WPF Visibility Resource with Binding - wpf

I got a WPF Application using MVVM Light. In one View i got many Controls which are using the same visibility binding. Because i dont like to insert my long binding path to every control. I'd like to use a Resource...
<Visibility x:Key="myVisibilityResource" >
<Binding Path="somePath" Converter="BoolToVisibilityConverter"></Binding>
With this version i get the Error that Visibility does not support direct content. I would have to write it like this:
<Visibility x:Key="myVisibilityResource" >
Any ideas?

If all you want is to be able to write "Visible" or "Collapsed" in your XAML (as in your last example) you can do it by binding to and ObjectDataProvider which is uses Enum.Parse to parse the given text (which can be "Visible", "Collapsed", or "Hidden"):
<Grid xmlns:sys="clr-namespace:System;assembly=mscorlib" >
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="visibilityProvider"
ObjectType="{x:Type sys:Enum}">
<x:Type TypeName="Visibility" />
<Button x:Name="button1" Visibility="{Binding Source={StaticResource visibilityProvider}}" />
In the above code I am using an ObjectDataProvider to return a Visibility enumeration. The ObjectDataProvider calls Enum.Parse when binding. The button's Visibility property binds to the ObjectDataProvider.
The MethodParameters property specifies the parameters for Enum.Parse.
Unfortunately there is no way to bind MethodParameters directly to an underlying ViewModel. If you want to do this, I guess you could write your own ObjectDataProvider or you could use your own class/method instead of Enum.Parse which returns the correct Visibility value.

Create a style in resources:
<Style TargetType="Control" x:Key="VisibilityStyle">
<Setter Property="Visibility"
Value="{Binding Converter={StaticResource VisibleIfFalse}}"/>
Then simply add the reference to the item to hide/show.
<TextBlock Text="123" Style="{StaticResource VisibilityStyle}"/>
<TextBlock Text="123" Style="{StaticResource VisibilityStyle}"/>
<TextBlock Text="123" Style="{StaticResource VisibilityStyle}"/>
<TextBlock Text="123" Style="{StaticResource VisibilityStyle}"/>
This also works for headers of grids...

How about something like this? It's not exactly what you asked for, but you would be copying less code around since you wouldn't have to include the converter every time.
<SomeElement x:Name="Master" Visibility="{Binding somePath, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}}" />
<SomeOtherElement Visibility="{Binding Visibility, ElementName=Master}" />
<SomeOtherElement Visibility="{Binding Visibility, ElementName=Master}" />


WPF UserControl or ControlTemplate... (not sure)

I have a listbox where I have to add about 20 static custom items. All the items are based on the same template (something like that) :
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="" Height="30" />
<TextBlock Text="" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
I don't want to repeat that 20 times in the ListBox.Items I would like to have some kind of UserControl where I could do something Like the following where I could set some custom properties :
<MyListBoxTemplate x:Name="Item1" ItemText="Item #1" ItemImageSource="/Image1.jpg" />
<MyListBoxTemplate x:Name="Item2" ItemText="Item #2" ItemImageSource="/Image2.jpg" />
But I don't wan't to create a userControl just for that!!! Is there an easy way to put that template in the Window.Resources?
If you are ONLY using it for that SPECIFIC listbox, you can just assign the ItemTemplate property. This will need to work in conjunction with a collection of custom objects defined in your resources somewhere else. This will save you from creating a custom UserControl, but you will need an object that can be defined in XAML and a list of them in XAML anyway. To be honest, creating a UserControl is relatively painless and may be easier, but it is possible without doing so.
<DataTemplate TargetType="CustomObjectType">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{Binding ImageSource}" Height="30" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding TextContent}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
EDIT: If you are going to use it in more than one place, put the DataTemplate in your Application resources and ive it a key, then assign the ItemTemplate property to {StaticResource MyListBoxItemsTemplateKey}
Not my favorite approach since it uses the XmlDataProvider and XPath syntax (which I tend to always forget). But you can embed your static data as xml within your Window.Resources like so:
<Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
<XmlDataProvider x:Key="MyStaticData" XPath="StaticItems" >
<StaticItems xmlns="">
<ItemText>Item #1</ItemText>
<ItemText>Item #2</ItemText>
<Binding Source="{StaticResource MyStaticData}" XPath="StaticItem" />
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{Binding XPath=ItemImageSource}" Height="30" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding XPath=ItemText}" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
Then within your ListBox bind to the XmlDataProvider you specified and use the XPath notation within the bindings to drill down to the data you want the controls to bind to.
This site has a couple good examples too:
Hope this helps!

UI object, on samelevel of XAML Tree, as CommandParameter

I have an XAML tree as follows:
<CheckBox Command="{Binding Command}" CommandParameter="??" />
I want to have DataChart object as CommandParameter on ViewModel from a Command on DataGrid.
My Findings:
I'm getting DockPanel object as CommandParameter, then I have to apply method FindName("") to get the DataChart. And do further modifications.
But I want the DataChart object directly, to avoid TypeCasting or searching down the Tree.
You can keep datachart as a named resource in your DockPanel resources and use static resource binding to command parameter. Then use ContentControl to host it.
like this...
<DataChart x:Key="MyDataChart">
Command="{Binding Command}"
CommandParameter="{StaticResource MyDataChart}" />
<ContentControl Content="{StaticResource MyDataChart}"/>
Hoping that you wont use same MyDataChart to host to another area (as that would result in "visual tree parent disconnect" error).
Although I must ask you this... why is there a lonely CheckBox in your DataGrid resources?
Also your's and mine solution breaks MVVM because we are supplying a UI control (Chart control) to a View Model.

WPF Element Binding in a within a Resource control doesnt work

I have some xaml that will just copy text from one text box to another:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Width="100" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=src1, Path=Text}" />
<TextBox x:Name="src1" Width="100" Height="30" />
Nothing special, works fine. A bit dumb but just an example.
However if I put the StackPanel as a resource in the Window and create dynamically from code, like this:
<StackPanel x:Key="MySP" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Width="100" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=src, Path=Text}"/>
<TextBox x:Name="src" Width="100" Height="30" />
.. then the element binding doesnt work anymore.
Why? and how to make it work? Any ideas gratefully received.
The following Xaml should work just fine
<Window ...>
<StackPanel x:Key="MySP" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Width="100" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=src, Path=Text}"/>
<TextBox x:Name="src" Width="100" Height="30" />
<StaticResource ResourceKey="MySP"/>
You could also use it from code
StackPanel mySP = TryFindResource("MySP") as StackPanel;
if (mySP != null)
this.Content = mySP;
However, what is the reason for you to have a StackPanel in the Windows Resoures?
If you want to be able to reuse it several times you would have to set x:Shared="False" on the Resource but then you'll get an exception saying something like Cannot register duplicate Name 'src' in this scope the second time you add it.
As far as I'm concerned you should not put that in <Window.Resources>. Only styles, static, dynamic resources and such...
<StackPanel x:Key="MySP" Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBox Width="100" Height="30" Text="{Binding ElementName=src, Path=Text}"/>
<TextBox x:Name="src" Width="100" Height="30" />
Having a similar issue, trying to get relative binding to my source control - In my case, I'm creating a designer and need the element as a static so styles can use it's dimensions for centering calculations on a canvas.
Taking a line from [WPF Xaml Namescopes],
ResourceDictionary does not use XAML names or namescopes ; it uses keys instead, because it is a dictionary implementation.
So, directly using ElementName in a resource Dictionary simply does not work, because no name will bind without a NameScope. Also attempted reproducing your situation with Style setters, but no luck - one cannot set an object's name via a Style.
Now, the convoluted solution I cam up with is to
Create a DependencyProperty in the code-behind of the class
you're declaring this resource in.
replace ElementName=Root with RelativeSource={RelativeSource
FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type namespace:RootClass}} and bind
to said container directly, allowing you to bind to said
DependencyProperty whilst bypassing the names.
If you need bindings to operate between two elements in the same
StaticResource, bind the source to said DependencyProperty as
OneWayToSource or TwoWay, and the destination as OneWay or TwoWay.

How to properly bind a ListBoxItem in WPF?

I have a listbox and I want to iterate over a collection of Bars in my Foo-object.
<ListBox DataContext="{Binding Path=Foo.Bars}" >
<ContentControl DataContext="{Binding Path=.}" />
This is the datatemplate I want to use.
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type Bar}">
<Label Content="hello stackoverflow" />
If I snoop (--> examine by using the tool Snoop) my application, I notice that the entire collection of Bars is bound to the ContentControl, in stead of just 1.
How can I properly bind so the iteration over the collection goes fine?
You can just set the DataTemplate, and WPF does all the work. Set the ItemsSource to a list of Bar items, and then define a DataTemplate for Bar items.
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Foo.Bars}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type Bar}">
<Label Content="hello stackoverflow" />
You could also set the ItemsTemplate directly by using <ListBox.ItemTemplate> instead of <ListBox.Resources>
See Data Binding Overview at MSDN.
First add your namespace to the Window element (Intellisense) :
Then the following XAML ( in Window.Resources is a clean way to do it ) :
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="DataProvider" ObjectType="{x:Type local:Foo}"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="Template" >
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Bar}"/>
Place the Listbox :
<ListBox DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource DataProvider}}" ItemsSource="{Binding Bars}" ItemTemplate="DynamicResource Template" />
But, it depends on your code-behind object, you have to set a constructor to initialise public properties within your object which are ObservableCollection<> preferably (There is some restriction rules with object instance in XAML).

Is there a way to group RadioButtons generated from the ItemTemplate of an ItemsControl

<DataTemplate x:Key="Genre_DataTemplate">
<RadioButton GroupName="One" Content="{Binding...
Above code is the ItemTemplate of my ItemsControl, I want all the Radiobuttons instantiated should behave as if it is in a group, I know the reason because the generated RadioButtons are not adjacent in the visualtree.
Any solution or workaround to group them together?. GroupName property also doesn't have any effect here.
[Update] I am trying this in Silverlight
The problem is that the RadioButton.GroupName behavior depends on the logical tree to find a common ancestor and effectively scope it's use to that part of the tree, but silverlight's ItemsControl doesn't maintain the logical tree. This means, in your example, the RadioButton's Parent property is always null
I built a simple attached behavior to fix this. It is available here: http://www.dragonshed.org/blog/2009/03/08/radiobuttons-in-a-datatemplate-in-silverlight/
I think the problem is somewhere else in the control tree. Can you post more details?
Here is a sample xaml code that works as expected:
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml">
<XmlDataProvider x:Key="flickrdata" Source="http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?tags=flower&lang=en-us&format=rss_200">
<XmlNamespaceMapping Prefix="media" Uri="http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="itemTemplate">
<RadioButton GroupName="One">
<Image Width="75" Height="75" Source="{Binding Mode=OneWay, XPath=media:thumbnail/#url}"/>
<ControlTemplate x:Key="controlTemplate" TargetType="{x:Type ItemsControl}">
<WrapPanel IsItemsHost="True" Orientation="Horizontal"/>
ItemsSource="{Binding Mode=Default, Source={StaticResource flickrdata}, XPath=/rss/channel/item}"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource itemTemplate}"
Template="{StaticResource controlTemplate}">
P.S.: In order grouping to work elements radio buttons should have same parent (as they usually have when generated from ItemsControl)
