -m 'message'
git push
Now what you make changes will be stored in the remote repo.

Capistrano get git commit sha1

I am writing a task for capistrano 3 and I need to get the current commit sha1. How can I read that ? Is there a variable for that ?
I have seen fetch(:sha1) in some files but this isn't working for me.
I am deploying into a docker container, and I need to tag the image with the current sha1 (and ideally, skip the deployment if there is already an image corresponding to the current sha1)
Capistrano creates a file in the deployed folder containing the git revision. In looking at the task which creates that file, we can see how it obtains the revision:
So, it is obtaining the revision from fetch(:current_revision).
In the git specific tasks, we can see where it is set:
As a side note, Capistrano is probably not the best tool for what you are trying to do. Capistrano is useful for repeated deployments to the same server. Docker essentially is building a deployable container already containing the code. See the answers here for more detail:
Capistrano 3 is using a plugin system for the version manager application used (git, svn, etc.)
The current_revision is delegated to the version manager plugin and I don't understand how to access it...
In the meantime a dirty solution would be
set :current_revision, (lambda do
`git rev-list --max-count=1 #{fetch(:branch)}`
But I'm waiting for a good solution that would instead, manage to invoke the right task from the SCM plugin

Working with couchdb and push to git repo in a angularjs project

I'm working in a project that using couchdb, it's the first time I use couchdb. The process we have is to edit couchdb file, commit and push it to our git repo, and run a curl command to update the row into couchdb, but we can edit the couchdb row in couchdb interface too.
Is this process correct? How can I ensure that files in couchdb are in the same version that I have in git, if an user changed the couchdb file through interface?
I looked into tutorials to how to do this management, someone have an indication?
When you open the couchdb interface make sure you are pointing to files in the git repository on your system.
One way to check is:
1. Make changes using couchdb interface, dont commit or anything
2. Open the location that houses your Git repo of couchdb files and run git status. It should show the files you modified in interface as changed. If not, then your interface is pointing to files stored at some other location

All files in IsolatedStorageFile store disappear after rebuilding WP8 Silverlight solution

I'm developing a WP8 Silverlight app which uses the IsolatedStorageFile store for app's data. At some point I detected that if I issue the Rebuild Solution command in VS.NET, VS uses full deployment of my project to the emulator or an attached device instead of incremental deployment. The typical Build output in this case looks like this:
2> Connecting to Emulator 8.1 WXGA 4.5 inch...
2> The application is already installed on the device. Checking if an incremental deployment
is possible...
2> Doing full deployment as project was cleaned and rebuilt...
2> Uninstalling the application...
2> Installing the application...
Sure, all app's settings and data stored in IsolatedStorageFile disappear at that.
As a developer, I may need to rebuild my solution from time to time, or unpack it from the archive backup I do. But this means that my end users will lose all their data too when I publish a new version of my app in the Marketplace after rebuilding the project!
My question is how to save all the data on the device after deploying a rebuilt WP8 Silverlight project to it? Is there a file, or a setting in one of the files produced while compilation responsible for that (maybe, a GUID, or time stamp)? Which can be saved and added to the new rebuilt stuff to prevent data loss with the next app deployment?
IsolatedStorage data are deleted whenever the app is uninstalled, which is exactly what VS does when you rebuild the project. This will not be the case when end users will update your app. The app will be updated rather than uninstalled. So that will preserve your data from IsolatedStorage.
An alternative solution to this problem is the IsoStorSpy utility suggested by the user lisp in this thread.
Using this utility, we can store all app files in the corresponding IsolatedStorage data area to the pc HDD, and then easily upload them back after deploying the rebuilt app.
