Angular ng view not rendering correctly in firefox - i just get "function () { return html; }" - angularjs

I am in the middle of a reasonably size AngularJS app and our BDD's have started failing recently. It turns out that they are failing because after the first load of the site in firefox (i.e. reloading the page) causes the NG-View to render
function () { return html; }
the html for this is
<div data-ng-view="">
<span class="ng-scope">function () { return html; }</span>
I can reproduce this error in firefox easily by reloading the page but in Chrome/IE10 and IE10 in IE7 mode i can't reproduce it.
When debugging the app is 'booting' up normally - making a few service calls to get lookup data etc, registering services, directives and loading controllers.
When the page is in this state i can execute
on the console and see the scope of
<html data-ng-controller="app.controller">
There are no errors in the console when the app is in this state, and if i set the debugger to pause on errors i get one error in jquery-min and nothing else.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I can also post code samples to particular areas like routing if required.
The issue was related to dynamically loading the controllers/html using some code from this google group!msg/angular/rs1dj097oHA/cPwPZfLvX4EJ
the fix to the code can be seen in the thread.
I haven't marked it as an answer because i feel there is a deeper issue in the way angular is treating 'routeDefinition.template' otherwise i would see either the html or the printing of the entire function ALL the time - not some seemingly random switching.
routeDefinition.template = function () {
return html;


Trouble implementing google sso in AngularJS application

So I have been trying to implement google single sign on into my angular application; however, sometimes when I reload the page the button disappear. My angular application is using angular routing. If I were to put my button outside of this it would work as expected. It just runs into problem when its loaded through a partial. Any idea how I can fix this?
<div class="g-signin2" data-onsuccess="onSignIn"></div>
<div ng-view></div>
As #agektmr said, the problem is related to the way angular and platform.js interact with each other.
In order to use the auto rendered button you need to trigger the library when the DOM is loaded.
What I did is calling the following code in the onComplete method (I'm working with AngularMaterial dialogs, but you should be able to find a similar method quite easily):
$timeout(function() {
The only difference is in your html you should change your div and instead of adding it a g-signin2 class you should add an g-signin2 id:
<div id='g-signin2' data-onsuccess='yourMethod'></div>
If you're willing to learn more about Google's implementation you could take a look here.
I'd recommend using imperative approach for implementing the button for this.
<div id="signin">
document.querySelector('#signin').addEventListener('click', function() {
var auth2 = gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance();
Find more concrete example here
The code you indicated didn't work because of timing. platform.js library tries to take care of it but fails because it's before angular renders DOM.

Some of your tests did a full page reload - error when running Jasmine tests

I'm running into an issue where when I run my tests on Jasmine, I get this error below. The problem is, it seems to happen when I try to execute a certain amount of tests. It doesn't seem to be tied to a particular test, as if I comment out some, the tests pass. If I uncomment some tests, the error appears. If I comment out ones that were uncommented before, they all pass again. (ie if I have red, green, blue and orange test and it fails, I comment out orange and blue it passes, then I uncomment blue and orange it fails again, but if I comment out red and green it passes again).
Chrome 41.0.2272 (Mac OS X 10.10.1) ERROR Some of your tests did a
full page reload! Chrome 41.0.2272 (Mac OS X 10.10.1): Executed 16 of
29 (1 FAILED) ERROR (0.108 secs / 0.092 secs)
I'm stumped as to what is going on. The more tests I add, that's when this becomes an issue. Has anyone encountered this before? I have no idea what could be causing it, as nothing in any of my tests do any kind of redirection, and they all pass universally on another persons machine.
In my case the problem was that in my source code I had code directly setting the href on the location object, like window.location.href = 'somewhere';
In my specs I set up a onbeforeunload listener that just returns a string instead of allowing the redirect to take place:
beforeAll(() => {
window.onbeforeunload = () => 'Oh no!';
I suppose you are using window.location somewhere in your targeted code. In order to pass it just create a spy for the window.onbeforeunload
window.onbeforeunload = jasmine.createSpy();
Or even better use $window instead, and this will not happen.
Make sure that your tests are properly isolating all modules under test with mocks/spies. The behavior you are seeing says to me that your tests are not truly running in isolation - they are changing some state somewhere that will trigger a reload.
I recently encountered this error with Karma 0.13.12. I upgraded to Karma 0.13.14 and my tests work again. The problem for me (and probably also for #mqklin) was related to and
There are many ways this error can happen.
If your component has a form element, this might be the cause.
Whenever a button on the form is clicked, this error can happen, even tho your component contains no navigation logic.
What worked for me was upgrading Karma from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 and changing the maximumSpecCallbackDepth in my jasmine.js file from 20 to 100.
creating a spy on the function which has the window.location / reload fixed the issue for me
Hope you have used window.location = "some url" in your code;
Faced similar problem, and solved by using the below changes.
Replaced window.location in the code with,
window.location.assign("some url");
Do the below in unit test:
spyOn(window.location, "assign").and.callFake(() => {
// Dummy assign call - so that your actual call will be faked and the reload will not happen.
You also need to make sure that modules are not being loaded twice. In my case, I had an AngularJS module file -e.g., auth.controller.js which contents were already bundled in a core.js file. Once I excluded the bundled files on karma, the error disappeared.
Try to reduce amount of describe sections or completely remove them. I don't know why, but it works for me.
I was using setTimeout(() => window.location.replace('/'), 10);
I used below code in my unit test and it worked for me.
spyOn(global, 'setTimeout');
In case it was ng-submit callback, which doesn't call "event.preventDefault()" and the browser reloads page. Mocking $location doesn't help in that situation.
According to angularjs documentation you should inject the $window module to be able to solve the testability issue you get. If you really want to do a full page refresh while routing, which will reload the whole application. But anyway...
So for example in component
.controller('ExampleController', ['$scope', '$window', function($scope, $window**)
$scope.doRerouteWithPageReload = function() {
return this.$window.location.href = "/myUrl";
And then in your test-file you import $window to the test-controller your way, then where you assign spies you can do something like this:
$window = { location: {href: jasmine.createSpy() };
And then the actual test is something like this:
Angularjs documentation for reading more about $window.
It will solve this Karma redirect error!
var html = '<script type="text/javascript">';
html += 'window.location = "' + urlToRedirect +'"';
html += '</script>';
$( '.wrapper' ).append( html );

Add "intermediary" page prior to full page load Angular

My problem
I am using Angular to create a Phonegap application. Most of my pages are fairly small and the transition/responsiveness is quick and smooth. However I have one page that is fairly large that I am having an issue with.
The method for changing to this page is straightforward:
<button ng-click="$location.url('/page2')"></button>
When you "tap" the button above it takes about 1-2s to respond and change pages. I have double checked all areas for improvement on this page and determined that the delay is caused by Angular compiling and parsing the DOM of this page prior to changing the page. Please note that I am testing this on a real device so it is not due to emulator speeds.
The question
Is there a way to automatically or manually intercept page changes and put them in a sort of "loading" page so the response to the button click is immediate and page change is visible but the page content loads in a second or 2 later onto this "loading" page.
Its only an issue cause it is very awkward to click something and have nothing happen. I am having a very hard time finding any resources on this matter so if someone can even point me in the right direction to look I would be grateful.
A super hacky solution I found was to use an ng-include on wrapper page and delay the include for a little bit.
<div ng-include="page"></div>
$ = '';
setTimeout(function() { $'/pages/myBigPage.html'; $scope.$apply(); }, 1000);
Then navigate to your wrapper page instead: $location.url('/myBigPageWrapper')
This is obviously not ideal... But I hope this helps clarify what I am attempting to do.
This is the section that causes the page to slow down, commenting this out makes the page load very quickly. There are 13 pages in the "auditPages" array each containing about 50 lines of html mostly containing form input elements. Quite a bit of logic however it runs great once it is loaded. I am not going to include all the pages as it would be overload.
<div class="page-contents">
<form name="auditPageForm">
<div ng-repeat="(pageKey, pageData) in auditPages " ng-show="">
<audit-form page="pageData">
<ng-include src=" 'partials/audit/auditSections/''.html'" onload="isFormValid(pageKey)"></ng-include>
To sum up my comments above:
Your question was:
Is there a way to automatically or manually intercept page changes and
put them in a sort of "loading" page?
A lot of people asks for this question since Angular doesn't seem to provide a nice handling of a loading transition.
Indeed, the possible nicest solution would have been to "play" with the resolve property of angular's module configuration.
As we know, resolve allows to run some logic before the targeted page is rendered, dealing with a promise. The ideal would be to be able to put a loading page on this targeted page, while the resolve code is running.
So some people have nice ideas like this one:
Nice way to handle loading icon while route is changing
He uses $routeChangeStart event, so the loading icon would happen on the SOURCE page.
I use it and it works well.
Also, there is another way: make use of $http interceptor (like #oori answer above), to have a common code allowing to put a loading icon but...I imagine you don't want the same icon on every kind of http request the page does, it's up to you.
Maybe in the future, a solution would come directly associated to the resolve property.
Angular has $httpProvider.responseInterceptors
// Original by zdam:
angular.module('LoadingService', [])
.config(['$httpProvider', function ($httpProvider) {
var spinnerFunction = function (data, headersGetter) {
return data;
// register the interceptor as a service, intercepts ALL angular ajax http calls
.factory('myHttpInterceptor', ['$q','$window', function ($q, $window) {
return function (promise) {
return promise.then(function (response) {
return response;
}, function (response) {
return $q.reject(response);

dijit.byId("").is not defined in Worklight works with Angularjs

I make a project in worklight used dojo mobile 1.8.1 and angularjs 1.0.1,but i got a strange problem.
Here is my html part:
<div data-dojo-type="" data-dojo-props="selected:true" id="id1" ></div>
<div class="full" data-dojo-type="" id="id2"></div>
and my JavaScript part:
"dojo", "dijit/_base/manager","dojo/parser", "dijit/registry",
], function(dojo) {
dojo.ready(function() {
// dijit.byId("id1").performTransition("id2"); //////////place I
var angularApp = angular.module('app', [])
function($rootScope,$templateCache,$route) {
dijit.byId("id1").performTransition("id2");////////place II
The problem is at place I, it works well, but when I put "dijit.byId("id1")" at place II, it shows:
dijit.byId("").is not defined
The ready function is executed after dojo parsed your document & constructed the widgets you try to get using dijit.byId.
The second part is not placed within the ready function, so dojo can't find your elements yet !
Solution: Access your elements in the ready function OR do not declare them declaratively (like you did, using html code...) !
The dojo.ready() function registers an event-handler function (callback) which will be fired after the DOM got completely parsed.
This comes in very handy if you want to be sure that every html element got rerendered as dojo-widget before you perform operations on them.
So, in your example, Code II will be executed before the dijit.byId() function has been made available by loading the necessary modules (dijit/registry, ...). Code II would only work after the dom-ready event got fired and your "dojo.ready()" function did load the required modules.
You should definately invest 5 minutes in reading what dojo.ready() is about:
You shouldn't use dijit.byId() any more in Dojo 1.8.1. Try using dijit.registry.byId() (you have to require the dijit/registry module).

Slider breaks before loading

Hi I am running WordPress latest version with a custom coded jQuery featured post slider in all pages. My problem is that the slides appears broken for 2 seconds when the page is loading, after the page is fully loaded it runs fine. If you wish you can have a look Please help me out.
if you're using this (or similar) to execute the code:
$(function() {
$( "#slider" ).slider();
This is the same as:
$(document).ready(function () {
meaning the code wont execute until the page has loaded. It's the same with all jquery's functions, they are only loaded when the document has loaded completely.
