appengine website very slow processing requests - google-app-engine

I have a website deployed on appengine that has a API.
On my computer I have a node.js script that sends data to the website using a POST through the API.
The problem is that while sometimes the website processes the requests fast (average of 1 per second), some other times it is very slow (average of 1 request per minute).
After some digging, I've found out that when that happens, 4 requests are processes very fast, and then the website does nothing for 4 minutes, repeating the process all over again, making the average time of 1 request per minute like said before. What could be causing this?
I don't know if it is very relevant or not, but I have a free appengine account.

Looks like a bug in your node.js script.
The Appengine has a limit of 60 seconds for external requests - its not possible that one
request blocks an instance for more than these 60 seconds. (And even if the instance is blocked,
the gae would spawn another one)
Other guesses:
check the access logs for first/warmup requests (eg. slow instance startup)
check the access-log to ensure that the gae actually recived the requests


(Basic Scaling) Will App Engine shut down an app that's still busy handling a request if the idle timeout is reached?

Google describes basic scaling like this:
I don't really have any other choice, as I'm using a B1 instance, so automatic scaling is not allowed.
That raises the question though, if I have an endpoint that takes a variable amount of time (could be minutes, could be hours), and I basically have to set an idle_timeout, will App Engine calculate idle_timeout from the time the request was made in the first place or when the app is done handling the request?
If the former is right, then it feels a bit unfair to have to guess how long requests will take when thread activity is a usable indicator of whether or not to initiate shutdown of an app.
Here you are mixing up two different terms.
idle_timeout is the time that the instance will wait before shutting down after receiving its last request
Request timeout is the amount of time that App Engine will wait for the return of a request from your app
As per the documentation:
Requests can run for up to 24 hours. A manually-scaled instance can
choose to handle /_ah/start and execute a program or script for many
hours without returning an HTTP response code. Task queue tasks can
run up to 24 hours.

Using 1 intance of google-app-engine to monitor external service

I planning to create a NodeJS program, that work 24/7, that ping and make requests to an external server (outside of google cloud) every minute. Just to see that it the external services are are live.
If there is any error it will notify me by SMS & Email.
I don't need any front-end for this app, and no one needs to connect to it. Just simple NodeJS program.
The monitoring and configuration will be by texts files.
Now the questions:
It looks like it will cost me just $1.64. It sounds very cheap. Am I missing something?
It needs to work around the clock, I will request it to start it once, and it need to continue working, (by using setInterval). Is it will be aborted?
What it is exactly mean buy 1 instance. What an instance can do? Only respond to one request or what?
I tried to search in Google: appengine timeout, but didn't found anything that helps.
Free Quota
If you write your application in Python, PHP, Go or Java it can fit in free usage quota:
So there will be absolutely no costs to run it on Google App Engine platform.
There are limit of 657,000 UrlFetch API Calls per day (more than 450 calls per minute in 24/7 mode) for free apps. 4GB traffic may also be sufficient for this kind of work.
Keep in mind there is no SMS sending services provided by Google App Engine and you will need to spend additional UrlFetch API calls to use external SMS services.
Email sending is also limited to 100 Emails per day (or 5000 Emails to admin address), so try not so send repeated notifications about same monitored server every minute, or you'll deplete your Email quote in 1.5 hours.
Scheduled Tasks
There is no way to run single process indefinitely without interruption on App Engine. But you don't have to!
You'll need to encapsulate all the work you're planning to execute in every iteration into single task and then schedule it to run every minute with Cron. See this documentation for Python:
It is recommended to have some configuration page where you can set some internal configuration or see monitoring statistics, at least manage flag to temporarily pause tasks execution without redeploying your app.

WebSphere HTTP 500 while copying 10 GB file

We have iPlanet web server which sits before WebSphere portal 6.1 cluster (2) deployed in Linux machines.
When user tries to copy a 10 GB file across file systems (NFS mounted), we are using java run time to copy the file across to a different NFS mount, hoping that it would be faster than using any other java libraries.
proc = rt.exec("cp " + fileName + " " + outFileName);
Application deployed is a JSF portlet application.
a) session timeout is 60 mins on the app server and the application
b) we have an Ajax call from the client page to keep the session alive
User receives HTTP 500 within 3 minutes, while our logs show that file is still copying. Not sure why WebSphere is sending HTTP 500?
After 10 minutes are so file is copied, and when he clicks on refresh he can proceed.
Not sure what is causing this HTTP 500.
WebContainer threads are not supposed to be used for long tasks.
He's getting 500 after 3 minutes because that is the time WebSphere decides the thread is hung.
What you should be doing is using a WorkManager to perform that long task and the client can poll to check the status of the task.
If you consider upgrading to WAS v8/v8.5 in the near future a good idea will be to use Asynchronous Servlets for that
The reason that your client receives an HTTP 500 error after a few minutes can happen for a few reasons. Without a stack trace and some relevant logging, it is impossible to know which component within WebSphere "woke up" after 3 minutes and stopped everything. It might be WebSphere's timeout setting for the Web Container thread pool, or it can be some other timeout - should be easily concluded from the logs.
To fix this, you can do one of the following:
Adjust the relevant timeout value (depending, again, on which timeout it is exactly).
Change your design so long-running tasks are executed in the background. You can use WebSphere's Work Manager API for that, or asynchronous beans / servlets.

The sockettimeoutexception is frustrating on Google App engine(JAVA). Workaround needed

I am connecting to a 3rd party server on the following wsdl
I am using JAX-WS to generate client code and call relevent method on 3rd party server. 3rd party server may take time between 15-25 seconds to send response.
It works fine on tomcat.
Now when i deploy this to GAE 1.5.3, often i get ScocketTimeoutException in less than 10 seconds. Sometimes it is succesfull taking even 20 seconds. I want to know why it fails many times. And any workaround to increase this response deadline time / to avoid this ScoketTimeOutException forever.
I have another RESTfull service at" +
I am connecting it through and many times i get TimeoutException. How can i raise this timeout limit to more than 30 seconds?
No user-initiated request can take more than 30 seconds to complete in Google App Engine:
And a HTTP request to a external URL in a user-initiated request can't take more than 10 seconds to complete:
If you need to do the overall work in more than 30 seconds and can do it in background (not needing to return the response directly via HTTP), use Task Queues. Note that the simplest way to do background work with tasks is to use the DeferredTask. And the best part: HTTP requests to external URLs on tasks can take up to 10 minutes to complete.

How do dynamic backends start in Google App Engine

Can we start a dynamic backend programatically? mean while when a backend is starting how can i handle the request by falling back on the application(i mean
When i stop a backend manually in admin console, and send a request to it, its not starting "dynamically"
Dynamic backends come into existence when they receive a request, and
are turned down when idle; they are ideal for work that is
intermittent or driven by user activity.
Resident backends run continuously, allowing you to rely on the state
of their memory over time and perform complex initialization.
I recently started executing a long running task on a dynamic backend and noticed a dramatic increase in the performance of the frontends. I assume this was because the long running task was competing for resources with normal user requests.
Backends are documented quite thoroughly here. Backends have to be started and stopped with appcfg or the admin console, as documented here. A stopped backend will not handle requests - if you want this, you should probably be using the Task Queue instead.
It appears that a dynamic backend need not be explicitly stopped. The overvicew ( states that the billing for a dynamic backend stops 15 minutes after the last request is processed. So, if your app has a cron job, for example, that requires 5 minutes to complete, and needs to run every hour, then you could configure a backend to do this. The cost you'll incur is 15+5 minutes every hour, or 8 hours for the whole day. I suppose the free quota allows you 9 backend hours. So, this type of scenario would be free for you. The backend will start when you send your first request to it through a queue, and will stop 15 minutes after the last request you send is processed completely.
