Angular select adding empty element despite carefulness - angularjs

I have this html:
<select ng-model="group.newCriterionType">
<option ng-repeat="type in group.availableTypes" value="{{type}}" ng-selected="$first">{{type}}</option>
And this model code (using jresig's Class mini-library)
var FilterGroup = Class.extend({
className: 'FilterGroup',
widgetType: 'group',
init: function(name) { = name;
this.availableTypes = FilterTypes;
this.newCriterionType = this.availableTypes[0];
However, I still get an empty element in my select. According to all the answers I've seen on SO so far, this is apparently the behaviour of when your model value contains an incorrect value. However:
I added in some console.log statements to check the value
This code is definitely being called because availableTypes is being set
It's pulling it from the array it's looping from. How can this be an incorrect value?
It persists even if i pull the ng-selected out
It persists if I use ng-options instead of looping through them (though that then means i can't set the value to the be the same as the text without turning it into an object)
Any clues much appreciated.


Angularjs Select doesn't seem to update ng-model when option chosen

I have two SELECTs on a page. They both load the possible options correctly and the ng-model appears to set properly as the initial value is set based on values in the model when loaded. I want to be able to make sure that the user does not choose a value for both of the SELECTs so I added a function for the ng-click. Inside the function I check if one was initially set that the other model does not now have a value. The problem I am facing is that when I get into the function, the models don't appear to be reflecting what the user has chosen.
I looked at a lot of questions on here and found solutions that indicated that the ng-options probably needed some changes. I have tried what I have seen, but nothing seems to be helping.
Here are the two HTML SELECTs
<select ng-model="example3model" class="form-control input-md" ng-click="checkTags(3)" ng-options="industry as industry.text group by for industry in industryData track by" >
<option value="">-- Select Industry --</option>
<select ng-model="example4model" class="form-control input-md" ng-click="checkTags(4)" ng-options="product as product.text group by for product in productData track by" >
<option value="">-- Select Product --</option>
Both arrays (industryData and productData) look similar (different actual values) and look like this:
industrydata is an array of about 28 objects like these 3...
{group: "Energy and Natural Resources", id: "5", text: "Chemicals"}
{group: "Consumer Industries", id: "6", text: "Consumer Products"}
{group: "Public Services", id: "7", text: "Defense Security"}
If I look at the model of one of the selects if initially set with values it looks like: (this is for an 'example4model'
group : "Finance"
id : "34"
text : "Governance, Risk, and Compliance"
My function snippet looks like this:
$scope.checkTags = function(curModel) {
if (curModel == 3) {
if ($scope.example4model != null && $scope.example4model.text != '' && $scope.example3model != null) {
$rootScope.showMsg("Remove Product before adding an Industry.");
$scope.example3model = null;
} else {
if ($scope.example3model != null && $scope.example3model.text != '' && $scope.example4model != null) {
$rootScope.showMsg("Remove Industry before adding a Product.");
$scope.example4model = null;
If example4model is set initially, and I try to choose a value from the example3model select, I would think when I come into the function, I should see some value in example3model, but it is null. If I change the option chosen for example4model, when I come into the function, it shows the initial value and not the newly selected one.
It seems that somehow the model is not being updated to show the chosen options but I can't figure out why. Based on responses to other questions, I added the 'as' clause and the 'track by' clauses but that didn't help either.
Any help would be appreciated.
So I drew up a sample of your provided snippets in Plunker (bottom of post)...
Have you tried initializing your models with null?
What may be causing the issue on your end (if I understand the issue correctly) is that your models will be undefined before being set using the <select>. And in your checkTags() method, you are checking for "not null".
I suggest declaring your models in your controller like so:
$scope.example3model = null;
$scope.example4model = null;
This should allow your checkTags() if statements to catch the model values before being set. Alternatively, you can change your if statements to check for whether the model is "undefined" instead.
Other Recommendations
I also might recommend changing ng-click to ng-change -- ng-click will fire your checkTags() function whenever the <select> is clicked whereas ng-change just fires it when an option is selected.
In your checkTags() if statements, you can null check with a simple if($scope.example3model) -- check my snippet for those (line 43).
Don't forget to use !== when you are checking a value and looking for a truthy / falsy (bool) evaluation.
Wrap checkTags() in a $timeout:
// In your HTML
<select ng-model="example3model" ng-click="initiateCheckTags(3)">
<option value="">-- Select Industry --</option>
// In your Controller
$scope.initiateCheckTags = function(curModel) {
$timeout(function() {
}, 100);

getting selected value for select list in angular from a $firebaseArray()

I have a simple select list that is based on a $firebaseArray(). I dont have a problem getting the values into the drop. Just the selected value.
<select class="form-control" ng-model="vm.selectedRole"
ng-options=" for role in vm.allRoles">
The $firebaseArray looks like this
In my controller the function that initializes the form with the select is
.then(function (data) {
vm.allRoles = Get.getParentUrl('roles');
vm.selectedRole =;
And this populates the select but it does not set the selected value for it on vm.selectedRole. Note that entity is the value that is being passed , so if i write a
The returned value is the selected value that is being passed. So if the user selects a user with a role "Supervisor" and i write a console.log(vm.selectedRole) inside the .then(function(data){ the value returned is "Supervisor"
However the html displays a "?"
I got it working by adding the vm.selectedRole like so
vm.selectedRole = { name: };
Which works i guess. Syntax seems a bit crappy though

Setting default <select> value with asynchronous data

I have a drop-down list
<select ng-model="referral.organization"
ng-options="key as value for (key, value) in organizations">
where organizations is filled using a $http request. I also have a resource referral which includes several properties, including an integer organization that corresponds to the value saved in the drop-down. Currently, the drop-down works fine and selecting a new value will update my referral resource without issue.
However, when the page loads the drop-down is blank rather than displaying the value of referral.organization that was retrieved from the server (that is, when opening a previously saved referral form). I understand that this is likely due to my resource being empty when the page first loads, but how do I update the drop-down when the information has been successfully retrieved?
{{ organizations[referral.organization] }} successfully lists the selected value if placed somewhere else on the page, but I do not know how to give the tag this expression to display.
Second Edit:
The problem was apparently a mismatch between the key used in ngOptions and the variable used in ngModel. The <select> option's were being returned as strings from WebAPI (despite beginning as Dictionary) while the referral model was returning integers. When referral.organization was placed in ngModel, Angular was not matching 2723 to "2723" and so forth.
I tried several different things, but the following works well and is the "cleanest" to me. In the callback for the $resource GET, I simply change the necessary variables to strings like so:
$scope.referral = $resource("some/resource").get(function (data) {
data.organization = String(data.organization);
Not sure if this would be considered a problem with Angular (not matching 1000 to "1000") or WebAPI (serializing Dictionary<int,String> to { "key":"value" }) but this is functional and the <select> tag is still bound to the referral resource.
For simple types you can just set $scope.referral.organization and it'll magically work:
<div ng-app ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<select ng-model="referral.organization" ng-options="c for c in organizations">
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.organizations = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
$scope.referral = {
organization: 'c'
If you're using objects, it gets trickier since Angular doesn't seem smart enough to know the new object is virtually the same. Unless there's some Angular hack, the only way I see forward is to update $scope.referral.organization after it gets loaded from the server and assign it to a value from $scope.organizations like:
<div ng-app ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<select ng-model="referral.organization" ng-options=" for c in organizations"></select>
<button ng-click="loadReferral()">load referral</button>
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.organizations = [{name:'a'}, {name:'b'}, {name:'c'}, {name:'d'}, {name:'e'}];
$scope.referral = {
organization: $scope.organizations[2]
$scope.loadReferral = function () {
$scope.referral = {
other: 'parts',
of: 'referral',
organization: {name:'b'}
// look up the correct value
angular.forEach($scope.organizations, function(value, key) {
if ($scope.organizations[key].name === {
$scope.referral.organization = $scope.organizations[key];
return false;
You can assign referral.organization to one of objects obtained from ajax:
$scope.referral.organization = $scope.organizations[0]
I created simple demo in plunker. Button click handler changes list of objects and selects default one.
$scope.changeModel = function() {
$scope.listOfObjects = [{id: 4, name: "miss1"},
{id: 5, name: "miss2"},
{id: 6, name: "miss3"}];
$scope.selectedItem = $scope.listOfObjects[1];
The other answers were correct in that it usually "just works." The issue was ultimately a mismatch between the organization key (an integer) stored inside $scope.organizations and the key as stored in the $http response, which is stored in JSON and therefore as a string. Angular was not matching the string to the integer. As I mentioned in my edit to the original question, the solution at the time was to cast the $http response data to a string. I am not sure if current versions of Angular.js still behave this way.

AngularJS adding 2 properties to associated collections

1. I have a Truck class that has a collection called AxleTypes with the following markup:
public class AxleType : Entity
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
2. My angular form includes the following (to keep this as short as possible I omitted the form's other axle types, and I am using $parent, as this is a template and on main form thru ng-include):
<label for="frontAxles">Front Axle: </label>
<input ng-model="$parent.frontAxleType" type="hidden" value="Front">
<select ng-model="$parent.selectedFrontAxle" ng-options="axleType.Description for axleType in axleTypes">
<option value="" selected>Select Axle Type ..</option>
3. The main form inserts a new truck via the truck controller, so in the truck controller:
a. I instantiate an instance of the AxleTypes collection so the form is populates the select w/axle types.
b. I instantiate an instance of AxleType to pass the selected data from the form.
c. I pass the respective ng-models on the form to the AxleType variable.
d. I add that AxleType variable to the Truck's AxleTypes collection.
a: if ($scope.axleTypes == undefined || !($scope.axleTypes.length > 0))
{ $scope.axleTypes = API.GetAxleTypes(); }
b: $scope.axleType = {};
c: var frontAxle = $scope.axleType;
frontAxle.Description = $scope.selectedFrontAxle;
frontAxle.Type = $scope.frontAxleType;
d: newTruck.AxleTypes = [
When debugging this is the end result:
To keep this as short as possible I did not illustrate the 2nd axle type select above. But as you can see, the server is picking up 2 axle types however, both properties for each [Type & Description] are null.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
In console.log both values are "undefined".
An interesting observation:
When I hard code the values in the TruckCtrl, everything works fine:
frontAxle.Description = 'Some Front Value';
frontAxle.Type = 'Front';
rearAxle.Description = 'Some Rear Value';
rearAxle.Type = 'Rear';
newTruck.AxleTypes = [
This would lead someone to think the problem lies with the ng-model on the axle template. However, when I only had one property, ie Description, and not Type in the server class, AxleType, and merely added the select's description via:
newTruck.AxleTypes = [
The values passed. Very confusing.
There is alot I would like to say to the 40 some odd eyeballs who perused this problem with no input, and Stewie, well, we know what Stewie is. But I won't. Instead I offer help to those who have this same problem.
OK, on to the solution.
Problem #1: Angular does not accept default values in html inputs.
I was confused why I had an input like so:
<input ng-model="$parent.selectedRearType" type="hidden" value="Front">
and yet angular said it had no value.
You need to initialize the following in your controller:
$scope.selectedFrontType = 'Front';
$scope.selectedRearType = 'Rear';
Problem #2: How do you pass values of multiple properties in a collection?
Despite how real-world this scenario is, it is unsettling that there is ZERO documentation on the matter.
In my html I had this select statement:
<select ng-model="$parent.selectedFrontAxle" ng-options="axleType.Description for axleType in axleTypes">
Where I erred was thinking this ng-model was STRICTLY the Description property of the class AxleType (see my class model above). That was a huge mistake, it was not. That ng-model was not the Description property of the class but actually the entire class itself. So when examining that select's ng-model, realize it is the AxleType class in its entirety, even if only Description property is provided. So what ng-model was giving me was this as a return value in my controller after the user made a selection:
AxleType class => Description = "Whatever the person selected", Type=""
With that being the case, I needed to fill in the blanks angular did not have, namely in this scenario, the Type property.
Here's the whole solution:
// beginning of controller when it initializes
$scope.selectedFrontType = 'Front';
$scope.selectedRearType = 'Rear';
// $scope.axleType = {}; -> NOT NEEDED
// in the save method
// axles
var frontAxle = $scope.selectedFrontAxle;
frontAxle.Type = $scope.selectedFrontType;
var rearAxle = $scope.selectedRearAxle;
rearAxle.Type = $scope.selectedRearType;
newTruck.AxleTypes = [
I hope I have helped someone!

Angularjs autoselect dropdowns from model

I'm trying display some data loaded from a datastore and it's not reflecting changes on the UI. I created an example to show a general idea of what I'm trying to achieve.
Here is the link to angularjs example where they show when on click then dropdowns are clear out. If you replace the expression with one of the colors of the list dropdowns are well selected. Does this type of selection only work on user events?
Help is appreciated!!!
Actually the problem is that ngSelect compares objects using simple comparition operator ('=='), so two objects with same fields and values are considered as different objects.
So you better use strings and numbers as values ('select' parameter in expression of ngSelect directive).
Here is kind of solution for your plunker.
Aslo there are some discussion about this topic on GitHub:
Also as I headred there is some work in progress about adding custom comparor/hashing for ngSelect to be able to use ngSelect more easier on objects.
One mistake in the initialization of your controller. You have to refer to the objects in your palette, since these are watched on the view:
$scope.selectedColors.push({col: $scope.palette[2]});
$scope.selectedColors.push({col: $scope.palette[1]});
Same with your result:
$scope.result = { color: $[2] };
Then you need to watch the result. In the below example, select 1 receives the value from the initiating select, the second receives the value below in the palette. I don't know if that's what you wanted, but you can easily change it:
$scope.$watch('result', function(value) {
if(value) {
var index = value.color.code -1;
$scope.selectedColors[0] = {col: $scope.palette[index] };
$scope.selectedColors[1] = {col: $scope.palette[Math.max(index-1, 0)] };
}, true);
See plunkr.
Ok, I think I figured this out but thanks to #ValentynShybanov and #asgoth.
According to angularjs example ngModel is initialized with one of the objects from the array utilized in the dropdown population. So having an array as:
$scope.locations = [{ state: 'FL', city: 'Tampa'}, {state: 'FL', city: 'Sarasota'} ....];
And the dropdown is defined as:
<select ng-options="l.state group by for l in locations" ng-model="city" required></select>
Then $ is initialized as:
$ = $scope.locations[0];
So far so good, right?!!!.. But I have multiple locations therefore multiple dropdowns. Also users can add/remove more. Like creating a table dynamically. And also, I needed to load data from the datastore.
Although I was building and assigning a similar value (e.g: Values from data store --> State = FL, City = Tampa; Therefore --> { state : 'FL', city : 'Tampa' }), angularjs wasn't able to match the value. I tried diff ways, like just assigning { city : 'Tampa' } or 'Tampa' or and or and or...
So what I did.. and I know is sort of nasty but works so far.. is to write a lookup function to return the value from $scope.locations. Thus I have:
$scope.lookupLocation = function(state, city){
for(var k = 0; k < $scope.locations.length; k++){
if($scope.locations[k].state == state && $scope.locations[k].city == city)
return $scope.locations[k];
return $scope.locations[0]; //-- default value if none matched
so, when I load the data from the datastore (data in json format) I call the lookupLocation function like:
$ = $scope.lookupLocation(results[indexFromSomeLoop].location.state, results[indexFromSomeLoop];
And that preselects my values when loading data. This is what worked for me.
