Beta Package Release Error - salesforce

I have installed beta package on test org. Now i have released another beta package.
But while installing it in test org it is now allowing to install.
So, Can we install Beta version on existing beta package?
Thanks in advance.

If it is an upgrade to an existing managed package you must first uninstall the current version.


Can i update my monorepo nx workspace without upgrading angular version?

Want to move from nx 10 workspace to 12 without moving away from angular 10.
nx migrate latest however upgrade also upgrade angular by default.
I searched
Nothing specific mentioned here.
Can someone please let me know if it is possible and if yes then could you provide the steps.
Yes, you can update your nx monorepo without upgrading Angular with the next command:
nx migrate latest --to="#nrwl/angular#13.10.6"
Change 13.10.6 with the current version of that package. The side-effect is you can't use the Schematics this package provides.
Restore typescript package to the lastest version compatible with you Angular version
You can use:
nx migrate #nrwl/workspace --to="angular/whatever#10.0.0,angular/other#10.0.0"

Chocolatey - Install major version of package and update to latest minor version

For my project, I need .NET Core 2.2. The Chocolatey package repository states that .NET Core 2.2.8 is the most recent version of .NET Core 2.2 available. I can install this package with choco install dotnetcore --version 2.2.8 -m. But when 2.2.9 will be released, I will still be on 2.2.8, because I specified that specific version. What command do I need to have .NET Core 2.2 updated to a new minor version when I issue choco upgrade all?
EDIT: I do not want to upgrade to .NET Core 3.x when I issue choco upgrade all, because I have some projects that depend on it. Instead, I explicitly want Chocolatey to upgrade to .NET Core 2.2.9 if it will be released
While I think this belongs better on Super User, based on what is implied by using side by side installations of a package, if you want a new version of that package, use choco install -m to install the newer version of that package. Based on your experience of choco upgrade all upgrading one of your side by side packages however, you may want to inquire on the Chocolatey issue tracker as to what the recommended method of upgrading your other packages would be here.

How to install angularjs correctly on an asp .net core project?

I tried to install the latest angularjs (1.5.5) via bower. It was taking already an hour so I tried installing an earlier version (1.5.0). It actually worked, but bower also tried to install 1.6.2. Now its taking forever for the build to finish. Is there something that I have missed along the installation?
installation via bower installation

Jenkins projects lost SonarQube build step after reinstall the plugin

While trying to upgrade SonarQube plugin from 2.2.1 to 2.4, it failed and the plugin is gone. I had to uninstall 2.4 and reinstall 2.3. Now all the SonarQube Analysis Step disappeared from all projects. I can see it's still in the config.xml, but can't see from the web UI. I tried:
Reload configuration from disk
Manually change from plugin="sonar#2.2.1" to plugin="sonar#2.3" in the config.xml
Uninstall and reinstall 2.2.1, reload from disk
Manually add the step, compare the result conf.xml to the original, there is no different at all for this step.
Still can't see the step in the job. please help.
This is fixed by restarting Jenkins.

Install the msi package only if a another one was installed

I have 2 msi packages 1 called the core package in which i want the second package to check before installation if the core package is installed, if yes then the installation occurs normally, if not then the second package wont be installed telling me that you need to install the core package first before installing,
just for clarification when installing the core package some files goes to a specific location so i can check the existence of these files in their location when installing the second package if the files exists then install the second package and if not then the second package wont install and say that you need to install the core package first before installing and exits,
Can any one help me please as this is the first time to use install shield,
thanks alot
You can try this:
use a search to detect if the core package was installed
use that search property as a custom launch condition
This way the package installation will stop and show a message if core package was not installed.
Another approach is to add the secondary package as a custom prerequisite for the core package.
