Pass object to template and render it on current view - angularjs

There is a list of users loaded from an api
<div ng:controller="UserController">
<li ng-repeat="user in users">
<a ng:click="select(user)">
{{user.first_name}} {{user.last_name}}
When a user is clicked I want to open an extra view that shows some detailed information of the user. Imagine the view like this
The small blue area is the selected user and the big blue area the container that shows detailed user information.
function UserController($scope){
$ = function(user){
So when the user is clicked I can log the user object. It works until this point. But I absolutely have no idea how to open the extra container filled with user data.
Is there a way to simply load a template from file system, pass the object and append the whole thing to the current view? How would I do this with angular.js?

No need to load templates or anything. Just put the data in the scope, and use expressions in the big blue section that reference the data. Angular will handle changing the displayed content when the selection is changed. You can hide the relevant section with ng-show until the data get selected.
Here's a fiddle example.
function UserController($scope){
$scope.users = [{name:'me',email:'mine'}, {name:'you',email:'yours'}];
$scope.selectedUser = null;
$ = function(user){
$scope.selectedUser = user;
<div ng-controller="UserController">
<button class="btn" ng-click="select(users[0])">User 1</button>
<button class="btn" ng-click="select(users[1])">User 2</button>
<div ng-show="selectedUser != null">
You could highlight the corresponding small blue box with a similar ng-class or ng-style attribute (e.g. ng-class="{active: selectedUser == user}"). See What is the best way to conditionally apply a class?


How to handle conditional sub-category in AngularJS product gallery

Just starting out learning AngularJS and decided to mock up a basic product gallery using what I've learned so far and I've hit a roadblock. Currently I have a simple product gallery with 3 templates(category listing, products in category listing and product overview). What I would like to do is set up some sort of conditional, where if the products in a selected category have a sub-category, it displays a list of sub-categories using the category-list template. If they don't have a sub-category it just goes straight to the product-list template.
I have created this Plunker showing where I am at so far.
In the above example, if someone clicks on "Cars" I want it to then show a listing of sub-categories using the category-list template. So when you click "Cars" it would take you to a screen with 2 buttons: 4-door and 2-door. Clicking on one of those buttons would then show you the products from those sub-categories using the product-list template. However, if you were to click on "Trucks" from the initial screen, it would just take you directly to the product-list template since the trucks don't have sub-categories.
Here is my category-list template:
<section id="categories" ng-hide="productsVisible">
<div ng-repeat="product in vm.products" class="category">
<div ng-click="vm.selectCategory(product); showProducts();">
And here is my product-list template:
<section id="products" ng-show="productsVisible">
<div ng-repeat="product in vm.selectedCategory.items" class="product">
<a href ng-click="vm.selectProduct(product); showResults();">{{}}</a>
See my updated plunker
Basically, you need to extend the selectCategory method by grouping the sub-categories and checking whether we're about to enter this sub-category in subsequent click. Like this:
vm.selectCategory = function(category) {
var subCats = [],
map = {};
if (category.items && !category.items[0].subCategory){
vm.selectedCategory = category;
vm.inSubCat = true;
vm.inSubCat = !category.items;
if (category.items) category.items.forEach(function(e){
if (!map[e.subCategory]) subCats.push({category: e.subCategory, name: category.category});
map[e.subCategory] = true;
vm.products = subCats;
if (vm.inSubCat) vm.selectedCategory = {items:{
return c.category ==;
return p.subCategory == category.category;
}) };
I would suggest your data model could use some work, and put all the products in a single array with categories and subcategories as properties. However, you can get what you want with this change to the products-list.html.
<div ng-show="vm.selectedCategory.category=='Cars'">
<input type="radio" ng-model="subcategory" value="2-Door">Coupe
<input type="radio" ng-model="subcategory" value="4-Door">Sedan
<section id="products" ng-show="productsVisible">
<div ng-repeat="product in vm.selectedCategory.items" class="product">
<a ng-show="product.subCategory===subcategory" href ng-click="vm.selectProduct(product); showResults();">{{}}</a>
I advice you to refactor the code in two possible ways:
a) Try to remove lines from controller that control the view (the process of displaying different directives) and use events in directives
b) Control your view by using ng-show and ng-hide directives that will show or hide some part of your code.

AngularJs + MVC: How to populate page view from a clicked link in shared layout view?

I'm very new to AngularJs & working on a test project using AngularJs + MVC, so apologies if this code looks very botched.
I'm trying to figure out how to make a clicked link in my shared view pass over to my index.cshtml view, in a manner that my index view will know which link was clicked. Ideally, I'd like to do this with angular, so it's seamless. In my MVC project, I created a shared view for my website template. Within this template, is a dropdown, populated via AngularJs after retrieving values from my database. The dropdown contains links on each item within the dropdown. When a user clicks one of the dropdown links, I want to pass the call seamlessly to my index.cshtml view, but I'm not sure on the best way to do this.
Here's the code I have so far, which is retrieving all dropdown values from the database & populating them in my dropdown on my shared view template. This works fine, but now I'm unsure of what to do when a user clicks a link within the dropdown. What I need to happen, is for the table data on my index view to change, based on which link the user clicks in the dropdown.
In my shared view, I'm populating my dropdown values (campaign.Campaign1) via Angular. "SelectedCampaign" is just text of the campaign name that the user's currently selected:
<div style="text-align:center">
<div class="btn-group" ng-controller="menuController">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger">{{SelectedCampaign}}</button>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-danger dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false">
<span class="caret"></span>
<span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
<li ng-repeat="campaign in campaigns">
In my Angular MenuController.js script, I'm calling an MVC controller called "GetCampaigns", then returning the result to my shared view's dropdown:
angular.module('dashboardApp', [])
.controller('menuController', function ($scope, $http) {
.success(function (result) {
$scope.SelectedCampaign = result[0]['Campaign1'];
$scope.campaigns = result;
.error(function (data) {
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Instead of using the "a" link use ng-click and use the ng-click directive to update the current data to the selected campaign data. So put all the campaigns on your scope, then use the ng-click to call a function to select the campaign. Something like:
<li ng-repeat="campaign in campaigns">
<span ng-click="selectCampaign($index)">{{campaign.Campaign1}}</span>
You can use $index to get the index in the repeat and use that to target the item in the array:
$scope.selectCampaign = function(index){
$scope.selectedCampaign = $scope.campaigns[index];

AngularJS - Add DOM elements on counter++

I'm quite new to AngularJS and have read a little bit about how directives work. I'm still not quite sure about how to go about this problem though.
Here's the setup:
I have buttons on a view like so:
<div class="parent">
<button class="firstButton" type="button" ng-click="fetchData(param1, param2)"></button>
<button class="secondButton" type="button" ng-click="fetchData(param1, param2)"></button>
<button class="thirdButton" type="button" ng-click="fetchData(param1, param2)"></button>
<button class="fourthButton" type="button" ng-click="fetchData(param1, param2)"></button>
<div class="dataPanel">
<!-- This is where DIVs will be placed -->
Then in my controller I have:
// Init value of counter here
var counter = 0;
$scope.fetchData = function (param1, param2) {
// Do something with parameters here
Ideal scenario would be when user clicks on firstButton, fetchData() initiates, getting data from a factory, then increments value of counter. A div would be created from counter value change. The number of divs created in the DOM would depend on counter value. Each created div is also populated with data gotten from each respective fetchData(). This goes on as user clicks on more buttons, although in my current project, I've limited the number of allowed dataSet duplicates.
End result of the HTML would then be:
<div class="dataPanel">
<div class="dataSet"> <!-- from firstButton -->
<div class="dataSet"> <!-- from secondButton -->
<div class="dataSet"> <!-- from thirdButton-->
What's the Angular way of doing this? I've read directives can pretty much do everything when it comes to DOM manipulation but have no idea on where to start when it comes to actually constructing the directive.
One way to accomplish this is to use ng-repeat directive to draw the divs based on an array, that is initially empty. You can set the html up so that a div is drawn for each object in the array, since the array is empty no div is initially drawn.
<div class="dataSet" ng-repeat="n in arrays[0]">
This div from button 1 contains: {{}}
When you click on the buttons you can add an object, containing any needed data, to the array. Then a div will be drawn for the appropriate ng-repeat directive.
$scope.arrays = [ [], [], [], []];
$scope.fetchData = function (data, idx) {
$scope.arrays[idx].push({data: data});
See plunker here.

Angularjs Dropdown closes when $ parameters are changed

I'm building an ecommerce site. I have a directive called "horizontalShoppingByCategoriesLayout" that watches the current filter criteria (to filter products being returned) and as the user changes those filter criteria the directive sets the search parameters $
filterParameters['searchtext'] = $scope.searchText;
filterParameters['order'] = searchorder;
filterParameters['page'] = page;
filterParameters['limit'] = limit;
On that same directive my code is set up to watch the url, and if it changes (due to changes in filter criteria) then to do a search to return products.
$scope.$watch(function () { return $location.url(); }, function (url){
if (url){
$timeout(function() {
The filter criteria are defined in a directive called "filterCriteriaVarietyCategoriesHorizontal" that is defined in the template of "horizontalShoppingByCategoriesLayout".
<div class="pull-leftt" ng-if='numberProducts != undefined && numberProducts > 0'>
<filter-criteria-horizontal execute-criteria-search=$parent.executeCriteriaSearch category-id=$parent.categoryId search-criteria-list=$parent.searchCriteriaList></filter-criteria-horizontal>
When a user hovers over the filter criteria category button, this triggers an angular event that causes an Angular-UI Bootstrap dropdown to drop down and show the options for that filter criteria category. The user can then click on the filter criteria option, which "horizontalShoppingByCategoriesLayout" detects and then calls a change on the $location search parameters (which changes the url and a webservice call for products is initiated).
The filter criteria options in the dropdown are a set of checkboxes. My problem is when the user clicks on one of these checkboxes, it causes the dropdown to close, which should only happen when the user hovers off of the button that initiated the dropdown opening. I already fixed the problem where the clicking on the checkbox it's self causes the dropdown to close by calling ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()" on the checkbox. Here is my code for the filtercriteria category, dropdown, and checkboxes.
<div class="coll-md-12" ng-mouseleave="closeAll()">
<div class="btn-group" dropdown is-open="status.isopen">
<button ng-mouseleave="close()" ng-mouseenter="open()" type="button" ng-class="{'filter-criteria-variety-category-name-hover': filterCriteriaCategoryActive}" class="btn btn-link dropdown-toggle filter-criteria-variety-category-name" dropdown-toggle ng-disabled="disabled">
{{searchCriteria.criteriaName}}<span class="caret"></span>
<div class="dropdown-menu">
<div class="search-criteria-values" ng-mouseleave="close()" ng-mouseenter="keepOpen()">
<div ng-if="searchCriteria.imageBasedFilter == true">
<filter-criteria-options-visual filter-criteria-options=$parent.searchCriteria.criteriaOptionValues></filter-criteria-options-visual>
<div ng-if="searchCriteria.imageBasedFilter == false">
<div class="col-md-12 no-padding" ng-repeat="searchCriteriaOption in searchCriteria.criteriaOptionValues">
<div class="pull-left filter-criteria-checkbox-item">{{searchCriteriaOption.criteriaOption}} <input ng-click="$event.stopPropagation()" id="{{searchCriteriaOption.criteriaOption}}" type="checkbox" ng-model="searchCriteriaOption.checked"/></div>
I'm sure that it is adding search parameters to the url with $ that is causing the dropdown to close because if I comment out the line that adds the (filter criteria to the) search parameters to the url in the directive "horizontalShoppingByCategoriesLayout", then the dropdown does not close.
filterParameters['searchtext'] = $scope.searchText;
filterParameters['order'] = searchorder;
filterParameters['page'] = page;
filterParameters['limit'] = limit;
With the checkboxes in the dropdown I was able to stop the dropdown from closing by calling stopPropagation() on the click event, but for a change in the $location search parameters I don't know how to stopPropogation for that change.
Does anyone have an idea how to cause the dropdown to not close when changes are made to the $ parameters?
I had the same issue then I looked into the source code of angular boostrap ui and found:
$scope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function() {
scope.isOpen = false;
And a hacky solution would be remove the listener
$scope.$$listeners.$locationChangeSuccess = [];
in your dropdown controller
The solution from user3217868 worked well for me but I had to execute the code once the document was fully loaded like on my code below.
angular.element(document).ready(function () {
$scope.$$listeners.$locationChangeSuccess = [];
Posting here in case it may be helpful to someone else.

[Angular JS]- Tabs Pane Example - Dynamic Add Tab

I have used the example from Angular JS Homepage and modified it to meet the requirements.
I have added the tabs info in a scope array and manipulate the data based in some conditions.
I have attached an ng-bind on tabItem.title, so any change in the text box will update the title, but i want to limit the displaying of the title by 10 chars
When i create a new tab, i want that tab to be the selected one.
How can i select a tab based on some action taken (like on a click move from tab 1 to tab 2)
<div ng-cloak ng-app="TabsApp">
<div class="container" ng-controller="TabManagerCtrl">
<span class="label label-info label-ext" ng-click="tabManager.addTab()" style="cursor:pointer">Add a Tab</span><br/><br/>
<div tabs>
<div ng-repeat="tabInfo in tabManager.tabItems" pane title="{{ tabInfo.title }}">
<p>{{ tabInfo.content }}</p>
<input type="text" ng-model="tabInfo.title" ng-change="tabManager.getTitle(tabInfo)">
</div><!-- /container -->
</div> <!-- /container -->
</div> <!-- /app -->
that's strange...
The limitTo filter doesn't seem to work, but you can create a new one and change your line
<div ng-repeat="tabInfo in tabManager.tabItems" pane title="{{ tabInfo.title }}">
<div ng-repeat="tabInfo in tabManager.tabItems" pane title="{{ tabInfo.title | limit:10}}">
angularApp.filter('limit', function() {
return function (input, value) {
return input.substr(0,value);
For the select one, I think it doesn't work because you have to have access to the pane scope. One way to do it is to access to access the property from the pane when you create it. In the pane directive, just add :
just after the tabsCtrl.addPane(scope); line. But then you also have to change the tabs directive so that the line
$ = function(pane) {
become = $ = function(pane) {
For your 3rd question, I don't know how to do it in that scheme.
I would make the pane directive different, putting the select function out of the directive, and binding it directly to your tabManager object.
Like this :
In this cas, you have the 3 requirements, and you can select the tab from ouside by calling
