Using ABCalendarPicker - ios6

I am having trouble with ABCalendarPicker. Can someone please explain why the below screenshot is coming out this way? I have added the bundle and the .a library as build resources. I have also built the ABCalendarPicker project prior to running.

ABCalendarPicker component does not support Autolayout. Just disable Autolayout or help to improve component...


How do you build a webapp?

Probably a very stupid and easy question.
I'm new to React but I'm honestly new to software engineering in general.
I'm trying to build a web app, but I have no idea how.
I don't know anything about web apps, except that you should know a bit of HTML, CSS, JS.
Anyway, I went into this link to create my first React app. I followed the instructions carefully and I now have this tab opened on pc:
I of course would like to edit the code and start making my app. But how? Where?
Where is this code written? Inside the directory that I used there is still nothing. I looked for "src" or "App.js" on my pc and found nothing. Where is it? Should I download anything else?
I'm a bit lost with this so any help would be appreciated.

How to integrate Go.js's floorplan with React.js

I wanted to create a react project allowing a user to annotate floorplan thanks to Go.js's floorplanner here is the link If you look visit that link and down below you will see the scripts that were used to create floorplanner. But instead of creating the floorplanner with vanilla JS I wanted to use React.js. Can someone help with the integration of Go.js's floorplanner with React?
This question is too vague for an easy answer. You should look at the react example:
And modify it to your liking. This can involve taking large parts of all of the floor planner sample, though if you have no practice with GoJS this it may be worth taking the time to learn everything involved in the sample, before any integration.

Tools to display React-Native components on web

I have a react-native project that's built using Metro and Native Base and I'm trying normalize the UI by extracting a styleguide out of it. I would like it to be documented so I can share it and work along with the designers.
I already tried Storybook, Docz and React-Styleguidist.
React-Styleguidist: This one I liked the fact that it could be placed outside the project.
Docz: seems to be the easiest but it seems to have a problem with Native-Base
Storybook: Seems to require the you have an emulator running to display any documentation.
Anyway, I couldn't make any of them work. So if you guys have some suggestions regarding these or other tools, I'd be glad to hear them.
The best would be to have a browser based that lifts the documentation from outside the repo and parses something that's browsable and I can share with the designers.
You can use react-native-web package that compiles native components to HTML.

How to create a blank ModernWindow using ModernUI?

I have followed the MUI guide provided here:
but that doesn't work because the BlankWindow resource is not available.
Then someone aswked about it here:
and the developer replied that the user should recompile the library using the latest source code.
I've downloaded the latest source code from here:
but upon compilation, the resulting library is the same that's distributed online.
So at the moment I am confused in regard to solving this issue. Could anyone provide some support please?
Do you use Resharper?
Look here, this is maybe only designer problem.
I have the same issue... But I can normaly build and run my application.
They say:
Weird. I am having the same issue on my machine (VS2012 + Resharper).
It works fine when I run it but it's failing to build in TeamCity. Ill
keep investigating...
I am running a program created via the MUI template in VS. Try to
remove it from resharper error/warning. Resharper can force a simple
warning to an error if a wrong setting is set.

Enabling ExtJS code completion with IntelliJ IDEA

How do I enable auto-complete/code completion feature of IntelliJ IDEA to work with ExtJS javascript library?
This could probably be closed as a dup of this question:
Add ExtJS code assist to IntellijIDEA
The answer is here:
do you have the extjs javascript files in your project? I find that when I do Intellij is somewhat good at getting methods, but it doesn't always get all the available methods. I thinks its just a gotcha of dynamic languages -- an IDE can't know all the methods available because some are available only at runtime...
